The Wayback Machine -
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "being lazy".
72 matches:
___________psst - Hey, Leatherface
__mypeoples__ - This Is Where All My Peoples Hang Out
__prettycute___ - .•*Are You Pretty Cute?*•.
_youreratedx - _youreratedx
acontrolgroup - a control group
aimeeisperfect - I LOVE AIMEE
airplane55 - the lifes of a cool chicks
amazemelove - AMAZED
bleednotshadow - Book and music obsessed people!
bored_ljers - Community for the bored.
cameraxwhores - whore it up
charlieincharge - Charlie In Charge
crazykids - The Crazy Kids
csc_2000 - cathlic school confessions
do_me_kevin - Do Me, Kevin.
easycooking - Cooking for Dummies
fart_knockers - fart_knockers
fat_kid_club - Fatty Mc Fatfat
forever19 - forever_nineteen
friggensweet - Wat can i say except...God, Im Friggen Sweet!
future_crisis - Hopeless Future
goal_posts - Stop slacking off, you procrastinator!
hayfield - Hayfield Secondary School
hazelkins - Hazel
hearturself - "We are beautiful..."
hp_doodles - Harry Potter Doodles
i_am_rad - The raddest.
jadedly - bitches [crystal & tso]
jaggedpill_icon - Alanis Morissette Icons
jessnrachdrama - The Dramatic Fake World Of J&R
kidsplayground - kids backyard
lazybookclub - lazybookclub
lazywa - Lazy Writers Anonymous
leftnostrils - I HAVE ONE, MAYBE YOU DO TOO
lip_service8 - Lip Service
live_life_cgjlc - *CM, JA, LM, GM, CM*
maison_du_mode - Maison du Mode
mr_secretary - i SAID, please hold
myxpoeticxdream - MyxPoeticxDream
operativemonkey - The red finger ribbon
ourpromise - .joshua.and.mya.
overqualified - Work sucks
palmharlem - Palm Harbor Kidz
patheticclub - the pathetic club
photostroke - PHOTOstroke
pipes_hos - slats'r'us
pissedxoff - pissedxoff
pkhpwlmwttufu - PKHPWLMWTTUFU
potheads_unite - bitch ass
prudes - prude
rate_my_rodent - rate_my_rodent
rejectedsouls - Rejected Souls
revolutionslash - Revolution//Slash
saint_bernards - Saint Bernards and their humans who love them
scanyourface - //scan-your-face
sexy_mofos - The mofos, who are sexy.
spare - stupid kid
sphere_of_wally - sphere_of_wally
swallowthelove - Lazy? Like to Read? Like Music?
sweet_babyblues - Taylors_beautiful_angeleyes
sweet_beach - *~Sweet Beach~*
sxdrgsrocknroll - Nunya Business
the_mcclares - gillian, john, tristan, ashley, allison
thepovertykids - Poverty Kids Strike Again!
thief_of_time - Procrastination is my middle name
vice_studios - VICE Studios
wasuregachi - The community formally known as ON
wee_wonderland - Lillian Putt-Duven
welovechelsea - WeLoveChelsea
whole_kix - us
xxfebruaryscars - ....Self ExPrEsSiOn...feel it.
youdrawidraw - youdrawidraw
Interested users
The following users are interested in being lazy. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
456 matches: