Summaries of my latest posts in Persian
Yesterday's conference was great, not because of its content, but because it had gathered interesting and rather different people. If it wasn't for Len Witt's personal interest in blogs, none of us, bloggers, were there. By the way, Jeff jarvis is nicer and taller than I had thought.
# Direct Link | 5 Aug 04
Iranian regime can stop people from protesting to its nuclear weapon's ambitions, but can't make them silent about disasterous enviromental issues that is threatening hundreds of thousands of innocent people, directly or indirectly.
# Direct Link | 4 Aug 04
I'll be on the latest panel in Public and Participatory Journalism, at 6:30 in Sheraton Hotel in Toronto, tomorrow, Aug 3.
# Direct Link | 2 Aug 04
Johen Kerry's speech could not ever be better. He covered every important issue with a strong and at the same time humane tone. Alexandra, his attractive daughter, made up for his aloofness with his funny Hamster joke too.
# Direct Link | 30 Jul 04
Detaining Mohajerani can seen as a threat to Rafsanjani, not to even think of nominating for upcoming Presidential election. They know that he and reformists have no choice but to unite against the young and reckless team of Khamanei.
# Direct Link | 29 Jul 04
I'm on a new freelance job.
# Direct Link | 28 Jul 04
Don't miss the Democratic National Convention tonigh from CNN
# Direct Link | 26 Jul 04
With the new series of iPods, the only reason I can't convince myself to buy one, is thet iTunes does not operate in Canada yet. Why don't Canadians deserve the rare good things coming out of the States?
# Direct Link | 26 Jul 04
The shameful action by two Iranian soccer players is nothing but the result of the regime's way of dealing with its people.
# Direct Link | 25 Jul 04
Sobhaneh is temporarily down because of the load it was imposing on the server. I'll relaunch it in a few days and with a new software.
# Direct Link | 25 Jul 04
Please contact me if you have a popular website with over 50,000 page views per day.
# Direct Link | 23 Jul 04
While Democrats in the US have invited bloggers to their convention, Jebh-e Mosharekat totally ignored the big blogging community in Iran.
# Direct Link | 22 Jul 04
With combining wireless technologies and two-way satellite systems, many neighberhood in Tehran can have a their own small-sized Internet provider, avoiding the government's control. Anyone knows whether it is possible or not?
# Direct Link | 21 Jul 04
Abtahi's blog was quoted in Harper's magaine, July 2004 issue, in one and a half pages.
# Direct Link | 21 Jul 04
geeting rid of comment spammers and lamers, I finally decided to upgrade to Movable Type 3.0 and pay for it.
# Direct Link | 19 Jul 04
With the new report by 9/11 committee about Iran's ties with Al-Qaida terrorists emerging, the world has officially started a wide front against Iranian regime: nukes, human rights (Zahra Kazemi's case), and finally support for global terrorism (Al-Qaida). Iran is not a place to live in the next couple of years. Every one should be expecting the worst at any moment and be prepared.
# Direct Link | 17 Jul 04
Just a brief note.
# Direct Link | 16 Jul 04
How about collecting all photos and news clips about Mosaddegh's visit to the U.S in 1950 and have them published in a book?
# Direct Link | 15 Jul 04
Will the new generation of the Iranians ever try to stop the regime from violating their basic and personal freedoms?
# Direct Link | 13 Jul 04
Please link to in your weblogs. There is no other way to inform others about the new users.
# Direct Link | 12 Jul 04
While Iranians always deny ther are seeking nuclear weapons, Kayhan shamlessly tries to justify haging nukes by quoting from Ayatalolah Motahari.
# Direct Link | 12 Jul 04
An interview with Shahram Kholdi, Law graduate from Iran, about legal implications of filtering political websites in Iran.
# Direct Link | 10 Jul 04
Cheney was in Iran in 2000 for Hallibuton's busniess with Iran?
# Direct Link | 7 Jul 04
Persian bloggers in Toronto meet up tonight in SpaHa at 8.
# Direct Link | 7 Jul 04
Why we always make a scene when we want to close our weblog for a while
# Direct Link | 7 Jul 04
Hard-line conservatives are successfully making a taxidermy of all the democratic institutions such as the Parliament, press, NGOs, etc. Being silent would lead the world to really believe that we, the Iranian people, support these fake and stuffed institutions.
# Direct Link | 7 Jul 04
The best way to end the apathy among Iranian youth is to show them how a wonederful place (not politically, tought) the same Iran used to be 30 years ago. How they are expected to need something they have never experienced?
# Direct Link | 6 Jul 04
Greeks were what germans have always been until recently. They had a wonderful German coach though.
# Direct Link | 5 Jul 04
The filtering has effectively made many websites into the hands of hard-line religious community.
