

Sporadic Meme/Features/ Majic 12 Blog/Majic 12 Contents/Inane Ramblings
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My Four Blogs:

Dubya Watch
Inane Ramblings
Majic 12 Blog
Random Rants
Vast Wasteland (TV, media)

All Can Now Be Seen At Mirror Universe (I can use Blogger for a mirror and permalinks. Why not?)

Quicklink Message Board (Sorta) Respond here with threats, queries, whatever...   

Group Blogs I Try to Contribute To:

American Samizdat
Cyborg Democracy
Warblogger Watch

Pittsburgh Blogs, Sites

(Mostly stolen from Dave Copeland but more soon)

Bedside Manner
Bill Boichel
Blue Ruin (art)
David Watson
Grainbag (Ar
Hiding Among The Masses
Iron City Weblog
Jill Matrix
Kevin Fox

Mama Spell

Moby Lives
Muted Girl
New Yinzer
Pittsburgh Internet Club
Pittsburgh's Wireless Community

Pittpunk (forum)
Jonathan Potts

Trade River

Local News Sites:

City Paper
Pittsburgh Pulp (coming soon)

Pittsburgh BusinessTimes
Pittsburgh High Tech Council
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Real Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Indy Media

rsmart link

Search Function

Tech News Sites, Other

Air America
Air America Blog
American Prospect
Prospect Tapped Blog
Arts and Sciences
Behind Homefront
BET On Jazz
Better Humans

Black Box Voting
Business Daily Review
Cheryl's Daily Diatribe
Center for
Responsible Nan

Center for Digital

Center for Science in the Public Interest
Common Dreams
Corante Tech News
Creative Commons
Earth Info Net
EE Times
Enviro News Srv.
Free Inquiry

Fight Aging!
Fresh News
Grist Magazine
Guerrilla News Network
How Stuff Works
Indy Media
Kill Your TV
Law Meme
Maximum PC
Microcontent News
Moving Ideas
Nanobot (Howard Lovy)

Nanotech News
New Earth
New Scientist
Obscure Store
Oreilly's Blogs
Photonic News
Pop Matters
Public Citizen
Red Flags Weekly
Red Herring
Science Daily
Sci Fi Storm
Sci Tech

Small Times
Smirking Chimp
Space Daily
Tom Tomorrow Blog
Unknown News
Union of Concerned

Village Voice
Wi Fi News
Wonko Slice

Bloggers I Like, Other

American Samizdat
American Times

Angry Arab
Anti War
Atrios (Eschaton)
Boing Boing
Charles Murtaugh
Cheryl's Daily Diatribe

Chomsky Blog
Comics Blog
Daily Wireless
Dave Copeland
Debka File
Die Puny Humans
Dr. Menlo's Blog
Dubya Watch
Ernie The Attorney
Freedom to Tinker
Future Pundit
Gaiman Journal
Gravity Lens Blog
Gyre Org
Ken Macleod
Kurt Nimmo
Max Sawicky

Memory Hole
Missing Matter
 MIT Tech Revblog
Mooney, Chris
MYDD (Political Site)
Nanobot (Howard Lovy)

New World Disorder
Nick Denton
No War Blog
Oliver Willis
One Good Move
Paul Orwin
Pittsburgh Wireless
Quark Soup
Rage Boy
Robot Wisdom

Rushkoff (Doug)
 Media News
Charlie Stross Diary
Talking Points
Tom Moody
Tom Tomorrow Blog
Tony Norman
Unknown News
USS Clueless
Warblogger Watch
Weapons of Mass

William Gibson
Wil Wheaton
Wrongwaygoback : Wetlog


Dead and/or Dying Links:

Galaxy Online
Industry Standard

Links I'm Ashamed Of

Angry Pej Blog
Brothers Judd
Gene Expression
Godless Capitalist
Instant Pundit
Interesting Virginia Postrel Site

Links that I have mixed feelings about and/or that I'm not willing to commit to and/or reject:

Ellison Webderland
Scrivener's Error
Tjackso's Website

(Some of these links have to go. I'll keep the old version over at Features.)

