2004 US Presidential Election
2004 Presidential Election Update:
August 03, 2004
A Heezee-Heezee Comparision Of John Kerry 'n George Big Baby Bush
10:52 AM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. I thought you might enjoy a respite from the campaign, so I ran George Bush’s Agenda page through Snoop Dogg’s Shizzolator. A sample: For da past two-‘n-a-half years, compassionate conservatism has been da President’s governing philosophy as tha dude’s Administration has tackled some of society’s toughest assignments, such as educating izzle shorties, fighting poverty at crib, ‘n helping poor countries around da globe, know what I’m sayin’? Fo’ shizzle. Visit the fully shizzolated page here. In the interest of equal time, I’ve done the same to John Kerry’s National Security page: Today, we face three bomb diggity challenges above izzall others - First, win da global war against terror; Second, stop da spread of nuclear, biological ‘n chemical weapons; Third, promote democracy, freedom, ‘n opportunity around da world, starting by winning da peace in Iraq, know what I’m sayin’? Word. Read the rest here. Illinois Senate Race Gets Even More Interesting
09:40 AM EDT | Posted By Michael Van Winkle >> Go here to visit Michael Van Winkle's weblog. [So far this page has not been covering Senate Races and if Alan and Michele wish, I’ll gladly remove this post] Today is the day the local GOP is supposed to decide on someone to run against Democratic All-Star Barack Obama. Rumors are floating this morning that former Presidential wanna-be Alan Keyes might be under consideration. Meanwhile a group [lead by myself] has developed a site dedicated to questioning Obama’s record. Kerry better qualified to be commander in chief, poll says
01:22 AM EDT | Posted By Nate >> Go here to visit Nate's weblog. Buried later down in one of the articles about Kerry’s lack of a bounce. Continue reading "Kerry better qualified to be commander in chief, poll says" John Kerry On The Democratic Deficit
12:53 AM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. During the Democratic convention Ed Rendell described to me how the Democratic party has worked since the late 1980s to become the party of strong foriegn policy. In this March, 2003 by-lined Foreign Policy article John Kerry tried to drive the point home. Democrats must resist a new orthodoxy within our party—a politically stagnating shift that does a disservice to more than 75 years of history. That is the new conventional wisdom of consultants, pollsters, and strategists who argue that Democrats should be the party of domestic issues alone. Read the rest. Question Of The Week
12:13 AM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. Like everyone else in media, USATODAY asks “So why did Bush, not Kerry, get the bounce?” Heinz Kerry: 4 More Years of Bush = "Four More Years Of Hell"
12:05 AM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. This from India’s Deepikaglobal / Reuters: Discussing the war in Iraq, Heinz Kerry subtly questioned Republican President George W. Bush’s intellect, saying: “It’s vital for anyone with intelligence to acknowledge mistakes and change positions — hello.” When a Bush supporter with a bullhorn shouted “four more years” from the back of a large crowd packed into a downtown Milwaukee park, Heinz Kerry, who was introducing her husband, responded: “They want four more years of hell.” “Three more months!,” she declared, referring to the Nov. 2 presidential election. Yeah … shove it! 2004 Presidential Election Update:
August 02, 2004
President Bush Asks Congress To Create A National Intelligence Director
12:50 PM EDT | Posted By Dan Spencer >> Go here to visit Dan Spencer's weblog. The Associated Press reports that President Bush is asking Congress to create a National Intelligence Director:
From California Yankee. New Badnarik RSS Feed & News Category
11:48 AM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. We’ve added a new news category to the 2004 page for Michael Badnarik, the Libertarian candidate (who is, BTW, on the rolls in all 50 states, something Nader can’t say). I’ve also added the Badnarik blog to the RSS feed in the right-hand column. Kerry Pledges Iraq Troop Cut Within 4 Years
11:47 AM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. The Washington Post reports that Kerry pledged Sunday to substantially reduce U.S. troop strength in Iraq by the end of his first term in office. He declined to offer details, however. Reports the Post: In interviews on television talk shows, the Democratic presidential nominee said that he saw no reason to send more troops to Iraq and that he would seek allied support to draw down U.S. forces there. “I will have significant, enormous reduction in the level of troops,” he said on ABC’s “This Week.” There’s also this: Reminded that he sounded like Richard M. Nixon, who campaigned in 1968 by saying he had a secret plan to end the war in Vietnam, Kerry responded: “I don’t care what it sounds like. The fact is that I’m not going to negotiate in public today without the presidency, without the power.” The Greatest Form Of Flattery
11:43 AM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. The Christian Science Monitor notes the Kerry team is approaching the post-convention push using plays oddly similar to those from the 2000 Bush campaign playbook. Crossing the country on a two-week “Believe in America” tour through key battleground states, he’s bypassing most major cities for smaller towns, where Bush tends to have more support. He’s stressing Republican themes like values, trying to shift the definition away from things like abortion and gay marriage toward economic justice and personal conduct. Polling Fiasco V 2.0?
