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Head 'em up, move 'em out! [08 Mar 2004|05:49am]
This will be my last entry from the condo before I pack up my computer. Escrow is closed, and we move today.

We have about 15-20 boxes left, and a few odds and ends. I still can't believe how much crap I still have in this house, after 2 garage sales, a day at the swap meet, 2 trips to Goodwill, AND a 2 man hauling crew with a flatbed trailer to clean out even more junk. All of these measures to get rid of as much stuff as humanly possible, at least by a semi-reformed packrat. *sigh* There's still so much stuff here that I am going to have to temporarily rent a small SECOND storage unit until I can make cheaper, more permanent arrangements to store my life's flotsam and jetsam... hehe.

So, I'm basically homeless. Whee. At least we have a bit of money. Where are we going to stay, you ask? Well, since we were unable to find a 5th wheel in time, we decided to rent a motorhome. We got a "snowbird" rate for a full month's rental, so it's about the same as staying in a motel for a month, and we don't have to worry about putting the dogs in a kennel. We're probably going to camp locally for a couple of days just to relax and plan out our second trip to Arizona. Then the camper shopping begins in earnest.

Poor Jakey was downright terrified when he first got in the motorhome. I put the boys in it and drove about 300 feet from the street into our complex, and he was basically shaking the whole time. Poor baby. Sue and I have been trying to acclimate him to it, but I'm afraid it's crunch time. I asked around online and found out that a product called Rescue Remedy helps with this kind of problem, so I have a bottle ready for Jake's maiden voyage.

Melvin experienced similar anxiety when he first started riding with me in a 24 foot Ryder truck back in '98, but he became a grizzled road warrior fairly quickly. I'm hoping Jake will get his road legs in a similar fashion.

So anyway, things are coming together. At times I've been pretty much scared to death, but for the most part I'm excited.
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[16 Feb 2004|05:34pm]
We took the boys to the vet today. Both are nice and healthy and fully vaccinated now. We wanted them to get checked out because they might have to stay in a kennel every now and then while Sue and I get situated with an RV.

Speaking of RVs, we are going to Arizona to look for an RV. I've been checking classified ads, and it seems like prices out there are a lot better on them. Plus we can use a few days off, even tho I can think of better places to spend time off.

I've been learning a lot about RVing from RV.net's forums. I feel like I have a lot to learn, but thankfully it's interesting for the most part. I admit I'm a little scared, but that's why I'm "studying" so much. I don't any bad surprises down the road.

One of the things I've been learning about is the different ways to connect to the Internet while on the road. I'm leaning toward getting a satellite system which would cover us on the entertainment front as well, and it would cost about the same as what we're paying for Cox cable and internet. At first I might just switch cellular providers to Verizon and get a data cable for occasional email checks, but I know that 4+ years of broadband are going to be a hard habit to break. T-mobile hotspot sounds like they're growing, so that's an option too, although I'm not one to hang out at Starbucks...heh. There are other places with the hotspots, but Starbucks seems to be the most prevalent.

I've also discovered that I almost can't have a pickup truck that's too big. Especially considering the size of 5th wheels we're considering. After you throw in all of our belongings, fuel and provisions, we are going to be one heavy load. So I'm leaning toward an older F350 crew cab diesel. I just have to find one that won't break us. I'd REALLY like a Dodge Quad cab diesel, but I haven't seen many of them listed.
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Where do we go first? [13 Feb 2004|04:58am]
One of the many questions I've been asking myself for the last few weeks. I think we've agreed that we're going to take a leisurely drive up the coast to Oregon and Washington. I've wanted to travel through Big Sur with Sue since I knew we were moving to California.

Things are moving along. The condo has been in escrow for almost a month now. There's still a good bit of packing left to be done, but with 3 or 4 bursts of energy I should get it fairly close to done. I'm hoping I won't procrastinate and turn this "move" into a logistical nightmare, but that would be par for the course for me.

