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[Jan. 19th, 2005|09:17 pm]
.yUr mom bitches.
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[Jan. 6th, 2005|04:15 pm]
Hahahah, not quite sure how to take this!

In the year 2005 I resolve to:

Only use the back door.

Get your resolution here

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[Jan. 4th, 2005|07:54 pm]
great New Years at Bruce's house, probably one of the best ones when I think about it. Me and Kev had a great time and a lot of old old friends were there I had not seen in so long. Christina and Mary Tripp, Scott Overby, tons of people from back in the day. Just got done watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for like the thousandth time, and tryin to recover. I partied myself into complete exhaustion and then got a really bad cold or something. I have been drinking Hot Toddies all night every night trying to ease the pain and this killer headache that is sticking in the backs of my eyeballs and around the base of my head. It hurts every time I take a step, after a couple more of these drinks, I should be fine to pass out. It's my families cure-all for everything!!! Hope everyone had a fun and safe New Years, 2005 Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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[Dec. 29th, 2004|05:00 pm]
[music |John Fru-Inside of Emptiness]

Wish I had something interesting to post. Today, I met with a new client and it was so funny. It is this car dealership way way out in the country with like 100 stray cats hangin out on the porch. They do a lot of auctions and races and stuff. They had this whole redneck thing going on and the stuff all says "last rebel racing" you can probably imagine the rest, but they are doing some huge race and I did all their shirts and hats and race car graphics I feel so out of place there but oh well, money is money.

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[Dec. 28th, 2004|11:15 am]

You Are a Retrospective Soul

The most misunderstood of all the soul signs.
Sometimes you even have difficulty seeing yourself as who you are.
You are intense and desire perfection in every facet of your life.
You're best described as extremely idealistic, hardworking, and a survivor.

Great moments of insight and sensitivity come to you easily.
But if you aren't careful, you'll ignore these moments and repeat past mistakes.
For you, it is difficult to seperate the past from the present.
You will suceed once you overcome the disappoinments in life.

Souls you are most compatible with: Traveler Soul and Prophet Soul

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[Dec. 26th, 2004|03:46 pm]
I love John Frusciante's Inside of Emptiness so so so much. I now own all the solo albums...finally, just got a real copy of inside of emptiness and DC EP, time to retire my cheap-ass burned copies. It was a strange Christmas without my brother here, but I am glad he got to go see my Dad finally in Cali. I could tell he was a bit upset when I came back, I think me going got him thinking about seeing him a lot. All in all, it was an alright Chirstmas, every year, I just think about how much fun it was when I was little. Still fun but nothing can compare to the excitement of it when you are young. I may go to Charleston with Samantha for Christmas, our friend is mixing at a party there and the idea of getting out of Raleigh for a bit is pretty appetizing to be honest. We shall see I suppose. I hope everyone had a good holiday!
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[Dec. 25th, 2004|03:12 am]

Merry Christmas

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argh [Dec. 24th, 2004|01:25 am]
was supposed to go to bed early tonight, enjoying some Christmas "trees" on the eve of Christmas and the festivities are starting very early, but of course, I can't sleep...someone IM I use a different screen name and never changed it on my info....going to do that now... it's xbonniexparkerx now.
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[Dec. 17th, 2004|02:34 pm]
someone save me> area code+441 6414
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[Dec. 14th, 2004|01:17 pm]
out with the old....in with the new....

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[Dec. 14th, 2004|01:17 pm]
You scored as Ecstacy. Love, sex, parties, and DANCING! Just be wary of your mood coming down! www.dancesafe.org















What's your ideal drug?
created with QuizFarm.com
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[Dec. 8th, 2004|12:31 pm]
Wow, no real post in ummm forever. Alex has been here because he has been workin but he left a couple of days ago. I have been workin so so so hard and playing even harder which probably is not that smart. Either way, I have been havin fun. Lots of new clients this week so things are lookin good. My best friend is pregnant so I have been helpin her out, my crazy party buddy will not be gettin crazy with me for a long time. I just got home from the gym and I am all nasty, so off to shower I go.
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[Nov. 29th, 2004|08:34 pm]
what a tremendous b day. 11/29 yay me,HAHAH
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ahhh... [Nov. 23rd, 2004|07:54 pm]
ahhh, had a great dinner, snow crab and bruschetta and a couple dirty martinis. Now, I am sittin back trying to finish my stuff for work havin a glass of wine....thank you mamma!
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[Nov. 21st, 2004|10:41 pm]

