04:42pm 03/04/2003 |
Lately, I have been reading a lot of 80's comic books, playing with kittens, and finishing the second season of Queer as Folk (the only valid reason to watch television). Our life has been great. All of us are happy (Christin, Swee-D, Thurston, and myself). More later. |
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02:21am 05/03/2003 |
Beer. |
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Twin Cities Cat Fanciers show.../ My life is great... :) |
07:53am 01/03/2003 |
It is now 10:59 on saturday night. I spent all day showing our two cats (Xylophonic Loring Winter and Gold Digger's Delight) at the Minneapolis Convention Center. I had a wonderful time. I went into kitten sensory overload at one point. Here's why... 1. DD (Gold Digger's Delight) won three "Winner's Ribbons" and a few "2nd Best of Breed"s and "2nd Best of Colour"s. 2. There were many fabulous cats on display there, including but not limited to: a Singapura kitten, a 30 pound gold eyed white Maine Coon, and a dozen beautiful Birmans). 3. My fiance, Christin, stayed there with me almost the entire time. It was absolutely wonderful. I had the greatest time. After getting wasted and watching Harry Potter (still haven't seen it), I will get my ZZZ's. Note: Christin and I are in the process of planning our move back to the actual apartment of our relationship's origin in St. Paul. It's in a classy, old building called the Birkenhead. Our best friends (other than our breeder) Mike and Ariel, live there and our old apartment used to be very close to theirs. I am currently reading: Junky by william S. Burroughs, and the first Harry Potter book (please don't ask). Have a sparkling weekend! |
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They told me to tell you that I don't have anything to say. |
08:58am 12/02/2003 |
Thurston has become quite the bad boy. Our room is his palace. I caught him trying to chew up a little piece of concrete from a brick we use as a book shelf. That makes me worried.
I think that, since Christin and I will have combined income, I will study recording arts instead of business. I'm figuring out if I can get into that program today. Business is very interesting, but when I was much younger, I wasn't dreaming of becoming a supervisor at a schmucky office in downtown. I was dreaming of playing guitar and being a living embodiment of indie. That's right. As creepy as it seems I was listening to Sonic Youth's "Dirty" album when I was eleven. I think that I may have grown up too fast compliments of one unfit parent. More on that later.
In my walkman: BECK - "One Foot In The Grave" - K Records
In my ghetto blaster: HELIUM - "The Dirt of Luck" - Matador Records |
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Beck's new album is fucking great! Skeptics: "Sea Change" is more like his old stuff on K Records... |
01:15pm 09/02/2003 |
I just woke up. That's so great. And I'm not even caked with bar sludge from cleaning up a shithole the night before. I am vastly superior now that I am (unofficially) unemployed again. I have been listening to all of the music that I used to listen to from like 4th-9th grade again in hopes of retracing the steps of what went wrong and why I became a stereotypical cracked out raver. Most of the music I've been relistening to is still absolutely brilliant (Beck, Nirvana, Pavement, Sonic Youth, Melvins, Jane's Addiction, Sleater-Kinney, etc.)!!!!!! Christin and Thurston are very happy, comfy, and loving today. It's a good sunday. My main objectives are: to do all of my homework for at two days in advance, guzzle coffee like a desert wanderer guzzles imaginary water, take care of my lovebabies, clean the house, and to have one or ten celebratory drinks. Actually, that's a lot of shit to do. I have to go now. I hope that you all have a sparkling day. |
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09:17pm 08/02/2003 |
I fucking wigged out today. I think that it may have been caused by the lack of stabilizers. As you can all see, it is 9:12. I was scheduled to work at 9:00. Fuck First Avenue. Fuck them all. I wanted to work there because of the music, not just to "defend the liquor license". In the past two days, I've worked there almost 24 hours! So I'm going to call them later and tell them to suck my left one whenever they're done scrubbing toxic vomit for the rest of the night... On a much, much brighter note: I GOT A 1978 FENDER MUSICMASTER BASS!!! It's fucking dope. I've already been working on writing some mentally masturbating melodies. I haven't made a list for lj lately so here it is...
LISTEN TO THIS MUSIC! It'll put some spring into your step. Trust me.
Flaming Lips - "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Pt. 1" Nirvana - "Marigold" Breeders - "Divine Hammer" Jane's Addiction - "Ain't No Right" Sigur Ros - "Staraflur" Lou Reed - "Take a Walk on the Wild Side" Beck - "Pay No Mind (Snoozer)" |
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++ I do better on tests when I don't attend class regularly. |
01:34pm 06/02/2003 |
I took both of my tests and knew the answers for 99% of the material which is suprising as I haven't showed up once for my psychopharmacology class. I am ecstatic. I have to go sit through a lecture until 3:30ish, then I get to go home to see my love kitten and hang out. I start work tonight. It will be pretty fun. A blues band is playing. More later. |
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09:39am 06/02/2003 |
I'm about to go take my first two exams: Intro to Business and Psychopharmacology. It's going to be interesting. I start work tonight at 6:00PM at First Avenue. So, if anyone that's reading this doesn't have plans for tonight, come to the show and increase the peace. By no means do I want to get my ass kicked by a drunk redneck. Ciao |
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The end is the beginning is the end. |
11:54am 05/02/2003 |
My name is Jeremy Christensen and I am twenty-one years old. My entire life evolves around my fiance, my faith, my kitten, and music. My fiance's name is Christin and her live journal name is "esthete". My champagne-colored kitten's name is Thurston Loring (after Thurston Moore from Sonic Youth and Loring Park in Minneapolis) and he is three months old. I have been an indie rocker for my entire life although I took a couple years off to explore the midwestern rave scene (german techno + chicago house + too many drugs), but those days are long over (I played snappy techno at a couple warehouse parties). I have played the electric guitar and electric bass since age ten. My life is currently the best it has ever been. I am very appreciative of all that I have been blessed with. As for religious faith, I have been quite the nihilist until my recent excursions in catholicism. I am currently attending Minneapolis Community and Technical College and working at First Avenue (yes, that's the club in the movie Purple Rain) as security. I absolutely love my life. Even as I write this, Chry is next to me reading and Thurston is sleeping on my lap. |
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