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[15 Feb 2004|09:33pm]

Hey there,

What am I after
I am in the search for the best of the best when it comes to the making of things which are a necessity to icon making.

What is Icon Essentials about?
We at icon essentials are trying to build this place in the hope of helping all icon makers everywhere. We also being icon creators have decided that hopefully we can complete a community which will be structured so that all icon makers can come together and teach and learn.

Right now we are have just completed the construction phase with the new layout and user info set in place. So the next step is getting approximately 1-3 workers for each category listed below.

I am hoping to find the best in -

[x] PSP/PSD & TUBE finders/creators
[x] ICON - BASE Creators
[x] FONT finders/creators
[x] LYRICS & QUOTES recorders
[x] PSP & PS BUSHES finders
[x] TEMPLATE creators
[x] TUTORIAL creators

If you believe that you are talented or know anyone who is talented in any of these area's please drop by [info]icon_essentials, and read through the userinfo before applying.

Please also feel free to add the community as we are hoping to have it completely setup by the end of the week.

(im sorry if this breaks rules, but i am not trying too promote my community, but find people who wish to be involved in further activities which will help all icon makers through Livejournal)
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[29 Jan 2004|08:33pm]
We're a forum that needs graphic artists to supply tags for our constantly hungry community. a lot of cool features are currently getting put in to make your tagging time with us a lot of fun.

if you want to just post examples of your art for critiques feel free. quite a few talented taggers and graphic artists are already on board and pumping out some impressive work.

moderator positions available... is the site url, for a quick link to our graphics department please click the link...

The Napalm in the Morning, Graphic Art Community, Tagging Community, Taggers, Graphic Artsits, Stock Photos

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[22 Jan 2004|01:47am]

[ music | Sister Hazel - Change Your Mind ]

1. Dont ask, just comment
2. Please credit [info]budlik_icons " in the keywords.
3. No hotlinking/direct linking.

[1] Random Abusive Icon
[2-18] Ghost in the Shell icons
[19-26] X-Men icons (three Mini Movies)
[27-43] Nirvana Icons
[Total - 43 Icons]


Icons icons icons )

My request List is completey empty so please feel free to drop by [info]budlik_icons and request! Or you can stop by my Website FriendsOfShadows to view my Icon Archives

2 comments|post comment

Girly icons! [20 Jan 2004|03:19am]

[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Various Artists - Theatre Of Tragedy - Tanz Der Schatten ]

Credit plz. And let me know you're taking one so I can feel flattered. Thnx.
girly icons )

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Aloha [13 Jan 2004|12:33pm]

Hey, I made some Marilyn Manson icons, if you take any please credit me/ comment saying which ones you took :)

+8 )
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[01 Jan 2004|11:49pm]

10 Landscape-y/Creature-y icons. Kinda suckass.


( Vomity Goodness )
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[30 Dec 2003|10:12pm]

All icons of Final Fantasy 8. All lyrics Matchbox 20's "Disease". 7/15 are doujinshi, others are screencaps from the games.


( FF8 Iconism )

x-posed to a lot of communities.
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[26 Dec 2003|01:46am]

Anime and game icons. Uh-huh. Sorry to anyone who's seen this post more than once.


(Errr. Yeah. Icons.)
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[24 Dec 2003|09:09pm]

[ music | Nirvana - Smells like teen spiri ]


[1-3] hack//sign Icons
[4-13] Adema Icons
[14-21] Cradle of Filth Icons
[22-29] Disturbed
[30-31] LOTR

Icons Icons )

(any recommendations for the next batch? If you wish to Request individual icons Please visit [info]budlik_icons]
X-Posted Everywhere

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[07 Dec 2003|01:22am]
this is a little off topic, but..

I've got 40+ Adobe Photoshop 07 brushes at my site,

read the rules to get the password,

and if you like my brushes and want updates add [info]engelixe

(the maintainer of this site can delete this post if they dont like it..)

