Kadrin Hero School

"Sometimes, when it's really late and I can't get to sleep, I lie in bed, and I stare at the ceiling, and I think to myself: I've got to be an idiot. I'm actually going out all over Avarr to seek danger and evil, to wave my tiny little sword in its face in the name of love and justice. I'm walking a path that means I'm eventually going to die, alone, maybe having defeated one or two little evils in my life, that maybe no one would have noticed. I stare at my ceiling, and I think about that, and I think I've got to be an idiot. It's pointless. It's stupid. I might as well just stick the sword in me right now and be done with it... but then I think: you know, that just proves why I do it. It's a suicidal, dirty, and nearly pointless way to live, and so if we don't do it, who will?"

- Kanabalkiru Taki Ling, Weston


The World of Avarr
Stories set in the epic fantasy
world of Avarr
Fan-written, non-canonical
fiction for assorted fandoms
Other Originals
More original writing
by the same author
About The Author
Too much personal information
Trapezoidal Challenge
Weekly Trapezoidal writing
Money makes me happy
The author waffles while
his friends make good points
Anywhere but here

Disclaimer: Everything on this page is property of Patrick R. Phelan, 2002-2003. You may not use anything
found within for any reason without express written consent from Patrick R. Phelan himself.
This disclaimer applies whether you read it or not. God damn those goddamn Harry Potter plagiarists.