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The smallest feline is a masterpiece -- Leonardo da Vinci
July 29, 2004
Panty Raid!

For you men out there that like to smell used panties.

Now you can buy them online!

Or you can just go to Japan and buy them from a vending machine.

Alaska Volcano Stirs From 12-Year Slumber

ANCHORAGE (AP) - Mount Spurr is showing some life these days, 12 years after the volcano last erupted. The Alaska Volcano Observatory this week raised its official level of concern to yellow, signifying an eruption is possible in the next few weeks.

The series of earthquakes don't necessarily presage an eruption of Spurr, according to scientists. The volcano was last significantly active in 1992 and, in an August explosion that year, spread a thin layer of ash over Anchorage.

Read entire article here.
Hogzilla snorts no more

Alapaha, Ga. — Around these parts, they are calling it Hogzilla: a three-and a half-metre wild hog recently killed on a plantation and now quickly becoming a part of local legend.

-The only proof being a photo that shows the dead beast hanging from a rope.

Read entire article here.With Pix!
More good things from Pres. Bush

Instapundit had an interesting link to an interesting article about the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI). Basically, it's an alliance of countries that, geographically-speaking, surround countries that are trying to make WMD (be they nuke, bio, or chem). These member countries then help to interdict shipments of materials necessary to make these weapons. It's all peaceful and non-violent (no cargo ship is going to try to fight an actual armed warship) and seems to be working.

If you want evidence, look to Libya. They've dismantled and sent a good portion of their nuke stuff to us, with the rest on the way. The next target? Iran - the Caspian Guard is being formed, with Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan as the first members.

Wow - as if I needed another reason to vote for Bush...

Kitty wants a squirrel

Okay - here I am, back from work and just trying to get a few things done before heading off to play soccer. Minding my own business, I go walking into the kitchen and what do I see? Skippy - absolutely intent on something on our back porch. MORE...

How 80's are you?

Here's a fun quiz for those of you who are fans of the 80's - as I am. Unfortunately, I only pulled a 75 and you can see what I got...

Bobbitt has relatives in Romania?

Stephanie gets an 'every man squeals like a girl' no prize for bringing us this article.

BUCHAREST (AFP) - A Romanian surgeon who underwent a fit of madness while operating on a man's testicles proceeded to amputate his penis and cut it into three pieces.

Yahoo News, in their apparent campaign to scare the bejeezus out of all men, is responsible for posting the article.

Hospitals are bad

So, you think you go to a hospital to get better? Well, studies show that might not always be the case. This article shows that the percentage of errors that are bad for the patients are on the rise. As one who works in the field, I can say that a lot of this is preventable with technology or better processes - but that there is a HUGE amount of resistance from doctors (who are all prima donnas) and the nursing staff (because it means more work).

July 28, 2004
Get out and play

Apparently, Nickelodeon is telling kids to get out a play. And to encourage this, they're going to go off the air on October 2nd, at noon EST.

So - let me get this straight. A TV channel wants us to stop watching TV. But only for three hours on one day. Hmmmm.....

Enough of Cat Week Okay – we’ve had three installments of cat week, three mouse chronicles, and not a damn thing about dogs. I just can’t let that stand. Thusly, I bring you Pongo – quite possibly the best dog in the world.


Pongo has been with me for a little over 13 years now. He is a black lab/chow mix, neutered male, and is one of the biggest love dogs out there. MORE...

Update from Redneck land

Okay - Amber's got the latest scoop from Arkansas. Apparently, O is up to 7 recognizable words. She can say "no", "stop", "don't", "yeah", "huh?", "bye-bye"and "ehwww". If she keeps watching XuXu, she'll have Portuguese going next...

She's also taken three steps in a row. Life is good on the overall.

Now - the frightening part - I hear Amber saying, "I want one. Need to make sure it's a girl, but I need to get me one of them."


Kids, videotaping, and sex

Key note to self - if you're going to have a 17yo girl over to have sex with your 13yo son and 15yo daughter - DON'T VIDEOTAPE IT!!! Okay - the best policy is not to do this - it's sick and they need help, I realize (though I don't think they do). However, the plain stupidity of taping it is beyond words.

A Bothell woman and her boyfriend were each charged Monday with three sex crimes after they allegedly encouraged her 13-year-old son to have sex with a 17-year-old girl and then videotaped it. Her 15-year-old daughter also was taped engaging in sex with the older girl, prosecutors said.

Read the entire story here.

My school lunches never had extra herbs

According the BBC, some teachers in India were spiking the meals of their schoolchildren with pot and alcohol.

And they thought this was a good thing?

Rutan's got competition

Well, it looks like someone else will get an entry going in the Ansari X Rrize Purse (the whole civilian spaceflight $10MM contest). It seems that Canada's da Vinci Project Team is about to unveil it's entry - The Wild Fire Mark VI. (trust the Canadians to try to capitalize on the Speed Racer's Mach V to get a part of their name...)

Space.com is carrying an interesting article on the competition between them and Rutan's Scaled Composites. Rutan does have a leg up - he's actually announced his next flight date whereas the Canadian's are about $500K short of launching. MORE...

