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Coming in September
From AK Press

Featuring Essays by: Edward Said, Robert Fisk, Michael Neumann, Shahid Alam, Alexander Cockburn, Uri Avnery, Bill and Kathy Christison and More

Recent Stories

August 8, 2003

Dave Lindorff
Snoops Night Out


August 7, 2003

M. Shahid Alam
It the US a "Terrorist Magnet?"

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Neo-liberal Nicaragua: a New Banana Republic

Adam Lebowitz
Hiroshima Commemorated: the View from Japan

Hanan Ashrawi
When the Bully Whines

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Conscience Takes a Holiday

Jason Leopold
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Mike Kimaid
What's the Score?

Elaine Cassel
The Smell of VICTORY: Ashcroft's Latest Stinkbomb

Dardagan, Slobodo and Williams
CounterPunch Exclusive:
20,000 Wounded Iraqi Civilians


August 6, 2003

Steve Higgs
Going to Jail for the Cause: It's Not Easy Confronting King Coal

David Krieger
Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Robert Fisk
The Ghosts of Uday and Qusay

Christopher Brauchli
Bush's War on the National Forests

Elaine Cassel
No Fly Lists

Stan Goff
Military Equipment and Pneumonia

Hugh Sansom
An Open Letter to Nicholas Kristof on the Nuking of Japan

August 5, 2003

Uri Avnery
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Forrest Hylton
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Ray McGovern
"We Cook Estimates to Go"

David Morse
Poindexter's Gambit

Edward Said
Orientallism: 25 Years Later

George W. Bush
My Darn Good Resumé

Hammond Guthrie
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Website of the Day
National Prayer Day

August 4, 2003

Bruce K. Gagnon
Another Peace Activist Detained by Airport Cops: My Story

David Lindorff
Fear-Mongering About Social Security

Mark Zepezauer
George F. Will: Descent into Self-Parody

James Plummer
Tracking You Through the Mail

Mickey Z.
Marriage Insecurity from Sharon to Bush

Bruce Jackson
News that Isn't News: How the NYT's Pimps for the White House

August 2 / 3, 2003

Tamara R. Piety
Nike's Full Court Press Breaks Down

Francis Boyle
My Alma Mater, the University of Chicago, is a Moral Cesspool

David Vest
Sons of Paleface: Pictures from Death's Other Side

Neve Gordon
Nightlife in Jerusalem

Uri Avnery
Their Master's Voice:
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Robert Fisk
Paternalistic Democracy for Iraq

Jerry Kroth
Israel, Yellowcake and the Media

Noah Leavitt
What's Driving the Liberian Bloodbath: Is the US Obligated to Intervene?

Saul Landau
The Film Industry: Business and Ideology

Ron Jacobs
One Big Prison Yard: the Meaning of George Jackson

Thomas Croft
In the Deep, Deep Rough: Reflections on Augusta

Amadi Ajamu
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Poets' Basement
Vega, Witherup, Albert and Fleming


August 1, 2003

Joanne Mariner
Stopping Prison Rape

Alex Coolman
Who Moved My Soap: Trivializing Prison Rape

Steve J.B.
Prison Bitch

Stan Goff
Injury and Decorum: The Missing Wounded in Iraq

Wayne Madsen
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Robert Fisk
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Elaine Cassel
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July 31, 2003

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The Prostitution of Intelligence

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Wolfowitz's Operative Statement

Sheldon Hull
The RIAA's Jihad:
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Elaine Cassel
The Next Time You Crack a Lawyer Joke, Think of These Attorneys

Sheldon Rampton
and John Stauber
True Lies: Propaganda and Bush's Wars

Hammond Guthrie
Speculation Blues

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July 30, 2003

David Lindorff
Poindexter the Terror Bookie

Marjorie Cohn
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Elaine Cassel
How Ashcroft Coerces Guilty Pleas in Terror Cases

Zvi Bar'el
The Hidden Costs of the Iraq War

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Sean Carter
Pat Robertson's Prayer Jihad: God, Sodomy and the Supremes