11:29 AM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. More reports of conditions in Florida and elsewhere that may lead to electoral chaos should the election run as close as currently polled. The Toronto Star asks “Is Florida facing a new polling fiasco?”, noting this exchange between Bob Graham and Wolf Blitzer at last week’s DNC: On the floor of the Democratic convention, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Florida Senator Bob Graham if the state had solved the problem of hanging chads and punch-card ballots, which had caused such havoc in the last presidential election. The Dallas Morning News also considers the issue, noting that “The technology revolution that was supposed to modernize voting booths by the November elections is turning out to be, well, not so revolutionary.” Goldman Sachs Top Political Donor
11:28 AM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. It seems the executives at Goldman Sachs are the top political donors in the US, the Guardian reports. For the first time, the Wall Street firm has become the US’s top corporate political funder, contributing a total of nearly $4 million to both George W Bush’s and John Kerry’s campaigns. Jewish supporters aim at key states
10:10 AM EDT | Posted By Nate >> Go here to visit Nate's weblog. A Massachusetts group of leading Jewish supporters of John Kerry’s candidacy will spread out across the country in the next three months, targeting presidential campaign battleground states to challenge President Bush’s perceived gains among a critical Democratic constituency. Reviewing the Race
08:51 AM EDT | Posted By poliblogger >> Go here to visit poliblogger's weblog. While Senator Kerry had a well-run convention, it lacked specifics and didn’t really move his campaign to another level. As a result, he is experiencing either a small bounce, or a negative one (depending on the poll one consults). Hence, President Bush starts the month in great shape: a small-to-no bounce to overcome, at least $30 million to spend going into his convention, and an opponent who has to hold off on serious spending until September. The details and a round-up of news and blogospheric reactions can be found at PoliBlog where you will find this week’s Toast-O-Meter . 2004 Presidential Election Update:
August 01, 2004
USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll: No Boost for Kerry
04:32 PM EDT | Posted By Michele Catalano >> Go here to visit Michele Catalano's weblog. he Democratic National Convention boosted voters’ perceptions of John Kerry’s leadership on critical issues, a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll finds. But it failed to give him the expected bump in the head-to-head race against President Bush. Poll Shows Negative Kerry Bounce
04:27 PM EDT | Posted By Dan Spencer >> Go here to visit Dan Spencer's weblog. A new CNN-USA Today Gallup poll shows that the DNC bounce favors President Bush. Reuters reports:
USA Today reports that this is the first time in the Gallup Poll since the 1972 Democratic convention that a candidate lost ground during his convention. From California Yankee. Boston Photoblogging
09:11 AM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. I took a number of photographs during the convention last Thursday night, and will be posting them here as a photoblog of John Kerry’s acceptance speech. In each case I’ve posted a short description in the comments, and you can click on the image to display the picture full-sized. Hope you enjoy them. (All are also cross posted here.) Poll Position: Rasmussen Tidbits
08:24 AM EDT | Posted By Michele Catalano >> Go here to visit Michele Catalano's weblog. From yesterday’s Rasmussen Report, some stats to chew on:
2004 Presidential Election Update:
July 31, 2004
Newsweek Poll Shows Small Bounce For Kerry
04:24 PM EDT | Posted By Dan Spencer >> Go here to visit Dan Spencer's weblog. In an article entitled “A Baby Bounce?” Newsweek reports a new poll found only a small 4% bounce from the Democratic convention:
From California Yankee. Kerry Campaign Stops Includes Awkward Moment With Marines
12:14 PM EDT | Posted By Jay Caruso >> Go here to visit Jay Caruso's weblog. John Kerry, stopping at a Wendy’s fast food restaurant, talked to a few Marines who happened to be Bush supporters: Spotting a group of US Marines, Kerry, who has made his Vietnam War service a cornerstone of his campaign, went over to chat. The Marines, who all turned out to be staunch Bush reporters, were not impressed. Said another: A sergeant with 10 years of service under his belt said, “I speak for all of us. We think that we are doing the right thing in Iraq,” before saying he is to be deployed there in a few weeks and is “eager” to go and serve. Election Speeches Available On iTunes
09:35 AM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. Note to iPod users: Apple has made key speeches from the convention, including Clinton, Kerry, others, available as audio books via iTunes. The downloads are free. Nader accuses Kerry of dirty tricks
