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GOING TO NEWFIELAND! [27 Jul 2004|01:16am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | "Just What I Need" - the Cars ]

This is the last post I will write for you before leaving for Newfieland. I hope everyone misses me, misses all these wonderful posts. You'll be without them for almost two weeks. I won't be back until August sixth. I'm leaving in eight hours or so. Let's hope that my family's influence doesn't win and end up with me sort of drunk. That would cost money. Let's also hope I manage to find some way out of going to Mass. They're having Mass about three times in five days while I'm in Paradise. I must find a way to escape it.

I'll try to bring Butter Rum kisses and Jam Jams back. Maybe I can find some bake apple to bring back too.

2 kittens // mew?

[26 Jul 2004|12:47am]
I just found stuff. Yay me! Found a bunch of stuff that was hiding on me. I found my animation program (FINALLY! Woot!) I found this little red thingy that people use so that they can wear their keys on their wrists. I decided that using them for keys was lame and just used it as a bracelet. I also found my black beady bracelet thingy. Remember karma beads? Those things that were so teh cool three years ago? Yep. That's the black things I'm talking about. I also found my pacifer that I got back in the (very tiny) period of time when I decided I was a candy kid. Apparently nobody calls them what I do. I called it a soother and had to use four or five different words before my friends knew what I was talking about (this was back when I bought it by the way).

I go to Newfoundland on Tuesday! I can't wait. We're going to spend a few days in St. John's. Mum says she's taking me to do George Street. Apparently a bunch of people in my family will be doing George Street. I have a feeling that I will at some point in time end up with a shot of screech to drink and a cod to kiss. I can only imagine what my family (and my friends!) would think if I didn't. You don't go to Newfoundland with your Newfie family and then not join the Screechers. Matt would be ashamed of me if I didn't. Marc and Caroline would go find a new leader. I must do it, my dignity, my pride, and my friends demand it of me. If I come back and cannot say that I did this one simple thing then I will resign as your leader. Of course, if I for whatever reason don't get a chance to (which is doubtful) then it can't be held against me because it wasn't possible to do so. But I'm pretty sure I'll have no trouble with it.

Yay for Screech!

Did I ever! [24 Jul 2004|02:08am]
Guess what I did... go on... guess. You get three tries. If you get it right the first time I might give you a cookie.
9 kittens // mew?

I am so spiffy! [24 Jul 2004|12:40am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | "More Than a Feeling" - Boston ]

Fear my spiffiness! I have my courses all picked and stuff. Just have to get the minimum payment thingy and send my registration thingy in. I'll probably mail it in. It will likely get there quicker that way since I'm going to Newfoundland and will be gone for a while.

Anyways, even though I don't think people particularly care, here are the courses I'm registering for, the times they'll be at and the professors that the book tells me I'll have.

Full Year Courses

Global History - 2:30 to 3:45 MW (D. Cook)
Critical Thinking - 1 to 2:15 TTH (S. Kindred)
Intro to Political Science - 1 to 2:15 MW (TBA)

First Term Course

English Literature - 11:30 to 12:45 TTH (L. Burley)
Intro to Modern Irish - 5:30 to 6:45 MW (TBA)

Second Term Courses

Intro to Anthropology - 8:30 to 9:45 TTH (H. McGee)
Intro to Sociology - 10 to 11:45 TTH (A. MacNevin)

1 kitten // mew?

Dancing with myself... [21 Jul 2004|03:41pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | "Something Beautiful" - Cauterize ]

I've talked about squishy songs before. But I'm not doing that now. I've already done that so there's no point doing it again. Unless I find a new squishy song. Which I haven't. Right now I'm going to mention a different sort of song. The sort of song that's just so hyperactive you can't help squirming or dancing in your seat. I'm not sure what to call it. Perhaps I can call it a squirmy song or something. So why am I going on about squirming and dancing in my seat? Because I've recently acquired a bunch of songs that make me want to do that. And I can't help it either. Some of them come on and half the time I can't even concentrate. I stop what ever else I'm doing so I can squirm in my seat. I squirm because you can't call what I do dancing. I'm not a dancer. Squirming. Definitely a squirmer. Like a worm. Worms squirm. I think catepillars do too, so maybe I'll say squirm like a catepillar because they're cuter. But anyways, there's now two categories of song that I'm absolutely addicted to. Squishy songs and squirmy songs.

My favorite squirmy songs are "Talk to Me, Dance with Me" by Hot Hot Heat and "Somebody Told Me" by the Killers.

