It's a small, sad geeky world |
[10 May 2004|07:22pm] |
The idiotic flash mob trend is alive and well in the DC area. Except here we have automotive flash mobs. It's impossible to explain the sudden and random traffic jams otherwise. If I ever track down the fuckmonkeys who organize them, I will not be responsible for my actions.
Traffic annoyances aside, the weekend went well. Saturday night was Laura's birthday party. I'd organized a collection toward a PS2, but intelligently lost the card people were supposed to sign as they gave me their contributions. So I couldn't give it to Laura at her party until everyone showed up, and didn't feel like going back down to the car at that point. I schemed to get Moti and Coby to distract her instead, and while she was looking away, hid it in her closet. Not very well -- Laura, did you figure out right away that I shoved something in your closet, or did it take until I went in there ahead of you and closed the door when you wanted to get a bag?
It was a fun party, with lots of people from diverse groups more or less interacting, and really good dips. Mmm, dips. Sadly, I was very tired and zoned out about two hours in.
Sunday Coby and I went climbing at the Earth Treks Indoor Climbing Facility. I'd never been climbing before, and I'd forgotten that I'm afraid of heights. So I'd easily get about two thirds of the way up the wall, then stop to rest, look around, realize that I'm thirty feet up, panic, and jump down. Rinse, repeat. How embarrassing.
I did manage to finish a couple of easy climbs eventually, and it was fun overall. Coby has two more guest passes and then I'll probably be too cheap to join as a member, but we'll see. I won't get much out of it if I freak out and jump off every time I pause -- but it gives me an idea for a flash game! Acrophobia Climbing, can you reach the top before your climber's panic meter runs out?
This morning my weak girly arms were sore. And I bought the sneakers, 'cause if there's anything econ majors are good at, it's creative accounting.