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Below is information about the "People against icon theft" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:anti_theft (659658) anti_theft
Name:People against icon theft
About:Have you ever been searching around LiveJournal and had an icon catch your eye....then realize you noticed it because it was your icon? Do you feel that other people should be warned about the person that stole it?

Then you are in the right place. We are a group of icon creators and icon community moderators who like to keep up-to-date with what is going on around LiveJournal.

It's simple really, as much as you want to tell your story, we want to hear about it. The one thing we ask is for you to do is to give proof, after all - no one likes a liar either.

Great examples of proof include:

// screenshots
// correspondence (comments or e-mail)
// the icons themselves (if they added their name, cut part off, animated it)

Other quick rules:

-- For your sanity and ours, please make sure your posts are set at a "friends only" security level.
-- Please don't tYpE lIkE tHiS, tHx. It's hard to read
-- Be respectful.

This community is moderated by [info]breathe_again, [info]pam_sparkles, and [info]twirlygrrl. Please direct any and all questions to one of us. If you would like to join this community, please send an email to


[info]sparkly_girls - This is a community for people who like girls of pop music to post news, icons, fanfic(including slash), pictures, wallpaper, audio & video clips, and fanart. As long as it is related to a pop girl, it's ok.
Memories:1 entry
Interests:8: animation shop, filters, icon creation, icons, image ready, paint shop pro, photoshop, plugins. [Modify yours]
Members:24: bluegarnet, breathe_again, chased_amy, cowstick, crazychica1818, cuanzon, djgoddess1, gillyholia, ibizaprtygrl, jaspy, lucky_angel, mermaid_wings, obsessedmuch, pam_sparkles, raevyndrael, rockstarforever, royal_highness, saywhaaat, sdb_obsessed, secret_angel, skyediver, soulfictionlady, therealsugshady, twirlygrrl
Watched by:20: bluegarnet, breathe_again, bsb_angel, cowstick, cuanzon, djgoddess1, dungenesscrab, echoinemptiness, gillyholia, ibizaprtygrl, jaspy, lucky_angel, obsessedmuch, pam_sparkles, raevyndrael, rockstarforever, royal_highness, secret_angel, soulfictionlady, twirlygrrl
Member of:1: mermaid_wings
Account type:Free Account

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