Driving a cab is getting old at times, especially when business sucks. I get annoyed with drunk people very easily now... lol. I'm glad my days of doing it are numbered, and yet it's still enjoyable enough that I might come back here to drive during the busy summer months.

I seriously need to get back into journaling regularly. I say this almost every time I post, but I mean it this time. I want to have a record of this crossroads in my life, plus I might even get better at the actual writing part and come up with some good story ideas.

In my defense, our computer's hard drive crashed and I haven't had my journal client installed until just now. There's alot of data I need to try and rescue, although I haven't missed as much of it as I thought I would. One of the things we plan to purchase with our condo money/nest egg is a laptop... I can't wait. It's going to be interesting trying to figure out an affordable (yet bearable) method of accessing the internet from the road. The thought of going back to dialup makes me want to gag. Yet another research project for the coming weeks.
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Housework & Life changes [06 Dec 2003|04:15pm]
I just cleaned the kitchen, I'd say it's about 85% clean, which is much better than 150% disaster area.

God I hate housework. The problem is, I have to get off my butt and get it done because...

We're selling the condo. We just can't keep up with the payments. *sigh* It kinda sucks, but at the same time it will be a huge relief because we'll be cutting expenses in a big way. Not to mention, we will be making a LOT of money on the place once it sells. Enough to put some away for the future and still have enough to start over. That's the one bright spot of the financial torture we've put ourselves through for the past 2 and a half years trying to pay for this place.

What this also means is that we very likely won't be staying in San Diego. My plan, and this is going to sound crazy, but I'm a little crazy anyway -

We're going to buy a nice used RV and drive around shopping for a place to settle down. It'll be like our first real vacation since before we were married. And it could last a really long time, depending on how long our money lasts. With the reduced cost of living I intend to create for ourselves, I'm hoping that we can get an actual positive cash flow going (and actually start SAVING MONEY?!? perish the thought!). It is possible to stay in San Diego in an RV, and it's cheap too. If you use campgrounds, you just have to move every 30 days. So for a couple months at a time, I can still drive a cab and put money away. If we get cabin fever from the RV, we'll just stay in a nice hotel suite for a few days.

Like I said, it sounds crazy, but the more I think about it the more fun it seems like it's going to be. Shopping for the RV is going to be cool, too.

Obviously, this is going to be a HUGE adjustment from a 3 bedroom condo, especially with my packrat tendencies, but this will probably be great for me. I'm going to have to stop buying crap (and I do mean CRAP - lol) cold turkey. If it can't fit in the rig, it ain't gettin' bought.

We are going to get a storage place for a couple pieces of furniture that Sue wants to keep, but 90% of our stuff is going bye bye. I'm torn between just calling Goodwill and having them haul it off or trying to sell some of the more valuable stuff. As it is I need to get a lot of it packed up because we need to get the carpets cleaned.

I just can't wait til it's over and we're on the road! Whee!!
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Yesterday I met: [17 Nov 2003|05:01am]
* Bridget, a young physics major from DePaul university who had flown out to San Diego to see her boyfriend at Camp Pendleton for a whopping 9 hours (now THAT'S love!). She was supposed to have gotten a rental car, but Alamo screwed her over by closing their office 5 minutes before she arrived, despite receiving assurances that they had her flight information and would wait for her for that extra 5 minutes. Obviously, I didn't mind the resulting cab rides she had to take, but I will most definitely NOT be using Alamo rent a car - EVER, unless I happen to hear that Bridget got a serious apology, and hopefully some cash, from them. Oh, and Bridget bore an amazing resemblance to Fiona Apple. I surprised myself by NOT asking if anyone had pointed that out to her before.

* Smitty, a WW2 veteran who humbly told me he'd been in the Marine Corps for 20 years, 4 of which were spent as a POW in Japan. They made him work in steel mills while he was imprisoned. He had been held at either Hiroshima or Nagasaki (he didn't say which), but was moved before the bombs dropped. (woa!)