08:30 AM EDT | Posted By Laurence Simon >> Go here to visit Laurence Simon's weblog. AL-JAZEERA: Nader accuses Kerry of dirty tricks Launching a tirade against Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, Nader on Friday also denied charges that he was heavily supported by Republicans. Bush Goes After Kerry's Record
01:27 AM EDT | Posted By Jay Caruso >> Go here to visit Jay Caruso's weblog. The AP’s article shows Bush questioning Kerry’s Senate record: GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - President Bush attacked John Kerry’s 19-year record in the Senate on Friday, answering the Democratic convention mantra “America can do better” with a new GOP refrain: “Results matter.” 2004 Presidential Election Update:
July 30, 2004
Kerry Favors Trying Bin Laden In U.S. Court
03:59 PM EDT | Posted By Dan Spencer >> Go here to visit Dan Spencer's weblog. The Associated Press reports that Kerry favors trying Osama bin Laden in U.S. courts:
From California Yankee. Convention Round-Up
03:27 PM EDT | Posted By poliblogger >> Go here to visit poliblogger's weblog. Here’s today’s round-up of news and blogospheric reaction to the speech. Plus: comic relief. And if you missed them, the prior round-ups from earlier in the week: Balloon "Incident" Audio
03:16 PM EDT | Posted By PoliticaObscura >> Go here to visit PoliticaObscura's weblog. CNN picked up audio of a panic stricken Convention Director as the balloons were slow to fall. Audio can be heard here. T quietly ran trains for delegates
03:09 PM EDT | Posted By Laurence Simon >> Go here to visit Laurence Simon's weblog. BOSTON GLOBE: T quietly ran trains for delegates The MBTA quietly provided special Orange Line trains for people exiting the FleetCenter on all four nights of the Democratic National Convention, opening the otherwise closed North Station so that some 3,200 delegates, journalists, and others with convention credentials could be whisked to Back Bay Station, free of charge. Bush Campaign Steps Out With New Themes
02:28 PM EDT | Posted By Michele Catalano >> Go here to visit Michele Catalano's weblog. [Via CNN]
Kerry assures Sharon of his commitment to Israel's security
02:20 PM EDT | Posted By Laurence Simon >> Go here to visit Laurence Simon's weblog. HAARETZ: Kerry assures Sharon of his commitment to Israel’s security Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry on Friday assured Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of his commitment to Israel’s security, aides to Kerry said. Vote for an Iranian Voice at the Republican Convention
10:26 AM EDT | Posted By Winds of Change.NET >> Go here to visit Winds of Change.NET's weblog. MTV has a contest on called “Stand Up and Holla” - and the prize for the candidate with the most votes is a speaking slot at the Republican National Convention! Reza Torkzadeh is one of the 10 finalists. As his profile notes:
As things in Iran head toward a crisis point, Reza is absolutely the right choice. The RNC needs to hear an Iranian voice - and you can help, by voting for him on MTV’s site. Posting Forecast
09:14 AM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. I’ve just returned home after catching a very early flight out of Boston. I’m in the office today and my posting will be light (although others will post today I’m sure), but tonight I’ll be posting photos, reflections, etc. 2004 Presidential Election Update:
July 29, 2004
Still Chaos Here
11:15 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. … I’m going to try to make it back to the hotel and process some of these photos … Full Speech Text: John Kerry
11:09 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. Chaos here. This from the DNC: We are here tonight because we love our country. We are proud of what America is and what it can become. A Great Line
10:51 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. This wasn’t an applause line, and it came right after the “misuse the Constitution” line, which garnered thunderous applause … but I think it was some of the best, and most simple, prose in the speech: My friends, the high road may be harder, but it leads to a better place. Of course, this was pretty good, too, and it did get thunderous applause: I don’t want to claim that God is on our side. As Abraham Lincoln told us, I want to pray humbly that we are on God’s side. Recalling The Crisis Of Confidence Speech
