Jason's LiveJournal
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Below are the 12 most recent journal entries recorded in Jason's LiveJournal:

    Tuesday, January 8th, 2002
    12:38 am
    Found this on the web last night while surfin...
    God, I was naïve. I took it for granted. I complained about having to wait when my carry-on got randomly searched at the airport. Infuriated by the thought that I might have to pass through a metal detector to go to an NFL game. Was offended when going through customs after returning from Germany a few weeks ago (it took about 5 minutes). I’m an American, for heaven’s sake. I thought I deserved everything I had and still expected more.

    I didn’t. Who deserved more? The victims of the Assault on America. When you live in America, you don’t deserve to get up and go to work or get on a plane and have that be the end. Not only the end, but a terrifying end. Living in America, you don’t deserve a call from your spouse telling you they are about to die on a plane. And for what reason? A group of psychopaths with too-tight turbans who have been fighting for 2,000 years in their own country. At first (and still), I was shocked, devastated, tortured, mournful and dejected.

    Now, I’m pissed. They brought it to our country. Land of the Free. Home of the Brave. Damn right, we’re brave. In the face of a certain death, three passengers took down your guys. Call me guilty of anti-Arab and anti-Middle East sentiments. Absolutely could not care less.

    When I think of those filthy bottom feeders cheering in the streets over our dead and wounded, I want to puke. I want to hurt someone, something. I want to us to bomb the entire Middle East and then back up and do it again. Some pansy on the radio yesterday said we should give the Middle East a week to get all the women and children out and then go to war; bomb the hell out of them. Screw That!! Did they give our women and children a chance? Hell, no. But now, we’re supposed to give them to opportunity to breed more of these war mongering gun-toters? Bullshit. Go in there and bomb anything that moves and anything that doesn’t. This includes men, women, children, transsexuals, hermaphrodites, and houseplants. If Allah wants them all to die for Islam, I say we do the brotherly thing and help them along their way. Slowly and painfully.

    But we can’t do that. We’re a civilized people. We’ll warn. We’ll assess. We’ll plan. But make no doubt about it, you wife-beating goat herders: We Are Going To Get You.

    I don’t know what you were trying to prove, but you did not succeed. The people of the US will come back harder, stronger and more determined. We will survive. If you think you’ve won, you’re dead wrong.

    I’ve been proud for the last ten years to be able to call the great state of Texas my home. But right now, I am sobbing with joy because I am surrounded by people living in these United States who recognize that there is no longer a difference. We are no longer black, white, Yankees, Southerners, Indians, French, Asian, Mexican or whatever. We are now a people. If you sought to divide us, you failed. If you sought to weaken us, we came back fewer in number but stronger in determination. If you sought to break our resolve, you strengthened our spirit. If you look to us expecting to see our bodies bowed in defeat, look again. Our heads are held high and we’re ready to rumble.

    You threw the gauntlet. And guess what, asshole. We just picked it up.

