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Mistress Monkey Lover
User: [info]maxine
Name: Mistress Monkey Lover
Website: max's hell
old shizzle
Back May 2004
The life of a Mistress
Lover of monkeys
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i deleted some folks today. some i never read, and then others because i am tired of just quizes and junk, most of which messes up my friends page anyway.
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holy shit yeah!
in case you cant remember, my dad is disabled, and we have been fighting for 12 years to get his 100% disability from the va.

today the fight ended, and WE WON!!! daddy is now 100%, back pay back to 1999, and for us kids too. reembursement for college money spent, braces, and all the stuff any of us ever wanted, but couldnt afford.

today is a good day for my family.

today we beat the system, today we started over, today my daddy cried with happiness, not from pain.

today we were happy.

Current Mood: relieved

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we just got out of the shower, and i saw the purfume i had worn in highschool sitting on the counter and decided hey what the hell.

so i put some on, and my nose was filled with the wafting scent of pure vanilla, a smell i had not used in well over a year and quickly i remembered those first few months we dated, when love was still new, went the pasion was rarring, and when we would wake up to the sound of the alarm at 10:30 because i needed to be home by curfew at 11.

when getting one of his tee-shirts ment something more than simply walking to the closet and stealing on to wear around while i do the dishes.

when everything was on the edge, when the full details were never revealed. and when to the real world we were never anything more than "just friends" even though we were so much more and didnt even know it.

i think ill wear it on my wedding day, so i can look back then too, and remind myself how good i feel and how much i really do love this man :)

end note. day two at the office with no net. i think i shall like to die now, did i mention the cramping? 3 anaprox later and i still feel like shit. save me now save me now.
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boy has it been a week
well to start with, there has been much drama at work. they moved my cool office mate out and down to another floor, and then moved in someone who is noisy and with the maturity level of a 18 year old.
at work there are these three chicks, i cant say women because that would emply that they have a certain level of maturity. and they are all in their twenties, one is 23 the other 24 and the third 20. all but the 24 year old has a child. that dates back to them being stupid and using NO protection.
they are sworn born again virgins, who still like to go out with 50 different men and all around annoy the piss out of me.

i had taken half a day off tuesday because i am fighting off being sick. and i have felt like ass all week. i think that i have a sinus issue and i know my blood sugar is being all fuxxored. along with girly problems and i feel just friggin fine.

due to this tho i missed alot of work. so wednesday they do the roomie switch and my morning is shot basically. that afternoo M. comes into the office and drags along Ka and their noisy friend from the 2nd floor K well they are all in there talking and laughing like cows and being very disruptive, talking about boys and how Ka thinks everymale in the office should be in her pants.

since at this point i am already two days behind, i ask them very nicely if they could use the break room for their break because i am very swamped with work and am having trouble concentrating. i was trying to sort papers and couldnt remember the alphabet it was that bad.

thursday M and Ka come in and drop my roomie J off and m looks to ka and says, " come on this isnt a PARTY place." and walks to her desk before coming back and saying " j get out your appointment book, well book a time to come and get you for break."

through out the day, when i would leave they would be in there, and i had to all but beat them with a stick to get them out. i would come in from the bathrom in the afternoon and m would say " well i guess we cant go back in their SHES back"

i talked to my boss about it. she said she would deal with it, but she was out of the office friday, so i got to endure them in my office all day. and after M had sent herself flowers and clamed throughtout the day that they were from 3 different guys, we all gnored her. at noon i got forwarded an e-mail from my old roomie that had been from J. it was one of those silly serveys you shouldnt pass around on the company computer anyway.

question #6 was who is the sweetest person you know and who is the meanest. J had put that L&g; (the twins) were the nicest and i was the meanest. i mean damn i made them work.

that was forwarded then by my mother to the head of the HR department. i mean if people thing IM mean they aint seen NOTHING yet.

and that afternoon at the company social i went with two coworkers, and we tried to wait until the 3 had left before leaving, and while we were getting on the elevator m and ka got on.