* Ray, founder of a daytrading website, who was also mostly self-taught in programming and networking - I took him to LAX, a good ride, but he was kind of a cheapskate and managed to get me to knock off almost 50% of the fare (I underestimated it just a bit). Oh well. Some of the ideas he got started churning in my head, along with a couple of book recommendations and overall good conversation, made up for the lost revenue in a way.

These kinds of customers/characters are what make it fun to be a cab driver. I've been getting jaded with it lately, but it was nice to have a good (and thankfully somewhat lucrative) weekend again.
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Halloween is coming... [28 Oct 2003|01:47pm]
I actually didn't really care until last night, when I found a bunch of cool halloween stuff at Big Lots. All of their Halloween stuff was 50% off. I bought a couple of blacklight bulbs, which made me want to find some decorations or posters that would work with them. I also bought 2 strings of purple halloween lights for 80 cents each.

However, my favorite purchase from last night has to be the voice box. You put a little microphone to your lips and talk, and the voice box will make you sound either like a "monster", an "alien", or it can just amplify your own voice.

This thing is a LOT of fun. If you speak with a deep voice, you can sound like a demon or something.. MWA HA HA HA HA. Then of course you can switch to the alien voice and say "take me to your leader", SHAZBOT, etc. The first thing I said when I turned on the "monster" voice was "LUKE - I AM YOUR FATHER..." hehe... I didn't sound like Darth, but it seemed like an appropriate test phrase for a deep menacing voice.

The best thing about it? It cost *3 bucks*! I can't wait to try it out under my purple monster mask with trick or treaters, assuming we get any this year. I might even use it in the cab on Halloween... lol.
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Family visit [28 Oct 2003|01:10pm]
I got back last Tuesday from a week long visit with my sister. I FINALLY got to meet my niece, who is pretty much an angel. Even at a year old, she attracts attention in restaurants because she's so gosh darned cute.

To be completely honest, I was a little nervous about meeting her, because my time was going to be so short and I wanted to... lol, make a good impression, for lack of a better expression. I'm not sure exactly how you make an impression on a baby, but I was hoping to do just that.

Well, my fears were eased when we first met, because when my sister took her out of the car after picking me up, Alexis held her arms out to me to be held... damn, talk about your heart melting.

My sister, my mom, and Aunty Johnny, among other people, put on as wonderful of a first birthday luau as anyone could have asked for. I think the final tally was something like 55 people. We had teriyaki beef sticks, teri chicken, spam musubi, mac salad, and baked beans. I could have eaten myself to death but I think my self control was admirable. My sister also made an incredible cake that looked like a tropical island beach, complete with edible palm tree and sea shell decorations, and little gummi dolphins floating in the blue frosting ocean. She's an awesome mom.

All in all it was a great visit, and it made me realize how much I miss Georgia, mostly because of my sister, but really, Georgia's a pretty cool place to live. I don't think I'll be able to convince my wife to move back there, but I definitely need to visit more often. If my plans work out, I hope to at least have a vacation place somewhere in the south before Alexis turns... 20. *sigh* No, I take that back. I want to do it before she turns 10, and I think it's doable, especially if I'm not overly picky about the location. As long as it's within an hour or two's drive of Atlanta, it'll be cool.

The downside of the trip is I didn't make any money that whole week, and unfortunately, the day after I got back, I started getting a sore throat. By the weekend, I was down for the count. I wanted to work, but I could barely walk without getting dizzy and I was coughing so much my stomach was getting upset.

I still have some congestion in my chest, but I feel 1000% better, so I'm glad that's over. I LOATHE being sick. I need to remember to take C and Echinacae before I travel, or before meeting a child who's not feeling well.. lol. Alexis was sick, but I'd prefer to blame the nasty recirculated air on the plane for my illness.
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A MUCH better day at the park [19 Sep 2003|02:52pm]
Jakey met yet another girlfriend today - her name is Sheila, and she's a cute little mini pinscher/terrier mix that's about a third his size, yet she still dominated him like the little bitch that she is... hehe.

