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About this site

This section's edited by Hylton Jolliffe, the founder, editor and publisher of Corante.

Up for inclusion: anything on the culture, technology, politics, and future of blogs. Please send any tips, suggestions or reactions to Hylton.

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By Hylton Jolliffe

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Me again. So this section's officially shelved. But we still get a lot of traffic and Google-flow here so wanted to at least point you to our extensive archives that date back a good year. Scan them and you'll find hundreds, maybe thousands of comments about blogging, where it's headed, how it makes people feel, what impact it may be having on media, speculation about emerging hiveminds, etc.
posted at 8:20 pm

Friday, September 19, 2003

[OK, so it's looking like this will remain a what's-up-on-Corante page for now... Worth catching today: an entertaining interview with David Weinberger and Dan Gillmor by Sarah Lai Stirland about their new site Word Pirates. David on how they hit upon the idea: "[We] were having dinner (at a blogging conference, of course), griping about how we lost the battle once the phrase 'intellectual property' and 'piracy' entered the common parlance. Before I knew it, Dan had fashioned a pirate's cap out of a napkin and was brandishing a baguette as a makeshift cutlass..."]

posted at 10:06 am

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

[Still quiet and may remain so but wanted to call attention to Stewart Butterfield's guest-blogging on Many-to-Many over the next two weeks. In his first post Stewart reports on "Social Networking: Is there Really a Business Model?", the MIT/Stanford Venture Lab (VLAB)-sponsored panel discussion that took place last night at Stanford Business School.]


posted at 1:17 pm

Wednesday, September 3, 2003

[Extended break continues as I'm busy with other things. Nice too though to look up and around at what else is going on in the world... While I'm here, don't miss Tom Coates' latest.]

posted at 12:05 pm

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

[Stowe Boyd breaks some exciting news about a new section we're launching. Yep, this new section, the first of a bunch from us on various topics, is making its way into the world over the course of the day - please alert friends/colleagues interested in instant messaging, real-time collaborative technologies, etc.]

posted at 4:40 pm

Friday, August 22, 2003

James Maduk, in an ad that appeared via Google's ads in the space above: "Follow The Exact Steps Laid Out In This Easy To Follow Multimedia Ebook And Learn How Easy It Is To Turn Your Personal Opinions, Rants And Raves Into New Subscribers, Loyal Targeted Traffic And A Flood Of New Customers And Income!"
posted at 8:57 am

Monday, August 18, 2003

[Likely going to be quiet around here for a bit longer...]

posted at 8:07 am

Monday, August 11, 2003

Tom Coates on the "blogs as journalism" debate: "Webloggery - as yet - cannot even think of competing with the professional newsgatherers."

posted at 12:21 pm

Tuesday, August 5, 2003

Clay Shirky to Ross Mayfield on the power law distribution bet they publicly made about LinkedIn three months ago: "I lose..."
posted at 6:54 pm

[Gonna be a little quiet around here for the next week or so... H.]
posted at 12:29 pm

[Don't miss Brain Waves this week where Steven Johnson's following Pat Kane in subbing in for Zack and talking about his new book on the way: Mind Wide Open. Steven: "What I'm interested in his how simply understanding your brain's inner life -- both seeing it in action via imaging technologies, and simply learning about brain science in general -- can change the way that you think about yourself as an individual, your own quirks and passions and habits and fears..."]

posted at 9:07 am

Monday, August 4, 2003

Andrew Sullivan, who says he's taking a break: "Blogging each day, sometimes thousands of words a day, is a wonderful but grueling way to write. I think bloggers do well to take time out. We can lose perspective, stop thinking in longer form, and also get exhausted."

posted at 4:16 pm

Anil Dash on the fourth anniversary of his blog: "I've made lots of great friends through this weblog, gotten a dream job, and improved my life in countless other immeasurable ways."

posted at 4:04 pm

Sunday, August 3, 2003

Josh Marshall relays his latest stats: "During the month of July 2002, TPM had 53,000 individual readers ("unique visitors"). This last month, July 2003, the number was 235,000."
posted at 10:29 pm

Friday, August 1, 2003

Kaye Trammell: "Several times over the past week I have heard many ask, 'can I blog this?' The answer is almost a surprised one: 'of course!' Even so, it has become the right thing to do."

posted at 4:38 pm

Shelley Powers: "I'm a bit miffed because weblogging has done absolutely nothing for my sex life -- what a gyp."
posted at 9:09 am

Dave Pollard: "I think many of us are aching to enrich the relationships with our readers, to whom we owe a great deal, and would welcome bi-directional, multi-channel communication functionality, tightly linked to our blog posts, to allow us to engage in true conversations and community-building with them."

posted at 8:41 am

[Check out Anil's T-shirt in these pictures of Six Apart's new offices...]
posted at 12:46 am

Tom Daschle comments on the blog he announced he'll be launching soon: "At the end of the day, wherever I am, I can just type up some thoughts and tell stories about things that happened. I'm always up for trying something new."
posted at 12:43 am

Christian Crumlish channels Don McLean: "A long, long time ago, I can still remember, How that blogging used to make me smile. And I knew if I had my chance, I could make the Googledance, And maybe Technorati for a while..."
posted at 12:25 am

Thursday, July 31, 2003

Steve Outing: "Last year, I wrote a column... suggesting that many reporters, correspondents, editors, and columnists at newspapers should produce Weblogs. I stand by that advice, but these days I place equal importance on non-staff members producing the content for blogs at news companies."

posted at 11:59 pm

Huge congrats to Donna Wentworth who's got some exciting news: "...I am also getting married at the end of August..."
posted at 4:41 pm

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Elaine Frankonis, in an article in the Chicago Tribune on women and blogging: "From politics to partying, from men to menopause, from feminism to family--women Webloggers seem more comfortable in viewing their personal lives in a larger, cultural context and also in looking at global issues from a very personal point of view."

Katherine Murray, in the same article: "You have the ability to be seen for who you are and have a connection with someone that has nothing to do with the kind of car you drive. It's very freeing."

posted at 11:11 pm

[Be sure to check out the guest-blogging of Pat Kane this week on Brain Waves, our blog on neurotechnology that's primarily authored by Zack Lynch. Pat's the first of a handful of excellent commentators Zack has invited to sub in for him while he does the heavy lifting of writing his book over the next month or two. On Pat's mind: his "play ethic" meme as illustrated in his discussion of: 

  • Athletic specimens whose "ultra-human" play may be "outlining a possible future for us"
  • The cognitive delusion of "the pentitent mathematician John Allen Paulos... as he chased his WorldCom stocks up and down the markets, with disastrous personal consequences"
  • And whether "carefully-calibrated drugs [may] open new doors of perception" and "enable players to participate in all the ramifying games and strategies of information societies..."

Mind-expanding, as they say...]

posted at 10:07 pm

Terry Teachout: "A friend asked me the other night, 'Do you think there are any really important artists who get completely overlooked? And do you think blogging might change that?'... Here’s my short answer: That’s one of the reasons why I started this blog."
posted at 9:32 pm

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Greetings... So, playing with Google's AdSense offering in various places on Corante to see how it works, if it's effective, etc. If you've got any comments, complaints or suggestions please send them my way.

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