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Top Stories for Wednesday, August 4, 2004   More Top Stories »
Real Kerry
Will the Real John Kerry Please Stand Up
Robert Scheer, AlterNet
Election 2004: John Kerry showed true patriotism, integrity and prescience in his opposition to the Vietnam War. He should draw on that background now rather than echoing Bush's militarism.
Rage against the Machines
Ronnie Dugger, The Nation
Election 2004: Computerized voting systems have been proven insecure; is enough being done to assure that the 2004 election will not be stolen?
Fahrenheit This!
Bill Berkowitz,
MediaCulture: Moore-bashing is going full-throttle, and one filmmaker seeks to out-Fahrenheit Michael Moore.
Public Nuisance No. 1
Amanda Griscom, Grist Magazine
EnviroHealth: A bold lawsuit filed last week against five major U.S. energy companies may have the strange side effect of encouraging utilities to ask the feds for mandatory emissions caps.
Rights and Liberties Fabricating Terror
William Rivers Pitt,
Election 2004 Swinging in Seattle's Suburbs
George Howland Jr., Seattle Weekly
MediaCulture The Conventional News Wisdom of Network Television
Norman Solomon, AlterNet
War on Iraq Bush’s Churchillian Dreams
Nat Parry, In These Times
WireTap What if I got Drafted: an American Nightmare
Miles Harwell, YO! Youth Outlook
EnviroHealth Lee Fights For Better AIDS Policy
Rebecca Vesely, Women's eNews
Movie Mix Two New Heroes for the Stoner Generation
Neelanjana Banerjee, Pacific News Service
DrugReporter The 'Potent Pot' Myth
Bruce Mirken, Mitch Earleywine, AlterNet
Top Stories for Tuesday, August 3, 2004   More Top Stories »
The Music That Ate the Planet
Stefan Braidwood, PopMatters
MediaCulture: Any musical genre that is so successful that it becomes the mainstream inevitably becomes homogenized; hip hop, in its diversity, strength and potential, can fight the tendency towards mediocrity.
Hip Hop
It's about the Teachers
Jonathan Schorr, Washington Monthly
Election 2004: John Kerry has quietly assembled a radical school reform plan.
Political Barbies
Sheila Gibbons, Women's eNews
MediaCulture: The wives of modern presidential candidates are smart, independent women – but no one in the media seems to notice.
No Heroes In Iraq
Naeem Mohaiemen, AlterNet
War on Iraq: The terrorists' willingness to kidnap poor migrant workers to fight the U.S. reveals the darker side of the insurgency.
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Election 2004: New voters in Florida
The Miami Herald reports that in Florida "almost 54,000 immigrants applied for citizenship between October and May, a 63 percent increase over the previous eight-month period." The principle reason cited for immigrants applying is that... More »

War on Iraq: New Halliburton shame
Here is the latest Halliburton-related scam uncovered by the Washington Post. The newspaper reports, "Halliburton Co. and other U.S. contractors are being paid at least $1.9 billion from Iraqi funds under an arrangement set by... More »

Rights & Liberties: Playing politics with the poor
Last week, the New York State Senate passed a bill that would raise the state's minimum wage from $5.15/hour to $7.15/hour. Workers whose families depend on these meagers wages were thrilled, and so was the... More »

MediaCulture: Racial profiling for reporters
It seems our vice president is every bit as overzealous as John Ashcroft when it comes to racial profiling in the name of security. Teri Hayt, the Arizona Daily Star's managing editor got a rude... More »


Scheer Robert Scheer:
Will the Real John Kerry Please Stand Up
John Kerry showed true patriotism, integrity and prescience in his opposition to the Vietnam War. He should draw on that background now rather than echoing Bush's militarism.
Solomon Norman Solomon:
The Conventional News Wisdom of Network Television
A heated panel discussion over convention coverage between TV's best-known news anchors reveals just why network news does such a lousy job of informing voters.
Hutchinson Earl Ofari Hutchinson:
Can Obama and Black Democrats Deliver The Black Vote?
Barack Obama is hailed as the shining knight who will energize black voters – a group quick to express disappointment in the Democrats.
Hightower Jim Hightower:
Is This America?
Innocents fight Bush's absurd, un-American assault on the constitutional right to dissent.
Durst Will Durst:
The Smurf Has Claws
There's something a little creepy about the Primary Wonder Boy John Edwards.
Ivins Molly Ivins:
One America, Two Americas, Red America, Blue America
Clinton, Obama, and Teresa lit up the crowd and burned up the airwaves; still, nobody's saying 'Iraq.'

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