We also met Trotter (I think that was her name), a ball obsessed ... some kind of mutt that looked like a small black and white lab. She was really cool too, altho she seemed to be MORE aloof toward people than Melvin is, which is hard to pull off.

The doggies' moms were awesome too - no freaking out that Jake & Melvin were off leash... in fact they were fellow outlaws in that regard. That's the way doggies should meet, dammit - so they can have a good romp together. I can't wait til we get dog parks in Oceanside.

Uh oh I think I forgot one of the ladies' names.. Amy was the younger one, and I want to say Janine, but that's probably wrong. They were cracking me up. They offered me a hit from a joint, which I politely declined, and then they asked if I minded if they partook... heck no, go for it. I ain't a hall monitor.

Then they commented on Jake's forehead because he has wrinkles and a widow's peak... I told them I nicknamed him Eddie Munster, which cracked them up.

Jake was so enamored with Sheila that he got a "red rocket", which I obliviously didn't know was a widdle doggie hardon... lol. What else did they call it? Damn the other nickname was funny too. OH, his lipstick... EW.

Oh, and Janine (or was it Danielle? dang!) gave Jake the best doggy lovin' short of Daddy's famous butt rubbing/bongo playing. I learned some good tricks from her. Jake's gonna be even more spoiled, if that's possible.

Anyhoo, a good time was had by all, even Melvin, when he didn't whine about me sitting still and socializing. He is such a BRAT.. hehe. Both doggies are now sleeping peacefully. YAY for tired doggies!

SUCH an improvement over getting the cops called on us... *sigh*. Now I'm gonna go pick up some chinese food, start a movie, and have an afternoon nap.
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Huh? [14 Sep 2003|09:09pm]
So much going on in life and in my head... hard to believe I'm not journaling more.

Had a good weekend work wise... actually it's not over yet, but I don't forsee working very much tonight... I'm just not in the mood.

I do want to go treasure hunting with my rented metal detector, tho... heh. I found a nickel, a dime, and a cool hot wheels car with it my first time out. Not bad for less than an hour just getting to know the thing. The beach sand is calling me.

I bought an old racquetball racquet for a quarter at the swap meet today to sift sand with... I got the idea from the coin store where I rented the detector. If I find ANYTHING of value at the beach, I will probably be seriously hooked on this hobby. God knows I could stand to tell a few stories like these.

I also bought a kick ass accessory set for my rotary tool today. Now I just need craft ideas on what to do with the thing... I've had it since 2 birthdays ago, I think, and it comes in handy, but it really wants to be used on a regular basis.

Other items purchased / found at the swap meet:

3 Monty python DVDs for $3 each
Finding Forrester on DVD - awesome movie
2 beer steins for a friend
2 awesome keychains with a smiley faced ball and frizzy purple hair... I'll have to post a pic... trust me, they're cool... hehe

OH!! I just remembered, the first thing I bought today - an LCD sign that can display scrolling text messages. Designed for store fronts and stuff. I need to find a power supply and a keyboard designed to work with it, but for only 3 bucks, it was worth it just to have as a future project. I've seen similar signs at Costco for over a hundred dollars.

I also picked up a contemporary english version of the bible. It was sitting in a pile of discards. Should be interesting to read the bible with out all the Thous and Thees... heh.

Suffice to say, I'm glad I don't go to the swap meet as a shopper all the time... it could be dangerous. As it was tho, I think I only spent like 30 some odd dollars. I have more than that left in birthday money.

