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JRock Banners

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[26 Aug 2003|11:00pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | HIM - In Joy and Sorrow ]

Something I've been planning to do for awhile (and only did because I had moral support from userinfomilkshake).

Comment this time, I spent lots of time on this.


10 dares| try me

[25 Aug 2003|03:48pm]

[ mood | (highly) amused ]
[ music | Hyde - Shallow Sleep ]

You know what happens when userinfomilkshake and I sit in the same room together.
It tends to be bad.


Let me know if the image doesn't work, I got some server problems.

Liad [and userinfomilkshake]

try me

userinfomiyuki_sama!! lookie lookie! [23 Aug 2003|02:39pm]

[ mood | okay ]
[ music | hide- Flame ]

well, I made a Bansaku banner- a banner that userinfomiyuki_sama wanted to make and I stole the idea :P I'm baaaaaad!!

well- since I can't show it directly (>.<) click here if you want to see it :3

8 dares| try me

One banner :3 [21 Aug 2003|11:37am]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Baroque - Anakuro film ]

a Kei banner!
yup yup- from pics that userinfomiyuki_sama gave me yesterday xD
hope you like :3

9 dares| try me

One banner :3 [20 Aug 2003|10:49pm]

[ mood | peaceful ]

Yes- I have used this picture I couldn't help it, he's too pretty here...

2 dares| try me

for irc users [20 Aug 2003|11:29am]

[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Oblivion Dust- Destination ]

for anyone who is on IRC on esper.net, join my jrock channel ^^ at #jrock

try me

Everybody say "I do".. I DO!! [18 Aug 2003|11:57pm]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | hide- Eyes love you ]

During the entire making of this banner I thought of you!
hope you like it :3
psst! in here!! )

10 dares| try me

[18 Aug 2003|01:36am]

[ mood | awake ]
[ music | X Japan - Dahlia ]

I'm not sleeping just yet... is that a problem? )


4 dares| try me

3 banners! [16 Aug 2003|11:05pm]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Miyavi- Oresama Shikou ]

they were 4 but one got taken!

Hyde attack!!!!!! )

4 dares| try me

2 banners [16 Aug 2003|02:01pm]

[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Baroque - Anakuro film ]

one Hyde one Hakuei, hope you like- they're not very good though... T_T
in here! )

as usual, comments are always welcome :3

6 dares| try me

[15 Aug 2003|11:47pm]

[ mood | awake ]
[ music | X Japan - Week End ]

La la la... )


13 dares| try me

2 banners [14 Aug 2003|05:20pm]

[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | Glay - Winter Again ]

The Mana one I made this morning but I tried to wait until I make a few more to post- so that I won't annoy you :3
I managed to wait until now, when I finished my other banner- a Kirito banner :3 hope you like them both.

Kirito in a cut =3 )

10 dares| try me

[13 Aug 2003|03:44pm]

[ mood | artistic ]

Wheee! Made two "friends only" banners. We all have too much time on our hands ne??

Read more... )

4 dares| try me

ok- I had to do that one, just had to [13 Aug 2003|07:26pm]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Pierrot - Dramatic Neo Anniversary ]

10 dares| try me

another one [13 Aug 2003|02:41pm]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Hakuei - Lost in Heaven ]

man you people are so going to slaughter me if I continue like this....
oh well- I'll take my chances and post a Kirito banner :)

hope you like :)

2 dares| try me

Good morning [13 Aug 2003|11:56am]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Malice Mizer - Beast of Blood ]

One banner to start the morning with something sweet :)

6 dares| try me

I love it when my computer works properly [13 Aug 2003|12:24am]

[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | hide - Genkai Haretsu ]

One more! hope you like- I think it'll look better as an icon- don't you think?

3 dares| try me

Another one [12 Aug 2003|09:17pm]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | hide - Misery ]

This time I'm back to Miya :)
The caps were taken by userinfomeesh
hope you like this one too :)
a bit big... )

7 dares| try me

took some time... [12 Aug 2003|07:31pm]

[ mood | okay ]
[ music | hide - Tell Me ]

this one took me some time to make, but I needed to do something with the caps I have- most of them are capped by userinfoevening_rose and some by me. Hope you like

14 dares| try me

FINALY! [12 Aug 2003|05:11pm]

[ mood | happy ]
[ music | hide- D.O.D ]

I can post again!
so here is one cute little innocent Yomi banner, hope you like :)

Edit:picture scanned by userinfomiyuki_sama, sorry I forgot to mention that before...memory problems :P

6 dares| try me

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