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Kirby The Konspiracy Boy says, "Don't read this magazine!!! It's all a diabolical brainwashing plot!!!" Just say no to Dubya. A new Feral House book by Konformist editor Robert Sterling, with contributions from Greg Palast, Paul Krassner, Lydia Lunch, Robbie Conal, Matt Taibbi, Sam Smith and Brian Paisley. Three cheers for The Right-Wing Media Whores Coalition, The Konformist Beast of the Year! Go ahead!! Make The Konformist your home page!! We won't stop you! UNDERGROUND NEWS: Disinformation Parascope Jeff Rense Steamshovel Press Conspire.com Flatland Books The Excluded Middle Conspiracy Nation Feral House Nexus Magazine New Dawn Magazine Fortean Times GettingIt Guerrilla News Network The Media Cult Adbusters AlterNet Alternewswire American Politics Journal Bartcop.com BuzzFlash Report The Center for Public Integrity Common Dreams The Consortium News CounterPunch FAIR From the Wilderness Greg Palast Independent Media Center Ken Layne Kill Radio LAExaminer.com Los Angeles Weekly Matt Welch The Media Channel Media Whores Online Michael Moore Mother Jones Narco News The Nation New City Newsmax NPR Online Journal PR Watch RaisetheFist.com Salon Tom Paine The Village Voice Wired Wireless Flash WorkingForChange World Net Daily World Socialist Web Site Yesterdayland 21 Alternative News Art Bell Church of SubGenius CyberSpace ORBIT David Icke Earwaves Network The Free American FREE WORLD ALLIANCE Ian Goddard Lobster Luke Ford NoMoreFakeNews.com PARANOIA Probe Magazine Psyopnews.com RENEGADE Rumor Mill News Agency The Sauder Zone The Smoking Gun "THE STRANGE" Newsletter The Truth
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Kirby The Konspiracy Boy Says, "I NEED 2 KONFORM!!!"