Speaking of my birthday, I had a very nice one this year for a change. I got to see my sister and spend the day with 4 of the most wonderful women in my life - Susan, Mom, the aforementioned Sis, and my Auntie Jonny. We got takeout from an awesome Japanese/Hawaiian market in Mom's neighborhood. I couldn't have asked for a better meal. We sat around most of the afternoon and "talked story", and Nani and I played speed, a fun card game from our childhood. I think we quit when it was tied 2-2... a good thing because we're so competitive, and I didn't want to lose on my birthday... heh.

Sis was in town to watch over Mom, who had a minor operation that weekend to take care of some herniated stitches from her hysterectomy 12 years ago... I'm glad she was here, because as they said, "I'm a guy"... LOL. Besides, when mom had her hysterectomy all those years ago, when she came out of the OR I bawled like a baby because she looked so helpless. I was glad to let Nani take care of her at the hospital and just bring her flowers. :0)

So anyway, if I haven't said it enough, thanks so much ladies for giving me a very special birthday. I love you all very dearly.
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OFFICER!! COME QUICK! [12 Aug 2003|11:32am]
How DARE those dogs have FUN!! ***GASP***

Motherfucking bitch. I am seriously pissed, well I was anyway. I finally find a wonderful park in my neighborhood where my dogs can enjoy running around a little, and some anal retentive waste of skin calls the cops on my dogs.

I have a feeling it was this woman who scolded me when Jake ran up to greet her and her dog. "Put your DOG on a LEASH, PLEEASE!!!". God, my skin crawls just thinking about it. The ironic part was, her dog was dying to play with Jake... well, he or she was a tad intimidated at first because Jake was running full bore toward them, but after Jake said hi he was all about the dog play.

*sigh* I just think there needs to be an amendment to the constitution giving dogs the right to do whatever the hell they want, as long as they're not owned/being parented by assholes.

I mean COME ON, I purposely chose a spot in the park very isolated from everyone else there, and I immediately called Jake off that windbag and her dog, but NO, my dog is a MENACE. He might lick you to death... or ask for one too many butt scratches... OMG you could get CARPAL TUNNEL!!!


*** grumble grumble snarkle rowlf grrrrrrr ****

Anyway, Joseph was with me and tried to calm me down, and he actually came up with a pretty good business idea relating to this issue... it sure would be cool if it worked out somehow. Time will tell. :0)
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What a WEEKEND I'm having [10 Aug 2003|10:47pm]
Just installed Tribes 2 here at the LAN cafe... holy crap it rules. Can't wait to try it online. If anyone still plays it... it is 3 years old. I imagine they are, tho... people still play Counterstrike and Quake 3.

I've been kind of lazy today... haven't driven the cab yet, but will most likely drive most of the night. Assuming I can stay awake.

Some notes for continuing this entry later:

Joe's TOEFL test
My scare with Jakey Boy (thought he got bit by a rattler!! yikes. Don't worry, he's ok)
Good meal at Fiesta Mexicana - Camarones A la Diabla
Cleaning my house w/ Joe - and I do mean CLEANING.

And of course - Driving the cab all night

Basically, a fairly action packed day. Today was much more laid back, but still a decent day.
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People are getting on my f***ing nerves... [05 Aug 2003|10:59pm]
So I came here, to my favorite Internet cafe, to kill some of them.

Excuse me while I frag a buncha losers... and I'm sure I'll be fragged repeatedly as well... heh.
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Arnold [05 Aug 2003|08:58pm]
Scwarzenegger's on the cover of - Southern California SENIOR Life.

That freaking rules.

You go Ahhh-nold.

I want to be like him. Or George Lucas. I'm not picky.
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Blessed Downtime [24 Jul 2003|11:44am]
My cab is being worked on so I walked to a favorite restaurant, The Longboarder Cafe, and had pot roast & eggs for breakfast... YUM.

Then I strolled through the farmers market that was right outside the door of the restaurant. I ended up buying some nice looking white peaches and some smoked almonds. Again... YUM.

