Subversive Liberty
On line since June 24, 1995 - Last updated June 29, 2004

"One of the best politics-themed Canadian Web sites [with] a witty, take-no-prisoners style."
(National Post)

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"Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to provisions against danger, real or apprehended, from abroad."
-- James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, May 13, 1798; reproduced in Jack N. Rakove (Ed.), James Madison: Writings (New York: Literary Classics of the United States, 1999), p. 588.

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June 24, 2004 – "His own interests, as a trade union apparatchik, are aligned with the mercantilist establishment’s interests, against consumers, taxpayers and poorer workers." (Pierre Lemieux, "Plumber Economics", Financial Post)
June 22, 2004In MD Canada, read "The Public Health State": From the caring state to social engineering and tyranny, the slope is steep and slippery. (Also available in a pdf fac simile, as well as on the MD Canada site.)

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June 16, 2004In The Gazette (Montréal): "Resisting this legislation is a matter of protecting our right of self-defence. Guns are not 'meant to kill': if they were, cops would not be allowed to have them as they are granted no licence to kill. Guns are for self-defence and protecting liberty – 'so that nobody be a slave,' ne quisquis serviat, as Latin poet Lucanus said..." Read the op-ed "Resisting a Bad Law." Also available in a French version.
What is America? What does it mean to be an American? Pierre Lemieux and William Bonner have edited a book that tackles these questions with both classical and less conventional readings: The Idea of America (2003). Click on the image to read the flaps of the dust jacket. Order the book from

June 14, 2004 – Starting today, the heroes of the Canadian Unregistered Firearm Owners Association (see our previous news items) will be demonstrating in Ottawa and Montréal, and challenging the state to arrest them if their law is be obeyed.
Also, listen to the 30-second radio ads of the BCWF Political Action Alliance (mp3 files): One Billion Dollars, Your Money, Bandits With Registered Guns, and Criminal Liberals. But CUFOA has it right: licensing, not gun registration, is the worst: see our Police Canada page and our RKBA page.

Liberté des armes au féminin
Liberté des armes au féminin, the first website on women and guns in French, has moved to The site also features many articles in English.

June 9, 2004"Monopoly on Trial", by Pierre Lemieux in the Financial Post: In the Supreme Court, the monopoly’s defenders claimed again that a parallel private system would threaten the viability of the public system.
Voyeurs Police Canada learns every five years with whom Pierre Lemieux, and two million other Canadians, sleep. Check it for yourself, in English or French.
Visit Police Canada, alias "Canadian Firearms Centre," alias "Canada Firearms Centre." Serve yourself with some of their logos.
May 21, 2004 – In the Financial Post, read Pierre Lemieux about the growth of the state, the Québec government, and the upcoming federal election in Canada: "Political Homogeneity" and "How to Hide Expenditures".
May 17, 2004 Pierre Lemieux's column (jpeg reproduction) in the Western Standard: "The war on terror is nothing compared to the war on our rights. It will not be won until our countries are transformed into the surveillance utopia of a vast airport terminal."

In his recent book, Confessions d'un coureur des bois hors-la-loi (Montreal: Varia), Pierre Lemieux confesses crimes against gun control "laws" (so-called).

May 3, 2004 – Read Pierre Lemieux's regular column in the Western Standard. An on-line version of this new magazine is available (with a lag) at
April 23, 2004 – In theWall Street Journal, read "Canada's 'Free' Health Care Has Hidden Costs", an op-ed
by Pierre Lemieux.
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Soon online: the economics website of Pierre Lemieux, at