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(1 dick sucked | suck dick)

holy fuck [29 Jan 2005|11:58am]
[ mood | surprised ]
[ music | michael jackson - you are not alone ]

facebook sez:

Matt Gottlieb has a birthday on January 31st.
Michael Andolina has a birthday on January 31st.
Michael Kerns has a birthday on February 1st.
Andrew VanWyngarden has a birthday on February 1st.
Paul Tashima has a birthday on February 1st.

i didn't know the end of january was so popular. i am not aaallloooonnnneeeee!
T minus 2 days!

(suck dick)

hrm..! [28 Jan 2005|01:25pm]
wtf cheney, represent!
a nice segway into a big pile of shit

(suck dick)

penis envy [27 Jan 2005|03:04am]
[ mood | goddamn it's 3am ]
[ music | snowblowers ]

ok, what's funny about my Aussie personality psychology prof is that she also teaches this: PSYC 420—"Hogwarts to Wesleyan: An In-Depth Exploration of Harry Potter, Literary Phenomenon".

(suck dick)

in my dreams last night... [24 Jan 2005|01:36am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | london promdenade orchestra - romance in F minor ]

yo yo yo! the semester is getting into full gear and we already threw a party. check out pages 6 & 7 in 'senior year' for pix from the pirates vs. ninjas rock opera and my and doni's dual birthday party and stop by pages 3&4 of 'chicago winters' for NYE and other miscellaneous chicago pix from break . i'm thinking of completely reorganizing my albums on mindblown so stay tuned.

(2 dicks sucked | suck dick)

chi-town stand UP! [21 Jan 2005|12:25am]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | notorious BIG - last day ]

middletown & chicago photo shoot )

(suck dick)

man... [20 Jan 2005|02:07am]
[ mood | full of hate! ]
[ music | dj krush & toshinori kondo - mu ]

...i hate you, i really do.
.yadot xes tuoba thguoht i ,dog raed

(suck dick)

long fingernails [17 Jan 2005|03:29am]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | john coltrane - naima ]

well, i'm back at school. i graduate in 5 months. interesting.
the drive back was mostly uneventful. we left my house @ 8am CST and arrived at wes around 1am EST. hezi and i had the van so it was more stable than her old honda. of course the drive was great leaving chicago and into indiana: extremely cold, bright sunny day, not a lot of traffic... but of course, the shit state of ohio had to fuck us over once again, so it decided to snow on us the instant we crossed the border. the snow continued to middletown. yay for safe driving.
i have been somewhat lapsing in the lj-world... so i just read a bunch of friends' pages... you guys are great. i wish i had something interesting to say but i really don't. kinda cracked out now. i did, however, take that silly test... omg it's soooo true (actually..?)

Your sex is like R&B;!

Is there anything like getting freaky with Barry White's deep, sexy voice purring in your ear and raising up the heat?

For you, sex is about sensuality, passion, and indulging yourself in making sweet, sweet love all night long.

You savour every sensation, and every love-making session is likely to leave you sweaty, exhausted, and spent.

Some might call you hedonistic and self-indulgeant, but they're probably the same ones who have scheduled sex every Tuesday night at ten on the dot, missionary position only--they don't understand the joys and ecstacies of sex the way you do!

What Type of Music is Your Sex Like?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

i'm gonna sort thru all the pix i took over break and upload them to mindblown in the next few days... i'll let you know :-)

(suck dick)

neato [13 Jan 2005|11:41pm]
[ mood | astounded ]
[ music | fraiser on tv ]

i just wrote this private entry bitching about some shit and i asked jeebus for a sign. then i walked over to my front door and hanging on a mirror i found something that i've been looking for for over 3 years!!!! it just appeared out of nowhere! completely amazing!!!

(1 dick sucked | suck dick)

american psycho [10 Jan 2005|10:30pm]
[ mood | anticipatory ]
[ music | dishwasher ]

i really like this book, i'm almost finished with it. 400 pages in 3 days. not too shabby.

