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[25 Sep 2004|01:07am]
How many times? Even after you talk to someone.. you think it'll do some good.. telling someone that something really really fucking bothers you. But it doesnt. So you know what? To the person who is continuously rude, and inconsiderate every single night. screw that. I won't deal with it night in and night out, every single time it puts me in a bad mood and Im tense and angry hurt and pissed off all at once.. for hours. So what if its over reacting? I talked to you about it and it did no good. So thats it, no more. I won't talk to you at night anymore, and if that bothers you then I can stop during the day too. I have tons of other thing I need to be doing anyway, like earning money. So if this pisses you off, good. You'll know who how I feel every. fucking. night.
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[11 Sep 2004|05:12pm]
*Little Furry Nugget!*
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[11 Sep 2004|05:12pm]
... yeah... today's 9-11. Who cares?

*didn't even notice until 2 seconds ago* Not saying I don't care the people died, but it was years ago, today's no differnt from any other day as far as I'm concerned. Not for me. Sorry if that offends you but the whole unified America thing is old.
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Dont read it! [06 Sep 2004|04:07am]
chain post. Don't read )

... *got scared* haha
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[12 Jul 2004|10:42am]
Is it just me? Or has anyone else watched those 'Wanna Fanta?' commercials and though, Man... those Fantana gierls are drag queens!

Want to See? Pic under cut )
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Rat Troubles. [02 Jul 2004|08:00am]
I had to seperate one of my rats for being vicious to the others this eweek. Im fairly sure he killed one of the others. He bit me hard enough to make me bleed early last week. Well today, this morning, he attacked me. He bit my finger right down to the bone held on until I hit smacked him off and then charged at me, jumping at my hand and grabbing onto the edge of the cage, he took a leap at me before I smacked him back in.

Now he's got blood all over his fur, I've gone through 5 cottenwads and three bandaids in the last 10 minuites, and I dont know what to do now. My mom wants me to put him down. I can't do that. He doesn't have rabies, he couldn't, Ive had him over a year and he's been in the cage with the others, no exposure to any other animals. Does anyone have any advice? I don't have any Ill will worards him, besides feeling a bit betrayed, more then anything I'm worried about him.
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[28 Jun 2004|05:38am]
[ mood | crushed ]

Toboe died...
I don't know if I'll get out of bed today.. he was so cold..

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[09 Jun 2004|05:43pm]
imu2u's LJ stalker is poufywerewolf!
poufywerewolf is stalking you because you got better results for the 'acronym' thing than them. They are also prank calling you regularly!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
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;_; [24 May 2004|12:32am]
had the worst night... My car just stopped working a ways away from where I lived... so I was stuck there for an hour waiting for Michael to come get me.
Then, when he did, it wouldn't start, and he couldn't find anything wrong, so we had to abandon it... and when we tried pushing it out of the way, apparently my phone fell out of my pocket and was crushed by the car rolling backwards... So no car, and no phone. I didn't find out about the phone until I got home.

Then of course, my mom starts on the whole "this is all your fault cause you don't have a decent job" speech, needless to say it resorted into a screaming match and now she's screaming about how I hate her and I always have and a bunch of untrue shit that has nothing to do with anything. She thinks I want her to die.

Hello mom.. that's not me, Your OTHER daughter is the one who wants you to die (and me... and dad... and whoever else she can kill next time she sets the house ablaze)

I don't know what to do now. I tried to tell her I didn't hate her, and I was sorry the car broke, and I broke my phone... but.. She just.. won't listen, and I'm frikkin stressed out as hell, I couldn't even talk to the people in the role-plays I'm in I'm was so upset.
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Boring Day [04 May 2004|02:59am]
Today... I worked.. Yep..
Trish was there doing the writers workshop.. she's pretty cool. I asked her if she had a Blog.. but she seemed afraid of them... O.o
(Trish = P.M. Terrel btw.. the author)
I like trigger Happy TV sometimes, this episode is particularly good. Im not even sure why I'm writing tonight, there's really nothing to write about. I'm tired, so Im going to go read.. I work tomorrow Morning.. in a few hours. *sighs*

I kept my last 2 paychecks instead of putting them in the account, cause I wanted the money to be mine, so I kept them secret from my parents.. and now I can't find them ;_;
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When I update... I update lots.. [25 Apr 2004|09:34am]

Your Years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Family Line
Dated Tom Riddle
You are well known for Being the youngest Seeker after Harry Potter. Go you!!
Percentage of student body you shagged - 2%
How do the staff and students feel about you Will you Marry me?!?!!
This QuickKwiz by lady_ameily - Taken 20682 Times.
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Quizzes! [25 Apr 2004|08:07am]
Your a lycanthrope: a werecreature, a shifter, a werewolf. You have a strang dual-nature but you are a loyal and protective person. You thrive during in-between times: dawn and dust, when the veils of the world are thinest. You stick close to your family and friends though you often steal off on your own. You are rather mysterious and have a secret side that most don't know about.

