Sky Lagoon's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
Sky Lagoon

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merfles.. [04 Jun 2002|02:45pm]

[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Inu yasha-i want to change the world ]

No one welcomed me.. i think i'm hurt now.. ._.

4 mavericks| go maverick

Greets and all that. [01 Jun 2002|11:17pm]

[ mood | ditzy ]
[ music | Rembrandts - I'll Be There For You (Friends) ]

Hey, all. First post here.

First up, a not-so-quick, self-elevating intro -
My name is "The Moron who Typoed 'Acrimonious'", and I typically go by either Yscaldine or Snotty Bitch online. ;] I'm twenty, uh, and ... I have brown eyes!
I've been into Mega Man since MM2 came out, and I've been following the X series since, uh, X1 was released. I'm not too thrilled with what Capcom is doing to Zero (He's dead! He's alive! He's dead! He's alive! He's dead!), and I'm ... uh... opinionated.
I also like to draw; I'm serious about improving, but I'm not about making it a career. (You might know me under my old pseudonym, Lady Wolfette. Eeeeew.)
I've also been aching to write or RP something, and this seems like a great opportunity. =3 [/disjointed]

In short, I'm glad to be here. :D

EDIT: Oh yes! I stalked followed lamnanti here. Blame her for my arrival.
3 mavericks| go maverick

[31 May 2002|08:36pm]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | future-rama~robot hell ]

Megaman goes to hell. Ish funny as anything..go take a look..

go maverick

[31 May 2002|07:47pm]

link didn't show.. o.o;

go maverick

bored... [31 May 2002|07:34pm]

[ mood | bored ]
[ music | rockman x5- Zero Virus stages ]

I'm really bored. Any of you guys bored too or wanna roleplay or whatever IM me, s/n phoenix shinsako. By the way, anyone wanna join a megaman x roleplay? we have a zero..but we still need an X. Here's the link.

go maverick

[30 May 2002|07:31pm]

[ mood | lethargic ]
[ music | phill collins-that's all ]

Yo, new member of sky lagoon. Whuz up everyone? not much here..tired..
Everyone can call me phoenix..::waves and goes back to her corner::
hey, does anyone know a COMPLETE walkthrough for x6? i need one badly.. x.x;

go maverick

Yo! [29 May 2002|03:49am]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Midnight - Sasha Remix (Orbital) ]

New member alert. Name's Anne, though I typically go by Lamnanti or Lumina. Details easier to find on my profile and site, but...yeah.

So...uh, hi? :P

(Nearly 4:00 AM, don't have much to say outside of HTML tags...)

3 mavericks| go maverick

[25 Apr 2002|03:06pm]

Kobun Gundums. A hilarious animated image. )
go maverick

Stupid question from a stupid person [23 Apr 2002|05:32pm]

[ mood | embarrassed ]

Oo;; I'm too lazy to look at a guide, so does anyone know the order of the bosses/stages in Megaman X6? Also, be sure to check out my journal for some ranting against Capcom. O_o;

8 mavericks| go maverick

Setting the story up [09 Apr 2002|07:04pm]

[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Moulin Rouge- El Tango de Roxanne ]

Maverick Hunter HQ. For years it was a beacon of safety for humanity. Every day humans and reploids all joined the ranks, hoping one day to be the best.


*person flies out a window*


Maverick Hunter HQ, safe, and for many the future.


*Another person flies out the window*


Maverick Hunter HQ... Let's just go inside and begin this story.

go maverick

They're coming for YOU! [08 Apr 2002|05:46pm]

[ mood | scared ]
[ music | "Strong Enough," Cher ]

I just wanted to say, everyone please take a short break and view my journal entry for today (Monday, April 8th, 5:36PM). It's something that I was introduced to here, and quite frankly, it may well become the next world crisis.

To avert this horrible tragedy of disgusting proportions, please check that post, and consider how many people you hurt, when you join sides with the afore mentioned!

Thank you for your time,
~Irregular: Forte

go maverick

[08 Apr 2002|03:30pm]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Gorillaz - Double Bass ]

Hmn... wanna try starting the writing thing again? 'cept this time with more purpose. I'm thinking maybe the tried and true, Maverick Hunter Academy bit. You know, you make most of your characters as young, impressionable Hunters in training. It could take place after X6, when there's a huge gap in the hunter ranks, thanks to the colony crashing and the whole nightmare dealy.

Zero and X can make appearances as instructors, you can make some bad-ass original instructors, or some plain mean ones to make your characters' lives tough. You can have high-schoolish dramas(I can easily picture some character with a crush on 'instructor' Zero or X. ^_^ Classic.), field training exercises, exams, academy dorms, student rivalries, social groups eating a nice lunch, the occasional field trips to learn about battle in different types of terrain.

^_^ I know it's kind of sudden to lay this all down, but I just thought of a neat-o idea for a character while walking home from school today, and well, I figured some other people might have some student type characters they'd like to do too. And most of you are such talented writers. ^_^ It would be so wonderful, even just to read.

