Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "duct tape".
189 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in duct tape. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 9mm - Back in the game!
- ___changeofplan - ___changeofplan
- _sex69kitten_ - *-SeXy LiL bAbaY-*
- _witchbaby_ - Christina
- _yukari_ - dissolved girl
- agent57 - blue
- agent_teacup - Wimbly
- alhooter - Alex
- alicewonderland - alicewonderland
- alk3lover - dr. bones
- ameth - a snowflake in the storm
- amiretta - hey look, it's that girl...
- anaidiana - Diana Mancini
- anh - Anh
- ash10 - ::::marilyn wannnabe:::::
- asthmaticbat - DJ Asthma
- atalanta - the sniffly tyrant
- avocado - a crumb is a meal for a mouse
- awqwerty - Dr Andrew Walter
- axeentree - Susi
- azurelunatic - I see you falling
- babyyblueyesz - Lori
- badkitty - bad, bad kitten...
- bamford69 - Talks to Angels
- bandgeek_4_life - *.*Ashley*.*
- barigirl - Jaime
- beatnikonvespa - Stolen Ghost Orchid
- beautiful26316 - Leah
- bene - bene
- berserk - i think too much
- betterideas - just another dorian gray
- bibe - Luzviminda
- black_midnight - black_midnight
- bloodykittie - * cough cough *
- blue02dude - Chris
- blueshattered - pretty red polka dot
- bob_barker_girl - Confused Teenager
- bobcfed08 - Bug
- bobster - Smitty Werbenyagermanjansen
- bondage_a_go_go - Sabrina the Teenage Bitch
- boundbyher - Slayer
- boycrazybabe - BuBbLeZ
- bravestsaturn - Erijay
- broadwaybaby76 - Anne
- bronzeskin - bronzeskin
- bug - kristin
- bugsbunnyspimp - Mr. Self Destruct
- bunnyofdeath - daddy's little defect
- burning_wreck - Carrie
- caenum - mud the bum
- calfords - c-c-callie
- cameronangel - Cameron
- candyjesus - Senior Vice President In Charge of Everything
- canidie - Mary
- carriejane - Slate Girl
- catinthehat - PJ
- caudelac - Rabbit
- charismatic - Franny Glass
- cheeriebomb - The Exception For Everything
- cherubrocker - iron willed fuck up
- chichi27 - Chi Chi
- chrissyesque - Chrissy
- ciechelle - chelle
- cl0ud9247 - Gael
- claireh - cookie ritigliano
- cleanlikegod - the test pattern of my consciousness
- collisions - Chris
- corduroy_jacket - Sad Siamise Dream
- cornflakegirl56 - learning how to be alone and devastated
- corvi - Matt
- crazyphyscolady - Shannon
- cricketcage - Erik A.
- crimsonempyrean - L-diZZle
- crystaldork - Crystal
- dance4lyfe - Nikki
- dancinglights - Technopathic Winampmancer
- darbyramone - Darby Ramone
- dariabat - Your Hero, Jess Thompson
- darkbutterfly - Miss Andry
- darkreflection - Jhennifer 'Myrror' Johnson
- davescattered - just a fucked up kid
- dazelexqu - Lexi
- deadrosa - Broken Wings
- death_kittie - death_kittie
- deleria - iris anne
- delphis - Delphis
- devour - conquer and devour
- ditzypixy - The One And Only Groupie
- djuryne - DjUryne
- dorkiness - Trace & Co.
- dragongirl0013 - Nameless One
- drcristin - Dr. Cristin
- dreamsofburning - [rapture]
- drewpunck - Drew Butler
- ductile - ductile
- ducttape - destroy this!
- ducttapepunx - the best liar
- ductxtapexstars - megs
- dusk2dawn - Dusk2Dawn
- dvlf - viva
- dzynurbrian - Brian
- earlylight - I read it in "Hogwarts, a History"
- earthdragon - Me
- eatmymoose - nicole?
- eccentric4you - Though I've tried...
