[01 Sep 2004|06:35pm]
[ mood | calm ]

I'm watching Jamie Oliver on tv. This reminds me of my grammar professor from last year, who had an enormous crush on him. During class she'd show us bits of his show she'd taped, and we then had to analyze his sentences. A bit of an odd way of teaching, but I liked her and her fangirliness better than that oddball American guy we got later on (Bill Philips is his name, and he looks like friggin' Peter Jackson)

He's making hamburgers and chips (er, Jamie, not Bill Philips). This amuses me. He's got a bit of an annoying lisp, but his overall dopey cuteness makes up for it.

Wes is taking me to a bookfair on sunday (for the Dutchies: boekenfestijn, 2-3-4-5 sept, Jaarbeurs, ik ben in de lente ook geweest en had echt een trucklading boeken gehaald voor 25 euro *_*) which I'm kind of looking forward to. I told my mum, and she sighed and started talking to me about measuring up the bits of wall I have left to buy yet another bookcase. I bitched about not quite liking the idea of having 3 different bookcases in my room (something must be said for consistency, after all) but I dont think I have much of a choice left :p

Speaking of books, I feel like curling up someplace to read one. Yes, sounds like a plan.

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[01 Sep 2004|02:31pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Pulp - Disco 2000 ]

hurray! I have a shiny new user info whatsit. I grew tired of the image-with-info-on-it. Like this better :p

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[01 Sep 2004|01:51pm]
[ mood | confused ]

I had the strangest dream last night o_O It was a sort of WW2-esque thing, and I was hiding from the nazis with my best friend, which made me increasingly nervous since my best friend is Jewish... and then the nazis came and I begged them to take everyone else but her, and they sorta listened which made my friend cry. And then somehow we ended up in the Efteling where we rode the rollercoaster with my mum and were attacked by giant plastic mammuths o_O

... I honestly have no idea.

I'm designing a new thingy for my info page. Yes I design my info page. I am a very bored individual and am a bit cross that the book I ordered didnt arrive today, even though the order thing clearly stated 'within two days'.

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[31 Aug 2004|07:02pm]
[ mood | curious ]

so, does anyone have any good Crowley/Aziraphale fanfic recs?

... and dont look at me like that, damnit!

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[31 Aug 2004|06:00pm]
[ mood | nauseated ]

I just had to eat the most disgusting oven dish revolving cauliflower. I hate cauliflower. So I proceeded to drown it in applesauce and grumbled a lot. I am 5.

I did absolutely nothing today. I remained hidden in my bed until 12:30, when I decided I was being disgusting and got up. Had breakfast, and proceeded in doing absolutely nothing. Gamed a little, joined some fanlistings, hung around. It's time for class to start again, yes it is.

Ugh, cauliflower.

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[30 Aug 2004|09:15pm]
[ mood | ditzy ]

It's a full moon tonight.

Ah hah. See, I knew there was a reason for me being all distracted and weird.


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[30 Aug 2004|06:54pm]
[ mood | weird ]

I am feeling scatterbrained like you wont believe o_O I dont know why, I just do, I keep forgetting stuff and saying weird things that are completely out of place. The boytoy theorized that it's the dope fumes kicking in from hanging out in the coffeeshop this weekend :p

I need to call Rachel to ask her if she wants to buy my dress. The gothic dress I bought on a whim when I was 17 and sans identity, remember? It's still a wonderfully pretty dress, but alas, it doesnt fit anymore (which would be quite the blow to my self esteem, werent it that the part that doesnt fit into the dress anymore is my chest. So, hurray?) Anyway Rachel is the fantasy-gothic type (complete with Lord of the Rings tattoo :twitch:) so she might wanna buy it from me (dirt cheap of course, I mean come on, it's a 4 year old dress o_O) if she fits in that is. Need to call... now.

... if I can find the piece of paper with her phone number on it. See what I mean?? I am never this disorganized! Fess up, which one of you stole my brain overnight?!

edit: just called her, and she's coming over to have a look at the dress. She's bringing a friend who also wears dresses like that. This means that in about 30 to 45 minutes I will be playing host to two teenaged fantasy-goth types. Er. Help?

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[30 Aug 2004|12:35am]
[ mood | artistically frustrated ]
[ music | Gigi D'Agostino - Bla Bla Bla ]

Okay. So. I've had creative urges to do this drawing for like a week now, right. But why, why do my muses urge me to draw a drawing I cant *possibly* get right??

Here's the image: Joy with his hands tied over his head and wings spread, and Poison sort of curling around him being a gropey pervert. Nice image, right? Well, it's right here in my head (and I've got the capacity to make mental visuals like you wont believe [I've actually passed exams by visualizing the texts I had to study. No, really, I have. I am the queen of visualizing things] so when I say it's right here in my head, I *mean* it's right here in my head, damn muses -.-;;) and I can assure you, it's a nice image. But not an image I could ever draw and especially not without proper reference material! And then I'd try, and I'd fuck it up, and I'd be so very frustrated -.-;; (not to mention I still havent mastered drawing wings, either, and Joy is way too vain to allow me to, pardon the pun, wing it)

I'll probably give it a go anyway. I've done two rough set-up sketches already, so if I did like 204 more, I should manage ever so slightly -.-;; :wishes she had a printer attached to her head, since that would be So Much Easier:

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[29 Aug 2004|03:38pm]
[ mood | blah ]

I'm cleaning up my room, because my mum made me.

