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System Time: 15:48 2 Jun 2004. Stock Ticker: Open

STATUS: Bots flying!. Come chat in #blogshares (IRC).


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News feedSyndic8.com
Added07:47 13 Mar 2003
StatusAvailable to Trade. Claimed by owner.
IndustriesMale Pop Culture
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Valuations are updated when the blog is re-indexed.

Press Release

filchyboy (the owner of filchyboy) issued 5000 more shares at the current market price B$71.99.

Site Owner: http://blogshares.com/user.php?id=1014

Posted: 00:48 14 Feb 2004

Press Release Archive


Incoming Links84
Outgoing Links4
Outgoing Link ValueB$3,994.53
Market Share0.00312 %

Statistics are only updated when the blog is re-indexed.

Share Market

Total Shares65000
Public Held Shares0
Highest Price*B$.00
Lowest Price*B$.00
Trading Volume**0

* For last 7 days

** Transactions in last 24 hours

This is the current information for this blog on the share market.

Recent buys / sells

Buyfilchyboy 100015:35 23 Apr 2004
BuyJust James 425000:27 28 Feb 2004


Valuation Graph for filchyboy Links for filchyboy

Click on image for larger version

Inc. LinksOut. LinksValueOut. Link ValueMarket Share
12:35 02 Jun 2004844B$15,878.12B$3,994.530.003120689 %
09:06 31 May 2004834B$15,766.40B$3,966.510.003122391 %
16:36 29 May 2004844B$16,406.40B$4,126.510.003237703 %
03:00 26 May 2004823B$17,446.73B$5,848.910.003219919 %
07:22 24 May 2004813B$17,215.17B$5,771.720.003258162 %
23:09 22 May 2004813B$16,764.70B$5,621.570.003289653 %
15:16 21 May 2004813B$16,620.35B$5,573.450.003299155 %
12:24 19 May 2004823B$16,629.71B$5,576.570.003458089 %
10:28 18 May 2004833B$16,885.63B$5,661.880.003458874 %
06:44 17 May 2004813B$16,326.21B$5,475.400.003423612 %

The current value and up to 9 previous values are listed.

Share Tracking

Share Price Graph for filchyboy

Click on image for larger version

21:01 12 May 2004B$55.32
04:46 08 May 2004B$49.39
04:12 02 May 2004B$67.22
02:31 01 May 2004B$62.24
02:16 01 May 2004B$56.07
02:03 29 Apr 2004B$50.07
08:29 27 Apr 2004B$44.70
01:09 27 Apr 2004B$39.91
21:28 25 Apr 2004B$35.64
07:05 25 Apr 2004B$21.42

This includes current and previous values for the share price. Up to 10 prices are listed.

Shares Owners

PlayerNumber (%)Last Bought / Sold
navaratnam vijay55176 (84.886%)00:46 14 Feb 2004
filchyboy 9824 (15.114%)15:35 23 Apr 2004

Total Shares Owned: 65000 (100%) OK!

This is the current share holders for the blog, bold indicates the owner.

Alternative URLs

This is known alternative addresses of the blog considered for incoming links only.

  1. http://blogs.salon.com/0001021/
  2. http://blogs.salon.com/0001512/
  3. http://chronotope.com/chronotope/categories/bmma/
  4. http://filch.net/johnthemaiden/
  5. http://filchyboy.typepad.com/filchyboy/

Top 100 Incoming Links

This is a list of the most valuable incoming links at the time OTHER blogs are indexed. It is indicative of FUTURE value not CURRENT value.

  1. Scott Rosenberg's Links & Comment (B$1,992.95)
  2. filchyboy (B$1,849.25)
  3. STANDING ROOM ONLY (B$1,462.25)
  4. Secular Blasphemy (B$601.82)
  5. Shlonkom Bakazay? (B$595.65)
  6. Rayne Today (B$567.53)
  7. s a f e r s e x . o r g (B$567.03)
  8. erotic blog (B$520.70)
  9. Dave Cullen--I'M BACK (B$477.54)
  10. How to Save the World (B$377.35)
  11. What happens when you tell a lie? (B$317.04)
  12. Blog. by Necrolicious (B$275.00)
  13. Drug WarRant (B$234.19)
  14. GoogObits (B$233.93)
  15. Emphasis Added (B$225.23)
  16. The Power of Many (B$160.66)
  17. Shlonkom Bakazay? (B$157.03)
  18. Patio Pundit (B$144.60)
  19. The Power of Many (B$140.33)
  20. 101-365 (B$136.92)
  21. Kate Ingold's Radio Weblog (B$129.27)
  22. Neurotic Oasis (B$115.10)
  23. Rayne Today (B$114.79)
  24. Writerrific (B$105.26)
  25. SensualPoet (B$99.81)
  26. Politics (B$94.02)
  27. Cultural surveillance (B$91.67)
  28. buggery.org (B$88.80)
  29. No Exit (B$84.62)
  30. Writing (B$81.71)
  31. TV (B$80.43)
  32. Oddballs and Oddities (B$80.43)
  33. VERY Best Posts (B$80.43)
  34. Clark (B$80.43)
  35. barbie (B$80.42)
  36. Nabokov (B$80.42)
  37. Christians-Religion (B$80.42)
  38. Arts, Movies, Music, Books, etc. (B$80.42)
  39. fave (B$80.41)
  40. Survivor (B$80.41)
  41. Films (B$80.41)
  42. Reality TV (B$80.41)
  43. Books (B$80.40)
  44. Best Posts (B$80.40)
  45. Homos (B$80.40)
  46. Media/Journalism (B$79.59)
  47. Saturday Night (B$79.36)
  48. Music (B$78.70)
  49. Air Force Academy (B$78.69)
  50. Columbine (B$78.69)
  51. Howard Dean (B$78.68)
  52. Blogs (B$69.78)
  53. Mikarrhea (B$64.52)
  54. Chopsocky (B$64.33)
  55. Binational Times (B$61.11)
  56. CHOPSOCKY (B$57.89)
  57. Fresburger Blog (B$57.74)
  58. Quillio.com (B$57.73)
  59. Janus Online (B$56.73)
  60. Build-A-Meme Project (B$56.33)
  61. Janus Online (B$42.31)
  62. Scott Rosenbergs Links & Comment (B$41.40)
  63. Binational Times (B$40.74)
  64. Emphasis Added (B$33.56)
  65. Mikarrhea (B$29.42)
  66. buggery.org (B$27.78)
  67. Screaming for Dean in Michigan (B$26.19)
  68. Bush blogwatch (B$25.93)
  69. Military (B$24.98)
  70. Clumsy Twirler Diaries (B$24.08)
  71. Radar (B$23.91)
  72. Great Writers (B$23.91)
  73. tech (B$23.91)
  74. Arabs, Middle East, Asia (B$23.91)
  75. Science (B$23.91)
  76. Slate (B$23.40)
  77. The Dove :: World News (B$22.92)
  78. My Friends (B$22.45)
  79. Web (B$21.15)
  80. TrueBlog (B$18.02)
  81. Dick Cheney is a Bitch (B$17.68)
  82. DickCheneyIsABitch (B$16.69)
  83. True Blog (B$16.59)
  84. Blogg'n Blogg'n Blogg'n (B$14.87)

All Outgoing Links

This is a list of all recognised outgoing links from this blog. It may not be accurate or complete.

  1. filchyboy
  2. s a f e r s e x . o r g
  3. The Smoking Gun
  4. Virginia is for Haters

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