The Return of the Cat Week

Today we have Skippy. He’s the squirrelly little whiner of a cat that just loves to play. Amber got him roughly 5 years ago when she was still a vet tech. Apparently, someone’s son had kicked the hell out of him and broken his front right arm bad enough that they were going to put him down. Amber, being a lover of all that’s warm and fuzzy prevailed, had a steel pin put in his leg to repair the broken bone, and made sure he stayed alive. He got the name Skippy because he was in a cast from his little paw to his shoulder and had to skip around to get anywhere.


Now, like I said, he just wants to play or get loved on. He’s the only cat I know that likes to play tag – he’s almost like a dog (which is a HUGE compliment from me as I’m the resident dog lover). However, he does hate dogs. Even though Pongo (my 13yo black lab/chow mix) wouldn’t hurt a thing, Skippy still whines whenever Pongo gets near him. MORE...

Note to Self - slow the hell down

A soiled underwear no-prize to Captain Howdy for bringing us the story of man, his truck, boat, and a cliff.

Wonderful (but big, d/l-wise) pic of a man trying to climb out of his truck - as it hangs over the edge of a cliff, held up only by a boat trailer...

The rest of the site my be NSFW, but this one is clean...

Dark Energy and Neutrinos

Thanks to New Scientist for carrying this article detailing a possible link between dark energy and neutrinos.

For all of you who've been ignoring all of Scott's posts on this subject, dark energy is a something that scientists have resorted to in order to explain their mathematical models of the creation of the universe, the expansion of the universe, and why normal scientists are completely unable to attract mates. Unfortunately, it's damn difficult to prove it's existence. If these researchers are successful, they'll be able to explain why neutrinos switch types and potentially by default, dark energy.

Oh, what a happy day that'll be, if you're a physicist.

Terraforming Mars?

Space.com is carrying an interesting article about terraforming Mars. As I'm reading Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars series (Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars), it's fairly interesting to me.

The good thing is they even touch on what affect there might be on any indigenous life there (assuming there is).


All - my cable modem has been down, so I haven't been able to post. I've broken down now and am sitting here in my kitchen with my work laptop plugged into the phone line so I can finally get something posted.

Damn cable companies...

July 27, 2004
Rate my Kitten

All - Garrison is now on Rate My Kitten. Please go and vote for him - we want to see his stats up...

Dan - the link should be fixed now. Thanks Sherri!

Space Pajamas Fight Infant Death

No, I'm not making that title up. It's the actual title of a Wired article about new technology that helps monitor babies in their sleep.

While aimed at helping to prevent SIDS by alerting parents when certain risk factors are present (heartbeat and/or breathing abnormalities), it doesn't actually prevent the disease - it just alerts you that there might be a problem.

Russia in Iraq?

It seems that Russia may delve into Iraq by sending 40K troops in. This article, courtesy of Instapundit details the specifics.

The article shows some of the political reasons why Putin would want this, some of the interesting politics about how Russia treats it's troops and the world in general, and an interesting view as to what this would mean to the 2004 election.

I'd heard about it...

Theresa Hines-Kerry telling a reporter to 'shove it', but I haven't been able to find it on any of my news sites, so I did a quick search to chase it down.

It seems that the reporter asked her about some comments she made and she went off on the guy. Not that I haven't wanted to take issue with the media before, but do we really want someone like this at a State dinner? MORE...

July 26, 2004
Cat Week strikes again

Today’s Kitty is “Uma” and as you can see she isn’t a small cat (and not really bright, either). She is our resident love-kitty who wants nothing but food and attention.


Uma originally joined Ron’s household several years ago when he was living in Ohio. Someone’s cat had apparently given birth and the bastard just dropped the kittens near Ron’s warehouse. Uma managed to somehow sneak in the building and took up residence in a stack of pallets. As a precursor to her proven lack of intelligence, she tried to escape the warehouse and hide under Ron’s car. Ron lured her out with a piece of grass and captured her, brought her home and introduced her to his other kitty (Target) who is currently on the Heavy Side Layer. Roughly 4 days after he brought her into his apartment, she finally decided to come out and be seen by the world. MORE...

35MYA wouldn't have been a good time to be in Virgina

It seems that roughly 35 million years ago, we had a barrage of asteroids.

One crater is in Chesapeake Bay off the Maryland coast. The other, called the Popigai crater, is in north-central Siberia. Estimates of their age suggest they were created a mere 10,000 years apart.

The first article details some of the facts about the overall effect, while the article in the quote has a rough outline of the Chesapeake Bay crater - seems that most of the area around there would have gone bye-bye...

If you tried the drink recipes...

that I posted yesterday, you may have come up with a case of the beer flu or the Monday morning disease - in other words, you're hungover. If so, there are things you can do to help ease your pain.

See? We do care.

John Edwards - how much does he cost you?

Scott stumbled across this article from ABCNews.com that speaks to John Edwards background. The article brings out a couple of very interesting points:

Trial lawyers tend to increase the cost of everything by suing anyone they can for negligence, malpractice, etc.

John Edwards won, for his clients, a $6 million dollar lawsuit against a doctor who may not have done anything wrong

Read the article for yourself. Do you really want a leech on society as the next Vice-President?

Laugh. Think. $$$.

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