m told ka that after the party she was going to come back and park in the handicap spot and come and get her flowers. i simply said, m please dont use the handicap spot and the bitch starts running her mouth about how where she parks is her fucking business, and that if she wants to park there then she can and who am i to tell her not to. she continues to go on about how its something from me everydamn day (even though i try to avoid her like the plague) and that i am just some right bitch.

i stood there. because i knew that if i didnt just stnd quietly that she would end up on her ass on the street or in the hosital.
so me and my coworkers, decided once we were across the street that we would stand outside until they went up and then we would go up. but they waited for us, so when they got on the elevator i waited for the next one and then went into the HRs office (making a detour) and i very cunningly put my cry on que skills to use, and for about 6 minutes balled my eyes out about how i had been verbally abused and how i was being singled out and how she was just being so cruel and i didnt like it and felt all belittled and shit.

when i came out of his office, i saw the two of them walking back out the building, , they had only come across to start something with me. i was so pissed i could only stay for a second before i was so hot i was gonna barf. i went out, and went to the bank and went down to see charles, i was supose to go back to work to finish the mail but i was so unnerved that i forgot about it until 1am when i woke up from passing out with fever at 8ish. we then went down to work and i finished. it was mail that if my boss had come in this weekend for anyreason i would have been in big trouble had i not finished.

but now, i dont want to go to work, my blood is boiling and i know i am eventually going to throw a punch or something. monday i will sit at my desk, and when they come in i will get my boss, and i will tell my boss that i need to be moved if she stays in the office because i cannot subject myself to such harsh and childishness.

Current Mood: beaten

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113$ for one tux! i just had to pick the sexy one didnt i..

i think they trick you by not tellingyou the prices before you look around!

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jeremy has a livejournal.

he is jeremy_martin

go see his silliness
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you know those air duster can most offices have laying around? well they cost tons of money, and when you turn them upside down the contents come out as ice rather than air. it is always pretty cool, except it is a tremendous waste of money.

so around the office, well monkey's office, they call people who just randomly pick up the cans "small child" because like a small child they will play with the can even knowing they are wasting it.

now we have all done it from time to time, and then we get past it, we realize that although at first it was fun to do something we knew was wrong, the thrill was over after a few tries at it. the only problem comes from those people who like it so much that they keep doing it over and over again. and they become the small child.

this past couple of days has taught me one thing. small children no matter how old, will always go for that air duster can because they WANT to be called a small child, and for whatever reason, this small bit of attention makes them feel like one of the big people.

it is sad really, that you have to spank them on the hand, take away the duster, and tell them to get back to work. what the normal adult would understand, they for some reason lack the intelligence to just put the duster down. until that one day when they tilt the can upside down and shoot themselves in the eyeball. then they see the light, and realize that they should have perhaps grown up before they rendered themselves blind and stupid. but hindsight is 20/20 and they only feel like idiots.

so, are you willing to step away from the can? get back to work? i know i would like to get back to planning my wedding, and living my happy life. just let me know when you plan to spray the can again, you see it leaves this horrid white residue, stains everything, and i would just rather not be around when you spray it, i may get covered in filth for days.

Current Mood: over it

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it was one hell of a weekend. it was filled with drama, church, more drama, telemarketers, more drama and lets see drama.

now, i know that things i did in college were dumb and hurtful, and stupid. and that was nearly 3 years ago! the thing that gets me is really there are only 3 people actually iinvolved in the dramatic part. me, olemissguy, and goddessj. that is it. and i think maybe T. but not certain there, cant remember so i am not going to start pointing fingers, all i know is that i was one of the main ones.

now since then, the three of us have gotten over it and past it and i would like to think we all learned a few things and grew from it.

so why cant everyone else leave things be.