"We should do it," she says softly. "Patrick..."
"Are you proposing to me?" I laugh, trying to fathom this reasoning. I take the champagne glass away from her and sniff its rim.
"Patrick?" she asks, waiting for my answer.
"Jeez, Evelyn," I say, stuck. "I don't know."
"Why not?" she asks petulantly. "Give me one good reason why we shouldn't."
"Because trying to fuck you is like trying to French-kiss a very... small and... lively gerbil?" I tell her. "I don't know."
"Yes?" she says. "And?"
"With braces?" I finish, shrugging.

hahahhaa. of course the next chapter is about 3 pages worth of the author describing Patrick murdering a bum and his dog in gruesome detail... le sigh.
leeds is coming over tonight, bringing me 7-UP and porn. don'tchajustloveit.

(suck dick)

ny kind of town [09 Jan 2005|01:04pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | NPR ]

when hezi, luce and i were driving to chicago, we had a conversation about what time in our lives we thought we were going to die. all the times i thought i was going to die (2) involved water. i almost drowned when i was 5 in my grandfather's pool. the other time was when my mom and i were in maui, playing in the waves. all of a sudden, in the distance, i saw a wave approaching fast. from far away it looked big, so i decided to try and get back onto the beach to chill out, because i was tired. but as i tried to make my way to the beach, the wave pulled everything to sea, and it was physically impossible for me to walk or run against it. i turned and saw it was right behind me, probably about 6 or 7ft tall. i looked at my mom who was beside me and she looked scared, and she told me to dive under it. but i was too scared to dive headfirst into the bowels of the wave, so i just stood there like and idiot hugging myself, and closed my eyes. then crash! i was underwater suddenly and my body already felt battered. it was like being in a washing machine, and the wave just kept slamming me into the sand. i didn't know which way was up, i just kept tumbling over and over. i remember thinking, "i have to concentrate on holding my breath instead of panicing, because i'm going to run out of air soon if the wave doesn't smash open my head first"... the next thing i knew, i was washed up on the beach, and people were looking at me strangely. i ran up the beach and hid behind a piece of driftwood, and then i realized my mom was nowhere to be found. then i heard a bunch of people laughing. i looked toward the laughter down the beach and saw my mother, who had also washed up on the beach, with her top missing. oops.

i'm thinking a lot about the tsunami disaster in the indian ocean... also watching a lot of history and discovery channel things on it. discovery channel got right on that shit, they already have a few 2-hour documentaries on it. i can't believe that 150,000 people have died, and they haven't even found all of the bodies yet. it must smell really bad over there. and what pisses me off is how chicago news is like "omg there were 4 chicagoans there vacationing! worst disaster ever!" and then the channel news team goes to devon st to interview the chicago indian population and they're freaking out about entire familiaes that're lost. so sad.
i'm reading American Psycho now, which is really good—it's quite hilarious actually, but in a terrible, shameful way. just how i like it. luce was in the middle of reading it when we were driving to chicago. luce, have you finished it yet? it's longer than i thought it would be.
ah man... break is going too well... i kind of don't want to go back to school. seeing morgan tonight, which will be nice, i haven't seen him in a while. matt and alex are jetsetting in mexico, and trent is driving to texas... i just hope jill doesn't call me and want me to hang out w/ her and drex, i might just kill myself.
yesterday, i got an hour-long professional massage, a birthday gift from my mom. it was wonderful. but then it was RUINED when my car got BOOTED. i was out getting liquor to make a drink called Fuzzy Balls (ooh that shit fucks you up!) and i parked in a 7-11 parking lot, then ran across the street to a liquor store quickly to see if they had peach schnapps. they didn't, so i was on my way to 7-11 to get soda, and this guy walks up behind me: "mam, your car has been booted."
i'm like "excuse me?" and he's all "in accordance with the posted signs in this establishment, global parking management inc. has blah blah blah the right to boot your car blah blah since you left the premesis blah blah blah please listen to me as i record our conversation, save your questions till the end, do you understand?... you can pay $115 now, cash or credit, or your car will be impounded." MOTHERFUCKERS!
i was like, "hey, i just ran over there for peach schanpps, and i was on my way to 7-11 to buy soda. i thought i could park here if i shopped at 7-11"... he laughed and said no. i handed him my credit card, dumbfounded and pissed off. time: 4:20pm (i know, right? i wish). anyway, the piece of paper he handed me was all about why i got booted and my rights and blah, and in big bold letters it said, "Your vehicle must be released within 10 minutes of payment." at 4:30 he comes back to the car and hands me back my license and credit card, and tells me he has to call his company to get my name verified or whatever. he goes back to his car and then comes back at 4:37. at 4:40 the boot is off the car. he comes around to blabber to me again, "sorry for the inconvenience", bullshit! i say, "do i get some money back because it took longer than 10 minutes to get the boot off my car?" he said, "well mam, it doesn't matter how long you were off the property, just that you left", and i said, "no, you don't understand: this paper says that my car will be boot-free 10 minutes after i pay you, but it took almost 20 minutes". he says "you can file a claim, mam, if you want..." so i ask him to write his name on the back of the reciept he gives me and i ZOOM OFF.
so now i'm $115 in the hole. i was so angry that this fool ruined my massage. who does he think he is, some joe-schmo with a crappy day job?? exactly! a curse on his house.
anyway, afterwards i had a great family birthday party. a lot of fun. i love my family. we had drinks, smoked pot, ate yummy cuban food, chatted and mingled, ate cake, sang, played cards, chilled out. nights like that make me want to stay in chicago... i think about my family, and i think about my friends... le sigh. also the city. no chance of a tsunami here! chicago, i love you.

