Community Info
Community Information
Below is information about the "Dramaturgs R Us" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | dramaturgs (2136410) |
Name: | Dramaturgs R Us |
About: | An LJ community for dramaturgs, literary managers/interns, script readers and the men and women who love them.
Your friendly neighborhood moderator is lieuwecaritas. |
Interests: | 22: college theater, directing, directors, dramaturgs, dramaturgy, graduate school, internships, libraries, literary management, new plays, play readings, playwrights, playwriting, production meetings, reading, research, script readers, script reading, table work, theater, theater labs, theatre. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 21: athenapolias, bookish_sunny, clevortrevor, copperbadge, dramaturgca, elizabethr, flowerofevil, ghost_light, glimmmer, graymouser, journiey, katers007, kestrel127, lieuwecaritas, mousecatfish, pixiemagpie, purplehippos, queencallipygos, shariperkins, silvana, westerly |
Watched by: | 20: athenapolias, bookish_sunny, clevortrevor, condorgroupie, copperbadge, crowbaress, dramaturgca, elizabethr, flowerofevil, ghost_light, graymouser, kestrel127, lieuwecaritas, mousecatfish, pixiemagpie, purplehippos, queencallipygos, shariperkins, silvana, westerly |
Account type: | Free Account |
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