there was a post, were stuff happened before i even read it. and comments were already thrown around, one of which simply just offended me, and i said hey, that shit right there offended me. (not mentioning in any way the things of the past... all i said was that offended me.) and some totally different person whom i have never met calls me by name, and tells me that i am such a bitch for these things that i did three years ago, gave details, and then called me oblivious.

that started it.

so i was up until midnight last night venting to kate, because since she is the neutral party i feel like i can talk to her and get an honest answer. i dont want to have all my friends gang up with me, tell me im right and get my blood boiling. i want someone to go, ok i agree with you here and not there.

so that is all fine and dandy, well then the said guy goes to my personal journal and starts commenting to me about how i am really brave commenting when he cant respond, like I KNEW he was banned from her journal after what he said. and after i told him to fuck off, in not so many words, he simply states he is TRYING to get shit started, and that he isnt going anywhere.

so i am out. i dont need petty bitch fools ruining my good life. and to think. i havent had to deal with this shit in 3 years. i was drama free in 2003 but aparently i am in the middle of the drama whore in 2004.

so i am not gonna be posting after this for a while. i will still be updating on my wedding planning in that community, and i will still read and comment occasionally, but i think i have outgrown my childhood days of drama, and stupid people.

may they all rot in hell.

Current Mood: pissed off

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sum up 2003
stolen from wyldkyss ect.ect.
1.What did you do in 2003 that you'd never done before?
I bought a good car.
Moved out on my own.

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
somewhat. i lost 20 pounds, but when you consider i blew up like 70 does that really count as loosing weight? and i plan to make more

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
people at work gave birth and some people at church but no one really close. yet :)
you want to know more )

Current Mood: silly

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holy fucking christ!
ya know maybe chappell had the right idea when he left to escape the drama.

never in my life have i seen any other group of adults act like such fucking children. it is appaling.

so you had your individual beefs with the guy. you told him to his face you didnt like his girl, and to choose you or fucking leave... and you think at that point he was gonna stay!. you fucked with him behind his back and would you rather him have said, i fucking cant stand your sorry lying ass, rather than trying to sneek out with a simple im doing other things?

and you know it is fucking sad when the peole from those games are better friends then any of you ever fucking were!

i have a good life, good friends, no thanks to any of you.. who laugh at the cruelties and wimper about the evil children growning up when really you are none the fucking better.... might as well put you all in khakis and polo shirts and call you ficking preps. you have the same mentality.

i have a great job, a good future, and a man that loves me.

so talk shit behind my back all you want... call me a child. go ahead. because its bitches like you who die lonely... and thats not even the beginning of what i hope you go through.

Current Mood: fuck you

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i cleaned out a couple of people from my friends page. it isnt because of you, it is because we do not have anything in common, and with some the uncut context is getting me in trouble at work.

i am going to have to start dropping people who do not cut quizes as well, because they too are getting me in serrious trouble, and it isnt my journal, so i cant really tell you how to post. so please dont be angry if you look to find i have dropped you.

mostly all of my entires are friends only, so i will try to keep in touch with those of you who i can :)

i also dropped a few people for personal reasons, and i do not wish to say who or why since this entry is a public one.
but if you have a question please ask and i will tell you.

ok time to get to work... catch you all later
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got a car! i got a car i can drive!!!

2001 chevy malibu... pretty pretty car. 220 a month payments, insurance until december when i renew my insurance is 207 but after that it is dropping to 140. god i cant wait to be 21 so i can get lower rates on my insurance.
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well this weekend the monkey and i registered for wedding stuff.

we registered at target and dillards. :) woo go us. the dillards stuff is the expensive stuff for the people we know will want to spend the big money and will be offended if we do have the big stuff ( rich church people and family) and then target is the cheap stuff... the 2$ spoons ect :)

oh and it isnt under max... it is under my real name :( look for anisa horvath :)

weee i feel so um engaged and stuff
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ugh sick bad
ok so this weekend has been uneventful.

