{dirrty} Pop Art [entries|friends|calendar]
{dirrty} Pop Art

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[22 Aug 2005|01:52pm]

Hey gang,

I really need help on this picture of christina aguilera
What event was she at? I need more pictures of christina like the photo below!!! Please help

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Join! [18 Apr 2005|05:32pm]


[x]NEW growing active rating community
[x]Fun & original themes
[x] Boys & girls both welcome!

Come join [info]ljs_cutest today!
Sorry if you dont like promotions, I can always delete this.
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[14 Apr 2005|04:47pm]

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will we let u in [13 Apr 2005|05:24pm]

Image hosted by Photobucket.com see if our members will accept or reject u...1st 5 applications auto accepted!! join [info]strawberrybounc
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Xtina Xmas Wallpaper! [21 Dec 2004|01:17pm]

[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Backstreet Boys - Don't Wanna Loose You Now ]

Here's a little thing I did for Christmas time... I usually post the wallpapers on my site but I thought I'd share this with everyone since it's all christmasy and stuff... Enjoy!

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Friends Only Signs [12 Dec 2004|01:59pm]

[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Powerpuff Girls on TV... ]

3 Friends only signs... hope you like 'em!

Read more... )

Use however you wish!



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Xtina Aguilera Graphics! [18 Sep 2004|01:06pm]


Click here to join XtinaAguileraGraphics

Click to join XtinaAguileraGraphics

Hello! Xtina Aguilera Graphics is a Yahoo! Group dedicated to providing quality Wallpapers, LJ Icons, Buddy Icons and/or any other graphic type our members may request. We have weekly updates, links to other quality Christina Aguilera sites, and are willing to fullfill any graphic request you may have! If you are intrested in joining Xtina Aguilera Graphics, please click the link above. We now have over 100 members! Thank you very much for considering us! Below are some samples of my work. Thanks again!

Samples )

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Xtina Aguilera Graphics! [04 Aug 2004|03:56pm]

[ mood | thankful ]

Hello! Xtina Aguilera Graphics is a Yahoo! Group dedicated to providing quality Wallpapers, LJ Icons, Buddy Icons and/or any other graphic type our members may request. We have weekly updates, links to other quality Christina Aguilera sites, and are willing to fullfill any graphic request you may have! If you are intrested in joining Xtina Aguilera Graphics, please click the link above. Thank you very much for considering us! Below are some samples of my work. Thanks again!

Samples )

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[03 Jul 2004|01:57pm]

Please read & sign the petition to bring the New Mickey Mouse Club (seasons 6 & 7 that Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, and JC Chasez starred in) to DVD for sale.


Also, please feel free to tell others about this petition. We need as many signatures as we can get.
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wallpapers! ....again [30 Mar 2004|11:05pm]

[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | If I don't have you ]

Ok so with the advice of a couple of people here at [info]dirrtypopart I re-did the justin wallpaper. I'm also posting it in the in the original colour of green too, I'd actually manipulated the colour before to make it the purple-blue-green it was.


crossposted to [info]dirrtypopart and [info]ssecca01

btw, if it's not ok to post the Dominic Monaghan wallpaper, let me know and i'll remove it from the post.

ETA:I edited this post so many time with links... for some reason they haven't been saving. LJ really sucks.

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[30 Mar 2004|03:27pm]

[ music | Turn Your Lights Down Low ]

800x600 | 1024x768

This is my second brush heavy wallpaper, I'd be appreciative of any comments you may have.
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[26 Feb 2004|11:38pm]

HEY! I'm pimping out the new community Becca and I made. It's [info]juni_timbernick so come join. It's dedicated to everything Nick/Justin, so all you bitches better join, cuz we rock!lol
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JuC manip [04 Feb 2004|03:09am]

[ mood | artistic ]

I hadn't manipped in a while, but tonight I got the urge. I actually started this one months ago but put it aside and didn't work on it again until today.

Rockstar!JuC )

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[26 Jan 2004|01:59pm]

[ mood | artistic ]

It seems like there hasn't been a lot of activity here lately but I hope maybe things will kick up again. Hello! I'm new. ::waves at community::

When I found this community I was happily laughing to myself. I'm mostly interested in Eminem fanfic right now and I like doing photo manipulations with him and just about anybody. :)

i've posted these in my journal before but I don't know how many people have see them. Here's some of my latest stuff:

very naughty


Eminem/Orlando Bloom

Pics )

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singin' you to shipwreck [06 Dec 2003|02:34am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | tv in the other room ]

So, the icon was done and everything, and I said to Michelle something about putting JC in a collar )

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she's so high, high above me [04 Dec 2003|07:28pm]

[ mood | creative ]

timbertone manip )

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maybe you'll be president [22 Nov 2003|04:49pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Radiohead - Sail To The Moon ]

I call this one OT3 Roadtrip )

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[13 Oct 2003|08:46pm]

A while back I posted this in my journal. It's my 50 Cent vs. JaRule manip "Beat It" style. It's my first manip and I know it could use some work.

I hope it shows up. *crosses fingers*
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Simply being [12 Oct 2003|08:53pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | BT feat. JC - Somnambulist Junkie XL Remix ]

Hey, guys. Just a crosspost from my LJ.

Shippy Timbatone )

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For the Schizophrenic Challenge: [08 Oct 2003|09:22pm]

The measurements for CD art (rounded up or down to keep this as simple as possible) are:

front cover 4.75 x 4.75
back cover (without spines) 5.5" x 4.75"

Your design doesn't have to be this exact size, as long as it's proportional (keep the front cover a perfect square, etc.)
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