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[26 Nov 2003|01:16pm]

could someone make me a simple icon - maybe white with a navy border that says "Tomorrow is much too late," then switches frames and says "I need you now." The letters could maybe sparkle or something...I dunno, I'm just going with the Saves the Day theme. thanks in advance!
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can someone hewp me plz <3 [10 Nov 2003|12:18pm]

[ mood | awake ]

I know how to make icons some what well. But for some reason I always run into size problems...(staying under 40k) I tried everything to make this one icon under 40k..and GRRR no matter what I doesn't do anything. can someone help me plz? <3

The Annoying Icon that wont be 40k or less... )

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[16 Oct 2003|03:45pm]

*I'm a sucker for comments.
*I would really like credit on this batch (girlnterrupted)

I would be absolutely THRILLED if you posted in my journal instead of in the community (that's where the link will take you anyway) just because it's easier for me to get through them faster, but if it's too much of a pain for you, no worries, no big deal.


1 2 3

more eye candy here
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[16 Oct 2003|02:55pm]

*I'm a sucker for comments.
*I would really like credit on this batch (girlnterrupted)

I would be absolutely THRILLED if you posted in my journal instead of in the community (that's where the link will take you anyway), but if it's too much of a pain for you, no worries, no big deal.


1 2 3

more eye candy here
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[13 Oct 2003|12:55am]

okay so here's the deal...after i posted a recent batch of icons (the fairy/children ones), Lilith [info]hisbitch thought that the lyrics from "Heaven" by Live (a song i still have not heard) would fit with those i gave it a shot...and here are the results.

for the 3rd picture i used a base by the incredibly talented [info]saava whom i absolutely and utterly adore! those lyrics just reminded me of that image...

*I'm a sucker for comments.
*Credit is greatly appreciated but by no means necessary - if it's just a base, don't worry about it! =)
*When I post bases, you are always free to customize.
*If there is text on the icon and you like the picture, you can always ask for the base so you can customize it your own special way.
*If you want me to change the words, just ask! =)

I would be absolutely THRILLED if you posted in my journal instead of in the community (that's where the link will take you anyway) just because it's easier for me to get through them faster, but if it's too much of a pain for you, no worries, no big deal.

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for more eye candy, click here
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[11 Oct 2003|03:34pm]
i'm looking for blenders and judges.
(even if you dont know how to blend, I'm looking for people to vote on peoples submissions fairly)

please come take a look at


(please delete this advertisement if you do not want it in your community)
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[11 Oct 2003|01:14am]

First post here. This is an unfinished icon set to the song "Both Hands" by Ani DeFranco.Bases are also included. And if they don't work, I have two suggestions:
1) Right click on the little box and hit properties. Then copy paste the website listed as 'address'. Then paste it into a webbrowser. It should show up.
2) Someone want to suggest a new free image host?


x-posted @ [info]_iconcrap_, [info]icondesigners, [info]utopianicons,

The rest are here
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[08 Oct 2003|01:02am]

*I'm a sucker for comments.
*Credit is greatly appreciated but by no means necessary.
*When I post bases, you are always free to customize (this is when I prefer credit).

I would be absolutely THRILLED if you posted in my journal instead of in the community (that's where the link will take you anyway) just because it's easier for me to get through them faster, but if it's too much of a pain for you, no worries, no big deal.

OKAY, on with the icons!


1 2 3

TONS more yummy goodness
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[07 Oct 2003|01:48am]

*I'm a sucker for comments.
*Credit is greatly appreciated but by no means necessary.
*When I post bases, you are always free to customize (this is when I prefer credit).
*If there is text on the icon and you like the picture, you can always ask for the base so you can customize it your own special way.
*If you want me to change the words, just ask! =)

I would be absolutely THRILLED if you posted in my journal instead of in the community (that's where the link will take you anyway) just because it's easier for me to get through them faster, but if it's too much of a pain for you, no worries, no big deal.

OKAY, on with the icons!

1 2 3

get more here
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[03 Oct 2003|10:06pm]


I love comments! Credit is not necessary but always appreciated....and customize as much as your little heart desires (if you customize, i'd prefer credit for the base, but again no worries if you don't)

1) 2) 3)

tons more here
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