saturday monkey went to work for a while and i stayed home to have the washer and dryer arive from bestbuy :) yay!!!! i love it. the washer has all sorts of child safety stuff, and the dryer is huge,... oh my favorite setting on the washer is "super load" for all those reallllly big loads. and what normally i would have to cram into my moms machine fit with room to spare in this one :) i am so excited it is wonderful..

girly domestic moments aside, the monkey and i bot have sunus inflections' they are the suq. but we have to go to work tomorrow which is worse.

i am loving the house so much and am totally excited about the entire US thing :)

i start school both the 19th and the 25th so that is fun. why 2 different days? well the first is my class class and the second is my online class.
i am not taking any classes next semester so that classes dont interfere with the wedding and stuff, so i am taking two this time. hopefully in the fall i should be able to take some more once i qualify for financial aid :)

C and i book our honeymoon this week. were going to disney :) YAY!!!!

ok time for bed. catch you all later

Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: none

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its a slow day at work, and hot outside, at any moment i expect my life to turn black and white and look like something from a dick tracy movie.
"why yes, sexy chick, i can help you find your puppy" tips hat, and goes back to sleep.
funny thing is im not even a guy. /shrug oh well

the lady in the next cube is wearing some purfume, kinda fruity, i think by avon which makes it worse, but she took a bath in it, and she is listening to gospel, loudly. her sureal cube is acting out the church scene from blues brother 2000, i know it.

i feel like im a walking through a movie today, Maxine! next on E! tv. im my own reality show, yet, nothing really seems real. ive been in the daze all day, some weird gloomy funk.

and listening to six pence none the richer isnt helping that at all.
angsty hippy rock/ indy/ bohemian, blah sunshine and candycane, turn grey skies and overly perky coworkers.

i want to go home. i think only mocha woman would feel me now.

i need, want, yurn, for wonky. damn being horny, damn being blah. *throws headphones against the ways* ".... i need love i need love ..." bah

some one save me, pull me from the flames *starts humming some random buffy musical song* DAMN! today is going to be one of those days. a day of bounced checks *dark agaes of bite my ass alot* sapy love songs, longing for roses, stuck at work, long distance, calls with poor reception, and bitches wheres my money.

*goes to hide*
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T. Love lovin' is some gooood lovin'
ma rawr! look my sugardaddy drew me an icon :) thats me yo with BIIIIIIG boobies :)
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Name: anisa maxine ilona horvath
Astrological Sign: taurus
B-day: April 26, 1983


Color you like to wear: greens and blue
Lucky number: 2
Activities that occupy your time: work, DAOC, neopets, monkey lovin
Sport you enjoy to watch/Sport to play: baseball.
A Country you'd like to explore: greece
Book you recommend: the left behind books
Favorite time of day: wonkey time
Your motto(s): whats a motto you

Fruits of your labor:
more more more )
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she sits, alone, in the darkness that was the morning
totally encompassed by a feeling of restlessness. she wanted to get up, venture out, and see the day, but there was something that was holding her back.

it was that longing, along with a great courage, that finally pushed her out of her bed and forced her to stumble meekly to the bathroom to ready herself for the day. it was hot, she remembered thinking to herself as she groped to find the rewetting drops for her contacts so that she may see.

beginning to focus a dream from that night finished playing back in her head and she smiled and chuckled to herself about the things that transpired there. was it love, or just some silly school girl crush, probably neither, but it was fun to try and fathom what the made up characters of her mind had been thinking.

when she was done in the bathroom, she walked out into the room, looking there upon the bed still asleep, in the bed she only longed for, was the man of her dreams, stealing all the covers, and deep in sleep. she thought of how innocent he looked and smiled as she walked out the door to leave for work. it wasnt easy since her brain kept telling her it was still night. the lack of light coming in from beneath the blinds made it incredibly hard for her to see this for the lie that it was.

quickly she grabbed her belongs, realizing that she was late; and as the door opened, all that could be seen was a dark bleak sky and the street lights still on at 7 in the morning. wearily she inserted the key into the car, before realizing that it wouldnt work on that door, and that it was unlocked anyway. she sat. stared ahead, trying to clear her mind so that she wouldnt be a hazard on the road. she wanted sleep, but started the car. the radio blared back at her, boom boom boom boom boom. she was awake now.

