domain / owner / love / fun / photos

Sunday, August 08 

get user's resolution with PHP
i learned something new today about PHP. it's the $GLOBAL vars that can be seen by all included php files. of course most of the webhosts have register_globals = On so you don't have to worry about it from the beginning. this articles explains why it's better.

but that's only a side track. I spent most of the last two hours playing with this script. fixed a bug and added a functionality. read more about it and learn how to use my user resolution PHP script here. i did that because i needed it when i was hacking DMB to add "You must follow forum rules" for the quick reply ^_^

Friday, August 06 

weird morning
this is a weird morning. i woke up today. bubo was not sleeping with me and instead he was outside sleeping in his bed. well that's not too weird maybe he had enough my tossing around. i spotted myself in the mirror while i was brushing my teeth and saw my hair was parted naturally like this:

oh my. i couldn't do that even if i tried L O L 

then i went washed the dishes and got the crockpot going. i took the stuff out of the "banquet - crockpot classics" and was amused.

this is the bag.

this is the content.

i understand the photo on the bag generally don't look like what's inside. but for "stronganoff with beef and noodles", are we supposed to have onions, green pepper and mushroom? hrm must changed their recipe a little bit. hey whatever, veggy is good for you. i'm curious how it's gonna turn out : ) 

Tuesday, August 03 

severe weather watch
w o a h  scary!!

Severe weather is threatening parts of Iowa. A Tornado Watch is in effect until 10 o'clock tonight, a Severe Thunderstorm Watch is in effect until 7 o'clock, and a Flash Flood Watch has been issued until tomorrow morning. KCRG-TV9's LIVE First Alert Pinpoint Doppler Radar shows showers strong showers & thunderstorms in north central Iowa, these storms will move into eastern Iowa later tonight.

from my local news website
i tell you they are not kidding. the wind outside is truly scary. it makes my windows raddle. andy's still not home. i'm home alone with bubo. hugs bubo tightly.... arg... bubo is thrilled tho not scared at all and keeps want to go look outside of the window xD.


arg i'm so nervous. i finally registered to take GRE. i will be taking it on 8/21 11am. i never do good on standardized tests. my SAT wasn't piss poor (it actually waivered my TOEFL) but my verbal really bites. i know complaining is no use now. i just need to concentrate on studying right now. so i need to put all my web projects aside for three weeks. no more big php script altho i have so many ideas i wish to implement. eek... (oh yea i just heard there are no entrance tests in Canada. what a treat huh?)

i moved regretless.com to shi's new hosting company! yes shi's back if you haven't heard. she's as cool as ever. regretless has been exceeding its month bandwidth allowed. arg apparently 25gb is no longer enough so i ordered 5 more gb from shi. sheeh.. all those new services on dnw just eat up bandwidth like hungry wolves.

i should get offline now. before i go, i must show you how BUBO is a spy DOG LMAO!

Monday, August 02 

bubo's CG
i'm so happy i won the auction of Cindy's CG. it's sooooooooooooooooo good!!

this is the photo i asked her to cg
and this is the RESULT! i'm soooo happy!
bubo CG
completely drawn in photoshop!

Sunday, August 01 

DMB blogathon!
weeeeeeeee that was too fun!

haha.. yea we are nuts but we are friendly and funny nuts. from 7/31/2004 12:00GMT to 8/1/2004 12:00GMT we had our dmb blogathon. 59 members participated in posting. probably a few more in the chatroom. our stats are pretty stunning.
548 Posts Were Posted
722 Comments Were Posted
66 Different Nicks Were Represented In The Comments
in 24 hours : ) 

the chatting was great. but we finally figured out we should have gone with IRC coz msn chat has a 20 ppl limit and aim for some reason just isn't as poular.

for those who participated, you should go nominate now! and oh yea, i promised you some humpage pictures L O L 

Thursday, July 29 

Kill unwanted start up softwares
I'm no expert in operating system but i learned something new today while attempting to troubleshooting for my problem. my windows media player has been popping up every time i turn on the computer. i've been ignoring it since it didn't really hurt anything. but just recently another software named "sychost.exe" under systems32/helpefa starts to load during my windows xp start up too. the annoying thing tries to connect to the internet so i get my zone alarm alert and a prompt for internet connection every time my windows starts. what's worse? sychost.exe doesn't shut down when i shut down the computer so i have to click on "END PROGRAM" pop up every time i shut down. i still haven't figured out what is it for. i finally got fed up and decided to figure out a way to stop my windows from loading it at start up.

here's how you do it. there are many "unknown" programs gets loaded during your window start up. to test if it's ok to NOT load one of them during your start up. go to START -> RUN and type in MSCONFIG. in the new screen, click on the start up tab and uncheck the programs you don't want your windows to load during start up. exit and restart.

view my screenshot of MSCONFIG

i didn't get any error when i'm back after i unchecked media player. so no idea what it's like if you do XP. anyway when you are back, you should get a warning about how the windows is running under "selective startup" mode. click ok and then the start up tab again. on the screen, find where the particular software is located in your registry. most of them would be under
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Run
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\RunOnce
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Run
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\RunOnce
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

but somehow mine is under HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT/WINDOWS NT/CURRENTVERSION/WINDOWS weird! (btw, "HKLM" stands for "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" and "HKCU" stands for "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" if you haven't figured it out)

now go to START -> RUN and type in REGEDIT, browse to the place where your software is located and delete its value on the right.

view my screenshot of REGEDIT

that should make the program disappear in your msconfig window. and next time you start your windows, the software should not be loaded any more. at least it worked for me.

good luck trying it out if you have similar problems : ) 

Wednesday, July 28 

Private Entry - Email for log in if you are a friend.

Monday, July 26 

why do dogs dig?
digging is one of the many differences that separates cats and dogs. bubo will have to demonstrate it for you. cats dig in their litter box. dogs dig for absolutely no reason. behold here (6.7M) LMAO

Why do dogs dig?

Because they are dogs. Because it is pleasurable and fun. To relieve boredom, stress and loneliness. To get away, or to get into the house. To get cool.

Sunday, July 25 

inverse color
while working on my new store script, i learned about inverse color. The inverse of a color is the most contrasting color of that color.

[geektalk] Mathematically, it's the complement of current RGB value of the color. On the web, each color is represented in either a HEXCODE or its RGB (red, green, blue) form. The hexcode is a representation of the color's RGB value. Hex means base 16. It's consisted of 1-9 Plus A-F. Since two hex code can represent up to 256 decimals because 162 = 256 (representing 0 - 255), the first two digit of the hexcode is the color's red value. The second is the green value and third is the blue value. So after we convert the hexcode representation of the color to its respective red, green and blue values and substract each from 255. Then convert them back to hex and concatenate them. We get its complement color or inverse.[/geektalk]

Either way, if you don't know what I'm talking about, just take a look at this example. You will get it.

in my scripts collection, i also give you a php function which is 10 times easier to write than the javascript version of it.