LiveJournal for Marko Buzard.

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Tuesday, August 17th, 2004

Subject:Stuff for sale...
Time:12:24 pm.
Should've posted this sooner...;=le_inferno&include;=0&since;=-1&sort;=3&rows;=50


Comments: Read 5 or Add Your Own.

Tuesday, May 18th, 2004

Subject:I Couldn't Bear To See a Lion So Meek; In The Francis Jay Memorial Wing.
Time:5:12 pm.
Music:John Vanderslice - Family Tree.
Dear Journal,


P.S. - Damien Rice is my Therapist.
Comments: Read 20 or Add Your Own.

Subject:'Cause I'm Optionless and Turkey-Free and Blind.
Time:2:01 pm.
Music:Sondre Lerche - Two-Way Monolouges.
Dear Journal,

Good Morning Providence, Rhode Island.

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Tuesday, April 13th, 2004

Subject:Temper The Wind To The Shorn Lamb.
Time:6:42 pm.
Dear Journal,

I miss you.

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Thursday, March 11th, 2004

Time:12:30 pm.
Does anyone have any TPY, This Past Year MP3's?

Yeah I know I was in the band, but I gave my copy of the cd to my friend.

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Subject:Dazed and Confused
Time:10:00 am.
Dear Journal,

Went to bed at 2:00am.

Woke up at 9:09am today. Couldn't sleep.

Woke up in time to catch Dazed and Confused on Comedy Central.

I can't stop listening to the last half of Abbey Road.

It's like one giant song.

I am not gonna front The Beatles.

But I like'm. Even more now.

Granted I might have a large family full of diverse musical taste - The Beatles were just never one of those bands I had focus on at the time.

I'm glad Sam, Mike and Adam got me their albums. I can't stop listening to them. They really are an amazing band.

I love:

Let It Be
Abbey Road
The White Album

Yeah, It took me long enough to get around to listening them.

*Now we're to the part where the freshmen get their revenge by throwing paint on O'Bannon (Ben Affleck).*

I first saw this movie with Jason Brown back when I was in 7th grade. That was the first time I saw P.C.U. Fucking awesome movie too.

Aww, The Rod Stewart concert is coming. If I could see him play one song it would be: Maggie May.

*Aww Peter Frampton's Show Me The Way came on T.V.* One of the better album titles: "Frampton Comes Alive."*

Wait was Dazed and Confused supposed to take place in Texas?

Something about going to Houston for Aerosmith tickets.

Don Raymond should've been in Dazed and Confused.

Oh well - time to face the music:

Thanks Gaby for the pic.

*aww, nostalgia*

Comments: Read 7 or Add Your Own.

Wednesday, March 10th, 2004

Subject:Yumiko Dandy : Slang City Slow Sleeper
Time:3:30 am.
Dear Journal,

I wish I could sing sometimes.

I wish I had an amazingly powerful, natural and moving voice.

I wish I was Thom Yorke or Jeff Buckley.

But sometimes I wish I had the vocal panache' of Stephen Malkmus.

That guy is to great.

But alas, I can't sing. I just have a "loud" voice. Oh well. I can live with that.

It really doesn't bug me that much. I just feel that I have alot that went and is still going om in my life. But I can't vocalize. Or even lyricize something like that.

I used to be way more creative when I was younger.

Then I get mad for no reason.

Mad because I used to write poetry.

I wrote what I thought was pretty great poetry.

Then my sister Katie (whom I held with high-esteem) accused me of plagerizing my work.

This devestated me.

She just didn't believe I wrote any of it.

But alas, I never wrote poetry again.

I try sometimes. Really hard too. But I can't force it.

I think I have since deteriorated my skills.

It's a shame.

I get mad because I should draw more.

But I haven't felt inspired in almost 7 years.

When I put pen to paper it's like a plane crash.

I really like playing guitar and writing music however.

I feel like I can really throw a part of my self into what I play in my bedroom and what I play on-stage.

It sounds cheesy but I really get into what I do musically.

Funny how things like that work.

I am my own song.

Errrrrrrrr....rrr..something like that.

