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Current Music:Paul Weller - Wild Wood
Current Mood:[mood icon] aggravated
Time:12:29 am
No, I'm not trying to start drama. There's enough of it already. But this needs to be fucking said, again.

ATTN Seagoth:

1- Raven's not galahad-ing. He tries to quell situations that come up on the board, whether they involve males or females. And he does it in a very tactful and polite manner. You know, because he's a MODERATOR and it's his JOB. I'd appreciate it if y'all would let him go back to doing his job, please, because moderating's not being done too well by the majority of the mods.

2- This is not a community. This is a hate-fest. I don't know why I was ever fooled into thinking this was a group of people worth moving 2,000 miles for. I was convinced it was a group of tight-knit friends, especially after reading through seagoth.org, seeing the charitable and good things that were happening, and the way everyone came together after Victor's death. Was it ever like that? Or is Seagoth's PR just really, really good?

You know, except for a select few, I like and respect damn near every one of you, even those who don't hold me in high regard. But I cannot STAND the way everyone is constantly jumping on each other, and the way a simple post of an opinion can turn into a brutal gang-rape. Why do I want to come to a board that's supposed to be full of my friends, and have to wade through a bunch of fights? You call this a fucking community of "friends"??

3- Anytime someone tries to say "Hey, the state of this board is shitty, here's a way we could possibly fix it", a stream of replies including the word "snowflake" and pictures of Jonathan Lipnicki follow. Fuck you people. You have your own forum on the board to play rough. Isn't that enough? Let the people who have something constructive and positive to say be heard, and stop shooting them down.

Kristin (nekomiyu's) latest thread was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Maybe because from her posts within the last year, I can clearly see a series of shitty events keeps happening to her, and I can definetely sympathize with that. Then to see people ATTACKING her just made me ill. What the FUCK did she do to prompt that? She even admitted the mistakes she had made. Did anyone even read what she was saying before ripping her a new one? I mean, come on, most of the community is in their twenties to mid-thirties. Is this the way grown-ups behave toward one another?

I can see it now, this post will likely be linked to in drama forums, people will mock me for speaking up, people will ask why I don't just stop posting and avoid the drama. I'll answer that; why should I have to cut myself completely out of a community because people are choosing to ruin it? I still have friends there, I still enjoy reading posts in the fashion, general and pets forums, seeing people's artwork and photos, and I still keep hoping that the people innocent of all this shit-flinging will speak the fuck up and get something changed. Is anyone with me?

PS- I'll say it again, because it likely got overlooked, and I'm used to people mis-reading what I'm saying. I LIKE AND RESPECT almost every person in this community, even those responsible for most of the problems. I am asking here, please, please stop acting like asshats.
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Time:12:50 pm
The sausage meme stole your LJ. Anyone who did it, go here, and change your passwords: http://www.livejournal.com/community/lj_dev/641972.html

I didn't think that one was funny, anyway. :|
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Subject:stolen from seagoof
Time:03:35 am
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Current Music:Gackt- Rain
Time:12:49 pm
Aww yeah. Salad. Salad and Gackt.

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Time:07:38 pm
Happy first birthday, baby Kaia!
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Current Mood:terribly fucking amused
Time:08:10 pm
This is great.


Oh, don't click it if you're at work.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] amused
Time:12:05 pm
Thank you, winamp radio, for re-introducing me to the rockin' phat beatz of Willie Nelson.

I'm way too amused with this thing.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] amused
Time:08:41 pm
Comcast cable called me tonight to see if I wanted cable tv in addition to my expensive-enough high-speed intarweb. I replied, "I actually don't own a TV."

Boyyy, did that girl laugh. She said she'd never heard that before. Glad I made her night, and I got a giggle out of it.
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Current Music:MC BUST YO ASS
Current Mood:ASSBUSTIN'
Time:10:19 pm
Everybody send good luck vibes to [info]cthulu_bunny, or I'll bust some ass.


Don't tempt me!
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Time:07:50 am
I have been getting those annoying pop-up ads recently from messenger. At first, I assumed they were from MSN messenger, then I found this:


All fixed. Just posting this in case anyone else has the same problem.
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Current Music:Portishead and Paul Weller- Wild Wood
Current Mood:[mood icon] surprised
Subject:O_O !!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!one!!!!!!!!!!
Time:02:26 am

*spazzes out*
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Time:02:20 pm
I just got in a big bloody brawl with the paper shredder. I should've filmed it and sold it as a pay-per-view event.

