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It's tiiiiime for another late night entry! Except for really, cause it's eight o'clock, but I decided that I really should go to bed, considering I had to be up at seven. But let me back up.
Yesterday, I surprised myself by sleeping in VERY late--until like, three. I talked to Nicole a little and RPed with her and David, and found out that the REU dinner was at eight, and Dr. Oswalt planned on leaving at 5:30.
So, I showed up late, because SOMEONE wouldn't stop talking to me on the phone ... sheesh ... and it turned out we weren't leaving until 6:30-7 anyway.
So Karen, Heather, and I talked books a LOT, mostly Lord of the Rings and then moving into different ones, until it was time to go. Dr. Wood didn't go with us, because he was finishing his lecture for the next day (today), so Heather, Karen, and I went with Dr. Oswalt to the Jamison Inn over on Palm Bay Road.
We walked in and no one was in the lobby, so we walked over to the Golden Corral, where we were going to eat, to see if anyone was there yet (no). Then Dr. O suggested Wal-Mart, so we were like, "sure." On the way to his car we ran into Dr. Wood, and he suggested we take Elaine? (sp?) with us, another one of the REU students who apparently goes to Lehigh but is originally from Siberia.
::had to type Siberia THREE times before I got it right. "Syberia--NO. Cyberia--NO. Siberia!"::
So in the hotel Dr. Wood rang Elaine, and we met one of the professors, Jim someone, and then all of us sans Dr. Wood and Jim went to Wal-Mart. Except no one really had to get anything, so we just wandered around talking. I looked for more bread but no dice. But I did buy fruit! Watermelon and an apple. Yum. Karen did, too, and we found that clementines are both our favorite fruit, but they didn't have any.
So we drove back to Golden Corral (which, by the way, along with Jamison Inn was like right across the street from Wal-Mart), and waited until the rest of the group who had arrived so far came in. Basically, several more teachers and Josh, who will be working with Heather and Dr. Wood.
We got our drinks and sat down at one long table. Golden Corral is a buffet-style type thing if you've never been there. So we got up to get our salads. Mine was okay, except for the fat free dressing.
A little after we were done with our salads, the rest of our group arrived--a LOT of people! They had all come down in one big van, stopping at each of the universities along the way. Dr. Wood suggested that us four girls move to the long table behind us so we could sit with the other students. So it was the kids table and the nursing home table.
We all went up to get our main course, and I introduced myself to everyone who didn't look familiar. I had Heather on my right and Elaine and Karen on my left. To Karen's left was ... Andrew? and Josh. On the other side of the table from Heather going down was Katie, TJ, Amanda, Nadine, Chase (who apparently went to FIT before, is getting married on the 19th, and whom Stephanie loves ... randomly), and a guy who was so far down the table I didn't get his name.
The rest of the evening was simply a riot! I constrast it to the get together dances I went to in 10th and 11th grades, where everyone at the table was so quiet because no one knew what to say.
Not so here. We talked and laughed, mostly trading stories back and forth about the funny things that happened in their van drive down. Chase and TJ seemed to form a particularly funny comedy duo. Nadine reminds me of Velma from Scooby Doo in the way she talks. Katie laughs a lot, and seems full of mirth.
Then we started a quote book, which I SWEAR was NOT my idea! TJ was like, "we need to write this down!" and I was like, "I have a notebook," and Nadine donated her pen to the cause, so now we have a quote book for the weekend that I just happen to be keeping ... ::loves the irony::
Dinner was over all too quickly, and Karen, Heather, and I drove back to FIT with Dr. Oswalt because we had to observe tonight. Dr. Oswalt talked with Merissa and then drove Heather to Brownlie, while Karen and I settled in for a long night with Step and Merissa.
Then Kyle showed up and I found out he had been on a date!!! Awwww!
Karen and I did the focus check expect we didn't do that good, so Kyle took over my part and he and Karen finished it. Once again there was lots of funny stuff said. I made Karen get an LJ which I don't think she plans on using, and added Step and Merissa to my list.
We also watched The New Guy, one of Matt's movies that he left for me over the summer. Definitely not my kind of movie, but it did have some funny parts.
I got home and finally fell asleep around four, only to wake up again at seven. Yep, after three hours of sleep, I will go to Skurla to meet up with the other REU peoples at nine, and we'll spend the day getting to know each other and listening to different lectures the professors have prepared.
Tonight, we're going to the air boat place (The Lone Cabbage ... just one ...). I actually am excited, because I want to see aligators!
Then at midnight, Oaks is showing Spaceballs, and Kyle's supposed to call us abuot that at some point so we can go.
Tomorrow I have no idea what's going on. I get the feeling this weekend's going to be a BLAST though--if I don't fall asleep!
Now I'm off to get ready for a full day. 3...2...1...blast off!!!