Another category of song that's really great are the songs that, if I could sing well enough, would be the type that I'd like to perform. But I don't sing and I don't like performing. Both activities make me uncharacteristically self conscious. So I just perform these songs in my head. In my head I can actually dance too, which make my performances much more entertaining.


[21 Jul 2004|02:07am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | "Talk to Me, Dance with Me" - Hot Hot Heat ]

I'm going to go crazy. I can't listen to my customized Launch station thingy until next month because I used it up for this month. I've had to resort to actually downloading some of the songs I like. I feel so dirty having to sink that low. I found a way to relieve some of the headache that comes with downloading, so it's not too bad.

I have another of those pointless and idiotic three hour shifts. Why do they do that? It's so stupid. It bothers me. Atleast this time they aren't asking me to get up and be in for nine. That would be painful. Instead my shift is 7 pm to 10 pm. Yep. And I have been told that they were able to give me the time off I asked for.

That means I'm going to be in Newfoundland for a week. I'm going to Newfoundland! Yay! Going up there for the Great Paradise Reunion thingy. Lots and lots of people whose families used to live there before the government decided to boot them out years and years ago. My family is one of the families from that area, which is why I'm going. It will be fun. Maybe I'll make neat new friends. I should get myself a few new CD's for the trip.

I think everybody should find a way to acquire "Float On" by Modest Mouse. It's all spiffy and stuff. And everybody should acquire themselves a package of Bottle Caps (the candy) just because they rock.


Anties tickle. [18 Jul 2004|02:01am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | "Shootingstars" - Ozma ]

There are all kinds of little anties running around the computer desk. They especially like the keyboard. I've been having fun blowing the anties off the keyboard. They air makes them fly. It's fun and it keeps them from crawling on my fingers. If they started crawling pn my fingers it would tickle. I hate that feeling.

Speaking of tickle, my mum got this new thing for the bathtub that does that. It's a refloxology foot scrubby. You rub you foot on it. It tickles like fucking hell. But instead of being a bad tickle it's actually a really nice tickle. I giggle a lot when I scrub my feet. It feels nice.


THREE DAMNED HOURS! GAH! [14 Jul 2004|11:31pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | "Black Shuck" - the Darkness ]

What the hell is up with everybody getting all these three hour shifts? It's insanity! Gah! And they gave me one starting at nine in the fucking morning! I have to get up at six, be out the door at eight, at work for nine just to do THREE HOURS OF WORK?!?!?!?!?! I told you it was insanity! If they're making me get my lazy ass out of bed before 10 then it better be for more than three god damned hours. That's a waste of me waking up. But I have to do it.

Gah! Three hours! I don't even get a break for three hours work.

3 kittens // mew?

In need of more ego boosting... [13 Jul 2004|01:22am]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | "Reptilia" - the Strokes ]

I don't show off enough. I have this journal here, and there are actually people who read it rather than just simply ignore it's existance. So here, with this journal, I have an entire audience of people to show off to and I just don't do it. Must be something wrong with me. Me, the person who could use an ego boost the least but seeks them out in every venue possible, not utilizing this outlet to it's full potential. Well that's all going to change! Maybe. I'll try to see to it that it changes. I enjoy it when people stroke my ego. It feels good. Oh so very gooooooood. Mmmm.

Actually, I'm really only considering posting some of the graphics I make so people can use them. You can still give my ego a good stroking though.

Why on earth do people read this nonsensical lot of garbage anyways?

13 kittens // mew?

[10 Jul 2004|12:05am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | "Under Pressure" - Queen ]

I think that work needs to be told that I need a certain amount of notice if they want me to come in on a day I'm not working. If they call me an hour and a half before they want me in, and they want me in at a time like 10 am, in other words they wake me up by calling me, I am not going to make it in at the time they want me. Unless I don't eat. Or don't brush my teeth. Or just get dressed and run out the door. I need atleast two hours notice if they want me in on a day I do not work.

I also need a certain amount of notice if they want me in early. If my shift starts at eleven, and they want me to come in at ten instead, and they call me at twenty to ten, they can forget having me at ten. The best I can do in that case is ten or twenty to eleven. Especially at that time of day, I have to walk to work because it's difficult to find someone who can drive me. People are either asleep or at work, and they do not want me waking them just because work wants me in early.

Does Zellers realize that some of their demands are utterly impossible? Probably not. I think that if I had told them that the only way I'd be able to get there on time, in an hour and a half, on a day I do not work is if I skip breakfast and hygiene, they'd probably expect me to skip breakfast and hygiene. They must think that Zellers is my life, and that I am willing to drop everything to come in when they call me outside of my scheduled time. I'm sorry, but my health and hygiene are important to me.

An now for something less whiney... )

3 kittens // mew?

