Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Yo Bunnies! Back from 4 weeks in YURP (as Dubya calls it)--the book tour went well; met lots of Americans abroad--they're sweet and startlingly revved up about the election. Made me think I better get cracking (and off crack). Thanks to everybody who was so terrific to me and the Debbster! Gwenda the Good in South London! Meredith & Robin in Lautrec, Kevin (the non smoker) in Brussels is da bomb! John and Deming in Montpellier (a happenin hippie town), the great Jakob (who says he knows the elusive band Stimmhorn--the ultimate in cool, if true) and his hot sidekick, Ingrid, in Heidelberg (home of the magnificent Klaus Staeck!), Gwen and Vincent in Praha-ha. If you've never been to the Horse Hospital in London, check it out. (020) 7833 3644 Talk with James, Kate and Heather. So hip! Ravensbourne College rocks--if you're lucky enuff to be in Sian Cook's class. We're going to Boston on Monday--yes, postering the trio of anti-Bush, anti-War uglies...please come say hello in Cambridge, July 27th, 9:30pm Zeitgeist Gallery and don't wear suede (hint, hint).We'll show Boom Boom's goofy "Guerrilla Etiquette" video and do some damage. Mear-one and The BigE (from post Gen) will be there too. When I get back to LA, we'll schedule a book talk at Warszawa (Polish restaurant--don't you wanna know what Polish food is? Like, does it really exist?) in Santa Monica, cook up our NYC action for August 31st at Bowery Poetry Club and Sept 4th in the SF Bay Area---then the big road trip toTucson, hangin with Calexico and friends--Sept 10-12. Also, if you're in DC, Chicago, Seattle, Austin or wherever, and want to hang some paper, just e mail me at the website and we'll hook you up. Maybe we'll even come along for the fun, if you'll let us.Boom Boom loves nothing better than a long road trip and she wants to kick Republican ass--er, I mean, she wants to meet you. There's lots to do--together--before the election...let's get it on (where's Marvin Gaye when we need him, anyway? Well, we've got Ozomatli--have you heard their new cd, "Street Signs"? Wow!) August 7th we'll be opening a greatest hits poster show in Pasadena at Sandi Cruze's dazzling new Ellouise Salon: 626 793-0037 for details. Boom Boom's getting her hair dyed purple and orange(not) while we partay! bunnyhugs, peaceÅ, robbie posted by
Robbie Conal at 5:44 PM
Monday, June 21, 2004
YO YO BUNS! I'm off tomorrow to Europa--with the Debbster so I don't get lost or in too much trouble. Boom Boom'll be running the studio as usual, so feel free to bug her about anything. Her direct e mail address; elizabeta@overtones.org But don't you dare call her anything but BOOM BOOM. And I'll check my e mail every other day at least, so don't be shy. Just in case you're cruising the Continent, or have Bunny Buds in London, Paris, Heidelberg, Prague, Brussels, wherever, who might want to harangue me about anything at all in person, here's the TOUR SCHEDULE. My theory is: if they hate us so much, they'll like ARTBURN. We'll see about that. Please, if you wanna come to one of these events, make nice and e-mail them first. And if you send friends, please tell'em to come up to me and say hi. I 'd love to meet'em. peace & angst, robbie
PS. Our pal, Randy Ostrow, and his buddies Joe Garden and Mike Loew from The Onion just came out with a hillarious new book -- Boom Boom's favorite -- get your own copy of "Citizen You!" while you still can! posted by
Robbie Conal at 12:53 AM
BUNNIES GALORE! Just back from the MILLION WOMEN March--it was awesome! Me and a MILLION women (my plan is working!). Naw, they just blew everything away (like the Bush Regime--I know I'm dreamin, but...SO MANY GREAT WOMEN CAN'T BE WRONG!) --the biggest March EVER in DC--for CHOICE. For WOMEN's LIVES! Debb designed a tough T-Shirt just for the occasion (see photo): the symbol for the medical profession (a cadeusus) turned into a pair of snakes squeezing a woman who's being crucified by the Bush regime's churchandstate mixed-up, bass-ackwards constriction of women's health services. Here's Debb and "Glitter Shorty" (who personalized the T's, applying rainbow glitter to the snakes and generally dousing everybody she liked with LIBERAL doses of the stuff), modeling their creation (don't worry, our own glittery Boom Boom was there, she's just shy). Go team! You go, Shorty! (she's 7, going on 21) If you want a T, we still have a very few, only large (but they're cut small). I'm so inspired, I'm gonna work glitter into everything from now on... OH! a head's up: me and Shepard Fairey and Mear-one and Post Gen are doing a launch partay at the Avalon (where the Palace used to be) in Hollywood on May 27th (that's a Thursday night--postering to follow right after da partay) for our trio of anti-Bush posters. Ozomatli is headlining, Z-trip is deejay!, Medusa and Feline Science will be in the house, Jerry Quickley (the GREAT slam poet) is the house--just save the date, OK? It'll be a blast. More updates later on that one (We'll invite Glitter Shorty, but she's very busy in DC (mixin' up the glitterati): getting ready for the "End of the Bush Regime Party" next January!). Peace & Angst, Robbie posted by
Robbie Conal at 2:28 PM
Sunday, March 14, 2004
Yo BUNNIES! Been too long, but we're baaaaack! And the BOYZ (Gandhi, Dalai Lama, MLKjr) are back as well. We've found more posters--once again available on the website. Woohoo! A little more expensive, but we've got'em while they last. Also found a couple of totally rare "WE'RE ALL ONE COLOR" posters--please e mail me for price, if you really can't live without one. I'll be in Bezerkeley March 27th--at UC, giving a talk about something or other, then, that night, we'll hit the streets with AHHNOLD!! ACHTUNG, BABY! E mail me for details, OK? Then April 2nd, I'll be talking at Parsons School of Art & Design in NYC--Yo, New Yawkahs! Please come say hello, we'll chat about A-Rod, Gary Sheffield's thumb and the Republican Convention (we got a new poster comin up for that (fo shizzle, ma nizzle!). I'll have some posters with me, the book and stickers. just for fun. Where's the great Sue Coe when we NEED her? (Upstate working on Bush, I'm sure.) Let's have a great vegan meal with Sue and her Lambs after the talk! Love, angst and PEACE, robbie posted by
Robbie Conal at 11:11 AM
Thursday, February 26, 2004
Yo Buns! How does a Celebration of Comic Art sound? This Saturday, February 28th from 4-7pm, Golden Apple and L.A. Weekly are throwing a party that celebrates all the great comic art that has graced the pages of the L.A. Weekly... Robbie will be in the mix (maybe not for being "comic" but--let's hope--for being funny) so come harangue him in person at the Golden Apple Melrose Mega-Store -- 7711 Melrose Avenue (4 blocks east of Fairfax); phone: 332-658-6047 Peace, Boom Boom robbie's glittery assistant posted by
Robbie Conal at 11:43 AM