What's Your Secret Mythical Side?

more quizzy fun! )

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Assassin! [25 Apr 2004|07:00am]
Elle Driver (California Mountain Snake)

You're Elle Driver! Sly and evil, you can manipulate people in order to get whatever you want. You're usually alone, but that's the way you like it. You hate having others nearby to order you around (unless it's Bill, of course... but even then you're still hesitant).

Kill Bill: Which Deadly Viper Assassin Are You? (females only... Vol. II spoilers)

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-_- [15 Apr 2004|03:43pm]
Read more... )
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Recycled Angels [08 Apr 2004|04:44am]

Finally, a Harry Potter role-play for adults. 18 and over with no exceptions.

Recycled_Angels incorporated the best of both the Marauders and the Trio Era role-plays and adds an aura of suspense and mystery. Set in the Trio's 6th year, and taking place after Order of the Phoenix, it is the first and only (as far as we've seen) Harry Potter who-dun-it. The war with Voldemort has claimed many lives and torn apart even more families. Hogwarts becomes not just a school, but a refuge for war-torn families. The school is shocked a when one day a few of the students, known to be dead show up for classes one day, seeming fine, although a little confused. Soon all of Hogwarts is puzzled by the return of those thought dead and lost and it isn't long before the questions begin.

Why are they returning? What's caused this? Why are they drawn to Hogwarts? Who some, but not others? It will be your characters job to find clue's put them together and solve the mystery. Who knows? The character you apply for may well be the cause of all this. (More Info)

Basic Info

  • 18+
  • Slash Friendly
  • Trio 6th Year. (OotP Spoilers)
  • AU with strong canon foundation.
  • Narrative format, played on AIM, then posted on main board.
  • No Mary Sues, No Original Characters at this time.

    About the Community

    We are a brand new community, seeking mature, friendly and active individuals. Our moderators are friendly, open minded and willing to work with you on anything you need. (i.e. - who is dead and who is not.) Your ideas are more then welcome, we believe strongly in the members, not just the moderators, building the community. We are nothing without you. We will have an extremely active OOC community to bring the Muns together with monthly contests, prizes and various other activities.

    Taken Characters )

    Character List - please check this for character information.
    Everything else can be found at The Website

    ((Banner made by [info]poufywerewolf also using 2 other banners))
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    Eggs! [31 Mar 2004|04:24pm]
    I adopted 2 eggs!

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    New Layout. [30 Mar 2004|03:08am]
    [ mood | accomplished ]

    Please check out my new layout.
    I just learned how to do this and worked really hard on it.
    Leave a comment telling me what you think!

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    [05 Mar 2004|04:57am]
    Gaia Online anime roleplaying community

    Please, someone join under me? I've never gotten a special event..

    My characters name is Melwyn
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    [05 Mar 2004|02:01am]
    anger rant! - cut for irrelevence to anything )
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    Harry Potter Fantasy AU [29 Feb 2004|01:50pm]

    You're tired of seeing the same Harry Potter role-play over and over, aren't you? 6th or 7th years role-plays with slight variations.. we see them everyday. Sometimes they're good sometimes they aren't. Now, what if you could keep the character you love, but do something completely different with them? Well, now you can.

    Introducing, Kings of Valor. A Fantasy AU that takes place in a world of 4 kingdoms, a world where magic is known, if not practiced by everyone, magical creatures roam freely and the kingdoms are about to fall into turmoil. In this world, you can choose which kingdom you place your character in, and which kingdom they are allied to. (With very few exceptions, noted on info) You re-create the character to the times, there is no canon in this world, who knows, your character alone may change the very fate of the world.

    Interested? Our prologue is even better.

    We are looking for mature experienced role-players who will come in strong and stay active.
    Slash and Het friendly. Applications are required, the more detailed the better. A few characters have predetermined fates, and are listed on the bottom of our Info page. Please read it carefully and apply, we await your application eagerly.
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