Update [09 Jul 2004|02:19am]
[ mood | impressed ]
[ music | "Count on Us" - Awesome Animal Ambulance ]

The Muppet Show remains neglected. I think they're beyond heartbroken by now. I think they flat out hate me. I'll find some way to make it up to them. Unless they let the machine eat them due to their grief. Then there's nothing I can do.

I did however watch Win a Date with Tad Hamilton. And Alex and Emma. Oh! And I watched School of Rock too. Yep. All in one night. One night when I could have been watching The Muppet Show. The only movie of the three that was actually worth watching was Win a Date with Tad Hamilton. It was really cute and sweet and squishy all throughout. And I wanted to give Topher Grace's character the most gigantic hug and one point. Topher Grace always plays the most lovable characters. Alex and Emma was boring. It was horrible. And School of Rock? Not that funny. Doormat room mates with bitchy controlling girlfriends, band who thinks they're hot shit, Jack Black playing a very unfunny and predictable character, a kid who reminds me all too thoroughly of Draco in the first two Harry Potter movies before he got super whiney. Only thing good about it was the music.

Work called me at 8:30 this morning and wanted me to do a short shift. A shift that was to start an hour and a half after they called me. And they wanted me to come in on one hours worth of sleep. How do I know they wanted me to do that? They sounded really annoyed that I said no due to lack of sleep. I think had they got Sangster get on the phone, she would've told me to come in anyway. Luckily she's on vacation (I'm pretty sure she is atleast).

6 kittens // mew?

[08 Jul 2004|12:41am]
I have two Muppet Show videos that need watching. They're calling to me. They're saying "Stephie... Stephie... watch us Stephie... love us Stephie... we need you..." and then I tell them "No, no, I have to go to work," and they cry because their little hearts are broken. So I shall watch my Muppet Show videos. I can't take the heartbreak anymore. They just look so sad and neglected. It hurts to see.
3 kittens // mew?

[06 Jul 2004|12:46am]
I haven't really been asleep since 1:30 or 2 Sunday afternoon. I think I may have gotten an hour or two this afternoon. I don't know, I just couldn't sleep for some reason. And I can't blame Chai because that was Saturday. I can't blame the energy drink because that was after I had my one or two hour nap this afternoon. I just couldn't bring myself to go to sleep. It resulted in my producing drawings. Some a little more cracky than others.

Hopefully I sleep tonight. I have work and fun stuff to do come daytime.

Easily amusededness is not good... [04 Jul 2004|03:44am]
[ mood | giddy ]

I am currently particularly giddy. I have been amused by the sound 'nyo.' for the last five minutes. I giggle so very much whenever I make that sound. It's fun. Nyo. Nyo. Nyonyonyo. I should probably not look at the images in my deviant watch list while I am in this state. It may cause too much amusement. Particularly since some of the people on that list are of the anime sort. Yep. And they post things with words like 'nyo' in the title. Nyo.

This is the second time in one twenty four hour period that I have been giddy. Actually, I think this is probably the second time in a twelve hour period that I've been giddy. The first time was the Chai's fault. And partially Marc's. Marc was doing dirty things to his Bawls. Maybe I should get some sleep. Or I could stay awake and giggle at everything some more.

4 kittens // mew?

Everybody should cheer and stuff... [04 Jul 2004|01:09am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | "Dancing with Myself" - Billy Idol ]

Guess who finally got a new layout up? I believe that would be me. It's all pretty and stuff. It matches the layout I'm using on my writing journal, [info]little_theif... sort of. Same colors, same movie, different images. I've been working on the image used in that layout for a few weeks now, maybe a month. I really like it. I'm not sure how long a pretty layout like that is going to stay up though. I'll probably get sick of the rose color or the faeries or the fact that the faeries are bothsupposedtobefemale. I'll likely end up creating something with real people the next time I get bored enough. Maybe I'll make a Darkness layout! Dude, that'd be pretty cool. I should definitely do one of those sometime. But not now. Now there are faeries, and there shall be faeries for atleast a month because I'm lazy.

I suppose if you really wanted to see it you could go here. But you don't have to.


Michigan here I come! [03 Jul 2004|10:26pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | "Love is Only a Feeling" - the Darkness ]

I am SO going to Michigan! You get 10 cents per bottle when you turn them in! It says so on the back of my pop bottle. I would absolutely love to get ten cents per bottle rather than this meager five cents they give us here. And since Michigan is in the United States it would be ten cents in American money! Which is worth more than Canadian money! Definitely moving to Michigan one of these days. And I'll save all my bottles and take them with me.