The trip across Arizona is just one oasis after another.  You can just throw anything out and it will grow there, I like Arizona.  ~Will Rogers

Desert rains are usually so definitely demarked that the story of the man who washed his hands in the edge of an Arizona thunder shower without wetting his cuffs seems almost credible.  ~Administration in the State of Arizona, U.S. public relief program, 1935-1943

Arizona looks like a battle on Mars.  ~Author Unknown

Welcome to Arizona, where summer spends the winter - and hell spends the summer.  ~Popular saying, modified from a booster slogan in the 1930s

     The concept of there being nothing else left here for me keeps becomming more and more clear.  It seems like every second of every day, reinforces what I know I want and need.  That is that I NEED to get farther away from here than is convenient right now.  The second I came home, I was totally and completly ready to turn around and leave.  So many things people think are important are so insignifigant.

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[Nov. 20th, 2004|07:52 pm]
[mood |lot on my mind.]
[music |hte postal service-the district sleeps alone tonight]

so i started my training today. i am gettin ready to go out tonight. However, I had a horrible experience on Thursday night. We all got together at Chris's house and Rush was there. I took a pennicillan on accident, me and Rush both took one bc we thought it wsa something else and we were already both really drunk. Me, Ben, Rascal and Rush were all runnin around gettin REAL stupid, Ben was runnin around butt naked when I walked outside! He was so funny. I was pourin everyone shots and I made this one, and it looked like piss and Rascal said "erica with her piss shot over there.." He said it right as I was taking it and for some reason, i thought it was a good idea when I ran out of the ingreds. for chocolate cake shots, to just mix different types of hard alcohol. Well, it ended up lookin like piss, and since that was pointed out to me in a humerous way right as I was drinkin it, most of it was sprayed all over the room rather than down the hatch.
Things got ugly. I couldnt breath, Rush took me to his house to figure out if the pill was what we thought it was. I didnt get into his door, even though he was carrying me until after I fell flat on the sidewalk a few times. Bless Rush, after everything we have been through I am so greatful for him that night. He found out the pill was antibiotic. I am deathly, DEATHLY allergic to most antibiotics. He went to myhouse for me and got to my car which I left behind bein too fucked up to drive. He got my epi-pin for me and I gave myself a epinephrine shot in the ass cheek. Immediate relief, kinda...eh. He took me home and got me to the door safely, where I passed out after a hard night of drinking, dancing, schmoozing, BARFING, and allergic reactions. I told Rush something was wrong bc I had NEVER barfed from taking a pill and drinking. Not fun. I am so glad I am ok, if I was by myself I dont know what I woulda done. So, Booze-it-or-Loose-it week is giving me some problems, I will stay close to home to get drunk.

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[Nov. 18th, 2004|03:28 pm]
The man may have me down, but I am not out, man. I put up the good fight, and stink to high heaven. I should put down the blotter, and take a bath, man.

The boyfriend told me to take this, prolly pretty accurate.im not that stinky though...eh.
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stay positive [Nov. 16th, 2004|07:32 pm]
well, its hard when something bad happens to stay focused. I am taking my national cert. exam soon so I am pretty excited. My new piercing is in the works, this will be my longest mod so far. I still actually have my tounge web and everything else. I'm so ready, it has been a long time since i added to the collection. This will equal, 4 around my navel (it looks like a flower now!) my daith, tragus, tounge, nostril,and of course the normal shit, cartilage, and 2 in each lobe. I also have my tounge web but I already said that. God, I ramble when I am upset. I got Alex a job in Raleigh and we will prolly sign a short lease on this house we found and then get the hell out of dodge ASAP. Headed for the west coast again. I am so so ready to hit the road again. I thought I would be ready to get back but no way. Hopefully the new piercing will help bring me up, it always does for some reason, then i go off on a tangent. If I ever got multiple piercings at once again, I wouldnt do them all at the same time. I had the first on my navel and then got the other three at the same time. No fun, game over, done. This will be different! I am tryin to stay excited.
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Wes [Nov. 15th, 2004|04:06 pm]
I am so sick of this happening, I am however greatful for the chance to ever know and spend time with him. We met during lunch my sophmore year and he always made me laugh. Playing bloody knuckles with Matt, boating on the tiny shark raft with Chris and Bryan workin at the flea market and laughin at me when I ran by him and yelled. He makes me smile.
I love ya forever, Wes!
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[Nov. 3rd, 2004|11:02 pm]
go check them out everyone!There are still some missing from up the California coast which are amazing but, let me know what ya think or sign the guestbook! Thanks! <3
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