Security Sites

Hacker News Network

Only Good Comics

Liberty Meadows
Non Sequitur
Peter Kuper
Ted Rall
The Parking Lot Is Full
Tom Tomorrow
Tom the Dancing Bug
User Friendly














July 14th

I tried to find a really great Spiderman pic but it just wasn't there. So I went with an old comics Heavy Metal standard: Moebius. I really enjoyed the Spiderman movie. It was emotionally powerful in an odd kind of way. I thought the best scene was at the end when Kirsten Dunst tells him to chase after the sirens and she looks sad and solemn. Of course, the idea that an intelligent woman would leave a publisher's son and space hero and future villain seems a bit unrealistic. Sure, I can buy the fusion suns and the Octupus arms, but that's where the story left me with a fairy tale feel....

Meanwhile, in the cybercity, I've always been puzzled by Stephen Den Beste's hostility to alt fuels and I mentioned as much over at Future Pundit (Randall Parker) in the most sarcastic way possible:

Yeah, that whole slew of stories and startups was excellent. By the way, congrats for taking Den Beste on in terms of his completely anti-american view on alt energy. He has a can't do attitude. Is he French? What's his problem? Why oh why does he hate American innovation? And why isn't willing to spend at least 100 billion, or what we've spent on our splendid little war in Iraq, on research so that we can wean ourselves away from our oil fix...

What's also mentioned in those articles is the viewpoint of Smalley, who, unlike Frenchified Hate American innovation firsters like Steven Den Beste, thinks the United States should invest in alt energy. You can find his full take over there at Small Times...

I'm sure Den Beste has gone on record against 100 gig hard drives, private space flights and peer to peer networks as well because, you know, they just can't happen. It's a good debate over there as well. I thought about defending Randall, but he's really doing a great job all by himself...


Week of June 30

This is from Tom Moody's waycool site. He's been doing a lot of animated gifs lately. Can you tell? He also has an excellent review of Mike Moore's new movie. I saw it myself as an official member of the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy (hmmm, good name for a website) and it was emotionally compelling. And of course, it did something that all successful propaganda has to accomplish: It's a great piece of art.

July 4th

Here's an update on the corporate flag. Where's Halliburton?

My new column is also up at Better Humans. Here's an excerpt of my breathless prose:

"Today, I'm back at it in Pittsburgh, knocking on doors and asking people if they're registered to vote. You might ask yourself what this has to do with the transhumanist dream, where we live out our lives in fusion-driven Betterhumans space habitats, whiling away our several century lifespan seeking to understand every allusion and reference in the works of Joyce or Alan Moore, or actively partaking in the terraforming of Venus or Titan, or even studying up on that hot new personal genomic cosmetic item, the black rhino horn, grown wherever you like, with accessories.

The answer is that unless transhumanists think seriously about politics and self-promotion, this vision will always remain an interesting dream and not a reality. In fact, not only will you have to work for such a future—a future with real self-determination, no wage slavery and more than a vote every two or four years when all the real issues have already been settled—you will have to fight for it. And most likely, your opposition will be violently stupid people who refuse to give up what Carl Sagan described as the "demon-haunted world" and the obligatory yet soothing bliss stations—an eternity with Jesus and departed loved ones or Allah's 40 virgins—that go along with it."

Week of June 23rd

I'm totally psyched about this. Doesn't it look totally science-fictional? In a related note,  Better Humans, the premier (and I think only) left pro science publication out there, has this pro-space exploration column here. I'm kind of proud that I was the first columnist there to publicly come out in favor of space exploration. More of this, please. And when there is more of this...what's that great line from Kung Fu? "Time for you to go."