10:31 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. I’m making this post during John Kerry’s acceptance speech. I’m a bit of a student of American 20th century presidential rhetoric, and in hearing Kerry deliver this tonight … Well, here is our answer: There is nothing more pessimistic than saying America can’t do better. … I was instantly reminded of this passage from Jimmy Carter’s “crisis of confidence” speech, delivered on 15 July 1979: We ourselves are the same Americans who just ten years ago put a man on the moon. We are the generation that dedicated our society to the pursuit of human rights and equality. And we are the generation that will win the war on the energy problem and in that process, rebuild the unity and confidence of America. I’m not saying Kerry is Carter … don’t take it that way. The Kerry language just recalled the Carter language, and I wanted to put them side-by-side as a point of comparison. I’m going to spend the rest of the speech watching, not blogging … Biggest Crowd Reaction So Far
10:20 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. For this line: I will appoint an Attorney General who actually upholds the Constitution of the United States. Kerry Speaks
10:14 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. This speech is going well … his style is more relaxed than he often is on the stump … the crowd, of course, is rapt with attention … Full Speech Text: Cleland
10:04 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. This was a compelling speach to see and hear. Via the DNC; full body in the extended entry. Continue reading "Full Speech Text: Cleland"Cleland Scores ...
10:03 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. … with this passage: When we make John Kerry our next president, he will put America back on the long and steady road toward the vision of the country we fought for — a vision of the country we can become once again. A country that doesn’t alienate our allies, but works with them. A country that doesn’t lose jobs, but creates them. A country that doesn’t limit educational opportunity, but expands it. A country that doesn’t make health care less available, but more affordable. A country that doesn’t spoil our environment, but protects it. A country that is strong a country that is respected, a country that is worthy of generations of sacrifice, and our children’s highest hopes. Had ‘em in the palm of his hand. Countering Swiftvets.com
09:55 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. The right has made much of Swift Boat Veternas For Truth, a website in which veterans who knew Kerry during the Vietnam war take a stance against his candidacy. The Dems are taking their own stance tonight, with 12 or 13 Swift Boat veterans on stage, and about 40,000 Veterans for Kerry/Edwards signs in the crowd. And Max Cleland comes next. But Seriously
09:49 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. The production values were very high … Teresa’s segment received a huge round of applause, and as the lights came up near the end the night’s first chant of “Kerry! Kerry!” filled the air. Then, a brief intermission, and another video begins. This video at first,= seems to focus on first responders, telling the story of a firefighter, Thomas Spencer, killed in the line of duty (read about him here). It then turns to Kerry, who reached out to the family in a personal way. No link online yet, but I’ll keep looking for one. Shawshank Flashback
09:41 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. The pre-acceptance speech video is now playing, which if I understand correctly was “supervised” by Steven Spielberg. It’s narrated by Morgan Freeman, though, and as the opening sequence rolled and Freeman’s voice filled the hall I thought for a moment: “Huh. I didn’t know Kerry was in Shawshank …” Speech Text: Alexandra Kerry
09:37 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. Full text in the extended entry, via DNC. Alexandra, too, gave a light but sincere speech … and quite heartfelt at the end. This section drew laughs: We were standing on a dock waiting for a boat to take us on a summer trip. Vanessa, the scientist, had packed all her animals including her favorite hamster. Our over-zealous golden retriever got tangled in his leash and knocked the hamster cage off the dock. We watched as Licorice, the unlucky hamster bubbled down to a watery doom. That might have been the end of the story. But my dad jumped in, grabbed an oar, fished the cage from the water, hunched over the soggy hamster and began to administer CPR. There were some reports of mouth-to-mouth, but, I admit that’s probably a trick of memory. He was never quite right after that, but Licorice lived. Like I said, it may sound silly. We still laugh about it today. But, to us it was serious and that’s what mattered to my father.Continue reading "Speech Text: Alexandra Kerry" Speech Text: Vanessa Kerry
09:33 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. Vanessa Kerry, as predicted, delivered a sincere and humorous speech meant to present her father in a familiar and human light. And from this seat, it seems the crowd believes she did just that. Take, for example, her first line: Thank you. As someone who knows all 6 foot 4 inches of my dad best — 6 foot 6 if you count the hair — I’m here to share some secrets. Full text in the extended entry. Continue reading "Speech Text: Vanessa Kerry"FLASH: DNC STEALS FROM APPLE!!
