Scott is sick. I am recovering from another stomach thing.

Today is not our day.

mood : blah
Oh, bugger me.

mood : frustrated
Buy This Ugly Vase.
So Mote It Be
girly blood )
I should be cuffed tightly
My face hurts. I think my absent-minded scratching (what can I say, I need something to do with my hands, and I did have an itch there, to start with) has irritated my chin and cheeks, especially. Off to wash and moisturize, feeling like a fool with bright red splotches. Don't look, don't look, it's leprosy!
lol shadesong lol.

I'd almost forgotten about her. What has it come to, when voracious drama-maelstroms are FORGETTABLE? Gasp.
Eating For Gastroparesis
According to Doctor Who Gave Me Stuff That Made Me Twitch And Jerk And End Up In The Hospital, And Also Told Me To "Buck Up" When I Was Worried About Having Needles And Tubes Inserted Because It's Never Happened To Me Before And Generally Doesn't Seem Very Caring But Maybe That's To Be Expected When You Deal With Digestion All Day, I have gastroparesis. This means that my stomach, which in ordinary, normal people, does the job of digesting food... well, in my case, it doesn't. Not really.

Normal stomachs have muscles. They contract in some different ways: to grind food up and digest it, to sweep everything out into the intestines, or to make loud embarrassing noises when in a very quiet room. My stomach does the gurgles, but not the grinding or the sweeping. When I say it doesn't, I mean it doesn't. Normal people, after eating a small meal of, say, one egg, scrambled, will have it stay in their stomach not long at all. Bits will start to leave within 10-15 minutes, and most of it will be gone after about 60-70 minutes. After 90 minutes in the gastric emptying study, 98% of the radioactive egg bits were still in my stomach. That's apparently the worst stomach emptying The Seizure-Medication Doctor has seen.

Let me mention here that all Ineffectual Gastroenterologist told me was that I had gastroparesis, 2% emptying, take these pills like a good girl and don't worry your empty little head about it. I have found out everything else through research on the internet and poring through journal articles that JSTOR has. Next time I see him, I'm taking a bloody great list of Things To Ask with me, and writing down what he says, and taping it, too. Then I'll be less likely to suffer the traditional "oh, authority figure, tell me what to do, no I have no questions" pitfall.

So, food stays in big lumps in my stomach until digestive flora and stomach acid breaks it down (long time), and the only thing that sends it into the intestines is gravity. This causes my stomach episodes, somehow, though the internet seems to be scant on info explaining exactly how or why. No, don't tell me, I have a vague idea.

Anyway, the point of my post. Apparently, a change in diet can be helpful to reduce some of the symptoms, although of course, with such a pronounced case, I don't expect any change, so my research is mostly just for my own amusement. But while reading, I noticed -- there are a lot of things that they say to avoid, but nothing is listed as a suggested food, or a "have as much as you want" thing. I guess this is because stomachs digest food, and a stomach that doesn't digest food won't do well with any food. But especially not fat, or fiber (there goes vitamin absorption and colon health!), or protein, or carbs, or... oh, wait, that's every type of food. Blech.

I wish I could photosynthesize. As long as while they installed the photosynthesis apparatus, they also took out the "hay I'm hungry eat food" triggers so I, you know, didn't eat, and thus didn't have to worry bout my stomach.

mood : blah
Suck that, Protection Of Marriage Against Them Homos amendment!

Of course, states can still individually amend their constitutions to define marriage, but I think this is a strong message. The text of that message, I'm not sure of, but it probably includes "leave the Constitution the hell alone, President Nepotism."

Politicians are either a) scared to lose votes by being controversial, b) basically good and human and don't want to discriminate c) too apathetic/drunk/high/rich to vote or d) out campaigning so they couldn't attend the vote.

mood : ecstatic
Some days, you have to laugh.
The internet is hilarious., really. If I didn't laugh at it, my head would have exploded after coming face to face with highly concentrated idiocy, immaturity, attention-whore-ity, extreme left-and-right-wing biases (although it's hard to find raving insane liberal bullshit on the scale of "W Ketchup," since we're all so wishy-washy. Admit it.), paranoia, insanity, name-calling, and other such delightful traits of the human condition.

But that's all right, because it's not real. Internet people are not real people: real people would never reveal such disturbing traits on a public medium. The people posting are clearly bots, caricatures of humanity that could not survive Out There: ones and zeros in dubiously satirical arrangements. I, for instance, am not actually Like This in the Real World.

Which is why I am able to sleep at night, after a hard day of mocking idiots on the internet. 'Cause they're not actual individuals.

mood : loved
Bit Warm In Here
[info]mwells and I have made up. Conveniently, we each missed the others' birthday, which is a good way to avoid having to buy presents for one another, or feeling bad because one person got presents but the other one didn't because of Not Speaking, or something, and you know, saving money is the best gift ever (lie). Hay hay internet drama.

Scott and I are making t-shirts. Well, he said it was my idea, and that I decided we should make them, which in my head transmogrified into my being horrible and evil and having frog-marched him down to Wal-Mart and forced him to buy shirts and printer transfer paper at gunpoint. Especially since I don't have printing capacity, and Gimp 1.8 or whatever I have sucks, so I can't really do anything so basically it's Scott doing all of this for me, which made it really seem bad if I was forcing him, like some middle-class, middle-america housewife forcing her husband to mow the lawn and wash the SUV and drive the kids to soccer practice and then he drives off a cliff.
Except with Big Boo and :rolleyes: t-shirts.
I kinda mentioned this to Scott, and he looked shocked, and then we talked about it and he set me straight. I was worried.

Our pizza came with a free copy of "Scene It? Jr.," a promo-demo of the real DVD game thing that I don't think either of us would actually buy (although I might be wrong). Scott has never seen Top Gun. And I've only seen half of it.

Edit: Both Scott and I agree that I worry too much. It's probably because I've been skipping those marvelous serotonin-boosting pills, and consequently am hovvering a bit below normal neuro-transmitter levels. I take too many medications as it is.
I'm thinking of using this icon for a t-shirt.

GIVE ME MORE IDEAS, I must have more!

("Eek! A ghostie!" and Shy Guys already accounted for. No emo crap pls, thx.)
Boy. I'm going to be embarrased come the morning.
Eek, a ghostie!

God, that was good.

I'm drunk.
We want to make t-shirts with a Big Boo (from Super Mario World on the SNES) on the front, and "Eek! A ghostie!" on the back. Thisis TM us, if you do it we will sue

Yay, alcohol.

mood : drunk
I made Yellow Cake for us, but instead of shots (1 oz) I made glasses (10-12 oz). Boy, tonight will be fun, especially since we're going to watch a thing about ghosties.

Maybe I'll convince Scott to play Perfect Drunk with me (2-player combat with pistols only, winner has to take a shot -- of alcohol) later. Worked quite well with wine a few years ago, but equal parts triple sec, vanilla absolut and pineapple juice? Hm.

For some reason, I get unbearably sad when I read through old entries made by my friends and they're talking about their Significant Others. Probably because so few of them are still together, after 1-3 years. Or maybe it's just dramatic irony.

mood : drunk
Some Light Refreshment
Ahahahahaha. "Your Most Embarrassing Moment As A Vampyre".

I'd have thought the sheer act of believing oneself to be a 'vampyre' would be embarrassing enough.

mood : slightly giggly
about the Plathitudes
The daily effusions of an unedited humorist.   To be taken with a grain of salt and three aspirin.
so therefore
"Blood-guzzling funereal bonfires? Hardly the best monster in the world."

J Nash