(3 dicks sucked | suck dick)

beautiful and tender, a tourist performance [05 Jan 2005|10:15am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | frozen wind chimes ]

well, there's a big ass blizzard in chicago and it's coating my city with all of its white wonder. my break thus far has been pretty fucking fun, i think probably one of the best winter breaks yet, and considering it's technically my last winter break from school, i'm trying to appreciate it all the more.
i've been splitting my time up between my family, my dogs, my plethora of friends, and my newly acquired lover (!)... and i still have time to sit on my ass and play gta san andreas AND get off my ass and play ddr. i'm keeping up with my kung-fu, and i still have some xmas gift certificates to redeem at various shopping traps. as for money, i've almost run out of it, yet it feels good for some reason that i'm using my own money and not my mom's. a lot of people i know are just spending their parents' money like they will forever be supported by it, which in some cases might be true (ahemtrustfundbabiesahem), but i'm happy to be on my way to financial independence. lately i've been getting some freelance graphic design work and i'm in the middle of a job negotiation at the rehibilitaion institute of chicago, so hopefully those two things will help me get out of the debt i've created for myself via my recent AND upcoming shopping sprees. i've been putting off working on my website, a project that i promised myself i would at least complete 80% of this break... but i think once i'm done with this other shit, i'll get to working on it straight-away. all in all, things are good.

last night, after driving home in the blizzard from trent's, i ate a bunch of bright orange cheese popcorn, forced myself to drink the limeade that i so naively purchased, and finished the book kat lent me, D. H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterly's Lover. the last substantial book i read, One Hundred Years of Solitude, had some worthy excerpts that i transferred to lj, and i think i'll have to do the same with this book. it's just too rich.
"I wasn't talking about knowledge... I was talking about the mental life," laughed Dukes. "Real knowledge comes out of the whole corpus of the consciousness; out of your belly and your penis as much as out of your brain and mind. The mind can only analyze and rationalize. Set the mind and the reason to cock it over the rest, and all they can do is to criticize, and make a deadness. I say all they can do. It is vastly important. My God, the world needs criticizing today... criticizing to death. Therefore let's live the mental life, and glory in our spite, and strip the rotten old show. But, mind you, it's like this; while you live your life, you are in some way an organic whole with all life. But once you start the mental life you pluck the apple. You've severed the connection between the apple and the tree: the organic connection. And if you've got nothing in your life but the mental life, then you yourself are a plucked apple... you've fallen off the tree. And then it is a logical necessity to be spiteful, just as it's a natural necessity for a plucked apple to go bad."