Anyway, I've already sorted out some of my bookshelves (this usually means nothing more than moving some books around in the vain hope of creating some space for the new books) This is really starting to become a problem - I have no space left. At all o_O My bookshelves are overly full, and the other places I had turned into impromptu book storage spaces are full, as well. My mum freaks whenever I pile them up on the floor, but fuck, what else am I supposed to do, glue them to the ceiling or something?? I have half a mind to buy a plastic box to store them in, or something, but then - where do I put the box o_O Anyway I managed to create some more space underneath my desk, where I put some 'large' books - two encyclopedias and two large photography books, creating some space on the top bookshelve, where I managed to painfully wedge some Dickens.

IEHH FRANZ FERDINAND LIVE ON THE TV OMG Alex IS SO HOTTTT :dies: He's all sweaty and hot and his deliciously pouty lips keep catching on the microphone omg I WANNA BE THAT MICROPHONE ghaogfjsvkwpfts!!123300!!!<33333

... er, yeah, excuse that random outburst. We'll resume the general programming now.

So, bookshelves. Full, yeah, blargh. And then I had to clean out my closet as well, since I currently own more t-shirts than God and it's driving my mum nuts. So I cleaned out and have got a pile of about 8 shirts that can go. Now on to the other 4 shelves in my closet :bangs head against desk:

... I'm thirsty.

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[28 Aug 2004|09:38pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Today I went to Amsterdam to meet [info]gruntgroper and [info]fluffyfran. It was so much fun ^_^ Aims spotted us and just pulled me and Xan into this huge tight hug, so cute :p And we introduced Aims and Fran to the dutch way of greeting XD (dutch people kiss eachother on the cheek 3 times as a greeting, or as a goodbye. Left-right-left. It's weird, but it's what we do, and it's a marvellous excuse to snatch yourself 3 kisses. It's especially lovely when you're greeting an attractive fellow, yes it is)

And we saw Jesse Bradford! Shopping in Amsterdam! Oh my god he is so cute O_O He did a silly dance and Xan nearly wet herself in excitement :p

I also got Gravitation 7 (at long last) and erm, can someone please explain to me, why the fuck is K on a horsey in the background of 2 bottom panels on page 50 o_O (I do know that the answer is 'because Gravitation is one weirdass manga, yo' but really... how random XD)

I also bought a book. Well, that could have been expected, really :p

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[27 Aug 2004|11:30pm]
[ mood | creative ]

look look what I made :D

it's Echo :D Heee isnt it the coolest thing XD

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[26 Aug 2004|11:14pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Thicke - When I get you alone ]

oh yes, by the by. I worked my last shift at the godforsaken supermarket today XD My last shift... EVER XD I am so happy that I'll never have to go to that hellhole ever again ^_^ When I left, they shook my hand and gave me flowers. It was weird, I was standing there thinking 'omg u suck and I am so outta here' and they were all 'here, have some flowers and handshakey-lurve. You will be sorely missed, etcetera.'. I'd have felt guilty, except I'd had my intelligence insulted earlier, so there was no problem there.

Also tomorrow my mom and I are going shopping in Utrecht. I need stuffs. I hope to find stuffs I need. I have the intense desire to spend obscene amounts of money, just because I can, y'know.

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[26 Aug 2004|10:24pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

Oh my god. Today's Shoebox update was like... THE BEST THING I'VE EVER READ IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. Ever. Ever ever. It is... utterly fantastic. Seriously, now XD

... but damnit, now it's another 7 days till the next update >.<

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[25 Aug 2004|09:02pm]
[ mood | tea ^_^ ]

I have Cranberry Apple Zinger tea. This is the most delicious thing in the world, and I have a whooooole pot.

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[25 Aug 2004|07:07pm]
[ mood | busy ]

I worked. It was boring. I am back home. I need to type up a long post about my writing. I will do this now. I promise I will stop typing telegram-style.

