"Bush Lied" Lies Reason Number 10,358 Truth or Gore President Groucho? He's a Fighter! When Good is Bad French Sophistication The "6/11" Commission Meets
From CrushKerry.com (Windows Media format) "Torture" "Scouring the Tax Code" JFK Confesses to War Crimes (MP3 audio)
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"Who Said It?" Iraq: Who said what and when? Fascinating Odds and Ends
Big Baloney Koffi: Tit for Tat See No Evil Clinton Frets Michael Moore on a Spit The Hefty Lefty gets reamed by a Leftist with intelligence and integrity, Christopher Hitchens. Tale of Two Movies Blogger Jeff Percifield compares critics on F. 9/11 and The Passion. The Pro-war Europeans An old story the LA Times did not report.
JFK for President of... France? Why I Won't Run Loco Motives Liberals and Other Phonies R.I.P. R.W.R Dissecting Frogs The 9/11 Commission: Disband This Band! The Anti-Military Militants The Most Obnoxious Group in America Dear Congressman Pearls of Wisdom Cats and Dogs O, Logic, Where Art Thou? Ill-liberal Liberals Sleepless Nights
Linda Ronstadt and Bridget Bardot Civics 101 for Whoopi How Do You Say Chutzpah in Ghanian? Sing This, Miss B.S Glass Vaticans Move On, Al. Move On! Ted Koppel's Cop Out Counter Counterpunch Politics of Personal Destruction in 2004
Who is being nasty and personal?
Why this site? Why Gore really lost in 2000
Eavesdrop on Two Iraqis Talking Politics Letter from the Mesopotamian Words of Celebration from the Mesopotamian An Angry Iraqi Mother Vents A harsh view of us from an Iraqi mom
President Bush in Istanbul A statesman-like speech.
Tony Blair Explains His Judgment Call on Iraq If Dubya were only so articulate!
George W. Bush Speech at Whitehall Palace (PDF) An important, overlooked speech
Spies, Lies, and Weapons Probably the best insight in why no WMDs were found, by Kenneth Pollack in the Atlantic Monthly
The Fruits of Appeasement Serious thinking about Islamic terror by Victor Davis Hanson
When Islam Breaks Down Why do they hate us? British Physician Theodore Dalrymple offers great insight.