I acquired ten free comics today. The picking weren't so good this year as they were last year. I was sad. I got candy afterward though so all is okay. Except that I had to wait fifteen or twenty minutes after I was done before Marc FINALLY finished choosing his. Chai made it all better though. Mmmmm Chai... lots of Chai... Chai is good.

Holy shit, it's only 10:30. This day has been so long. Of course, getting up at six, being to work for 9:30, going downtown right after work, all on four hours worth of sleep... that had absolutely nothing to do with it at all. Today has felt like it could easily be two very different days, a day where I went to work and a day where I went downtown. When I got home it felt more like I was walking in the door after ten then walking in the door around 7:30. I hate long days. But only when they contain work. Work and long days are not things that should be mixed. Mainly because it makes the work day long too. I hate long work days.

I have dessert spray. Nifty spray candy that tastes like strawberry cheesecake. It's almost as good as Chai.

13 kittens // mew?

Not the kind bees live in... [01 Jul 2004|09:05pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | "Fall" - Something Corporate ]

What's pink and white and itchy all over? A Stephie having an allergic reaction of course! I have been experiencing the joy of hives for the last couple of days. And they aren't the sort that bees live in either. These are the red/pink, itchy, swelly sort. And they've been all over most of my body.

They started on Tuesday. I think fumes at work may have had something to do with them. I do have a history of chemical related allergies. Anyways, after work I noticed that there were some pink spots on my leg. I ignored them at first. Then I took a nap when I got home. Upon waking up I noticed there were more pink spots on my leg. I asked my mum and she confirmed what I suspected. I had hives. Now at first my mum believed it could be strawberries. I guess it's actually a very common food allergy. I thought it was fumes at work from the get-go. Strawberries just didn't make sense, given the amount of them I've eaten before and the fact that I've had plenty of them in this season alone. And nobody else in my family is allergic to them. A lot of allergies seem to be genetic.

The next day it had grown from a few spots to me looking like I was a naturally spotted animal. And I itched like mad. It was horrible. I started taking Benadryl at regular intervals. And I submitted myself to a tub of boiling epsom salt water. Didn't help. By the time I went to bed they had gotten worse and become more blotchy than spotty. Luckily for me, when I finally pulled myself out of bed for the day at 2:30 this afternoon I noticed that my arms and stomach were pretty much clear and I was happy. Until I noticed that it looks more like the spots migrated to my legs than really actually cleared up.

On top of being spotted and blotchy and itchy I have also gone through small moments of nausea and dizziness which somehow always manages to accompany hives for me. The last few days have been filled with me making only three steps and having to put myself back down on the ground so as not to be sick or dizzy.

Now I am facing a couple of dillemas. I still have hives (which really shouldn't last this long) and I have no idea when I'm supposed to work tomorrow. I don't even know if I'll be cleared up enough to work tomorrow. And I'm missing out on all the Canada Day celebrations going on. Which is the worst part.

On the bright side of things all this sleep will have me well rested for the next day I go to work. Especially if the next day ends up being my 9:30 - 1:45 shift on Saturday.

4 kittens // mew?

[28 Jun 2004|03:58am]
My Best Friend is [info]nikomoon
Our 13 common interests are: anime, coffee, comics, faeries, fire, gaelic, hobbits, ireland, lord of the rings, mythology, punk, queen, sarcasm
Who is your best friend?
Created by [info]macoto

[28 Jun 2004|12:38am]
I have a Mind Map )


[27 Jun 2004|01:13am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | "Growing On Me" - the Darkness ]

I've been eating cupcakes. Little itty bitty tiny baby cupcakes. Cupcakes with little bitty maple leaf sprinkles. Good cupcakes. Patriotic cupcakes. Canada cupcakes. And I was eating them. Enjoying their Canadian goodness. Now the patriotic Canada cupcakes are being digested. And their patriotism is being turned into energy for me. Lots and lots of energy. Or maybe poo. They might turn into poo. But I'm hoping they will turn into energy. Energy is good. Energy makes things run properly. I like running properly. It's better than running poorly. When you run poorly you lose because everyone else runs past you.

For some reason the eating of patriotic cupcakes and submitting the maple leaf sprinkles to a burning vat of acid seems wrong. You're burning the little maple leafs. You're burning your little symbols of Canadianism. I wonder if maybe Canadians have realized that and perhaps that is why you don't see so many desserts and foods adorned with emblems of Canadiana like you do if you go down south around the 4th. If you go down there around that time, every food you see, anything they can think to put it on, they put little American flags. And then people eat them. They eat the American flags and let them burn in the firey acid of their stomachs. If burning flags is bad then shouldn't this be bad too?

2 kittens // mew?

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