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[01 Jul 2003|11:56pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | watching TV.... ]

You are DORY!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

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Halloweenie [24 Oct 2002|09:07am]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | "lonely day," Phantom Planet ]

Does anybody know of any Halloween costume contests or parties going on in So Cal?

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School starts on Tuesday..... [01 Sep 2002|12:40am]
[ mood | okay ]

For the first time in a long time, I'm ok with school starting soon. I feel stable. Odd...

My room is dirty.....will clean it soon....

USPS came out with the coolest bear stamps!

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Andy and Amelia.... [02 Jul 2002|03:28pm]
It's our 6 month "anniversary!"
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[14 Jun 2002|05:01pm]
hello :)
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photos from Vegas =) [21 Mar 2002|12:23am]
[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | TV in background ]

Andy and me....
(the guy on the end is our friend NIck)

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if days were only longer... [14 Mar 2002|01:27pm]
[ mood | energetic ]
[ music | "The Middle," Jimmy Eat World ]

I'm eating chocolate chip cookies...mmm
I hardly write in this thing anymore...
The truth is, I don't have much time AND I don't have too much to write about.
It seems that I use this journal as an outlet when I'm feeling sad or angry. I'm sure otheres do it too.
So here's what's been happening...
1. Andy and I are still going out. It's been 2 months and 2 weeks.
He's so damn cool =)
2. I'm dropping my classes this semester. Hopefully, I will return next semester. I was so behind in all the work...
3. I might be a film editor's apprentice =) I've got a good friend who's a freelance film editor.
4. I'm looking into different tattoo studios. It'd be cool to be an apprentice. I don't know though...
5. I will be visiting my grandparents from the 22nd to the 29th of this month (they live in New Mexico). I'll also be visiting other relatives in Texas. I'm looking forward to it.
6.I'm going to start a part-time job next month...don't know where...but, I need money.
7. I'm getting rid of clothes and lots of stuff that I no longer use. I'll be putting them on eBay. It's amazing that I have so many new clothes that I never used...hehe I don't even wear half the clothes I have. I'm not rich or anything--I'm just a packrat. Again, I need money.
8. I'm trying to make my room nice. It's clean but I need some cool stuff. I've got some movie posters that I want to put up...
9. I've talked to Steve (ex) over the phone a couple times. I think I'm pretty much over it. I don't get all down when I hear from him. It makes me look at things in perspective...and realize that it's a good thing we're not together anymore.
10. I went to Las Vegas with Andy and his friends last weekend. It kicked ass. I wanna go again!
Well, that's about it....

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*skip skip* [05 Mar 2002|05:59pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | nothin ]

School sux...but life is wonderful =)

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blarg [20 Feb 2002|11:16pm]
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[09 Feb 2002|11:30am]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | nothing... ]

I am so relaxed....know why?
*evil grin*
and guess what? I'll be getting some MORE :D

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crashing waves [22 Jan 2002|04:49pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | Ozzy Osbourne, "See you on the other side" ]

So things are well with Andy...
I've finally finished moving into our new house. My room is CLEAN!
I start school on the 28th....I'm NOT excited :(
Ok well, I'm going to install doorknob on my bedroom door (keyed entry). I hate it when people just walk in!
I feel sooo lazy...

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I'm the brain...heh [12 Jan 2002|02:48pm]

Which Internal Organ are you? Find out at willaston's lounge!

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starting off the new year right =) [12 Jan 2002|02:29pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Ben Folds, "Still Fighting It" ]

Steve left my life...
He is angry because I like Andy...
But, he didn't wanna be together the way I wanted (bf/gf)...
It had already been 9 months since our break up yet he never wanted to get back least not now
He's still bummed about his dad...I wanted to be there as his gf you know?
I mean I'll still support him (as far as his situation)...
I got frustrated...
All of a sudden he hears about Andy and explodes...
says I "replaced" him too fast...
I don't think so. Our relationship was extremely special...
but after so long I'm sick of sticking around and waiting....
I still dwell a little...but I'm on a higher dosage of meds...for that and other things..
I'm gettin there (feeling better)
Getting over Steve is in the process.
I'll try to stop talking about him...
I've realized that I did some not-so-good things and might have taken him for granted at times...I would do things differently now..
I hope he realizes that he wasn't perfect himself...

During the last 9-10 months, I rejected every guy that wanted to go out with me. I didn't think that I'd ever be able to trust a boy again (and of course get over Steve).
Then,I met Andy =)
He's smart, sweet, and cute! His eyes are pretty =) I know I say that about most guys but he is seriously super nice and very understanding. He supports and tries to help me in whichever way possible. I can tell he cares about me a lot. We share things in common, among them: cars (Mustangs), music, and videogames. We're gonna work on our cars together which should be a lot of fun. He looks great all greasy hehe. We also plan to see SOAD whenever they come out here again.
His friend Chris says that I'm everyones dream girl (cause I like "boy stuff"). I don't know about that though...I'm ok I guess...hehe. We're all part of this Mustang message board online...I met Andy through his friend Chris.
Andy and I went to Disneyland last weekend for the last night of the Nightmare Before Christmas at the Haunted Mansion. It was neato. He bought me the coolest Nightmare shirt. I had to get a youth Large...but it fit me :) Woohoo.
Ok well, I've gotta go do some stuff before I go. I'm gonna go see "Orange County"

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we are, we are... [03 Jan 2002|04:06am]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | kroq... ]

I feel imaginary today.

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married squirrels [20 Dec 2001|04:18am]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | kroq ]

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art [10 Dec 2001|12:41am]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | nothin' ]

If I were a work of art, I would be Salvador Dali's Persistence of Memory.

I am a surreal landscape composed of several disjointed and bizarre components. I like to keep an eye on the time, although the very concept is fluid for me. People are never sure what they are seeing when they look at me.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

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numb [30 Nov 2001|09:45pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | "Raindrops keep falling on my head," BJ Thomas ]

black tears are falling down her face and i am wrong
black tears are falling and she won't say what i've done
she's sitting here beside me and she is gone
black tears are falling falling

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loooong night/day..... [29 Nov 2001|11:25pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | "1979," Smashing Pumpkinds ]

I've got a cold :( Seems like everyone I know has a cold too.
I'm currently taking a mood stabilizer (bipolar), so I have to be careful with the other meds that I take. Serious business man...
I called my pharmacy last night to ask if I could take some DayQuil LiquiCaps with my current medication.They gave me an 800 number. The pharmacist told me that I can't take any medication that contains acetaminophen because my blood levels will lower. Great.
That means no DayQuil, no Tylenol.
To top it off, I can't take anything with Dextromethorphan.
No cough suppressants for me....
So, what is Amelia taking?
Sudafed, Advil, and cough drops....
I am exhausted....
I stayed up doing homework until 9 am today...
which only gave me ONE hour of sleep....
I drove to school in the rain...
decided that I was gonna die...
dropped off my homework....
skipped class and drove home....
collapsed on my bed....

Here I am now :)
My eyes feel kinda doesn't feel too good :(

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hehe.... [29 Nov 2001|10:49pm]
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<br \>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

<img src="" title="I am Charles Manson"><br \><a href="">Which Evil Criminal are <i>You</i>?</a>

I'm a good girl...really
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Rockin' the Suburbs.... [24 Nov 2001|01:57am]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | "Still Fighting It," Ben Folds ]

I have a shitload of homework. I want to scream!!!!!!!!
I guess professors like to assign work on holiday weekends.
Evil bastards....

I talked to Keith over the phone tonight. He's so cool. We're always laughing and shit. Nice to have a friend like him :)

It hurts to grow up....

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