Sunday, July 25, 2004
Salaries of Leading TV Pandering Pundits
Not that we would be the ones to think that the large salaries of the TV anchor person pundits pumping up Bush's image everyday have anything to do with their pro-White House bias. I mean, who could suspect such a thing? These people are touted as unbiased, neutral talking heads full of non-partisan hot air, but could their salaries and class influence their coverage? Or is it just that General Electric, Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdoch, Time-Warner and the like sign their paychecks?
As we watched some of the Sunday morning coverage of the upcoming Democratic convention, we couldn't help but be struck by how seriously these blowhards take the Bush administration, as if they have no memory of his failings and lies. Today's spin was that the 9/11 Commission warned that a big terrorist attack was coming soon, so wouldn't that make voters more likely to stick with Bush?
Excuse us, but Bush didn't protect us from the last one did he, even though he and Condi were warned about terrorists hijacking planes in the U.S. And terrorist incidents have risen since Bush's "war on terrorism" commenced. And Iraq has become a haven for attracting and creating terrorists.
But the news anchors know that they are safe going with the White House/GOP spin. Their big fat paychecks will keep coming. If they happened to give some context to the news and point out the failings of the Bush administration, its daily contradictions and lies, its failure to protect America, well they might be out of job.
And if they were fired for telling the truth and giving some honest perspective to the ineptitude and deception of the White House, how much money would they lose?
According to the book "News Flash" (2004), by Bonnie Anderson, here are examples of some of the salaries that would be at risk if mainstream television news personalities told us the truth:
Peter Jennings
$10- 11 million
Dan Rather
$7 million
Tom Brokaw
$7 -8 million
Katie Couric
$12-15 million
Paula Zahn
$2 million
Don't expect these folks to be rubbing shoulders with the working people of America. They travel strictly first class and expect to be treated like stars. Their wealth is dependent upon continued employment by corporations that support the Republicans and the Bush Cartel at the expense of our national security.
BuzzFlash can't say conclusively that their salaries influence their biased punditry, but we'll just ask you to use the common sense test and make your own judgments as you listen to them continue to provide Bush with credibility as someone who can protect our national security, when he puts this country at grave risk everyday because of his rash, politcally and ideologically motivated actions.
The first loyalty of a Republican is to the Republican Party and not America. And the first loyalty of most of the millionaire talking news heads is to towing the company line, which is to look out for the interests of the Republican Party.
You do the math as you watch these elitists perched on chairs high above the Fleet Convention Center acting as if they are professional journalists.