By the way, there's been a wealth of interesting work at Better Humans, and I'm not saying that just because I'm an associate editor and columnist there, but James Hughes wrote a great blueprint for what transhumanism should be. One of his diabolical plans involves putting out the Better Humans position in the media, as a counter to the Kass and McKibben pro-death memes out there. And sure enough, there's this Christian Science Monitor article where James is quoted. There are also excellent pieces by George Dvorsky and Russell Blackford and Simon Smith, my boss, who always writes excellent columns, especially when I miss a deadline...

Jack Ryan, the Republican nominee for the Illinois Senate and apparently not the Tom Clancy movie character, is clearly insane. It would seem this woman wasn't enough for him:

Or as one commentator phrased it over at Calpundit:

Any heterosexual man who needs a major kink to properly get off having sex with JERI RYAN is beyond perverted.

Posted by: frankly0 on June 22, 2004 at 2:34 PM | PERMALINK

And gooooooooo Obama!

I'm adding Doug Rushkoff and Fight Aging to the permalinks.

Here's something that I need to read and study: Thirty Essential Nanotechnology Studies, which is brought to us by our good pals at the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology. I got that link from Evil Incarnate Glenn Reynolds, who still thinks the war in Iraq is going well. Unfortunately, I feel that I must also indirectly link to Glenn's interview with Aubrey De Grey.

June 17

Harlan Ellison, my personal hero and whose style I have arguably ripped off from time to time, has settled his silly lawsuit against AOL and, of course, claimed victory...Delusion for a Dragonslayer, indeed.  I think Techdirt gets it right, and of course I got it the most right a long long time ago.

A while back, because I was kind of confused about his politics (he seemed to be wishing Naomi Klein an ironic death when she visited Iraq), I asked Bruce Sterling just what the Hell his politics were. He answers, indirectly, with this Wired column rant against the clearly anti-science policies of the Bush administration.

May 20

I'm adding the Angry Arab, Nano-Tsunami, the ACT and SEIU sites/ blogs to my permalinks.


May 19

Here's an interesting article about the top ten conspiracy theories of the year. I like the one about how the Iraq war might be about oil. Shocking. On the other hand, the conspiracy theory that we're about to enter a worldwide global oil crisis would make the war for oil argument, which I've always believed by the way for readers who are just visiting, more sustainable. Here are two sites that are related. One is called the Coming Global Oil Crisis and the other features the first chapter of a book in the same vein.

May 7


Ted owns that of course. By the way, this is his newest outrage, along with his most recent column. I don't think either are that outrageous to be blunt about it. How intelligent is it to not only to sign up to die, but to kill people who may not pose a threat to you?

Links n' Things:

Tremble Before The Superior Resume of Natural FormsArchitect Eugene Tsui...Kneel Before Zod! How can one guy be a great gymnast and a Kung Fu master and a competitive swimmer...? This guy is scary.
My interview with RU Sirius is up. He's just an incredibly literate guy. That last question, by the way, wasn't meant to be smartass. It's a question I ask myself all of the time.

May 1st


And more comics geek stuff. A Watchmen movie poster.

Mel Gibson as the Comedian sounds good. I still think that Julian Sands or Christian Bale are more Ozymandius like. Of course, now that Moore seems to care about what happens to his film properties: Ask Terry Gilliam to exec produce a 12 parter for HBO. Let it be so. I'm always thought a Sopranos casting might be cool. Gandolfini as either the Nite Owl or the Comedian...still like Hopper as Rorshack. Ed Harris as Dr. Manhatten seems like an inspired  choice though, but the beautiful Mind guy would be good too, if he would do it...

Here's some nice Steranko art that I copped from that acursed Gravity Lens guy again. Boy, does Paul Gullacy owe this guy royalties for his style or what?

In a related note, here's the legendary Alex Ross doing his version of Uncle Sam.


 Oct. 22



Week of August 24th

(The great Micah Wright blah blah blah...)