After that I dropped in on John Taylor, my business mentor to be. He missed our meeting yesterday because some of his employees lost 2 sets of keys to some Einstein Bros. Bagel stores, costing him 10 grand in re-keying costs. OUCH. That is not a good way to start a business relationship. I felt bad for the guy, he looked exhausted. Damage control is tiring work I guess.

Luckily we were able to re-schedule our meeting to discuss his website project for tomorrow, and we are going to San Francisco together for a trade show next week. How cool is that?

Now, I'm kicking it in a nice internet cafe / lan party type place where I can play just about any game I want to my heart's content. Unfortunately, I have to install them first, and Counterstrike is a notorious be-atch to install and update. Oh well, gives me a chance to journal while I wait for the update to download. The guy that works here is really cool, he might end up becoming a good friend and maybe even a business associate.

I'm also listening to Tori Amos's latest CD, so I'm pretty much in heaven. Once I get to blow some shit up I just might have an orgasm... lol.
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My friend needs a place to stay [06 Jul 2003|09:08am]
For a couple of days. Preferably North County, but anywhere in San Diego is fine, I can drive her.

Her name is Jody. She can pay maybe $10 - $20 a night, plus she'll tell you some of the most awesome and interesting stories. Oh, and I'll throw in free cab rides anywhere in North County (Solana Beach on up) for 2 weeks if you help me out. I'll even buy you beer so you can legally drink and drive ... heh.

She does have a dog with her, so it's kind of hard to find a place for her, otherwise I'd call a hostel or something. Her dog Honey is one of the sweetest animals I've ever met in my life, and if you're an animal lover you'll adore her. I fell in love with her about the second I met her. She's a 4 year old Siberian husky, light brown and white. If you like dogs you owe it to yourself to meet this one.

I would really appreciate any help or tips anyone can provide on finding her a place to stay for at least 2 days, no more than 5. I have pictures of Jody and Honey if you want to see what they look like.

I would have her over at my place, but my wife doesn't want her here, and besides I already have 2 dogs, which is the limit for my complex.

If you have anywhere she can stay please call me at 760-805-3765.

UPDATE: Pics are posted behind the cut. Aren't they cute? Please call if you or anyone you know can help. )
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It's a beautiful MOR-ninnnn... [03 Jul 2003|09:09am]
And I thought it was going to suck. I got in my cab at 3:45 am and almost immediately was greeted with a message saying a "time call" was waiting in Carlsbad, about 10-15 minutes from my house. I booked in real quick and bid on the trip... bam! I got it. Guess where we're going?

AIRPORT, BAYBEEE! Cha ching. So much for having a slow day. I made 80 bucks on that trip (the fare was only $65) because I was nice and charming, and I gave my passenger a bottle of water, a newspaper, and a pack of gum for her flight. It's the little things that make a difference, don't ya think?

But wait, it gets better.

I made up some cards with my number on them to help drum up business, and as I was on my way back north from the airport, I decided to cruise through the southernmost town in my territory, Solana Beach, and leave some cards with a couple hotels.

I pull into the first hotel in town, and before I can leave my cards - **knock knock** on my trunk. There's a guy with two bags, guess where he's going?

Das' right, AIRPORT, BAYBEEE!! Talk about a dream morning. Now I have a few hours to go play with my dogs by the beach while my cab gets its oil changed. Then I'll take a short nap, and then Imma go make some more money. Cuz it's fun. And I get to meet people. And that's what life's all about.

OH, and I also have an appointment for this afternoon for a dear lady who's become a regular PC service customer. She has upgraded to cable internet service and wants me to set it up correctly for her... that's at least an hour at $35 per.

I think my Karma is being recharged. I just have to be sure and put as much positivity out there as I have been, because I don't want another slump like I had last year.

So yea, cab driving is fun. Now we have a holiday weekend, and I'm very excited about it.

Have a good day. I certainly plan to. :0)
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Long or short entry? [27 Jun 2003|07:49am]
Lots of thoughts running through my head, and yet I don't know how many of them I want to release to the wind.

