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[12 Jul 2004|01:34am]
[ mood | shitty ]
[ music | nothing ]

played d&d; for the first time tonight. i am totally the meatshield barbarian, woo yeah. x.x;;;

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this is so cute [11 Jul 2004|04:34pm]
[ mood | mushy ]
[ music | laichzeit - rammstein ]

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[10 Jul 2004|09:03pm]
[ mood | shitty ]
[ music | dredg - a ]

anchorman was fucking awesome. saw it last night, very much funny it was.

knights of columbus, that hurt!

in other news - it seems like no one is home. or answering their phones. not like that is anything new, i'm used to being blown off and/or ignored. see also: everything seems to go wrong when i'm around. diving sucked, was ignored by all the waitstaff at ihop for an hour last night and hit bea in the ear (hard) amp guarding today and it feels like i can't do anything to stop myself from fucking up. or pissing people off. or being an annoying bitch, like always.

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[06 Jul 2004|09:59pm]
[ mood | shitty ]
[ music | god is god - juno reactor ]

you know how i know i'm the most boring person alive?

the highlight of my day today was seeing a possum in the back yard.


i flipped on the back porch light, and took one step out. looked down at the recycle bin and thought "oh shit, possum!" and i can only assume it thought "oh shit, human!" at the exact same moment. i stepped back inside to see where it would go before proceeding to throw this can out. it didn't move until i shut the door, then it ran into the tree closest to the house. i went back outside, tossed the can, then watched it for a few minutes.

i'm also not sure if it was a raccoon or a possum yet - because i always thought raccoons had that distinctive pattern on their face which this one was lacking.

[edit 2]

google image search confirms it was a possum.

very similar to what i saw [except almost completely white]:


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[05 Jul 2004|07:38am]
does anyone notice when i'm not around?

didn't think so.
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what [03 Jul 2004|09:02pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | genitorturers - i touch myself ]

Who reads your LJ the most?
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Biggest fan simronan_v2
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simronan, am i jacking your flavor? i never knew.
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[02 Jul 2004|01:27am]
see also: my face hurts from smiling/giggling so much. i literally cant stop smiling. this is awesome.
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[02 Jul 2004|01:25am]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | cocaine blues - johnny cash ]

holy shit i love shrooms

i wasnt seeing anything at jake's, but now holy shit. and the drive home was like "fuck, tracers... stay on the road! maintain!" i wish i cou stay out later, jesus christ.

now the distortions of my very reality. it seems as though i'm small, or detached somehow from my body. this is nice. although its getting harder to type, so i think i will go lie down.

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[28 Jun 2004|10:14pm]
[ mood | paranoid ]
[ music | new order - true faith ]

i keep hearing noises, although it may just be my imagination. i was standing in the kitchen fixing some dinner, and i hear a thump on the opposite side of the kitchen near the windows facing the back yard. seconds later i hear another thump behind the fridge. right after that i decided that i was going back upstairs with my piping hot tv dinner and not wait for another thump. it literally sounded like someone was hitting the wall with their fist, and thusly i was not enjoying it.

and now the door just slammed and i fucking hope its my sister coming home. jesus christ.

fake edit: it was my mom. i feel a bit better now.

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quick fashion question: should i wear this tek-9 with the high tops, or this uzi with my low tops? [27 Jun 2004|12:37pm]
[ mood | perpetually tired ]
[ music | pigface - blow you away [remix] ]

had a decent night last night... hung out with kolby and a bunch of other people.

i also hate waking up at 8am or earlier every day, regardless of whether i have to actually get up or not. fuck you, body. fuck you.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [25 Jun 2004|09:35pm]
[ mood | lollin ]
[ music | blood and fire - type o negative ]



oh man. hilarity. fuck ie, i knew this would happen. given ie's track record for huge, gaping security holes, this was bound to fucking happen. haha

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should have posted last night, about midnight [24 Jun 2004|03:15pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | funker vogt 2nd unit - funker vogt ]

you know what i hate seeing, anywhere at any time?

a cop, driving around in the middle of the night, with his lights off. i saw an instance of this on my way home tonight and i damn near had a panic attack right there because i didn't see him and assumed it was just some guy driving around without lights. but the fact it was a cop just made it a little worse.

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o.O? i know that i'm bad in the sack, but man thats depressing [21 Jun 2004|07:59pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | nwa - fuck the police ]

What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 69%
Kissing Skill Level - 40%
Cudding Skill Level - 72%
Sex Skill Level - 6%
Why They Love You You taste good.
Why They Hate You You're too good to be true.
This quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 25012 Times.
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[20 Jun 2004|08:57pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | redneck ramapage - mojo nixon ]

guess what?

when you answer the door to recieve your overpriced greasy master, and i say "it's $20.69, sir" it's not clever to say "you or the pizza?" and then proceed to pay me in $1 bills.

in other news - i had a fucking killer time at bea's party. holy shit. yeah, i was pretty trashed. i mean... really fucking trashed. i do however remember all of it. i remember going with bea up to dominos to get discounted++ pizza and realizing, as i was taking shit out of the oven that i was doing a far better job barefoot and drunk than i do when i am stone cold sober. even bea noticed, saying that i was doing better than i normally would. but then, she wasn't quite sober herself. so yes.

oh yeah and the power was out for a while too. it was entertaining as far as i can remember. the next notable thing is that apparently the guys thought it would be hilarious to ball tap eachother for three hours. or at least that's what it seemed like since i was passing in and out of conciousness, finally waking me up around 7am with dylan screaming.

i think i'll go back to sleep now however.

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[18 Jun 2004|09:56am]
top 100 commenters of my journal... cut off after 62. x.x; )
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[17 Jun 2004|03:31pm]
[ mood | hot ]
[ music | disposable heroes - metallica ]

some professor at school had a copy of "weekly world news" clipped to his door today. the headline? "DICK CHENEY IS A ROBOT!!" with a photoshopped picture of cheney sitting with his shirt pulled up to reveal a circut board under his skin. hilarious.

hilariously true. >.>

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[16 Jun 2004|08:54pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | funker vogt 2nd unit - funker vogt ]

whoops i drove off with a car topper. i am now ultra cool with the dominos plastic magnetic bitch triangle in my back seat.

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[15 Jun 2004|10:15pm]
[ mood | shitty ]
[ music | los skarnales - rudy rude boy ]

emo babble. worthless post, like every single other thing i write. )

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[15 Jun 2004|03:18am]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | help ]

i will give anything not to puke right now. anything

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[15 Jun 2004|01:08am]
[ mood | lame ]
[ music | nothing ]

uggghhhh. red meat + fries = anna's fucking tired. also went diving. found some ski poles behind lazer quest.

also realized i wish i could see more of my friends more often than i do. but i guess if any of the people i graduated with wanted to hang out they would call... meh. not that i dont like being around dylan or the others, its just i miss my other friends a lot. jesus i'm lame.

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