# Direct Link | 4 Jul 04
Mehdi Hashemi may have been cleared of bribe charge, but he has got $15m from Statoil anyway, either as consulting fee or bribery. Now he wants to sue anyone who has talked or written about it -- using the same money.
# Direct Link | 4 Jul 04
Looks as if they've even filtered my photoblog too!
# Direct Link | 3 Jul 04
How to make money for your e-zine only by Google ads (AdSense); even if it's in a non-English language like Persian
# Direct Link | 1 Jul 04
Tech journalists in Iran are not independent. They are mostly supported directly or indirectly by govemental funs that has flooded to the IT section in the past few of years.
# Direct Link | 30 Jun 04
The good thing about Canada's political system is that all mnisters should be first directly elected by the voters, then be chosen as ministers.
# Direct Link | 29 Jun 04
Nice tactic to transfer power to Iraq earlier than scheduled date. And nice to see our own (bloggers community) Stuart Hughes of the BBC has broken the news.
# Direct Link | 28 Jun 04
Two new legal approaches towards the issue of Internet censorship in Iran
# Direct Link | 28 Jun 04
I've written a brief piece for Cappuccino magazine for their 100s issue.
# Direct Link | 27 Jun 04
Use this post to subscribe to my blog and its linkdooni
# Direct Link | 26 Jun 04
The weblog festival in Tehran didn't prove as much attracting as many thought. Simply because people view it as a goverment-backed thing. So let's have our own conference this year in a free place, like Dubai.
# Direct Link | 25 Jun 04
Makarem Shirazi has said some nonesense about the Iranian websites.
# Direct Link | 24 Jun 04
revolutionary Guard is single-handedly destroying Iran's reputation in the last decade as a ratioanl but theocratic regime. They can burn the whole world for nothing. Somebody should stop them.
# Direct Link | 23 Jun 04
Journalists in Iran are extremely underpaid and it party may be the reason of terribly low readership.
# Direct Link | 22 Jun 04
It's not a good time for a blogging strike to protest to Internet censorship. But it's defenitely a good way to protest.
# Direct Link | 21 Jun 04
BBC Persoan Online has discontinued my contribution. But you can read my bi-weekly column in Shargh newspaper on Saturdays instead.
# Direct Link | 21 Jun 04
This is the best time to organize some NGOs to defend the basic rights of Iranian Internet users, especially the freedom of information
# Direct Link | 20 Jun 04
A casual phone interview with Sanam (Khorshid Khanoom or Lady Sun)
# Direct Link | 18 Jun 04
Please stop adding me to your friends' list in Orkut if we have never met or at least exchanged emails. Instead you can join the group for Editor:Myself readers.
# Direct Link | 17 Jun 04
The ISPs regulation is a disasterous example of how limited is freedom of expression on the Net in Iran.
# Direct Link | 17 Jun 04
Just an absurd joke about the term "melting in Velayat"
# Direct Link | 17 Jun 04
ISNA website has been hacked into. It's a good chance to improve its usability and search issues.
# Direct Link | 16 Jun 04
Surprise: Georgia university brings blogs to Toronto
August 04, 2004The best thing about the conference for me was that I finally met Jeff Jarvis, who, like an older brother, has always supported me, despite our political differences. It was also very great to meet Rebecca MacKinnon, Jay Rosen and Jim Elve in person. (I had met Dan Gilmore in Vienna last summer)
So, aside from these personal aspects, I am glad that some of the high-profile Canadian bloggers finally got a chance to meet and share their thoughts -- and get some local press.
As I said last night and David Akin confirmed it, blogs are not as known -- never mind popular -- in Canada as they are in the States and part of it could be because the majority of mainstream Canadian journalists have not been able to understand this new medium and how they can use it for their own journalistic purposes. Therefore they see it as an unreliable, teenage-oriented hobby, same as chat rooms, instant messenger, etc.
We Canadian bloggers should think of creative ways to talk more about blogs and its socio-political implications, so the public could gradually understand why blogs are important and how they can use them for their own purposes.
One of the greatest ways to start, I think, is to quote from Canadian blogs -- and also introduce them this way -- in hip weekly magazines such as Now and Eye. Now, for example, has a technology page every week which could be great starting point for such thing.
P.S: I forgot to say that the five minute time for each of the Global Aspects panelists in the latest possible panel, while everyone was having dinner, was probably not a good idea. However, in such conference, that was even a big success: Who else in Georgia would even care about the outside world, let alone international blogs. So, special thanks to Leonard Witt, for his brilliant idea to bring blogs to traditional journalists, and then both of them to Toronto, which one might guess, due to its diverse society, would embrace blogs more than others.
Blogging conference in Toronto
August 03, 2004Today, at 6:30 PM, I'll be speaking about blogs in Iran at a conference about Public and Participatory Journalism in Toronto. The one-day conference starts from 12 PM and its program is available on their website.