- edensgate - Catjew
- eeyore7840 - mel
- eileen2363 - eileen
- elewho - Ele
- ellenthepansy - easy bake
- elvengrrl - Stephpie
- emo_star_in_sky - emo star in sky
- emogurlie - *manda*
- endlessadiction - Crimson Regret
- eriathien - eriathien
- espresso - Espresso
- esyla - ensign shay
- evil_holls - Hollschen
- evilgnome - EvilRuggieGnome
- evilsquirrl - Swain
- f0revernameless - Scott
- faded_illusion0 - faded_illusion0
- fadingstars - today may be your last
- faeriemeat - The Noodle Incident
- faithmerciful - Faith
- fakereality - Shay
- falls2climb - someone has to take the fall
- fasdy - Fasdy
- fearedgift - we can THROWDOWN
- filmbuff - Superman's critique on the whole human race
- filthylinen - .: filthylinen :.
- fireyinsomniac - Briana
- flutegirl - Greer
- for_now - vicky
- fourswords - Boat
- francnfrtr - The Random Rants of Kristen
- freegade - freegade
- fremenchick - shanonan
- frightchild - Commander Nathan
- frostbyte - Frosty
- fuix - Endless Possibility
- funk_rocker049 - Brian
- funkygecko - Doctor J
- gabrielxxx - Brian
- girchygirchy - Brain
- glamour_scars - [follow the leader]
- glolikestetris - Gloria
- glorious - Gloria-Crystal
- grant - Grant Oberg
- grlathena - Carolyn
- grouch - Nik Ambrosch
- grrretel - A Delicate Flower Floating in the Loo
- grungedup88 - Dominique
- hailthecrzy1 - Red
- halcyone - variant form
- halocy - jem
- haltijatar - Haltijatar
- happyjenn97 - Nature Girl
- hateme - Bad Monkey
- headache - Mat
- heather1209 - Heather
- hedge_core - Addy
- hg_deathscythe - Julie [yyq with optional sunroof]
- hiddentriumph - Adina // soul unbound
- highonscience - It's a shame about raisins
- hikoshonen - Miki
- himeko02 - Amy
- hyperspaz - Kelsi
- iamthewalrus - Emmaline "Danger" Lobster
- igorp - phoebe
- illbecomeyou - Petey
- imaginaryjoy - Kels
- imoriginallikeu - Working Class Intellectual
- imspaceman - ryan
- indie - E
- inked - Inked
- iwuvgir666 - ~_~mayBe im aMaZed...~_~
- jackasslover182 - ½ Punk
- jacylane - To accept life is to accept death
- jaded_monkey69 - Ian J. Mcleod
- jadedxemotions - .//crushedxemotions\\.
- jammydodger - This is the haunt of
- jdsm - Apathy Machine
- jelly_jeannie - .][=:*.:'|.|°.§Þøñgéßøß §qúå®éÞåñ±§.°|.|':.*:=][.
- jessaqua - Jessica
- jessicasinging - Jessica
- jhf - A Suppository Of Knowledge
- jmichael5 - Jody
- johndeeregurl - johndeeregurl
- joie - Ninja Artist
- jojofries - JoJoFries
- jojospanks - The Sidler
- jorachan - Nemuko
- josephmoore - Joey Moore
- jujubluemonkey - angela
- jun - Jennie
- jwsjjack - Jennifer
- kaab00sh - christopher
- kaflurbaleen - Kathleen
- kallipoe - Kallipoe
- kangelc - Katie
- karbeelah - karen
- katapiller - Kat
- katjie3783 - Amanda
- kdtheskaleewag - Kaydee
- keepsleeping - katie k.
- kerrybebe - BeBe
- kikai - mint chocolate chip
- killjoy_ - i.