I'm really bored.
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Subject:Looking to adopt a kitty?
Time:10:45 am
Today is Adopt-a-Day at Petco. *hop* Come down and take a look at the kitties, or make a donation.

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Current Mood:[mood icon] ecstatic
Time:06:28 pm

I GOT THE BEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Current Mood:[mood icon] content
Time:09:30 pm
In other news, I had a wonderful day. I really like the new job. And it pays WELL. I'm very happy. My bus trip takes me through the international district, so I stopped and Uwajimaya to eat some Vietnamese lunch and dink around on the way home. I pick up some origami paper and niji watercolors, and a flute. *happy*

Miran's been very sick, so when I noticed one of those gigantic masochistic fish hanging from the ceiling, a nigiri-shaped lightbulb went off on my head to spoil him with some sashimi steak. I picked up the biggest steak they had, and some salmon, and loaded up the cart with nori maki and shrimp snacks, pocky, edamame and milk coffee for him. Then I was all sneaky and put cold medicine on top of tissue in the bag when I brought it over. HEEEEEHEEEEE CLEVER ME.

Oh, and I also got him a pink bunny with a candy cane glued inside of its rectum. They said it's a "finger....puppet..." If that doesn't just make someone's fuckin' day, I dunno what could.

I met lots of interesting and psychotic people on my adventures today, I hope everyday I work this job is that cool. :)

The world has been very good to me this week, so I feel like giving back. Now I am making origami penguins. And nothing says "sexy" like penguins.
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Current Music:Emma Shapplin- Fera Ventura
Current Mood:[mood icon] silly
Time:02:34 pm
It's official. I've taken the first step toward becoming a crazy cat lady. I have just returned from Petco, where I acquired the catbox of all catboxes. The Booda Clean Step Dome 4000. Chateau du Shit. THE FUCKING POOP CONDO OF THE MILLENIUM.


I know you're all very excited. Please try to control your bowels, as I know the desire to step into this luxurious feces dome must be overwhelming.

No longer shall my cats attempt to dig to China, kicking litter allover the carpet. No longer shall they track litter into my room. And, best of all, no longer shall their untimely shitting habits ruin my meal eating or sleeping.

Behold, friends, and share in my joy.
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Time:11:57 am
I'm way bored.


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Current Music:Dead Can Dance- Host of Seraphim trance mix
Current Mood:[mood icon] amused
Subject:P0L1t1CZ 1Z 1MP0T3NT!!
Time:01:05 am
So, someone help me decide on who I should vote for this coming election, please?

Here's a list of the best candidates, in my opinion:

Mr. HRM Caesar St Augustine De Buonaparte Emperor
Ms. Yehanna Joan Mary Malone
Mr. Freddy Irwin 'Messiah' Sitnick
Mr. Vermin Love Supreme
Mr. 'Ole' Savior
Ms. Temperance "Whitney Houston" Alesha Lance-Council (I particularly like how she both supports and doesn't support same-sex marriage)
Mr. Jackalop Jack Jackson

This guy is in the United Fascist Union. In 1967 he served as a Storm Trooper in the Fascist Freedom Front. A few quotes:

"And, also allow drug stores and tobacco shops to sell marijuana, cocaine and other party favor drugs over the counter."
"It is our belief that minimum wage should be abolished, then reestablished at $ 1 - an hour, and held steady at $ 1., as this would force the cost of living down & reduce the costs on all necessities of life."
"We believe President Hussein was slandered by lying propaganda of the Bush regime, the UN should make the Americans quit the country, President Hussein (if he still lives) should be restored to power and the Bush family fortune and all their property and holdings should be given to president Hussein and the Iraqi people."

...go check him out:
Mr. Jackson Kirk Grimes
Mike Bay (Of the National Barking Spider Resurgence Party)
Mr. Randy Wayne Sutherland (with an eight grade edumacation! AND he ran for Mayor of Springfield!)

Seriously, though. If he had any chance in hell of winning, I might vote for this guy:

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Current Mood:[mood icon] jubilant
Time:03:08 pm
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Current Mood:[mood icon] satisfied
Time:12:29 am

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[icon] Zelzah
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