Dan Gillmor, Jay Rosen, Jeff Jarvis, David Akin, Rebecca MacKinnon and Warren Kinsella wil be speaking too.
By the way, Globe and Mail has published an article about blogging in its Saturday's issue. (When they started this stupid free registration?)
Totally unaware
July 19, 2004No one in Iran seems to be really understanding how critical is the situation of the country these days. The complete media control by the hard-line conservatives have left average Iranians totally unaware of the threat that Iranian leaders' arrogance is causing to Iran's national security -- as a sovereign nation.
We, in absence of any free media, should inform Iranians about these threats and try to explain for them why their silence is really dangerous to their own fate in Iran. Especially if it's perceived by the Western world as Iranian's 'Ok' to the nuclear programs, threats twoards Israel and its consequences.
As a patriotic Iranian and despite my resentment with the establishment in Iran and its nuclear ambitions, I can't simply accept that a foreign state attacks Iran for any reason. At the same time I accept the right of another state to stop a real threat posed by another state who owns nukes.
What would you do, if you were us?
Too sensetive
July 19, 2004This Yahoo mail page is filtered by the Iranian government because it has the word 'sex'in its URL.
Entrance Exam on 18 Tir
July 10, 2004Seems as if one of the reasons that Iran was quite calm yesterday in the anniversary of student protests (18 Tir) is that the second biggest nation-wide entrance exam for Azad (open) university was scheduled on the same day. (About a million participants take part in it every year)
So not only many potential protestors had to take the exam, but all the educational space is also dedicated to the exams and all schools were effectively closed from a few days eralier to facilitate the exams.
As ruthless and agressive as the hard-line conservatives are, sometimes they come up with creative and non-violent ways to achieve their golas
Filtering Photoblogs
July 05, 2004It's confirmed now that the bastards at TCI (Telecom Iran) have filtered my photoblog. I first got suspicious when I saw a major decline in its visitors. This is really amazing! How far they are going to go?
Iranians Third in Orkut
June 30, 2004To my surprise, Iranians are now the thrid biggest community in Orkut, after Brazil and the United States. Given the low ratio of Internet users in Iran (some 3m out of 70m of population) and the poor quality of their access (56Kbps is still the fastest), this is really interesting.
How can you explain it? Couldn't it be weblogs?
Rogers PVR's Issues
June 30, 2004After getting the Rogers PVR yesterday and playing with it, now I see why everybody is so fascinated by TiVo in the States.
But I've come across two issues so far:
- The re-runs are also scheduled to be recorded when choosing ALL EPISODE option. So you may want to record the Daily Show on 11:00 PM but it also records the re-run at 3:00 AM. However if you want to record a re-run, it ignores its time and automatically schedule it for the first run. Guess it's because of the Rogers TV Guide.
- I can't see the program listing of many channels, especially the digital ones such as BBC World, for the weekend if I check it today, on Tuesday. Isn't it supposed to have the full seven day schedule available?
Forget TiVO, Rogers Now Offers PVR in Canada Too
June 28, 2004For a long time, many Canadians have wondered why TiVO has not operating in Canada. But now Rogers offers PVR (Persoanl Video Recorder) service, integrated with the regular digital box, for either a monthly rent of $19.95 per month, or a one-time purchase of it for $588.
According to the Rogers website, its PVR has these rare features:
- Record two shows at once
- Record one show while watching a different channel
- Pause, rewind, and instant-replay "LIVE TV"
- Record up to 50 hours of programming
- Automatically record "ALL EPISODES" of your favourite shows
- All-in-one Digital Terminal & Digital Recorder
- Get Picture-In-Picture on any TV
HUB magazine has more detail about Rogers PVRs and their advantages over some similar services like from Bell ExpressVU.
There is also a report by a user experience studio, called Teehan+Lax, in which Bell and Roger's PVRs have been compared(PDF) in terms of user experience.
As for the recorder machine itself, which seems to be Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8000, PVR Blog reports a wierd bug related to the leap year. It has also pointed to an interesting blog in which, Joe Clark, a technician, keeps track of his own Explorer 8000.
Some features of the Explorer 80000 include:
- 80GB Hard Drive
- Pauses Live TV For Up To One Hour
- Supports Alternative Languages
- Built-In Dolby Digital Technology
- Channel Favourites List
- Supports Closed Captioning
- On-Screen Channel And Program Banner
- On-Screen Pay-Per-View Purchase Summary
- S-Video Output Jack
- One Set Of RCA Type A/V And Output Jacks
- Coaxial Digital Audio (Dolby Digital) Output
- Software Upgrades
After I get my PVR tomorrow morning, the question for me would be whether to rent it or purchase it. I guess I'm going to rent it until an stable model comes out with minimum bugs.
