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Test result... (I'm sorry) [May. 31st, 2004|02:09 pm]
Not bad for a second language.

Grammar God!
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!

If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!

How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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I'm still alive... [May. 16th, 2004|09:09 pm]
I know. This is another abandoned journal. That doesn't mean I am not online anymore though. I'm updating my weblog at almost every day. I enjoy writing about design, more than writing about me. There's only so much you can say about yourself.

Thanks for the comments [info]recrea33. It's nice to see someone remembered me :D
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THE FACE [Mar. 14th, 2004|01:09 pm]
This message was sent to me by THE FACE. If you are a FACE fan too, please read and participate.

"THE FACE is under threat of closure. Profits have been down, and our parent company Emap is currently reviewing the future of the magazine.

THE FACE has always stood for discovering and promoting the best in creative talent within British and international pop culture. You can help ensure it can continue to do so.

We would like you to write a letter of support, addressed to the editor, Neil Stevenson (email it to: We will pass your letter on to the Emap executives.

A two-line letter is enough, but if you're feeling creative, please email a small digital photo of yourself holding a copy of the magazine. If you would rather we didn't republish your letter, please say so.

We need our letters by the end of Tuesday 16th.

Thank you,

THE FACE team"
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Word lid van BNN! [Sep. 10th, 2003|11:37 am]

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Chat! [Aug. 28th, 2003|07:39 pm]
I've installed a chat :) It could use a layout and stuff, but it works!

Check it out
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Climbing [Aug. 17th, 2003|08:40 pm]
Anyone into climbing, or bouldering here?
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blogger... [Jun. 22nd, 2003|12:42 pm]
More common than an error 404:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/functions/, line 11
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RSS flash banner [Jun. 17th, 2003|10:27 pm]
I made an RSS (the xml type your weblog can export) banner. It rotates your latest weblog updates.

Check it out here. (Can't post flash here anymore...)
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Climbing [Jun. 15th, 2003|03:00 am]
Anyone into climbing and bouldering? I started a couple of weeks ago, because a friend invited me to try it. I must say I never tried a sport this much fun. I have every intention to do this on a regular base.

I do need to buy some gear, so I don't have to rent it anymore. Renting your sports shoes sucks!
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Chatters [Jun. 15th, 2003|02:57 am]
Chatmeeting tomorrow... It's weird to see everyone for real after almost two years of meeting virtual. It's also weird that I ended up working for the network the chatbox belongs too.

I hope it'll be the good kind of weird. More tomorrow.
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Updates [Jun. 15th, 2003|02:55 am]
Updated my site! Go check it out.
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pixelsurgeon [Jun. 10th, 2003|11:24 am]
Woohoo. My site was mentioned at pixelsurgeon.
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Birthday [Jun. 2nd, 2003|11:14 pm]
Oh yeah. And it's my birthday today.
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Dangerbetty [Jun. 2nd, 2003|11:11 pm]
Pinky added a comment feature to her weblog. Go and say hello :)
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RE.(newed) [Mar. 20th, 2003|02:03 am]
I've got a new site. Lemme know what you think.
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Coffeebar idea [Mar. 6th, 2003|12:41 am]
Please let me know what you think :)


copyrights 2003 © RE. All rights reserved


copyrights 2003 © RE. All rights reserved
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Miss Kittin & The Hacker [Feb. 22nd, 2003|09:49 pm]
Being famous is soo niiiice. Suck my dick. Kiss my asssss.

Miss Kittin
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Danger, Danger, It's Hight Voltage! [Feb. 22nd, 2003|10:37 am]
[info]pinkycam's new site is online! Extrapink is now officially dead. Oh yes and the cam is on!
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design [Feb. 17th, 2003|12:30 am]
I'm working on a design for a branded shop in shop espresso bar. This is the exterior for now. Comments please :))

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propaganda 2 [Feb. 16th, 2003|12:54 pm]
Remember my previous post? The one about American propaganda leaflets in Afghanistan. Well this is how the Coreans do it :) Great skill and enthusiasm!

So the bottomline is. Corea yaaay! US booooh!! hahaha.

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