But he, the keeper, as the day grew, had realized: it's no good! It's no good trying to get rid of your own aloneness. You've got to stick to it all your life. Only at times, at times, the gap will be filled in. At times! But you have to wait for the times. Accept your own aloneness and stick to it, all your life. And then accept the times that the gap is filled in, when they come. But they've got to come. You can't force them.

Connie pondered this. Complete intimacy! She supposed that meant revealing everything concerning yourself to the other person, and his revealing everything concerning himself. But that was a bore. And all that weary self-consciousness between a man and a woman! A disease!
"I think you're too conscious of yourself all the time, with everybody," she said to her sister.
"I hope at least I haven't a slave nature," said Hilda.
"But perhaps you have! Perhaps you are a slave to your own idea of yourself."
Hilda drove in silence for some time after this piece of unheard-of insolence from that chit Connie.

The more I live, the more I realize what strange creatures human beings are. Some of them might just as well have a hundred legs, like a centipede, or six, like a lobster. The human consistency and dignity one has been led to expect from one's fellow men seem actually non-existent. One doubts if they exist to any startling degreee even in oneself.
It seems to me absolutely true, that our world, which appears to us the surface of all things, is really the bottom of a deep ocean: all our trees are submarine growths, and we are weird, scaly-clad submarine fauna, feeding ourselves on offal like shrimps. Only occasionally the soul rises gasping through the fathomless fathoms under which we live, far up to the surface of the ether, where there is true air. I am convinced that the air we normally breathe is a kind of water, and men and women are a species of fish.
haha! of course most of the book is about how materialism has robbed life of its vitality and tenderness, and there're a lot of commentary on class-breakdowns and whatnot. kat has a lot of those passages underlined for whatever reason—could she have used them for a paper? i wouldn't put it past her. i should call her soon, i miss her.
i'm still working on the pictures david took over NYE and the pictures that i've taken thus far (some really cool ones, i swear guys), so i'll post them when they're good and ready.

(suck dick)

happy new year [02 Jan 2005|05:34pm]

one of many amazing photos that signaled the beginning of 2005...
... will post more on later :-)

(1 dick sucked | suck dick)

darg! [17 Dec 2004|04:45pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | st. germain - rose rouge ]

this stupid ass shit is so stupid! why can't a 20 minute presentation and a 6 page outline be enough? i have to write the fucking paper too?
come to see la spanka tonight! i can't wait to rock out.

(1 dick sucked | suck dick)

<3 [15 Dec 2004|03:15am]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | esthero - superheroes ]

i'm going to marry this song... it's dirty but so sweet at the same time; it makes me feel warm and sensual. but then i think, if tracey thorne sang it... oooh!! i can't even think about it, the very thought melts my soul.

esthero - superheroes )

lets see... writing this paper for my chinese lit class has got me thinking on the philosophical level. it's all about fate and love and how life is an illusion and basically... how we're all dreaming... and we all need to wake up and realize our true selves... but then how do we deal with life now, as we know it? how can we escape the only things we know? maybe i'll come to some ultimately satisfying conclusion by the time i finish the paper, but the only thing i have for sure now is that the whole concept is kind of like... this complimental bipolarity that makes up everything... so the answer and the question kind of eat each other... and i'm left with whatever i left off with; nothing really ends, or matters, at least in any way that we control. ANYWAY.
and all of my friends seem to be going through some pretty rough times right about now, it's a bit disheartening... but you'll get through it, as always... <3
happy lucemas, [info]luciencarter!