Later on, if it's successful, we could have another outbreak of the Maverick Virus, accompanied by some sinister plot, and there would be hastily made promotions, as Hunters are still short and they need more fighters. ^_^ Yay, students thrust into battle, still unsure of their own abilities. Some seeing it as a chance to prove themselves, some just wanting to make it back alive. yada yada yada. Of course, we don't have to follow the storyline exactly, but at least we could all have a starting point, no?

It'll be fun. What do you think?

Maybe with a bit more structure to it, everyone will have no problems joining in on the fun.

Yea or nay?

12 mavericks| go maverick

The Wings of a Boy Who Killed Adolescence [06 Apr 2002|05:13am]

[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Silence ]


Kill it. Oo;
Does anyone recognize that picture?

6 mavericks| go maverick

Snippets! [12 Mar 2002|03:48pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Here's a bit of boredom, brought to you by Sierra Omega. ^_^

Sierra sat beside her window, enjoying the daybreak as it washed over the dreary and bloodstained land below the confines of her room. Her hair fell softly and with golden highlight over her shoulders, blue eyes trained on the rising sun, ignoring the glare and pain it caused to glance.

She sighed heavily. Another day has come, and still no sign of him. A tear threatened to fall from one tired eye, but mentally she pushed it away to the back of her mind. This was a time for healing, not for mourning. She had to concentrate on getting better... so that she could find him herself.

And yet, did she want to find him again? The tall, crimson-clad reploid she'd loved so dearly in the past?

Did she still love him?

Furthermore, did he still love her?

Yes. She knew it was so. He never could hide his emotions from her, much like Blues couldn't. But Blues was much harder to read, because of his visor. How she wished he would leave it behind with his troubled past, but he refused; he never again wanted to repeat those mistakes he so regretted. That was why he was so distant from her now. He felt guilty for her injuries.

But it couldn't be helped, she thought to herself with a pang of sadness in the utmost intensity. Blues was no match for Sigma. None of them were.

Except for Zero. She'd seen him fight so bravely, so valiantly for their safety, Sierra herself tyring to reamin conscious as to try and call out to him.

But it was not to be. Again, the Fates drew them further apart. She longed for the days long past, when her grandfather Thomas still lived... when they were all a happy family, without fear of outside intervention.

Don't lose hope, Zero... she called out within her mind. I will find you. I will bring you back... and we'll be together again.

3 mavericks| go maverick

Interesting [11 Mar 2002|01:50pm]

[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Carneval -- Dvorak ]

Why is it that so many people write yaoi stories about me? Okay, I'm an understanding guy and don't mind yaoi, but can't there be some original characters out there to be my significant other?

5 mavericks| go maverick

Megaman EXE2 Contest [07 Mar 2002|09:58pm]

[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | Protricity - MegamanX Brainsick Metal ]

Here you can find the rules to the design contest for Megaman EXE2 and some of the submitted designs, including the winner of the contest. Aparently a design called Gate Man.

(information from Kulock)

go maverick

Greetings! [07 Mar 2002|02:14pm]

[ mood | Evil ]
[ music | Marvel Super Heroes - Thanos ]

I thought I should Introduce myself at the people on Sky Lagoon, So... Hi?? XD Mwahahahaha... sorry about that.

2 mavericks| go maverick

[06 Mar 2002|11:14pm]

[ mood | apathetic ]

Hi. I'm Blues.

*looks around* Thought I should present myself, since Nani vaguely noticed I was new.

Yeah. And stuff.



5 mavericks| go maverick

Whee. [01 Mar 2002|02:16am]

[ mood | bored ]

Ooooo... o_o; I think we got a member back. O_o; Did we get a member back? *looks at list*

I keep thinking it's Majiteque that reactivated (I think) his/her account, but I'm not sure. My brain is also kicking me and telling me there's a new member but I can't figure out who it is e.@; Err... So yeah... If anyone joined within the past 2-3 days or however long it was since I was last here, welcome *glomp and things* o_o; blahblah *shoots self with dart gun*.

^_^; If you reactivated your account, Majiteque (I keep thinking I saw it deleted once e.@;; I can't remember), then welcome back. n_n

*so, so bored*

I've got an idea! Let's err... have an icon contest! =3 Yesh! Icon conteeest. Whoever wants to can make icons and then we can set up a little voting booth or somethin' o_O;.

*throws a ':3' potsticker at Koumi for the bingo suggestion* >3;; *smrt*

1 maverick| go maverick

*Beware..for Koumi is eating phish food!!* [28 Feb 2002|01:53pm]
[ mood | calm ]

So, who's up for a game of bingo? XDD Instead of numbers we could use..megaman pictures o.o;

.....*people throw fruit*

O.o;;; just a suggestion *runs*

1 maverick| go maverick

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