(If you made it this far - "congrats" - *ahem*)

I really like instrumental music. Mainly these bands:

Sigur Ros
Black Heart Procession
The Appleseed Cast (mainly "Mare Vitalis" and "Low Level Owl parts I & II.")
Radiohead (when they go off on their wacky tangents)
John Coltrane
Jonny Greenwood's "Bodysong".
Anything Jonny Greenwood does is incredible.

Anything. Got it?

Sonic Youth. (The reason I wanted to experiment with sound and different tunings and effects and well - just about anything from guitars to stage performace.)

Thurston Moore and Lee Ranaldo are the two greatest guitarists in my book.

Also See: "Confusion Is Sex" "Dirty" "Goo" "Washing Machine" I.E. - everything..etc.) Oh and my personal favorite - "Daydream Nation."

I really dig what Pavement does musically. Like I really have been digging on them alot lately. I just legally downloaded all their albums to my hardrive. Stephen Malkmus is a really great songwriter/lyricist/vocalist/guitarist/...everything I wish I might be one day.

I just want to buy a tape recorder, plug in my guitar and press record.

Maybe I will one day. And not for personal income. But rather for personal document.

I'd really like to jam with: Rajiv Patel and The Necronauts.

Wow. Wouldn't that be an incredible combination of people.

Reggie is amazing. SO amazing. Wow.

I should go join The Polyphonic Spree.

Think they might have medical insurance and a good dental plan?


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Wednesday, February 25th, 2004

Time:11:27 pm.
I blame it on my entrance
it may have seemed too much like confidence
let me start it over
help me get to what I can from when I did

all that I know is how I can hold on
all that you see is how I let go

I had to leave my reasons
it may have seemed too much, the consequence
and in your busy dizzy life
you will become everything you said you would

all that I know is how I can hold on
all that you see is how I let go

so how about once around

Wednesday, February 11th, 2004

Subject:You forgot how timid I was when I met you.
Time:12:19 am.
Dear Journal,

Tour is fun.

Sorry I can't answer my phone. Roaming. No Service.

Working on designs.

Ready to go home.

I miss Jess.

I really can't type in this thing anymore.

Comments: Read 11 or Add Your Own.

Monday, January 19th, 2004

Subject:Deliver me Occam's Razor so that I may free myself from this Silver Cord.
Time:4:30 am.
Mood: blah.
Music:Calexico - Quattro (World Drifts In).
Dear Journal,

I get the urge to write again in my journal - and I'm not just talking about writing alittle blurb here and there - but rather, a huge, long, and very overdue post. Anyways - what I was trying to say before was that - I can't really type what I want to type right now - that and it's 4:43am and adultswim is very much in it's second half now. Y'all know what I am talking about. But I will post sometime tomorrow and I will also put pictures up (yes, I aquired a digital camera in my off-time - along with a bunch of other stuff). So yeah - if anyone still reads my journal or whatever - frankly don't care regardless - I will do you the pleasure of telling you that I will post tomorrow, err later today.

So, um, yeah...

My Favorite New Albums Of 2003
(in no particular order)

Calexico - Feast Of Wire
Nada Surf - Let Go
The Weakerthans - Reconstruction Site
The Jayhawks - Rainy Day Music
Radiohead - Hail To The Thief
Cursive - The Ugly Organ
Muse - Absolution
The Shins - Chutes To Narrow
The Strokes - Room On Fire
The Bled - Pass The Flask
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks - Pig Lib
Saves The Day - In Reverie

I am sure there are a ton more notable mentions out there and I just can't think of them right now. So I might just revise this whenever I want to. Or whatever. Go figure.

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Wednesday, December 31st, 2003

Time:6:18 pm.
Happy New Years Y'all!

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Tuesday, November 11th, 2003

Subject:My life as a back-drop.
Time:2:54 pm.
You are Marko! You are a fitness pro. A dance
machine! King of the jumping jack! You
pioneered the art of the 360 degree jump. You
are sure to be a hit on the dance floor as you
always know the right moves. All Hail The King
Of Dance!!

which member of the format are you??
brought to you by Quizilla
Comments: Read 21 or Add Your Own.

Thursday, October 23rd, 2003

Subject:Bottle up and explode.
Time:6:56 pm.
Dear Journal,

I. "They say that God makes problems
just to see what you could stand
before you do as the
Devil pleases."

I was 16.

