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User Information

Below is user information for The K.O.T. in da place ta be. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:talyrath (12564) talyrath
Name:The K.O.T. in da place ta be
Bio:If you're from my office and reading this, fuck you. Go away.
Interests:49: ad&d;, ai, andromeda, anime, art, babylon 5, baldur's gate, battletech, books, bun-bun, cats, computer games, computers, corrupting morgie, crohn's disease, david gerrold, diablo 2, diablo ii, dogs, dragons, drawing, enterprise, eveshka, farscape, geocaching, goldfish, gta3, honor harrington, informix, japanese animation, java, magick, master of orion 3, mountain biking, movies, music, photoshop, programming, puns, rabbits, sarcasm, sci-fi, secret of mana, sluggy freelance, spy hunter, stargate, tarot, unix, video games. [Modify yours]
People42:alinsa, amyrantha, azrachael, blargh, cairyn, cybrcat, damara, dementedcraving, demonspawn, dovetail66, dreamcaught, dwaggie, eveshka, faekitty, juliagraywords, katsuhito, kayzee_chan, kichi, koma_chan, lishypo, lostkun, masquemirth, meekachuegs, moonrose, morgie, munebunny, perigune, petfish, philia, plasticchimera, pooka, ryangraywords, sexieukyou, sir_alf, slaveofwill, sorchawench, syn, talyrath, terlan, tiggywinkletoo, westbaylen, xpioti
Communities4:dragon_con, dragoncon, lj_maintenance, news
Mutual Friends:42: alinsa, amyrantha, azrachael, blargh, cairyn, cybrcat, damara, dementedcraving, demonspawn, dovetail66, dreamcaught, dwaggie, eveshka, faekitty, juliagraywords, katsuhito, kayzee_chan, kichi, koma_chan, lishypo, lostkun, masquemirth, meekachuegs, moonrose, morgie, munebunny, perigune, petfish, philia, plasticchimera, pooka, ryangraywords, sexieukyou, sir_alf, slaveofwill, sorchawench, syn, talyrath, terlan, tiggywinkletoo, westbaylen, xpioti
Account type:Early Adopter

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