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User:snaples (569610) Paid User snaples
Snaples' Nonsensical Rambles
I just like the word nonsensical.
Bio:I HATE biographies, mini or otherwise. I realise mine needed an update, but this is ridiculous. Just read the journal, yeah? I absolutely have nothing to say that is either intelligent or witty about myself, and I risk sounding like a mentally deficient gnome.

But, in the interest of making this more interesting, here is a bullet (hmm, bullet) list to make things easier for everyone (but mostly me):

o - I am morbid.
o - I like Harry Potter and all the wonderfully disfunctional characters living in its universe.
o - I am a Severus/Harry shipper.
o - I violently hate whiners, wankers, backstabbers and clowns.
o - I violently love Cybele, GMTH, Maeglinyedi and Nimori and wish for one day to meet all of them. Hopefully in a meeting that will include an orgy, toys and several figurines of Severus, Harry and Lucius. Possibly Voldemort and Sirius. We have to satisfy Maeglin and Nimori too.
o - I hate biographies and have no idea how I got to write so damn much already.
o - I want to carry the babies of the following men: Alan Rickman, Trent Reznor, Jack White, Geoffrey Rush, Andrew Robinson, Jason Isaacs, Sean Bean, Colin Mochrie, Alexander Siddig, Anthony Hopkins, Ian McKellen, Jeremy Irons, Marilyn Manson (if he'll let me close enough without biting off certain portions of my anatomy), Till from Rammstein and I'm sure I'm forgetting some.
o - Women I just want to have sex with: Angelina Jolie, Gina Davis, Fairuza Balk, Rose McGowan ...

I'm bored now. Go read journal. I guarantee it'll be more exciting than this. Trust me.

Just do.

Come on.

Memories:36 entries
Interests:23: alan rickman, alternative music, cats, corsets, dark fiction, ds9, durer, engravings, francis bacon, garak, geoffrey rush, giger, independent movies, leather, marquis de sade, medieval ages, post-impressionism, reading, renaissance, sadism and masochism, slash, snape, writing. [Modify yours]
Friends:192: _hannelore, absynthia, abyschan, amanuensis1, amberfox, amethyst_lupin, amorettea, anais_rhys, anathdemalfoy, angel_emma, angeleledhwen, arachnethe2, arborwin, ari_, ariestess, armabee, art_of_cynicism, artimusdin, ash_night, ashkeyana, astentatioux, atdelphi, avalons, barbana, bellatricks, bethbethbeth, biichan, blackdracaena, blackkitty13, blackmaterials, bloody_american, bloodymargie, blue_raven, bluemoon02, bubbablue, burblelikeme, caesia390, cjk1701, ckr, cloudtrader, crackernuts, cursive, cybele_san, darkflame173, darththalia, deepforestowl, delfeus, deliciouspear, dementordelta, diagonalist, dinahrae, dovielr, drabble_night, dunkle_feuer, elke_tanzer, ellen_fremedon, fabularasa, falconer, fearisthmndkilr, flourish, frek, gaaak, gblvr, glockgal, gmth, goebtimo, goseaward, gryffinwhore, gwendolen, hautemonde, heyoka, hijack, hikaru, hp_femme, hpart, hpdrabble, hpsmart, ide_cyan, iibnf, industria, jacquez, janetmweiss, kaiz, kaptainsnot, kijikun, kissaki, kokopoko, kr_draco, ladykardasi, ladynutmeg, lagoonlady, lamardeuse, laurakaye, loony_moony, louiselux, lumos_solem, lunulet, luthien67, lyricalnights, maahes, maboroshi_korax, maddy_chan, maeglinyedi, malfoypatriarch, manycolored, marycrawford, merry_smutmas, mimbulus, miraminx, mousewrites, naltariel, nasubionna, necromage, neeteeus, nimori, noiresensus, norabombay, npetrenko, ntamara, nufaciel, nymfic, orange_fat_cat, ozmavul, pastles, pauraque, piccolo_santo, plausive, pragmaticallyme, presentiment, prettyboi, psychobarfly, psychocatblah, ptyx, punctuators, purupuru, queenbamfie, quinconcinnity, rabican, raendrop, rane_ab, rent_boy, resonant8, rowanrhys, rrrosa, ruhgozler, saava, salazaar, sharp_tongue, shezan, simmysim, sine_que_non767, sinick, snapeplushies, snapetoy, soawen, sociofemme, somniesperus, soulstar, spare_change, sparrohawk, spiderine, suckeriove, suyari, swiftpaws, switchknife, tara_chan012, tboy, teavox, the_blackfairy, the_wicked_plum, themostepotente, thespianpythia, thessaliad, thestrap, thistle_chaser, thisveryinstant, thsfuhqinsux, tillytilly, tinamuggi, tinderblast, titti, tpod, tradescant, trickregular, tulleighmohre, venivincere, vileseagulls, wikdsushi, wired_lizard, wyoming_knott, ygrane, yukipon
Friend of:470: _barbarella_, _geekie_, _greenie_, _hannelore, _lore, _veredus_, absynthia, abyschan, adinaj69, adinkra, alchemia, alialynn, allotheralt, amanuensis1, amberfox, amethyst_lupin, amireal, ammonium, amorettea, anais_rhys, anathdemalfoy, anatolia_limb, angel_emma, angeleledhwen, anjalicat, anoddplace, anyakarkaroff, arachnethe2, arborwin, ari_, ariestess, armabee, art_of_cynicism, artimusdin, ash_night, ashkeyana, asphodeline, astentatioux, ataniell93, atdelphi, atiejen, avalons, balbane, barbana, beautifulnothin, beckyhoadley, beingbnf, bellatricks, bethbethbeth, biichan, blackdracaena, blackkitty13, blackmaterials, bloody_american, bloodymargie, blue_raven, bluemoon02, bluerose25, bnfwatcher, book_wyrm, bubbablue, burblelikeme, caesia390, canada_cowgirl, caputdraconis77, carol_snape, cavatina, cellia, chaconne, championlurker, chaos_rose, cheshire_sphinx, chibigon, cid62, cjk1701, ckr, cliodne, cloudtrader, clymer, coell, crackernuts, crotalus, cruciatus_bitch, crzydemona, cursive, cybele_san, d4rkh34rt, daemon0o, daemonitellama, dalhessian, danaan, dancing_moon, darkened_weeps, darkflame173, darkkitten1, darkwitchchild, darthhellokitty, darththalia, dayse, deepforestowl, delfeus, deliciouspear, dementordelta, demon_jess, demonesskage, denadadenada, diagonalist, dien, dinahrae, dipping_sauce, dorothy1901, dovielr, dr_jekyl, dragon_light, dragong, dreammoon, driftingwind, dropje, dunkle_feuer, ekaterin, elasticblue, elke_tanzer, ellen_fremedon, elohel05, els_chan, endorwitch, eruthros, escribe, eyrai, fabularasa, falconer, fallenhalfelf, fandom_bitch, fandomdirectory, fearisthmndkilr, fessus_viator, fivestarcafe, florassecret, flourish, forestgreen, fourth_moon, fraulein, frek, gaaak, gblvr, gingernewt, givein, glitterdemon, glockgal, gmth, ...
Member of:12: conartists, drabble_night, hpart, hpdrabble, hpsmart, knockturn_ruins, kr_plots, krc_critique, merry_smutmas, paidmembers, punctuators, writingonawall
Account type:Paid Account

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