Comments: Open Thread on the Convention

When it was announced that Willy Nelson was coming on I hoped he'd do the song he did. A couple of years ago I happened to mention that I thought Nelson was pretty damned liberal, while listening to that song. And my husband ,who is like so many people, never gave a s**t about politics, asked why I have to make everthing political? A couple of years later my husband is almost evangelical about sending Bush back to Crawford, or wherever he ends up.

Posted by Babba at July 29, 2004 06:58 PM

BoGlo reports this morning that, as of last night, that all that security around town resulted in one arrest this week so far. No new clients for you, Jeralyn.

Posted by Melanie at July 29, 2004 07:21 PM

missing from the convention: iraqi war deaths, justice for israel/palestine, torture as usa policy, militarism, democracy at home (i'd like a commitment from the candidates that they would NOT abandon voters who were disenfranchised - as happened in 2000).

Posted by selise at July 29, 2004 07:30 PM

The story of the hamster was a hoot! Albright kicked butt.

Posted by phidipides at July 29, 2004 07:33 PM

I agree. The hamster story was good. I wish I saw Wesley Clark's speech. Part of me still wishes that Clark got the nomination.

Posted by Sullivan at July 29, 2004 07:40 PM

the nice people (bob) over at airamericaplace are posting mp3 files of all the dnc speeches. if you've missed one (or more) that you want to hear, you can download the file for just the ones you want.

might also want to consider kicking in some $ to help support a really great site.

Posted by selise at July 29, 2004 07:54 PM

That was a darn fine Republican convention.

Posted by Steve at July 29, 2004 08:14 PM

This has been an amazing convention. I've tried to watch them in the past, but could never remain interested. This time it was easy. Every evening was excellent. The combination of speakers was well thought out. In particular, Kerry's family were truly wonderful. Our country would be fortunate to have Kerry as president!

Posted by Kate at July 29, 2004 08:33 PM

Go, Johnny, Go!

Posted by Babba at July 29, 2004 09:11 PM

Honest question here. I think Regan stated in his speach, its okay to do stem cell research because stem cells don't have fingers and toes and don't feel pain.

Should the same criteria apply to late term abortions? If stem cells did have fingers and toes would it make any difference?


Posted by Greg at July 29, 2004 09:26 PM

Did anyone condemn the idiocy of the war on drugs?
Not enough condemnation of the Patriot Act, I would have really appreciated an apology for that disgrace to the constitution that Democrats overwhelmingly voted for.
But I realize this convention wasn't for people like me, it was for swing voters and Republicans who are realizing Bush has no character, no credibility, and is not looking out for middle and working class Americans, only his base (haves and have mores). In that regard the Dems, and Kerry in partricular, did an excellent job. True patriots will realize regime change is in order, and the Republicans will have to come up with better in 2008. They should have come up with better in 200, and we wouldn't be in this mess in Iraq.

Posted by kdog at July 29, 2004 10:40 PM

I'm hearing from some Republican voters I know (and still talk with...dwindling in number) that they plan on voting for Bush because "when your not sure what to do you shouldn't change." (This from someone with an Ivy League education...scary) Anyway, I think Kerry really has to make the case for change as strongly as possible. He needs people like Wesley Clark, Howard Dean etc. to go out and explain forcefully why Bush has to go. I also think someone should be "in your face " with a civics lesson for the average voter. (Calling Howard Dean). People need to be told that it is their responsibility to know the issues and to listen to both candidates carefully. Someone actually said to me that they won't vote for Kerry because they don't like the way he looks. People have fought and died for this idiot to have the right to vote.

Posted by Deanna at July 30, 2004 11:52 AM

I'm hearing similar things among my co-workers Deanna.
"I don't like Bush, but I don't like Kerry either."
"He's gonna raise my taxes, I just know it"

My response has been that all politicians should not be trusted, but look my in the eyes and tell me Bush has more character than Kerry from what you know about them and their backgrounds. To a man, they couldn't.
I also responded...who do you think will do more for working people like us, mentioning the many ways Bush favors the richest among us. They didn't have an answer to that either, and I could even see the gears turning in their brains. This is the issue we need to push. Who has said he will help working Americans, and who has shown he will help the richest Americans get even richer. It then truly becomes a "no-brainer".

Posted by kdog at July 30, 2004 12:19 PM
agree. The hamster story was good. I wish I saw Wesley Clark's speech. Part of me still wishes that Clark got the nomination.

I guess you´re not familiar with the fact that the Ex NATO supreme Commander Wesley Clark almost started WW3 during the Kosovo war.

Confrontation over Pristina airport

Posted by I.M. at July 30, 2004 01:02 PM

IM - Details, details.

Posted by Poker Player (aka Jim) at July 31, 2004 08:45 AM

PPJ - Im still waiting for your exposition on the noble Bush'charecter'-gonna give us one? Is it possible?

Posted by jondee at July 31, 2004 11:56 AM

Excuse me,character.But then again,a new word would be apropos for Bush,

Posted by jondee at July 31, 2004 01:24 PM

It's his good Christian values jondee...greed, war, dishonesty

Posted by kdog at July 31, 2004 05:23 PM

jondee - Hold your breath. I just love watching people turn blue.


Posted by Poker Player (aka Jim) at July 31, 2004 07:32 PM

The card remora hasn't ever given a positive reason to vote for Bush, because he knows there aren't any.

Posted by The Dark Avenger at July 31, 2004 09:26 PM
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