for the first time in months, she turned her headlights on for driving TO work. it was a fast drive in, apparently most of her companions on the road were fooled by the darkness and stayed asleep this morning.

at work she found her desk covered with things that still needed to be done, piles of papers needed to be copied and distributed. a heavy gloom filled her for she knew that she would be standing over the copier most of the day, and she did. by 11 she was finished coping, by noon she had over come here dreariness, and was now just letting her body do the work that it had done for years now. she had missed lunch in the rush that was work. and by 2 the day was nearly over.

she finally sat. exhausted. figured it was time for some computer relief and as the screen clicked on she thought of everything she would get to do once home. the dishes needed to be done, the trash disposed of, and then she wanted to get on the computer some, and experience the world that had created itself there.

there was nothing new going on in the world, and after about an hour she figured that it was probably a good idea for her to get back to working. she had missed monday and things were a little behind anyway. she did some filing and at 4 she went home early. happy that she had skipped her lunch hour.

the drive home was mundane, she paid more attention now, wondering if her car would make it home in the heat. it still hadnt rained and the air was hazy and hot. she wanted to get home quickly because she didnt have air conditioning and was already hot and starting to sweat.

after a thirty minute drive the car pulled into the drive, and she was home, the car hisses as she turned off the engine. hot again. but at least it would rest now, she was in for the night and wanted a shower to wash away the sweat that had gathered on her through the drive. as she stood and her shirt moved, she felt her shirt cling to her skin and she shuddered.

inside she was greated, but by now she was in a mood, the heat had messed with her lingering mood and all she wanted now was to get on the computer and fad into oblivian.
windows booted, and then that face greated her, ahhh alyson hannigan, she tought to herself as her desktop peered back at her.

double click, type type type enter enter enter click play :)

ah it was her relief, a world all her own, where the only thing that matteres is a false reality that lets her mind flow and gets her creative juices going. she played a theurg, and as her character stood at the top of the mithran tomb she began to chat with different people in her world. they were nice to her here, only knowing what they wanted, and a person, who had no care, a happy friendly jovial woman. there were no daily stresses and no weary facial expressions.

this is where she felt the most at home sadly enough, this is where she could live through her character and be as thin as she wanted, and as sexy as she ever dreamed.

then men loved her. she even had her very own husband in the alternate reality. so she played, and cleared her mind of the day, and of the stress that comes with it. there were no more deadlines, nothing that needed doing, just living, and having time to free her mind, and things were good.

at 10 she realized it was time to go, the bed which called her name so violently this morning was calling her back again. it was time. and she gave in, saying good bye to a world of happiness and friendship and saying hello to her real love.

she thought of that morning when she had smiled at his innocence. it was now time to curl up beside him and sleep. it was time for them to talk about the reality of the day, and the things that they had seen and heard, and felt while they were awake. they laughed about in-game husbands, and she giggled as she spoke his name out loud, he laughed, and before she knew it she was asleep, dreaming again the same dream, creating new characters for her stories, and thinking of what the next day would bring.

the end :)

this was brought to you by a day in the life of max

Current Mood: creative
Current Music: work

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as the great adn mighty monkey stated "if you just say they and "they" cause the drama and feel like they are in the right then, they will always think you are talking about the other people."

so here we go.

CODY you are an ASS you treat jenn like shit and i know you are a lying cheating bastard. i know that while jenn in stuck in the illusion that you will change she will never see this. GO YOU for fuck over another good person.