My 15 Minutes of Fame Are Up Over At Changesurfer Radio. I dunno. I don't think I sucked that bad. But like my last radio interview, uh, 17 years ago I think, I say "uh" way to much. It's almost like nervous punctuation. Thanks to my fellow Better Humans columnist James Hughes for letting me rant in public. Short version: I say nice things about Doc Menlo and Eric Blair and the Russian Spy Bloggers. I openly dis Glenn Reynolds, Pejman and Postrel. Good times, good times.
From American Samizdat: More on America as Global Empire Theme

Kuroshin Has Caught on that the Russian Warbloggin' Spies Know Their Stuff (They've cracked our radio codes. Ouch.)

Also From American Samizdat: Free Mike Hawash, one of what will no doubt be a flood of the American Disappeared...

Two Completely Nightmarish Accounts of Why the War Won't Be Easy ("It's the Occupation, Stupid") here and here.
Words of Wisdom From Max Sawicky


Here's My Debut Column at Better Humans
Don Hazen's Depressing Year in Review

The Electrolite Affair

(Note: Sporadic Meme is where I archive these links.)

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Coming Soon: Reviews of Wired, Biz 2.0, Red Herring and the Hacker's Quarterly Or Not
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(Discontinued For Some Time Now...)
(Might Be Reborn Soon)


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(This is also where I keep my published stuff online...)

The Electrolite Affair

Logic Breaks through the Gates: Electrolite Returns Its Comments
But I'll Be Back Posting in January...2004!

Had Bush Jr. Led The Allies...

The James Lileks Evisceration


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New! Interesting Notions that No One Will Probably Take Seriously

Send us your opinions. Send to pshropshire at

Mission Statement

All Pictures and Words


Philip Shropshire

unless otherwise noted

©Philip Shropshire, 1999-2003

All rights reserved.
I believe that the Doctrine of Fair Use Covers the use of unoriginal content.
If not, I'm sure I'll hear from your lawyers.

Some Democracy Sites:


Letter from Editor (last updated September 6th)
Check out
Pittsburgh's Premier Online Review of Comics and Science Fiction



Start -->


Pittsburgh Five Dollar Classifieds.

My Dean Endorsement

My Changesurfer Radio Interview!

New Entries: (Scroll down or click...)

 Places I'll Be Picking Fights Or Supporting the Home Team:

Brothers Judd

Political Animal
Daily Kos

Kathryn Cramer

Tacitus Scoop

Sars Sites: (Tired!)

Future Pundit
Sars Watch Org (the best)

War Sites:

(Expired!) (Becoming sadly relevant again...)

Bagdad Burning
BBC Newsblog
CNN Wartracker
Google News
Iraqi Civilian Body Count
Iraqi Coalition Casualty Body Count
Juan Cole
Phil Carter
Russian Bloggers (discontinued, but they were the best)
Russian Bloggers II
Ublog (not so good)
Yahoo News

Search Engines, Stuff, I Like:

Afro Futurism Net
BBC Radio
Changesurfer Radio
Democracy Now
(Now Televised...!)
Dictionary Online

EU List of Space


Gravity Lens Blog
 Links (impressive)
Howard Dean Blog
Left Online Video Site
Merriam- Webster
Micah Wright

Multinational Monitor
Open Access Peer Review
Pacifica Radio

(Liberal online encyclopedia. Check out the decent entry on Chomsky.)
World Political News

Left TV and Radio:

Air America
Changesurfer Radio
Democracy Now
Left Online Video Site

(I hope they'll be more when Gore finally buys that cable station...)


My Cafe Press Art Shop is up!

I mean those pieces were just sitting there anyway I figured...

Wayback Machine

Music Stations (One or two endangered by CARP rules...)

Netscape Radio
I listen to Fusion, Acid Jazz and 80s Alternative (Plus Indie Music!)

Authentic Shoutcast Jazz Rock Station


Inane Ramblings

(Now one of the official blogs for 3Tech.)


(I'm no longer updating Inane over here as well because it's just too damn time consuming...Click here for updates to Inane.)

Amazon Honor System