    .... Amen brotha
    Tuesday, August 21st, 2001
    11:23 pm
    What I learned this summer part 1
    I say part one because I am thinking of this as a work in progress type of thing. I learned a lot this summer in and out of work and I'm sure I won't remember everything this first time so I'll have to add the rest later. For those of you who don't know what I did this summer ... you obviously don't know me because I talked about it a lot ... I interned (dun dun duuuuun) at an investment firm who will remain anon. *coughEdwardDJonesandCompanycough* ... During this 10 week trip to the land of corporate america I have learned a few things that I would now like to pass on to the viewers at home. Here's a small list to start us off: 1) Keep a clean car - This I never do ... but my boss wasn't afraid to humiliate me infront of everyone because I don't keep a clean car ... if I had to do ANYTHING different this entire summer, it would have been to clean my god damn car out before that first week of work ... I could have stumbled in high off my ass and cussing at all the clients and not gotten in as much trouble as I did for not keeping my ride "emaculate" ... fuckers... 2) For those of you that have never had a taste of corporate america it's just like college .... except there is a lot less beer drinking going on during the day; EVERYONE is much more fake ... any given person puts on about 30 different personalities throughout the day in order to maximize ass-kissing to the people in control ... it's impossible to tell if someone actually DOES like you ... or they just like you so they don't have to explain why they DONT like you; guys ... i hate to say it ... but in order to date in corporate america ... you need to not only have a great personality and have a nice body ... but you also have to now make a lot of money ... so if you were screwed before on the first two criteria ... now you're more than likely ubber hosed once you step foot outside of college; Even if you are told that you don't have a bose ... you have a boss; when you are promised free time ... you don't get it; and that payraise? ... that'll cost you more asskissing; have you cleaned your god damn car yet? 3) Chicks that have emotional problems and get a successful, stable job are still very unstable people just with more money... this is a BAD thing ... trust me 4) Guys at the work place continually have the "biggest dick" competition ... this is where one guy brags about something and his co-workers try to out brag him ... it's the greatest... 5) Getting taken out to lunch is corporate america's way of giving you a hand job 6) If you were in highschool and unattractive you were made fun of. In college you are made fun of less because people start to socially accept people that aren't all that attractive ... in corporate america you are accepted even more... remember everyone is kissing everyone else's ass.... 7) Ever see in movies where they brainwash people ... they take them into a movie theater and over expose their senses for an extended period of time in order to make them think a certain way? that really happens ... it's called "seminars" - I still can't go one day without reciting the 5 critical activities of a new broker (at least in my head if not out loud) That's about all I can think of that I have learned thus far ... except one thing that I am coming to realize as an odd truth (at least it is to me): There is this girl that has been good friends with me almost all throughout highschool ... she's cute and smart and all that ... anyway I have tried in the past to hook up with her but it has never worked because she didn't want to gamble our friendship ... and i've gotten this excuse from a lot of girls throughout the years and i think it is the lamest thing i have ever heard ... but up untill this point I thought it was just a nice way of saying "you're way to ugly to date" or "your breath smells go away" or something like that ... However, i'm coming to the realization that chicks actually DO think this way. And maybe a lot of guys do to and i'm just in the minority all the way around. To me, if a girl is a really good friend, to the point of me trusting her ... and she is cute and i'm attracted to her ... the next logical step is to be more than friends. ... Most chicks that I have met think EXACTLY the opposite ... when a guy becomes a really good friend to a girl ... to the point of her trusting the guy ... the sex button in the girls head that is over the guy's name gets thrown permanently in the "off" possition ... and the "brother" switch is thrown making any type of sexual contact impossible ... after all ... who wants to kiss their brother? ... This leaves only strangers and acquaintances ... leaving the relationship up to total chance as to whether she actually ends up liking him or not ... i guess that explains dating doesn't it? ... hmmm ... This is a message to guys ... think wisely before dropping the coin on dinner ... she probably is just testing the waters anyway ... but be carefull ... don't hold out too long ... because if you become her "friend" before you end up dating her you'll be doomed to "brother" status... Bottom line: when chicks find someone they can trust they think "brother" ... when they see some asshole they don't know ... they explore the possibilities otherwise. Makes since .... if you're on crack. Now where the hell is that chick with the short skirt and the long jacket?

    Current Mood: sore
    Current Music: Cake - Short Skirt Long Jacket (Album Version)
    Monday, July 16th, 2001
    10:45 pm
    Chodan3: you're one sick man.. I'll never bring my kids around Uncle Wagstaff
    Paloran: come here cory Jr. Unky waggy has a piece of candy for you
    Chodan3: oh no
    Chodan3: a punch in the nose and a Playboy
    Paloran: wtf, i was talking about butterscotch
    Chodan3: wagstaff.. you're never talking about butterscotch unless midgets, beer, and hookers are involved

    Nuff said
    Tuesday, April 3rd, 2001
    1:00 am
    Hi all!

    Haven't written here in awhile thought i'd drop a line to LJ land. It's been about a month or so since I was dump-ed by a girl i had been seeing on and off for about a year and a half. I really miss her. She gave me the pink slip pretty much cause i never come home and don't understand certain asspects of her life as well as i should... It kinda sucks that I'm in missery and it's apparent it's all my fault(again). Word to the wise, don't date me, i suck monkey nuts. Only merckel can date me cause he looks wonderful in draw-string cargo pants from Old Navy(TM). Shit happens I guess, nothing I can do about it now, begged her back like twice but to no avail. Maybe it was for the best after all... who knows ... i know i sure dont! All I know is these next couple of weeks are going to be filled with paper writing and tests in classes i don't like....

    Oh, speaking of things that suck and ex girlfriends etc. Everyone go to www.psychoexgirlfriend.com ... after visiting that page none of my exgirls or break ups seem bad(all save one ... you know who you are, lisa).

    Haven't been playing any Everquest at all... I think i've put it down for the last time too. I haven't logged on for like a month which is huge for me. I first booted up that damn game almost 2 years ago and haven't put it down since. I think it's time to let go. For those that have no idea what i'm talking about, it's not worth it for me to try to explain how addicting that game is... it's not a game it's pretty much another fantasy world ... I would bet good money that a player who is about 2 months into playing the game will average about 3-4 hours a day playing it. And about 12 hours on weekends. It's an online game, it's engrowsing because of the people that you meet. People from all walks of life that have come to interact with others in this virtual world of dungeons and dragons. It's these same people that you meet that make the game so hard to walk away from. I have virtual friends in almost all 50 states, and at least 10 different countries... It's going to be hard to say goodbye to them, but i feel that real life is more importaint to me right now than any computer generated world. I game is not going to give me a job, or a wife and 2.5 kids and a picket fence etc etc. For now, if i want to sit in front of the computer, it'll be with games i can walk away from.

    On a completely different note, had a great springbreak. Got to hang with my family and a few friends, and chill with my brother, my favorite person in the world.(aside from Link -- I thank God everyday for the Japanese)

    But now i'm back at school, and nothing has changed, i'm still single, i'm still hanging on with a death grip to my B - average. Roomates are still dorks, God love em ... except joe, God hates gay people... especially gay people that receive mail-order porn.