Additional links:
- FutureShop sells three types of PVRs
- Explorer 8000 on Scientific Atlanta's official website
Iranian Nukes
June 27, 2004The most frustrating thing about Iranian nukes issue is that the voice of the Iranian public, either inside or outside Iran, is absolutely missing.
I've discussed this in my latest article for Free Thoughts on Iran, titled This is my fate they are talking about
Photoblogging a disaster
June 25, 2004An Iranian blogger who has just returened from the scene of devastating crash in south of Iran, which has led to at least 90 deaths, has posted some first-hand photos.
BBC competes Al-Jazeera
June 25, 2004I'm quite happy to see that BBC plans to re-launch a satelite Arabic channel competing with widely popular Al-Jazeera. The British know the mid-east region better than anyone in the world and at the same time know how to affect the Arab educated audience.
But I doubt the new channel could attract less-educated Arabs of the world who actually make up the majority of them. They still going to watch Al-Jazeera which instead of spreading wisdom and giving insightful analyisi, fills Arabs hearts and minds with subtle anti-Western ideas and sentiments.
An effort to start an Arabic TV channel by the BBC had failed a few years ago.
Effect of filtering
June 24, 2004Heavy new filtering has decreased my Persian weblog's readership from over 7,000 page views per day to about 5,000. Nothing is more painful than this.
Iranian Tv's Big Mistake
June 23, 2004The stupid hardline Iranians in TV can not understand how similar their pictures of capyired British sailors look to the picutres of Wahabist terrorsts before killing their hostages. They have also made many people remember the American hostage crisis in the early 80s in Tehran.
It has certainly damaged the positive image Iran has made for itself after the 9/11 by not getting invloved in any Al-Qaida activities.
Latest Version of The Blacklist
June 16, 2004One of my readers who says is an administrator of an ISP in Tehran, has sent the latest version of the blacklist Iranian Telecom has sent out to all ISPs.
Apparently this list only includes websites and weblogs in Persian language. There are CDs regularely sent out to ISPs that contain thousands of erotic websites in English that are not politically of much significance.
The new list includes many news websites not neccessarily related to radical and violent opposition groups, as well as many entertainment websites, weblogs, and some erotic blogs and websites.
I'd try to mark the major news websites among them.
BlogAds, not exactly easy to use
June 14, 2004I've been using BlogAds for a while but I should say that even though it's a great idea, it has a poor implementation.
I can't write a review on it right now, but what frustrates me most is the fact that I can't edit the ads people have submitted to me. For example, I can't accept some of the banners people submit either because they are bigger or smaller than my standard size, or they are simply ugly.
So if i want to change the banner with a new one, designed by me, I have no choice but to send the banner back to the owner and ask him or her to replace it with the older one. The same thing would happen if I want to change their wording a little bit.
Moreover, eventhough it works fine with Unicode, but since the default page encoding (maybe on the web server) is set to something other than Unicode, every time you want to change or see something in Persian, for example, you have to change the page encoding to Unicode -- it's such a pain.
Yahoo RSS Reader Still Fails Unicode
June 14, 2004Four months on, Yahoo hasn't fixed its RSS reader's problem with Unicode text. I had previousely written about the problem and it still exits.
Iran Filtered Blogspot
June 13, 2004Apparently Iranian Telecom and some other ISPs have filtered all Blogspot subdomains. Many users have confirmed it.
Update: Mehdi, a blogger from Qum, has confirmed it in his blog, among others.
Blogs Define the Internet in Iran
June 11, 2004In Weblog Festival's closing ceremony, deputy of IT ministery and head research institute raised some important things about blogs in Iran.
The former, Nassrollah Jahangard, wished that every Iranian could have a blog one day and expressed the government's support for persian blogs which, in his mind, are defining the presence of Iran on the Net and make an identity for the Iranian community on the Internet. He also added that blogs are sort of cultureal heritage for Iran and they will make the future of it.
The latter, Sohrab Razeghi, said that blogs and the values they carry with themseves are the begining of a modern society in Iran. He said that the openness, subversiveness, and a sense of individualism which are visible among Iranian weblogs are completely new things in the society. he then rejected the idea of government support and said that they should leave the persian blogoshpere alone and let it go in whatever direction it wants.
I'm actually surprised by mr. Razaghi's comments and believe that he is one the few officials who has really understood the nature of blogging and how it's been evolving in the Iranian online commuinity.
Many bloggers have commented abuot the three-day festival, but all of are in Persian, so there is no point to link to them. But there are many wonderful pictures of the festival: Set one, set two, set three, and set four.
There's also been a signifact amount of coverage in a dozen of news agencies and papers.
Regean and Khomeini
June 11, 2004Both popular at home and extremly unpopular abroad, Ronald Regean and Ruhollah Khomeini had at least one hing in common. (--edited)