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relaxed |
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Patsy Cline - Crazy |
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*This had been extracted from my private journal. I couldnt sleep last night, I had this acute paranoia over me that something bad was gonna happen if I fell asleep so I forced myself through the night by playing the Sims and in the early hours I wrote this...*
A new year has come upon us and with it brings new hopes, dreams and goals. From this day forward I have the ability to change the direction of my life. Long have I planned changed but the implementation is always the hard step. You have to find the confidence to break away from your old, comforting cycle into something which is scary at first but you will find yourself adapting to. I have found this working at the belltower, in Perth. It is a tall glass structure, and before this time, I have been terrified of heights so working at such a place would be inconcievable. However, I really wanted the job, and money will help you do anything really. So I have adapted and I find I quite like it. I spend most of my work time on level six, the observation deck. Whilst I can't walk around the gantry, that is a minor thing that I will, too, eventually overcome.
Of the many changes I plan for this year, my health is top of the list. Chris & I have had a pretty shocking eating plan in recent months, having alot of take away. Even tho we buy organic, fresh vegies each fortnight, most of them go off. Which I feel is really unethical and again something I want to change. Basically, we need to eat a better diet consisting of several meals - not snack times - that have all the nutrients we need. I can feel how bad my body feels in every pore! I want energy from good food, I want to lose weight from good food & regular exercise! So... New Years Resolution 1 : Eat Healthy, Eat up all our good food, Exercise regularly & be clean in the kitchen!
Emotional changes also need to take place for me to be able to succeed with healthy eating and healthy living. I find when things get me down - and lately it has been easy to do this - I comfort eat, I struggle to think and I cry alot. My goal is not to get rid of these, they are normal parts of life and one cannot deny them. My goal is to set in place alternative ways to deal with the triggers. It involves me becoming stronger and in a way becoming selfish. The triggers often are * issues with my mum, * negative comments or uni results and * misconceptions that happen between chris and I. There are also other emotions, namely fear and lack of confidence, that stop me from reaching my full potential. I feel that as I start to look after my self better all these will fall into place. Again, these are big things to conquor but if I can get over fear of heights thru adaptation then I can do so with these! So... Things to do Jan 2002 - Work out a 'plan' of positive ways to counteract negative emotions... And... New Years Resolution 2 : Become emotionally stronger, Believe in yourself, Have confidence, Walk with your face to the sun so you do not see the shadows!
I have been offered a place in a Masters degree @ curtin uni, and this is one thing I *have* to have success in. I know I am excellent at the subject and all it requires is a regular study pattern and confidence in my ability to get through. This Jan I am to: begin work on a website for my research materials, that also compiles materials I have at my disposal already & begin writing - anything! Technical manuals, short essays. Get into the habit of writing more! So... New Years Resolution 3 : Utilise a good, realistic study plan, write regularly and read diversly!
Just a reminder to myself, you know you have the ability, and you should no longer let yourself down because of fear. The world is in the palm of your hand and you must take advantage of all your opportunities!
(Back to now...)
At the moment I am completing a statement against the criteria for a government job that is similar to my role at the belltower. It has to be in by 4pm tomorrow (yikes - today!) so I had better get to it. I am having a bit of a Gal's Day Out today (friday) with my high school buddy Sandy, so somewhere in there we will fit in job applications! I'm also getting a letter tomorrow from Murdoch to confirm my graduation so I can go enrol in the Masters course... yay! :-)