09:27 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. For some time, Apple has had a section of their web site, called “Switch,” devoted to PC owners who have seen the light. The Democratic Party has appropriated the concept. Last night and this, during intermissions and between speakers, the DNC has projected a photo of some citizen with a tag line like this (an actual example from tonight): REGISTERED REPUBLICAN This hangs over the crowd for a moment, before a line strikes through the “Registered Republican” and these words appear: Voting Kerry/Edwards in 2004. And each time, the crowd goes wild. We in the Roost are all quite interested to see the response at the RNC. The John Kerry Sing-Along
09:20 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. As an intermission to get the crowd moving, the DNC is now playing a version of Rollin’ on the River with modified words that adulate John Kerry. See pic below (and click to enlarge). The immediate reaction from Blogger’s Roots: “Wow. This is bad.” In the end, though, and cheesy as it was, much of the crowd got into it. Rhetorical Flourishes: Barbara Jordan
09:14 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. They’re playing the “great Dem leader quotes” flourishes in a series. They followed the JFK quote below with this from Barbara Jordan: Earlier today we heard the beginning of the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States, We the people. It is a very eloquent beginning. But when that document was completed, on the seventeenth of September in 1787, I was not included in that We, the people. I felt somehow for many years that George Washington and Alexander Hamilton just left me out by mistake. But through the process of amendment, interpretation, and court decision I have finally been included in We, the people. They’re interesting moments … the hall darkens, and the sound of the speaker’s voice over the PA can actually be quite haunting. JFK Moment
09:08 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. The hall just darkened, and the DNC put a photo of JFK on-screen with this quote (which they also played over the PA) from his inagural address: Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage - and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoings of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. Blog Spotting: Nate Knows Nada
08:50 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. I’ve spent nearly the entire night next to Nate of Nate Knows Nada. Like everybody else I’ve come to read here, Nate writes a damn fine blog, and my affinity is amplified by his being a genuinely nice guy. Full Speech Text: Nancy Pelosi
08:47 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. From the DNC, in the extended entry. Continue reading "Full Speech Text: Nancy Pelosi"Nancy Pelosi
08:35 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. Lot’s of folks talking over Nancy Pelosi, which surprises me some. I expected her to have the rapt attention due a darling of the party. Not Everyone Can Hit A Home Run
08:30 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. Not everyone here can be the strongest speaker of the night, and Joe Lieberman didn’t exactly knock ‘em dead. Indeed, David Sifry just asked the bloggers to send him “stuff on Lieberman” (that CNN can use as pull quotes) and my reply was “Has he been on yet?” Good thing they followed him with “Jump” as the musical bumper. Full Speech Text: Lieberman
08:27 PM EDT | Posted By Alan >> Go here to visit Alan's weblog. From the DNC, and in the extended entry. You’ll notice that “Hope is on the way” continues as the refrain. Continue reading "Full Speech Text: Lieberman" |