(suck dick)

chaos [13 Dec 2004|09:26pm]
someone got hold of almost 1,000 wesleyan email addresses and everyone's been replying to this goddamn thing. i used it to promote our show this friday (ATTENTION: THIS FRIDAY, 10PM IN THE CAMPUS CENTER MPR: LA SPANKA, THE READY SET, AND THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE!! $2 ADMISSION TO HELP RAISE MONEY FOR THE NICARAGUA SERVICE TRIP... THERE WILL BE PASTRIES, PEOPLE!). other people have been idiotically emailing the entire list asking to be taken off. but now it's gotten kinda funny. i wish it could be published in one of those college info book for high-schoolers.

big ass email )

(1 dick sucked | suck dick)

spank you smelly much [12 Dec 2004|08:38pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | mount sims - rational behavior ]

Friendster message:


December 12, 2004 2:39 PM

Invite letter

Hai.. Gal!!
U lik Sex?!
R u Horny?!
Mind 2 make A Show 4 me?!
I wan find A Gal can let me c masturbation!!

If cant,nvm!!
Wish dun disturb u!!

2 more papers to go. one on why a 5 volume 18th century chinese novel would be better if the main character married a different character... the other on why canis familiaris have what philosophers call "a theory of mind".
also i have my digital photo showing on tuesday. you should come and see it... free donuts and coffee.
i'm looking forward to driving home.
and... has anyone else noticed that the new simpsons are funny as hell?
also looking forward to our show on thursday. we wrote a new song, which we agreed sounds like the doors meets stereolab. the bridge will blow your mind.
ung! get on it, get on it, merkwelt!

(5 dicks sucked | suck dick)

wizzeleyan cray, holmes [07 Dec 2004|06:56pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | jay z - lucifer ]

everyone's respective panties/boxers/tightie-whities/boxer-briefs are in a twist today! shit, how about lately yo, everyone's freakin' out. i saw a line of students outside north college (where i work) today, outside in the sleety-hail, winding up the stairs to block the door to dougie's office. i saw camcorders. i saw class deans leaning out of their offices. i just saw this:

Today, Tuesday, December 7, over 100 students came to President Bennet's
weekly office hours to speak out about a lack of student voices,
transparency, and accountability in administrative decision-making, and a
lack of attention to student demands. President Bennet was both unwilling
and unable to respond to student demands at that particular moment,
prompting the demonstration to continue in and around South College, where
over 250 students congregated for over four hours in the rain.

The students demanded a campus-wide meeting including "students, faculty,
trustees, staff, and Middletown community members" to address the concerns
of the students. In response, the administration has scheduled a meeting to
take place WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, at 4 p.m. at Crowell Concert Hall. All
interested are encouraged to attend. This is an open meeting for everyone's
voices to be heard.

The students and the administration are committed to sending a joint report
about the current situation to the alumni by Wednesday, December 15, if the
text can be mutually agreed upon. This letter and a list of student demands
will be posted on the alumni website tomorrow morning.

Doug Bennet

other than that... i used the label-maker at work to make funny labels for my housemates. satan emailed me to schedule another bang session—i'm thinking after finals. i'm from the murder capital where we murder for capital.

(suck dick)

silly ho [03 Dec 2004|01:54am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | jazzmusique ]

sentence i just read in a book borrowed from my philo professor for my project on animal intelligence:

"He carries this slab back to the nut he has just found, places it in a crotch between two buttress roots, and cracks it open with a few well-aimed blows." -DR Griffin, Animal Minds

this made me crack up and realize that i can still find the 6th grade humor in stuff like that. ahhh... i sincerely hope i will never lose that ability.

metal guitar solos are love
brought to you by the isLove Generator

oohhh have to do it again

la spanka is love

oh yeah there it is

(1 dick sucked | suck dick)

how i feel right about now [23 Nov 2004|02:35am]

(suck dick)

so hot right now [21 Nov 2004|07:47pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | housemusique ]

ah work, i hate you! but today i KILLED YOU didn't i? killed you GOOD!
it will probably be gone by the time anyone reads this, but does anyone else find this weird—the headline on the front page of CNN international ( reads "Iraq sets election date" and picture accompanying it is a close-up of an American soldier with a sniper gun!
anyway i feel all cracked out from writing my philo outline for the past 3 hours so excuse me while i stretch my legs.

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