JENN i think you are being the helpless girl in this situation. you are always questioning yourself but are always fearing more being alone and without someone than owing up to the fact that cody is pulling you along and using you for what he wants.

yes chris is sitting in the house enjoying the company of his woman. ya know what that is mostly what i do. and it is a good feeling to know that you enjoy each other to stay in the house doing nothing and feeling like you are doing something. when you no longer care what every one else thinks and that you have finally gotten past the social relationship and into each other.
you should never chastize him for doing this when the same thing could be said you your going out every night and spending money you dont need to be spending.

so that is my peice i think you are both being stupid right now. and i will always think cody as a complete ass. jenn you are my friend i wouldnt be so concerned about you if i wasnt, and the only think i see going for you if you stay with cody is dropping out of school, having his babies, cooking his food, cleaning his house, and getting his beer. i see a beaten house wife who has no way out and a dick who thinks he is a man.

Current Mood: pissed off

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this is the ring folks.. and it is an actual size picture..

you may all ooooh adn ahhhh now
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my monkey wants me to marry him.. i think i will

that is all continute about your lives :)
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mmmm BAND WAGGON---------->
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deep breath... blow out the pain
ok so today has been nuthing but running around.

dropped the car off this morning. picked up my rental. discovered that i was pretty damn lucky it was entirely the ladys fault. come to find out i havent had insurance like i thought i had.

so yeah 40$ a month for 5 months for zilch... NEVER talking to cousins again. i dont care if right now he has another heart attack and dies.

so i get to work and i get to runn my ass off since the second i get here... oh did i mention that i LOVE my rental car. it is a chevy malibu.. not the stang i wanted but it is nice none the less and only costing me out of pocket like a dollar a day.

get to sit down for five minutes just to start running again.
i hurt my back hurts. i think after work i am gonna go to the mall and just destress.

i need it bad and there is 100$ sitting in my purse as avon profits that is just waiting to be spent on some work clothes. that and my express credit card that is also good at structure and bath and body works :)
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cant teach an old cat new tricks
but you sure as hell can teach a young one :)
today i taught my jeremy how to sit, he was fighting with his brother and i said " boy sit down" and he did it, so thinking it was just by chance i went and got their kitty crack treat, ans went across the room and said sit and he did.

i was happy. and a very proud mommy. they have taken to liking the tree. maybe one year they will get bored of the lights and the glitter.. NOT. but at least they are cute about it. and i have yet to step on any broken or fallen ornaments :)

tomorrow i am going to go to church before going to the gym. yeah i know.

i love my boys ok i gotta go , aggie is trying to take ovver the key board
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" but we're not through yet... order today"
ok so i took my monkey to dinner, and then went back to the house and talked to katiepoo and crashed for a bit,

i woke up a little bit ago and came home, got in the door and the kitties had trashed my tree, bet down the tree topper and everything.
i was all sad. so i fixed the tree and kissed my monkey good bye now the kitties want to PLAY and i want to SLEEP.

ok bye bye people
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and today she works and leave the important things behind
yesterday was a very trying day at work, actually did alot both for me and for work, and the outcome is that i now am in the process of getting my transcript send from ole miss to hinds, and today during lunch i get to go and get my highschool transcript and have the same done.

yes, i am going back to school, and what it amounts to is me taking one night class at a community college a semester until i get a degree. i cant afford more than that and i dont think i can escape work for any longer than that.
i just got to thinking about how now that i have taken half a year off i really miss it. i miss the people (although they will be different this time) and the thinking and having something to do, i miss the classes and most of all i hate the fact that there was something out there that conquered me. i failed at something. and now that my ego is all better and mended i am planning to go back and take the first thing that i need to that i failed first.. COLLEGE ALGEBRA. and this time i will own it.

this morning while i was brushing my teeth my mother called. it was funny but i managed to leave my phone at home.
last night for those who care )

Current Music: shasradio- Faith No More - Epic

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eep i HATE the dentist yet here i go
i get to make an emergency run to the dentist, i was eating lunch and a filling popped out, not to mentio n it hurt like all get out.. and have i mentioned i hate the dentist. makes me want to cry just thinking about it. :(

ok i am gonna go now, so i can be there in time.

owwwie. pouts. pain

update: ok do i didnt pop a filling, i just bit down wrong, and i happen to have a blister around my back mollar that is why it hurt when i bit down... total tim in the dentist's office... 15 minutes... that GAWD!

