CMD staff members Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber
have finished writing their fifth book, Banana Republicans:
How the Right Wing Is Turning America Into a One-Party State.
It's now in bookstores, or you can order
it online. You can also find chapter summaries, an
excerpt, and reviews of the book on our new Banana
Republicans website.
Big corporations and governments spend hundreds of millions
of dollars on deceptive propaganda campaigns waged through
front groups and industry-funded think tanks to sell wars
National Congress), trash organic agriculture (Center
for Global Food Issues), smear activists as terrorists
tell the public that mad cow disease is no big deal (Harvard
Center for Risk Analysis), and push right-wing policy
agendas (Heritage
Foundation, Cato
Institute and American
Enterprise Institute, to name just a few). These well-funded
and strategic disinformation campaigns mislead and confuse
the press and
the public and prevent social change. Identifying and exposing
the thousands of individuals, corporations and PR firms behind
this propaganda has been almost impossible -- until now.
The Center for Media and Democracy has launched a new on-line
research project, the Disinfopedia,
which uses innovative "wiki" technology
to create a virtual community of collaborating citizen researchers
and journalists. Visit the Disinfopedia, and join our
growing team of online muckrakers.