I'm definitely starting to find the downside to leasing a cab... if you don't get enough fares, you basically end up working for nothing. The weekends usually make up for it, but I'm not a big fan of working for jack shit.

I have plans in the works to stop this kind of crappy weekday from happening. Then again I'm not going to be doing this forever, so the usefulness of my planned efforts (distributing my number to hotels and restaurants, etc.) is debatable. I guess in the end it's a good exercise in marketing.

The money situation is definitely improved, but not 100% healthy yet. There are certain reasons for this that I don't want to go into because I'll get too pissed off, but making all your money in cash on a daily basis is definitely not conducive to saving and setting aside for bills and all that depressing real world crap. I don't even want to think about the tax headache, but I suppose I should. I wish I could afford an accountant, or even a bookkeeper.

On the brighter side, funny little coincidences are still happening in the cab. I met a guy yesterday.. er, I mean Wednesday, who is about 10 times more of a hardcore gamer than I am. He was on his way to the mall to see about getting some trade-in credit on a bunch of PS2 games, and the titles he had were awesome. I told him that if the store didn't offer him enough, I would make him a deal. It just so happens he was thinking about trading them in towards an Xbox, and I had an extra one I ordered from ebay, so that worked out pretty well for both of us. I'll probably make close to $200 on the games he traded me, and he has an Xbox. We might even hang together. His DVD collection is awe-inspiring... not that I pick friends solely on a material basis... heh.

Well, hopefully it will be a very busy weekend, so I better get some sleep. I need to make up for these past 2 poverty-inducing days.

I just finished playing Halo for a while. I feel lame, but I had to set the stupid game on easy difficulty. For one, I'm tired, and secondly, I freaking loathe playing the same level of a game OVER and OVER and OVER. So I turned the difficulty down and I'm breezing through it. Maybe after a good long sleep I'll put it back to normal and see what happens.
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[14 Jun 2003|08:33am]
Dear Mr. Daniels )

I'm NOT a racist, and I just hope this guy will see that. Probably not, but I'll know that I tried. There was other stuff that I wanted to say about this BS, but I've forgotten. Plus, there's money to be made out there today.

Oh, yea, what sucked is that I almost didn't take that "one last fare". I was on my way home and decided to go for it. Time will tell whether or not it was a good idea.

Have a good Saturday
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Oh my goodness... [10 Jun 2003|12:56am]
I think I just had the one single idea (well, one of many, but the first HUGE one), that is going to finally get me out of this hole we've been in. I don't want to post about it right now, because I have to do some research... but holy crap it's gonna be big... I hope I hope. AND... it's gonna be fun as hell. Damn, I was hoping to get some sleep, but my brain is going to chew on this for a long time.

I swear, driving a cab is so awesome. I got these ideas just driving around. It sucks not having a stereo, but you know, good ideas can sure make beautiful music too.

God, I hope no one else has had this idea yet. Shit I want to make a phone call RIGHT NOW!! But I don't think that would be a good start to a business relationship. *sigh*

Geez, I just had another excellent idea (well, to me anyway)... what the heck did I eat? I had a chocolate peanut butter shake at the beginning of my driving shift, I wonder if they slipped some kind of brain food into my shake. I might have to make that yogurt shop a regular stop... heh.
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Sleep deprivation is FUN! [07 Jun 2003|07:55am]
I'm so freaking tired it's not even funny. I guess 11+ hours in a cab will do that to you, especially after about 4 hours of sleep, broken up into 2 different naps.

The upside is, I'm bringing home the kibble... heh. I suppose I should sit down and try to write out a schedule for myself or something before I burn out completely. Yea, that would be good.

You know what sucks? Not only am I tired, but I'm HUNGRY. I really hate that. I guess I'll try to go to sleep before the hunger makes me eat something really unhealthy.

I want to write about my day yesterday, but...zzzzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzzzzzZZZ
Come on, say something!

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