Current Music: - Jim Broadbent & Natalie Mendoza & Lara Mulcahy & Nicole Kidman &

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grr that is all
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havent posted in a few days
so before i head out the door to start my weekend i will fill you in a bit.

to start with thursday morning on my way to work the car died at a gas station located in the middle of the GHETTO. so for about two hours i was locked in my car in the hood waiting for my tow truck to arrive. countless guys came over, a few to ask if i was ok (not to common to find a white person in this part of town) and then the rest came trying to hand me letter with their number on them through my sunroof.

but finally i got my car towed back to my side of town, and it took about 5 hours, and flushing my radiator 6 times vbefore i got it back. the guy was worried it was my heads but lucky for me it was just a clog, and my thermostat needed replacing.

so i spent about 60$ on my car. i got in to work today in a somewhat bad mood not really wanting to do anything but having to catch up from missing work yesterday... i really just wanted to stay home and sleep. but nope i came in, did alot of work, got nearly caught up and with the work i will be doing this weekend i shold be good to go on monday when i need to make sure i end next week ahead of the game since the following tuesday (oct. 1st) is my move and i will be out again for two days.

but the past few days has been really icky adn i am looking forward to having a semi peaceful weekend ... gonna try not to spend any of the money in my savings account but you never know with these things. but now it is time for me to shut down my computer and head to the house.. i hope you all have a pretty decent weekend... and if you want my new address you can e-mail me at

night folks

Current Mood: awake

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troo soooo troo

Your too damn silly, even obnoxious at times. You live for fun. If others don't like it, too bad!

Which side of Batty are you?

this quiz was made by Batty
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livejournal may burn for eating my entry

today is just BAD but the money will be GOOD for when i move.. i am tired, i cant stay awake and ill be damned if i have to stay late again.

good thing i dont and can go home and go to bed. worked 9 hours of overtime yay.

time to get back to work that will take me until at least next wednesday to get filed... then it is time to start over.. :( i am sad

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: shasradio

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weeee :)
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w00t lookie lookie
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what a day it has been
well it started with my wanting to give blood. and for the first time ever i was turned down because my iron levels were too low. phooey... only later did my mother think it was important to tell me that i was anemic... THANKS MOM. like i didnt need to know that sooner.. now i dont feel so bad about getting turned down, i just need to take some iron. no wonder i bleed forever when i gt cut. blah

then work seemed to go on and on forever and i never got much done. i managed to get some stuff done. but i could have done more.

this was then followed my my contact which i thought ripped last week but had only rolled up in my eye finally ripped so now i am in glasses.

now i have a headache, because the only glasses i have at work are old and scratched :( not a good day, it is definately a case of mondays.

o well it seems it is an all around thing catch yall later... now to FINALLY do that newsletter
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Current Music: woooooooooo

tee hee hee
My College Is:
olemiss Ivy League University
Students at olemiss Ivy League University are very studious.
Students at olemiss Ivy League University masturbate a lot.
There are lots of frats and sororities.
Weed is the drug of choice.
The average GPA is 3.5

lets cut them now )
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You have the heart of a rebellious teenage girl. In your struggle to assert your independence, don't forget all your family does for you. You might have materialistic tendencies. It wouldn't hurt to take stock of your possessions and give all the things you no longer use to Goodwill. Everyone finds your youthful, innocent good looks attractive, but remember that you have a mind (or at least a voice), too. You are totally in love with the sea and would do well with a man who also loves the outdoors.

I am Ariel!
Which Disney Princess are you?