ND Jayaprakash
India and Ariel Sharon

Steve Perry
Bush's Top 40 Lies

Standard Schaefer
Correction about Bloomberg and Outscourcing

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Congratulations to CounterPuncher Gilad Atzmon! BBC Names EXILE Top Jazz CD

July 29, 2003

Jeffrey St. Clair
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Thomas J. Nagy
The Belligerent Dr. Pipes

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Chris Floyd
Dead Reckoning: Bush Warriors Sign Off on War Crimes

Robert Fisk
Another Botched Raid; Another Massacre

Jason Leopold
Did Chalabi Help Write Bush's State of the Union Address?

Conn Hallinan
Food Bully: Bush's Biotech Shock and Awe Campaign

Dan Bacher
Sacramento's War on Free Speech

Ray McGovern
Cheney Chicanery

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Wendell Berry
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WMD: Who Said What When

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A Mother's Day Talk: the Daughter I Can't Hear From

Elaine Cassel
Civil Liberties Watch

Michel Guerrin
Embedded Photographer Says: "I Saw Marines Kill Civilians"

Uzma Aslam Khan
The Unbearably Grim Aftermath of War: What America Says Does Not Go

Paul de Rooij
Arrogant Propaganda

Gore Vidal
The Erosion of the American Dream

Francis Boyle
Impeach Bush: A Draft Resolution

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August 9, 2003



It wasn't just
A bomb, it was
That fire
From the sun,

The sun
Came screaming
Down to the earth
Burned every skin
Every eyeball, every
Morsel of
Human, animal, thing
Even the rocks were not spared

* * *

Many just

* * *

Some, iieeeeeeeeeeeee
Iiiiiieeeeeeee ooohhhhh

* * *

Others lay there
Q u i e t

* * *

The smell
I remember
The smell

* * *

There is nothing
I can tell you

* * *

The sun
Came screaming

Sam Hamod can be reached: shamod@cox.net


Oregon City, 08/09/2003

I mean, you eat your
Greens and beans
Wake up early
Are kind of kind
But what about coffee?

I mean, these tired serfs
picking the plantation clean
for Juan Valdez
are snarling at YOU
behind your Grande Latté?

I mean, he who is innocent
cast the first stone
at the mall
the White House
Yankee Stadium

I mean, we've got some
serious shit
to talk about
over coffee.

Adam Engel can be reached at: bartleby.samsa@verizon.net



Eye witnesses said
a soldier got his legs blown off
official reports didn't say anything.
A day after a general boasted
he had the resistance on the run
bombs and bullets bursting in Baghdad
and lots of civilians and soldiers
are dead and deformed.

Thirst for oil and power
Responding desire not to be humiliated
inevitably human.
Bring 'em on Bush
needs war for his
theater of cruelty
and reelection.

No light at the end.
Only endless tunnel.

Stew Albert can be reached at: StewA@aol.com


Weekend Edition Features for August 2/3, 2003

Tamara R. Piety
Nike's Full Court Press Breaks Down

Francis Boyle
My Alma Mater, the University of Chicago, is a Moral Cesspool

David Vest
Sons of Paleface: Pictures from Death's Other Side

Neve Gordon
Nightlife in Jerusalem

Uri Avnery
Their Master's Voice:
Bush, Blair and Intelligence Snafus

Robert Fisk
Paternalistic Democracy for Iraq

Jerry Kroth
Israel, Yellowcake and the Media

Noah Leavitt
What's Driving the Liberian Bloodbath: Is the US Obligated to Intervene?

Saul Landau
The Film Industry: Business and Ideology

Ron Jacobs
One Big Prison Yard: the Meaning of George Jackson

Thomas Croft
In the Deep, Deep Rough: Reflections on Augusta

Amadi Ajamu
Def Sham: Russell Simmons New Black Leader?

Poets' Basement
Vega, Witherup, Albert and Fleming


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