I was first introduced to you on Mtv's "Indie Outing."

I bought your album "XO" the day it came out.

I spread your gospel like wildfire to all my friends and family.

To this day I still site it as one the greatest albums I've ever heard.

You inspired my love for timeless music.

It was because of you I wanted to become a singer/songwriter.

I payed homage to you on an open-mic night at a small coffeehouse in Peoria.

It was my first time ever playing in front of an audience.

I played your songs: Pitselah and Waltz #2 and Baby Britian.

I am going to miss your music so much.

II. "Everybody knows
you only live a day
but it's brilliant anyway.
I saw you in a perfect place
it's gonna happen soon but not today
so go to sleep and make the change
I'll meet you here tomorrow
Independence Day."

-P.S.- I am still here - gearing up for tour.

See you around.

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Sunday, October 5th, 2003

Time:7:07 pm.
Dear Journal,

Howdy from Nebraska.

Comments: Read 9 or Add Your Own.

Tuesday, September 16th, 2003

Subject:Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.
Time:2:41 am.
Mood: confused.
Music:Sigur Ros - Popplagio.
Dear Journal,

My life is strange.

I miss certain things.

And I hate that everytime I think I have something profound to say, it's just comes off as bullshit.

Fuck it.

Just finished Vanilla Sky like the 7th time, and yes I cried my eyes out again for the 7th time.

That movie hits really close for me for some reason. It's nothing obvious - I think all of it has to do with the dream we create for ourselves. Or something to the effect. To me it's how I would envision heaven.

Speaking of dreams, time for sleep. Time to live my "real-life"

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Sunday, September 14th, 2003

Subject:Help a brotha out.
Time:1:15 am.
Dear Journal,

My journal says I'm female.
What does your LJ writing style say about your gender?


That was designed by my friend Kris. He's a computer genius, pocket-protector and all.

Good work my friend.

Comments: Read 2 or Add Your Own.

Saturday, September 13th, 2003

Subject:Crooked French-Canadians.
Time:5:17 pm.
Dear Journal,

Angelyne, forgive me
We threw it all away
You could never stand living with a man
Who could only lead you half way
Angelyne, forgive me
We threw it all away
I could never fit into your plans
I'm nobody's man

-The Jayhawks

Download these two songs from The Jayhawks last album: Rainy Day Music

"Save It For A Rainy Day"

You'll love it - trust me. Have I ever steered you wrong before?
Comments: Read 1 or Add Your Own.

Friday, September 12th, 2003

Subject:Talk to me; Dance with me.
Time:6:48 pm.
Dear Journal,

I am back home:
Lame haircut.

I went to Washington to visit family. That was awesome. Love the weather and the beach. But being with family for too long kinda wore me out.

Then I went to Atlanta.

Anywho -

The Format is playing a show tomorrow at the Modified with local music hipster Adam Panic.
I don't know if I'll make it it out. I don't know if I wanna be seen public with my haircut. Good thing hair grows back. I should prolly get Sam to shave me a mohawk, do you think I'd look good with one? We practiced today it sounds pretty darn good for not playing together for over a month and a half. I really want to go see the Mr. Kline tonight, but alas - I am very tired and I think that I might collapse soon.

There is so much more that is going on with me than I care to let you know.

Oh well.

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Thursday, August 21st, 2003

Subject:Save it for a rainy day...
Time:1:09 am.
Dear Journal,

Going to take a trip in a few hours.

I am gonna be gone until the 12th of September.

Time to decompress and enjoy my time off.

I'll miss home and I'll post as often as possible, or not at all.

Who knows, who cares right?

Regardless - a long drive ahead of me tomorrow.

Good music was scored tonight:

The Decemberists
The Jayhawks


Save it for a rainy schey...
Comments: Read 6 or Add Your Own.

Tuesday, August 19th, 2003

Subject:Hey It's Me Marko.
Time:7:27 pm.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Here are 2 brand-new designs that are going to be made readily available to you as soon as the members of these bands get the shirts silk-screened.

Mr. Kline and the Wizards of Time:


Collect'm All!

Pretty nice lookin' huh?

I'll post a few more Spaero designs as soon as I track down the elusive files.

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LiveJournal for Marko Buzard.

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