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happy mutha fooooooking birthday to me HOMIE jennypoo cuz she roxxors. i hope you enjoyed your gift my friend :)

have a safe trip tomorrow
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go take it away

woot who knows me best.. the person with the highest answer (who isnt me) gets a prize... i will actually mail you a prize now go :-)
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raspberry ice crystal light is the new crystal light fruit punch....

zoooooooooooom :) this stuff is great.. i should swipe a few boxes for my desk :) o wait i alread did :)
and the raspberru ice is BLOOD red.. *giggle* ok now back to losing my mind at work
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i get to go to the dentist :( blah. i have to wait until payday adn until i get my insurance card. blah

today has been zoom zoom zoom. rush rush rush. but i have labeled the 215 folders, and now it is time to go put them in the file boxes.. then to file the sorted stuff :) weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

crystal light fruit punch is crack

mmmm nummy crack..

Current Mood: crazy

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i have a tooth ache :(
but i have managed to get alot of work done today :) tonight it is time to make labels, and then tomorrow i make folders, and file for the rest of the week :) by the end of today i need to have the rest of this stuff looked up adn copied. then i will be on a roll :) i have 3 and a half hours left to do that :)

humm. i guess it actually pays off to sit and have a plan to work from :) yay. tonight is overtime :) yay i like.

well back to work, my brain is on the fritz, so i must save thinking and a real post for later...

o yeah

What Kind of Relationship is Right For You?

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i realize ive just begun but theres nuthin like your smile made of sun
for some reason i cant connect to the radio station so laundry service is my music for today... sitting here and listening made me think of just how tiny shakira is.. i mean she is christina auglaoulsfduihra before her obvious eating disorder thingy.

and i figured i would post and tell you about my user friendly bathroom scale and beign happy :)

i bought a 10$ scale the other night and we all thought hey we weight alot less than normal so we went outback got one of the 10lb weights from the now rusted adn never used weight bench. brought it in and it said like 4 lb.. so was adjusted the scale until it said 10 adn the thing went back to 0 when you took the weight off... now this took a good half hour.. then we all got back on one at the time adn took ourweights again

daddy came in at 215 and that is down a whopping 35 pounds GO DADDY !!!:) mom would shoot me if i said how much she weighed, but she has lost about 15, bronce now weights about 230 DUDE... ok he IS 6'4 but damn. would be a football player but he hates football, would rather sit around and play with his electric stuff...

the male kitty was all of 10 pounds and my kitty was 4,... the goofy thing is the new kitty weights about haplf a pound and is running aound doing her thing with the 10lb cat :)

the younger boys were in bed, it was about 11 or so at the time and max well max just about jumped off her rocker :)

seems my three weeks of dieting have paid off :) (expept for last nights junk food :)) i am down to 140... that is about 10lbs... i am going to loos about 5 more then try to keep it there and start toning up :) that way i will be back up to 155 and look good while at it :)

grapefruit jusice rocks :) so does water and being broke :)

ok back off to work with me

Current Mood: amused

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what a day what a day
and it is all my fault really.. i have spent the entire week sitting around and having a i feel like doing shit week, did most of that last week as well trying to recoup from my week from hell....

so today when the stacks finally hit about 2 feet high each. i decided to actually get down to business and make them go away. as of right now ( with the new stuff steadily coming in ) i have managed to get much accomplished.

let me explain..
there a two different groups.. each group must first be separated.. g1 is all one thing so it gets to be sorted alphabetically, like names being pared up and grouped in cronological order. this stack of paper is 2 feet high... i got it all aranged today. and sprted out my inbox from just today just another half foot of stuff to do tomorrow..

then we have group 2 it is much more complex, because group two is broken down into about 34 subgroups, which need to be separated and those each have to be alphabetically sorted adn like names matched and cronologically ordered.

not done quiet yet, next there are things that have more than one case on the same peice of correspondence, i have to make the appropriate number of copies then highlight the correct case, and sort it into the other two main groups where it goes...

then i get to take the two two2 foot stacks and file them away into their appropriate file folder. then i start all over...

see doesnt my job just suck :(


well this is what i do when i say i am off filing :)

Current Mood: annoyed