    Anyway, blah...

    Current Mood: blah
    Current Music: Moby - Flower
    Friday, March 9th, 2001
    12:00 am
    Sorry nothing creative to say. I've had writer's block for like 2 weeks. Only a thought of the day compliments of a Jen i know:

    Girls really aren't worth their anatomy.

    Current Mood: disappointed
    Current Music: Dave Matthews Band - Everyday
    Monday, February 12th, 2001
    10:44 am
    Now MERCKELCART is getting into the livejournal extravoganza! his username is "Merckelkart" ... spelled with a "K" cause he's hip.

    Current Mood: envious
    Current Music: Outkast f/ Zack from Rage - BOB (remix with Zack from Rage
    2:04 am
    Ok, so i'm sitting here wearing a sock ... but I'll get to why i'm wearing a sock in just a bit....

    This morning was unlike no other ... raulph, the family chicken woke me up at 5 am sharp. But not like he usually does, I awoke to a tingling sensation in my loins... you can only imagine what position i found that poor chicken in when i finally came to.

    After Bert, my third cousin half removed, expelled the chicken from my nether regions with a pair of pliers (poor poor raulph); I began to fix breakfast. I went to the pantry to get something to eat .... NOTHING ... that bastard Bert didn't go shopping again. Now what am i going to eat? I'm just not at my best for sculpting III without something in me belly. I franticly searched for something to eat. Nothing at ALL to eat ... the only thing within a 20 foot reach was an axe and marvin, the black, one-legged housekeeper... well of course there is only one possible solution to my problem. I bitched at marvin till he went and picked me some apples.

    After eating a couple apples i dismissed marvin and headed out to class. Class was ordinary, nothing exciting, except the guy sitting infront of me was crushed 20 minutes into class by a giant penis that fell from the sky. How odd... i thougt, how did a penis get up there? why did it fall? was it god's penis? if so, was god fucking this guy? I'll leave that for the reader to decide.

    Obviously class was dismissed so that the pissed off, under-paid janitorial staff could clean up what was left of the guy and the 6 foot shlongdong. Thank god that was my only class today.

    I just kind of ran around campus observing ppl and what-not. I'm an art student, that's what i do.

    Fast forward to lunch time. I haven't eaten in the college cafeteria since i moved off campus, so i decided i'd eat there today for old-time's sake. I entered the cafeteria and got in line for some food. The servers were the normal assortment of illegal immigrants and convicted felons on paroll. The lunch was delightful, for only 7 bucks i got all-i-could-eat cherry, chittlen suprise.

    After lunch I went home to my loving family, marvin and bert. I imediately took a shower and changed clothes (for somereason only just now i was noticed that i had a bit of entrails on my shirt and pants from scuplting III, post-traumatic stress i guess.). After my refreshing shower I went to put on a fresh shirt and jeans. GONE ... what the hell happened to all of my clothes!? I went and asked marvin where the hell all of my shit was. Marvin said that he sold all of my clothes and that the family has decided to go back to the hippy days of wearing home-made clothes. This was all fine and good ... except no one new how to sew but marvin, who had a hemp fettish. He was so excited to show me his days work ... a full set of clothes completely made of hemp rope. HOW THE HELL DID HE WEAVE THAT FAST? Some questions are best left unanswered.

    Ever try to wear hemp underwear? It chaffes like all hell. So I hunter franticly for something else to wear ... NOTHING ... they SOLD everything. ... marvin shall pay.

    AH HA! what's that? under the bed? ONE LAST SWEATSOCK! at least I get some relief ... but not much ... where does one wear a sweat sock if he had ONLY one and that was his ONLY garment?
    The answere here is obvious...

    my left foot.

    Current Mood: sore
    Current Music: Outkast - Southerplayalisticadillac.....
    1:57 am
    Added a picture to the web site .. never said it was mine.
    1:21 am
    So anyway, just to let you guys know ... Chodan now has his own journal set up ... it's under

    1:07 am

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: OPM - Heaven Is A Half Pipe
    1:05 am
    Ok guys, I can't handle this ... I'm just here to have some good clean fun. And post my deep thoughts. And all you guys can do is post replies that have nothing to do with the original post.

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy anecdotes about "baking bread" and "men in caves" ... but this is going too far... This kind of talk is warping my fragile little mind. *clutches head*

    The most surprising part of all of this ... is Merckel actually thinks the comments have no validity ... oh they do ... they dooooo.
    Thursday, February 8th, 2001
    12:54 am
    Poo and the human response
    Hey guys.
    (Like ppl actually read this hehe)

    First entry here and dont' have much to say.

    Today was that kind of day where I didn't much know where I was. Just kinda floated through. Not a bad feeling, just blah.

    The guys went out to a club tonight and all came back drunk. I didn't go with em cause their penises are all too big. We all wouldn't fit into one car.

    At any rate, it's bed time.
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