- kilrothi - KT the Illegaly Insane
- kiryryn - cold soup
- kittiepunk - one slinkster cool nina bruja
- kitty1 - manda sue
- kittygomeow - meow
- kllrjosh - kllrjosh
- konekochan - k-chan
- koolkeren - KinkyKer
- kpscapes - Runaway American Dream
- kr1s - that girl
- kricket_usa - wannabe
- krock - Kirsten
- lacrimas - the wandering werewolf
- ladydeath666 - Ashley
- lascivious - M
- lavinia - Quinn
- laynamarya - Vehement Love
- leafmachine - leaf
- lesamalie - chicken with her head cut off
- lessthanamber - AmbeRLY
- letdown - a quiet life
- lilangelisded13 - lilangelisded138
- lilgirlblue - Maggie
- lilpunkchic - juste une petite fille dans l'amour avec un garçon
- lisinner - Sodome Dwarf
- litafoo - lita
- littleleah - Leah
- littlesis10284 - AllisonWonderland
- livin4him - Liz
- lqc - Fred
- lucifire - Lucifire
- lunasilvermoon - Luna
- luvsmilin - Jenette
- lyralee - Lyra aka Christi(na)
- m00n - Eric
- m32446 - noalani auroras
- maab - Maab
- machinajynx - Joanne
- magbastard - The Magnificent Bastard
- mandysucks - mandy the great xxx
- maniak59 - Insert Name Here
- mannlich - Mannlich
- marianlorain - ella
- mattmoo - Matthew
- mayna - Dianna
- mbvd - Sol
- mehitabel - rie
- mellybean - Riot Pixie
- mellybean36 - Melanie
- michelanious - michelanious
- mizufae - Mizu
- mlechan - Henna Gaijin
- moderndaylolita - Erynn
- molrak - Nik, ehm, Elm
- mommiemilo - Shana Markham
- monckee - Monckee
- monterra - Monterra
- moonshdw99 - Lisa
- moraxian - Moraxian Agrianopoulis
- mouse452 - Orange Crushed
- mrraver101 - Derryk Jensen
- mullet29 - Jill
- mygrane - christine
- myopiah - Myopiah
- narr_martyrer - sapphire
- natrlhottie - [:queen.of.quiet:]
- naygoo - Scott
- necro_0ptic - Medicated WHORE
- nellishness - nell
- nenshou_makoto - Above Control
- neopolaris - Artemisia Synchroma
- nightchild - nightchild
- niranokamo - duckles
- no - alice
- nonickyet - Magwheels (The Innocent One)
- o0badkitty0o - Victoria
- offshoot - apryl
- olliver - OLLIVERZero
- onionsniper - Slatterna
- ooluvnpeachesoo - Brittany
- oonagh - oonagh
- orangegirl755 - Kdawg
- osmonda - Kim
- out_of_it13 - Jank
- ov3r - Mike's Life
- overstim - Xel
- ox0downtown0xo - Chelle
- patrickinminn - patrick
- peanut - Jaime
- penguinjunky - Andrew
- pepelamochila - Chuck
- phenethaine - I play with demons
- phoebus - Mark
- phoenixblue - the plaid will get you
- pinkpoptart166 - `*MADELEiNE
- pinkrazorblades - Useless Superstar
- pinkvinylstar - saucy lordisa, hold the mayo
- pixelicious - a superintelligent shade of the color blue
- plasticjesus - If you're feeling trust, then you know who I am...
- poetgirl - tenacious picc
- poeticdream - Robin
- polina - rad¡an† ecl¡p§e
- poorprncesstina - Your Personal Pro
- prettyviolence - Erin
- princessrini - Doll With Fangs
- princesstagi - Karne
- proud2bme - Chrissy
- punk_gye - sLeeVe
- punk_kitten - //+save.yourself
- punkrawkinshow - take that, nancy!
- punkrockgirl417 - Sandy
- punkykittn -
- puppysmuggler - Becky Jane
- purplecorduroy - three sheets to the wind
- purpleworld - Hannah
- pyrcedgrrl - ^^v^^Purr^^v^^
- qam - Alex
- qmorley - Quinn Morley
- quasigeek - Angela
- radiocait - Cait
- ranzear - Ranzear
- ravengrrl - brenna
- readyeureka - caffeine junkie jazz
- rebel_yell - beckacore
- redcapman - DAN
- redline15 - cherries and cream
- redredkrovvy - come get some.
- regina_anne2001 - Kaleyhall
- renegado - julia
- replication - petey
- retardedpants - Viva
- rhhandella - rhhandella
- riffraff - I am Kim
- rkmlai - rkmlai
- rockstargrrrl - Lauren
- sabvag - Vicious Crotch
- sallystitches - Sally Stitches
- sarberry2 - Sarahpi
- satanhas1ibrow - Jenny
- satanthe42nd - Doctor Device
- satur9muse - Lyuba
- scintillator - drea
- scottslilpunk - Rachel
- seek2find - **Sara Chopstix**
- seriner - Super Toast
- sexymunkylady - The 1 U Call Kinky
- sexyrockstar9 - her life, for her, was a visceral experience.
