"Who Said It?"
Iraq: Who said what and when?
Fascinating Odds and Ends

Big Baloney
Koffi: Tit for Tat
See No Evil
Clinton Frets
Michael Moore on a Spit
The Hefty Lefty gets reamed by a Leftist with
intelligence and integrity, Christopher Hitchens.
Tale of Two Movies
Blogger Jeff Percifield compares critics on
F. 9/11 and The Passion.
The Pro-war Europeans
An old story the LA Times did not report.

President Bush in Istanbul
A statesman-like speech.

Tony Blair Explains His Judgment Call on Iraq
If Dubya were only so articulate!

George W. Bush Speech at Whitehall Palace (PDF)
An important, overlooked speech

Spies, Lies, and Weapons
Probably the best insight in why no WMDs were found,
by Kenneth Pollack in the Atlantic Monthly

The Fruits of Appeasement
Serious thinking about Islamic terror
by Victor Davis Hanson

When Islam Breaks Down
Why do they hate us? British Physician Theodore Dalrymple
offers great insight.




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