So, I just felt the need to elaborate on this :p I have, for a little while now, been working on one, really really big, story. This has shoved everything else that I was writing aside. Thomas Plays Wicked Games has definately been put on hiatus for uncertain time. I have one chapter finished on my HD, which I will post after I finish here. After that, I dont know when a next part will be posted. Quite frankly, all the new things have been sapping all of my creative energy, not to mention that the new stuff is just so much more fun to write, so... yeah. Silence on the front of Adrian and Thomas, for a while. Nikita and Blue's story has also been put aside, but this shall be less noticeable because Nikita and Blue are actually *in* the new story - the old story is however their background, so since I am working with them I will have to explore this so most likely snippets shall continue to pop up. Sethan's story is also put on hiatus. He's from a completely different universe, but I do think he will pop up every now and then, because the sci-fi is such a nice change from the contemporary fantasy thing. Mickey and Seb have also moved to the background. They are however from the same universe, but will not pop up in the new story - not for a long while, at least. Seb is still trying to get used to living with a dragon, I dont think it'd be very wise to throw him in with the motley crew that is Emmy's gang now :p

So, the new story. Is huge. Yeah. It centers around approx. 15 characters (kill me now) who all have their own background, personality, and things going on. For now, in the beginning, the story centers around a boy named Echo Prospero (dont you just love the way that rolls off your tongue? Echo Prospero, Echo Prospero) Echo is 16, Echo is different and knows this, and Echo gets involved with a rather odd group of people. It's a fantasy story, but it's set in, what is basically, the here and now. There is no basic plotline - yet, anyway. It will undoubtedly go somewhere, but right now it seems like one of those things that could just go on for an eternity o_O For now, I'm just focusing on Echo's part, and on getting it all worked out. A lot of background information, word building, character development... it's gonna take me forever :p I will be posting stuff here, mainly in hope of some feedback, since I'm really gonna need it (I mean, in my eyes, everything already works, since you know, it's in my head, but I dont know if it'll work for people reading it as well) and also cause, you know, it gives it a sense of purpose.

I started writing this when I was 13. I wrote the story of creation back then, of how the whole world came to be. In the past 7 years, characters have sprung up, things have been changed and altered, and the basic idea was formed and molded into what it is now. Right now, I really just want to get it started, make things more concrete, finalize this world into something whole. It's kind of exciting :) It'll probably be finished by the time I'm 43, but hey, at least I'll have something to keep me busy for a long, long time :p

The only thing it still needs? A *name*. And I suck at naming things >.< Today I came up with 'Belonging Everywhere', is that any good? Not too dramatic or something? o_O God I really suck at titles >.<

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[24 Aug 2004|09:26pm]
[ mood | 2 more days, 2 more days... ]

Oh. My. God. Today I had the worst shift at work... ever. Let me sum it up for you:

me: scan scan scan, typety typety, must be polite...
me: one box per customer... next please... must-be-polite
me: ... will not commit genocide...
me: ... no... genocide evil...

And then I snapped and said to the customer: "If you dont like it go to another supermarket.". And then she fucketh off.

words cannot describe how much I HATE THAT FUCKING JOB >.<

so if you'll excuse me, I need to crawl into a corner and cry. Like a little baby. Yesh.

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[23 Aug 2004|01:07pm]
[ mood | happy ]

hurray! I have tickets to go see Franz Ferdinand in November :D I'm going with Xan and Wes ^_^ yaaay :spaz:

Anyway, Im still at my aunt's, sitting here with a very spiffy laptop on my, well, lap. So if the typing's odd, I am still trying to get the hang of the keyboard :p So I slept here, in my cousin's room. We giggled a lot before we went to sleep. Then in the morning Nerys came by, since my aunt is babysitting her for the day, and my aunt let her wake me and Lizzy up. There's nothing like being woken up by a giggling toddler :p

So then me and Lizzy went to Utrecht to buy the concert tickets and walk around a bit, and then we came back, and now I'm still here. I'm probably going to go home in a bit, clean up some stuff. My parents are coming home tomorrow.

... Im gonna go see Franz Ferdinand XD

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[22 Aug 2004|02:41pm]
[ mood | calm ]

I'm going to my aunt's this afternoon, where I'll be spending the night. So I probably wont be online again until tomorrow afternoon :)

Currently packing and trying to decide which book to take. Do I act responsible and take the Shakespeare I'm reading in advance for my new literature course? Or will I relish my vacation a bit more and take a book I'll read solely for entertainment purposes? Hmm, decisions decisions...

I want new icons.

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[21 Aug 2004|10:55pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]

I had fun today ^_^ Strolled through Utrecht with a whole bunch of boys and one Xan, bought DN Angel 3, ate dinner at Stairway, am really really freaking tired now and sort of watching Jaws 2.

... there's probably more to tell, but when I say I am tired, I mean it :yawns:

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[21 Aug 2004|11:49am]
[ mood | awake ]

Slept like baby (once I dared to go to bed :p) and woke up at 8, feeling all fresh and stuff, even though it was quite early. Rolled out of bed to check my Naruto downloads, and found that 3 out of 5 had finished - not a bad score considering I'm downloading them off Kazaa. Then rolled back into bed, not because I was tired but because hey, it was still early, my bed feels nice, it was pleasant. Remained in bed dozing a little until 10, when I dragged my ass to the shower cause I was feeling particularly icky. Got clean, rubbed nice smelling lotion stuff all over myself, and had breakfast. Called Wes, and cleaned the house.

And it's not even 12 yet XD This has gotta be a record for me :p

Am now waiting for my hair to dry so I can make ponytails, and then I'm off to catch the train to be in Utrecht at 1. The weather SUCKS today but thats allright XD

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