- shallow_replies - shallow_replies
- shingkhor - Shing K.
- shinytoaster - Jellie
- shiroshadow - Shiro Shadow
- shonuff - Soul Brother Number One
- shortcake32185 - Liz
- shoshi144 - subtle like a sledgehammer
- shrijani - Shri
- shutterbugbaby - Sea
- sickbitch - sickbitch
- silent_reign - An Unintentional Siren
- sillouetteforme - Mikey
- silver_flames - Silver Flames
- simplesax - Ben Leavitt
- sirjake - Jake
- sjh3585 - Promiscuous Doughnut
- slit - my downstairs laura
- slut0rama - kelly
- slyddur - Slyddur, Rahbet if you're nasty
- slytheran - Pandora Incognito
- smooploops - Jay-San (AGAIN!)
- snowboarder - KT
- soft_fruit - love's an excuse to get hurt, so hurt me
- soggycheerios - SoggyCheerios
- soshell421 - a cold and porcelain lonely
- sourpuss - born into trouble
- sowombat - MuddleheadedWombat
- spacecase4792 - whitney
- sparkinthenight - Unca Myke
- spiltvinegar - stickysidein
- spooky09 - waffles
- squeekingknute - mitch
- squiberis - Squiberis
- srahaha - Sara
- star - Alyssa
- statto - statto
- stellaburst - mo
- stellarstarchic - Talon Chaos
- stepsrkewl - Amanda
- stilesmeister - meg
- strawberrie - Amanda J
- strikerobi - Hong Kong Danger Duo
- stuck - nck
- stwazfweek - Dumbass
- sublizime - El tonto loco
- sunrae - Smylie
- svetlana - Mamber
- sweetcityjesus - The Subterranean Transylvanian Antichrist
- sweetmrs - Candy
- sxepez - Melanie
- sybila - Syb
- tabisgood - candyxcoatedxsuicide
- taintedepitome - Gretchen
- talula_bean - femme of the month club
- terradactyl - julianne
- tetra - TeTrA
- thatoneguy - Now I wonder how I was made....
- the_oaf_dragon - The Oaf Dragon
- theechidna87 - Tassy tiger enthusiast
- thefife - lance
- theslerm - .:[ ClanRoot ]:.
- thespus - Adam
- tigglebiddy - Lost in Life
- tinydancer2050 - Ashley
- tredog4 - Treee Frog
- trekspert1 - Trekspert1
- triplee - Eriq Sadiq, Scourge of the West Village
- undaunted - livin' in sin with a safety pin
- utopia89 - Lauren
- v5raven5v - raven
- vampireskiss - Patient Zero
- vashie - Fallopian Teapot, Yo
- vbessm - Veronica
- violet450 - jane
- violinfreak - Duct Taped Head
- viron_x - Fuse
- vtex - VTEX
- walkawayslowly - Merrin
- ware - k
- wdytoab - I Want To Be Your Debaser
- weeping_willow - Lily
- werd2yourmotha - erin with an e
- wewereinfinite6 - wewereinfinite6
- whimsicalkid - andee
- whitnik - I AIN'T GOT NO LEGS
- wiccan_child - Donita
- wideleftturn - drewsteve
- wldncrzy14 - Dazed and Confused
- wolfdreamer - Danny
- wolfewiker - Kel
- wongvj - V
- wulfmadchen - Molly
- xbroken_dollzx - xbroken_dollzx
- xillah - Kid A
- xrosedecay - Lilit
- xspikedcollarx - i already miss you
- xtammix - I've got a heart on.
- yoko - Annaliese
- zab - Elizabeth
- zerokanada - RoboAstro
- zeva - taimhyr
- zimdawg - Xdirty hippieX
- ziroalias - Jay-Tee
- zisforzillah - Zillah
- zombiewhore - Zombie Whore
- zookeeper - Rabble Rousing Hippie
- zuppylover - Annie