The Wayback Machine -

Monday, 2nd August 2004

Eric Bana reputedly in the running to play James Bond. A step backwards from his critically acclaimed role as Poida, for sure. Let’s just hope that if he lands the gig, he’s better at it than George Lazenby


Sunday, 1st August 2004

Yeah, I’m screwing around with the design again. You may want to hit reload a couple of times. … OK, I think that’s settled for now. I thought it’d be nice to have a punky-punk punk looking design, but instead I did this. Eh. I’ll probably get tired of the outré-garde look after a week, but we’ll just swing with it for now.


Strange Things Are Afoot At The Circle K

12:19pm : Film, Science Fiction

Bill and Ted

One bothersome thing about watching Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure was the dream I had the morning after watching it.

Fortunately, the dream didn’t have Keanu Reeves in it, but it involved me travelling back in time and jotting advice down on sticky notes for my earlier selves to read, in an attempt to improve my current self’s station in life. I imagine that such notes would’ve said “hey, you’d better go to that physics exam", “putting your wet fingers in that malfunctioning freezer in the garage is probably a bad idea", and “ask her out, you dumbarse! P.S. shower first". Another note was left for my dad, telling him to go see the doctor for a full check-up, when the cancer that eventually got him was still treatable.

Obviously, this didn’t work either because my previous selves ignored the notes; or they took the advice, but in benefitting from it they forked the time strand away from the particular strand that poor sap leaving the notes was on. Quite reasonable too, as I (that is, me) certainly don’t remember any notes lying around that might’ve prevented me from getting frostbitten fingers. (Yes, that really happened.)

Time travel paradoxes vex me…

Back to Bill & Ted, some bod on the IMDB discussion on the movie made this point:

I actually came up with an ending to the Matrix that involved Bill & Ted. When Neo saves the world and celebrating, he hears an alarm go off. Cut to him in bed as Ted. He turns off the alarm looks over and sees Alex Winter (Bill). He then says “Whoa, I just had the most excellent dream.” Fade to Black.

An ending like that would certainly have made the Matrix sequels more palatable.

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Friday, 30th July 2004

Interesting AFL ladder predictor applet, where you plug in your tips with some rough margins and it works the ladder out, then you can mess around with the finals. By my reckoning, it’s looking like a Brisbane vs Melbourne grand final.

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Emil packs a full lunchbox. Or perhaps just a banana or cucumber. (err, ta Mike.)

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Thursday, 29th July 2004

Round 18 - Well Let’s See If Sacking The Coach Works Redux

11:43pm : Aussie Rules

Yep, it’s that time of the week again, in that time of the year when half the competition is rumbling towards the finals, and the other half is grumbling towards the exits. And of course most teams will be wearing their funky old guernseys, such as Port’s weird blue and pink thing, and the Weagle’s predominately gold debut guernsey. In which they looked like a bunch of girls. After marching to 95 correct picks with last week’s eight, the ton looms large. Here goes…

Adelaide to lose to Hotham North Melbourne by five goals.
Carlton to beat Fremantle by two goals.
Britannia Collingwood to beat Richmond by four goals.
Essendon to lose to Port Adelaide by five goals.
South Melbourne to lose to Brisbane Bears by three goals.
Geelong to beat St Kilda by less than a goal.
Melbourne to beat Booroondara Hawthorn by seven goals.
West Coast to beat Footscray by eight goals.

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… That One Sweet Esplanade

11:14pm : Photography

The bay from St Kilda Esplanade, last Saturday evening about six. This picture doesn’t look too bad reduced, though it’s a little grainy at original size; I’ll have to make sure my next camera is less sucky in low light situations. I may yet turn the image into a banner the next time I play around with the site design.

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Wednesday, 28th July 2004

You know that bit about the Greeks getting upset about some Australian media types complaining about the preparations in Athens leading to the games? Guess what! They were also complaining a blue fit in the lead up to the Sydney games too! And then the veil fell. I guess I like one Greek-Australian’s comment I heard: “We may not be finished, but we will be ready!” Big extravagant corrupt corporatist crypto-nationalist drug-taking macho-competitive junket, yeah, yeah, but it’s also a lot of fun. I don’t know how rapt I’ll be about the events, though.


The Collectors

11:26pm : Science Fiction, Fiction

I had this idea while at work today, so I thought I’d tease it out a little. This is a very rough first draft, with lots of holes and bad writing and shit, but you know, I’ve had this strange urge to write more fiction, however bad I am at it, and this is a start - it might make an interesting short story, I suppose. Indeed, someone else has probably had the same idea, and written it better…

I was about ten or eleven when the Collectors came.

I was playing Battlebugs or Death Patrol on the family’s computer when my mother yelled something from the kitchen and ran into the lounge room and found the remote control from amongst the junk on the round table, and feverously turned the TV on.

She looked at me for a second, and said “the news… in Paris!”

The screen warmed up with an image of a massive metallic box, like a box container planted on its end, in the middle of a city; an aerial shot from a news chopper.

continues …


Hmm, I think I might run Request-A-Rant Week again early in August. Go think up some stupid topic suggestions, eh? Last year’s Request-A-Rant Week started here.

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Belated notices: Yep, the Tour has been over for a few days with Lance winning the Yellow and Robbie in the Green. Yep, Peter Schwab stood down for good after that rather tedious game; with a real new coach fillip and Vandenberg back and… oh, damn, we’re playing Melbourne. Never mind the opening round win - which seems totally freakish now - I doubt I’ll be tipping a repeat as the weekend approaches.


