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Mildred Hubbles Nonsensical whimsy
Ridding the world of Banality since 1979.
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The Changeling
Category X - The

Witty, amusing and a bit weird, you're welcomed
into most social groups, even though you don't
'fit in' perfectly .

What Type of Social Entity are You?
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Woo hoo!
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from work...
Does anyone know of a link that has a flash/shockwave art model doll (you know one of those wooden thingsYou use to get perspective and such)??

If not there should be one. I am not that good at flash.. I want one damnit!
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Okay this is bloody Brillant...
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Specifically for [info]evilbalddago
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Stolen from [info]kebechet
ANother Reason to hate those Snail Trails in Florida.

POSTED: 11:31 pm EDT July 5, 2004

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Dario Cruz has lived in the United States for 16 years, but just became a citizen last week as he and about 200 other immigrants were naturalized.

One of the things he had always wanted to was register to vote, but when he was offered the chance to do that right outside the ceremony, he knew something wasn't right -- the place on the form where you're asked to choose Democrat, Republican or independent was already filled out.

"It's like one side," Cruz said. "You don't get to choose."

According to Cruz and his family, every form was checked off Republican.

It was something his wife, Linda Cross, first noticed. She said she asked what was going on, and was told the woman registering voters said they were with a Republican organization.

"I am Republican," she told Channel 4's Jim Piggott. "I was very angry with that if they want to register whatever party, you shouldn't try to dictate to people what party they are going to register; who they are going to vote for, because then you don't have any freedom."

The couple left without registering, but they did tell local Democratic Party officials what happened.

"These new citizens that were coming out and maybe did not know much of what was going on were all registering Republican," Cross said. "Not by choice, but by someone else's choice."

Clyde Collins, who runs the local Democratic Party, says this practice is not right, and as informed federal officials about the incident. They told him an investigation is underway.

"First of all, it violates your fundamental right," Collins said. "You have right to decide which political party you wish to enroll."

Collins says those who were sworn in last week will be contacted and told they have the right to register for the party of their choice.

For Cruz, that is what's important.

"I think you should be able to choose who you want to vote for," he said.

For the record, any registered voter can vote for any candidate of any party in a general election, but in most primaries in Florida, people can only vote for candidates of their own party.

Channel 4 has tried contracting federal officials about this issue since last Friday and have not received a response, nor have local Republican leaders responded. Folio Weekly will have more on this story in this week's paper.

Copyright 2004 by News4Jax.com.
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Your Partner nyte
Your Warrior belladonnastrap
The Giggly, Flirtatious Magic User with Big Breasts wemble
The Talking Animal eustacia_vye28
Main Archenemy inflammatio
Evil Incarnate paperdollhearts
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Normally I do not like Danzig......
But When he is Animated On Aqua Teen Hunger Force..

Funny as shit.

Speaking of Animation...
Funny Funny
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To make the Snazzy Icon

Granted, it is in German, but you are all smart kids, so I think you can handle it.

To animate.... a ton of screen caps and editing in photoshop/imageready

woop.. there it is.
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When I wear blue.. I am like the wiiiiind ......a Hot Latin WINNNNND
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Movies Movies Movies...
Blah.. I am sick.. Not badly.. just clogged enough to make my life hell. Today My head kept spinning, so I spent most of it asleep.

With the exception of FINALLY seeing The New Harry POtter. My dad got tix, so we went.
what I thought )

As for that, the only new movie I have seen recently was Bubba Ho-tep. Which I LOVE.. If I didn't worship at the altar of Bruce Campbell before seeing it, god damn I do now. and for some magic reason, I kept thinking of [info]aprilrobin no idea why though..:P

OKay back to bed for me..

good night kids..:)
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I find this perplexing since most of these I have listed...

Based on the lj interests lists of those who share my more unusual interests, the interests suggestion meme thinks I might be interested in
1. writing score: 14
2. photography score: 14
3. art score: 13
4. left shoe score: 11
5. music score: 10
6. faeries score: 9
7. movies score: 9
8. painting score: 8
9. stripey toe socks score: 7
10. cats score: 7
11. candles score: 7
12. reading score: 7
13. detachable shower heads score: 7
14. singing score: 7
15. glitter score: 7
16. poetry score: 6
17. books score: 6
18. purple score: 6
19. dancing score: 6
20. sushi score: 5

Type your username here to find out what interests it suggests for you.

coded by [info]ixwin
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the mother of invention.....
Because of my recent black phoenix alchemy lab addiction, I decided to make houses for imp ears.

cut for bandwith )
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I decided to keep track of all the scents... why? because there are just too many.

BPAL scents I have thus far:
clicky if yer interested )
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Dear [info]kattaryna.. You were talented, and you will be missed.
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Happy Birthday [info]roxyfreefall!!!!

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Best American Chopper Quote EVER!!
"You ever eat my cookies again, I'm gonna break your freakin neck"

~Paul Sr.

ANd now.. A QUIZ!!! )
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I have yet to see the new harry potter.

Does that make me a bad fan???
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go there
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I think we all knew this..:)

Which Hunky Movie Character Will You Marry?
Favorite film type
Character Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
Wedding Quiet, private wedding with close friends and family only
Honeymoon A lovely week in some posh hotel in a huge city with wonderful tourist attractions - not that you'll see any of them
Chance that your marriage will last - 62%
Number of kids you'll have together 13
This quiz by nicki - Taken 1892 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz
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Yet another post tonight
So although I have yet to actually GET my crafts site up, I am planning on doing it soon. before I do, there was a question I wanted to ask you all about the logo.
the original logo is on the main page of the website (see above link) but I was thinking of reworking it. Doing a faerie Cameo thing, inspired by Emilie Autumn. I was wondering what you thought. keep in mind. that the logo idea is just a rough sketch, and it will be finalized when it is done...

with out further ado.. )
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My new Icon
Says about it all.
thank you, and good night..:)
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Which Eddie Izzard "Dressed to Kill" line are you? by Saphyne
Eddie Izzard quote:"'You’re fucking in here all the time, all the time! You’re in here with the fucking matches! In here with the fucking matches!' 'You don’t talk to me that way! You don’t talk to me that way! You fuck my wife? You fuck my wife? You fuck my wife? You fuck my wife? You fuck my wife?' 'I *am* your wife!' 'That doesn’t matter! That doesn’t matter! I say again, you fuck my wife?' 'All right, yes, I fucked your wife. I am your wife, and I fucked her.'"
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!
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Ohhh yeah...

Best Of Christopher Walken on SNL tonight..

*gets Bib*
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New Doodles! and new rants!!
I did some scanning tonight..

click for all the images )

OKay mow for something else.

the angel finale )
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pssssst.. hey [info]bluemoonbaby
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Well Lookee Here..
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Pimpin My wears
Yeah i am finally trying to clean out Mah place.

You know you wanna look...

C'mon.. Help a freak out.
Mildred Hubble
Name: Mildred Hubble
Website: Eris Studios
Back August 2004