Sunday, 25th July 2004

No Animals Were Harmed In The Making Of This Weblog Post

11:47pm : Personal

When I come down by road to Melbourne with Mum, we usually drive down the Deadly Hume, before veering cross-country near Broadford or Wallan to cut across to Diamond Creek, where my aunt lives. The Hume is of course a bit of a grind, though, so since time wasn’t an issue, for a change we took the Midland Hwy south from Benalla, then passing to the Melba Hwy to take a route through Yea.

This route passes over the arm of Lake Eildon (which is still desperately empty) near Bonnie Doon, and just after going over the long bridge, the road sweeps up past an interesting looking hotel. About a mile further on we encountered a Labrador with an apparent death wish, playing chicken on the highway while cars and semis and such were rushing past with the abandon reserved for open country roads.

The Wonder Dog

continues …


Back. Full minutiae-packed reports of observations soon, but selected highlights included saving a dog from being run over (really) and watching Belle & Sebastian burn down the Palais, including an impressive pick-up of “Under My Thumb". Oh yeah, and just about everyone in the house getting down and clapping for the duration of “The Boy With The Arab Strap", as acb described. The lowlight was, well, the footy. Eight goals. Feh. Even if I did tip all eight winners, picking them was hardly rocket science this round, just look at the actual margins. More later, then.

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Friday, 23rd July 2004

See you lot Monday.

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Sims 2 goes meta? Of course, this makes the assumption that gamers have girlfriends…


Thursday, 22nd July 2004

Round 17 - Well Let’s See If Sacking The Coach Works

10:41pm : Aussie Rules

I reckon I’ve probably said enough about Schwab, except to note that while I’m largely saddened by his sacking, some people who call themselves Hawthorn fans are a little less unhappy about it, even casting aspersions on Schwab’s playing career as they dig the grave. (Feh, there were no passengers in Hawthorn during the 80s!) It’s almost Richmond-like or something. As it is, the tides have conspired that I’ll be at the ‘G on Saturday, in the cold amongst a middling crowd, and even though I’m not expecting a win, I am strangely looking forward to the game. It couldn’t be much worse than the last one I went to…

Besides, even if they lose, there’s Belle and Sebastian afterward. And if the Hawks win I’ll be wearing the guernsey on to the Palais, thank you very much. It’s not as if brown and gold are going to be the most uncommon colours amongst the coolsie patrons, anyway.

continues …

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Wednesday, 21st July 2004

As was expected, Hawks coach Peter Schwab falls on his sword, though he’s going to see out the season. I guess I can start openly speculating about his replacement, then. As far as realistic choices go I’d like to see Rodney Eade in the job, I’m not particularly enthused about either Terry Wallace (I reckon he’s headed for Tigerland, anyway) or Gary Ayres. But I do think Gary O’Donnell, current assistant at Brisbane, might be a good roughie, even if he is ex-Essendon. After all, the last “outsider” coach of Hawthorn did pretty well…


The 2004 Mercury Prize shortlist is up. Strangely enough, I’ve got five of the nominees (so far), and three of them, Kish Kash, Franz Ferdinand and Dear Catastrophe Waitress would be good winners, which probably means they won’t.

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Eh, another piker returns to the fold: Neale Talbot returns to Webloggia.

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Tuesday, 20th July 2004

I Did It For The Wookies

10:31pm : Science Fiction

picture source unknown


Monday, 19th July 2004

Just Another Kvetching Wodbury SNAFU

11:17pm : The Local Angle

It’s been an interesting weekend in the Minneapolis-St Paul of the South. Dude gets schloggered at nightclub, finally gets refused service, so he decides to drive home, in the process veering the car into the shopfront of a warehouse. The guy survived, but the damage to the building was such that one of the town’s main arterials out front, had to be blocked off for a while in case the facade collapsed, and the uninsured building will have to be demolished.

And of course that’s not all that happened on the weekend. But nothing that spectacular happened to me. I bought some new tires and brake pads for the bike, the new Machine Translations album, and a six pack of Coopers Dark Ale from the freshly opened Dan Murphy place.

Why the hell am I talking about buying beer on the weblog? It’s all very Jim Morrison. Not that I’m the Lizard King, more like the Duck President.

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Sunday, 18th July 2004

OK, “remember info” is in the house, except that it’s passive. Not that anyone comments enough to make decent use of it, but I guess that happens when one doesn’t use their blog to troll. Getting people upset, yes, I can see why that would be a good talent to have. I’d kind of like to shovel The Smirk under after his “Thatcher meets reality” assertions last week, but I’m hoping that someone at Crikey will do it first. I might go ahead if someone prods me, and I’m in the mood for typing utter crap for three hours. See! I have no bottle for this weblogging thing that is new! I do, however, have a teapot.

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Trevor Horn’s having a bash for his 25th anniversary as a producer. Hmm, I wonder if this means Belle & Sebastian will share the stage with Mike Oldfield… (via xrrf)

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Saturday, 17th July 2004

Jindabyne Weather Report

3:19pm : Photography

Yep, things look a little chillier than usual in Jindabyne today. Photos taken by my sister-in-law’s father. I’m sure he won’t mind me posting reductions here…

snowboarding on the shores of Lake Eucumbene
Photo credit: Keith Collicoat

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