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July 22, 2004
9/11 Report: Congress Should Oversee Intel Leaks
(2004-07-22) -- The final 9/11 commission report recommends formation of a Congressional panel to oversee classified information leaks about U.S. intelligence capabilities, according to unnamed members of Congress who received top-secret briefings on the report yesterday. The new bipartisan, bicameral Congressional committee would leak classified intelligence information to journalists and also hold news conferences to chastise members of Congress who leak classified information. "Congressional oversight of the U.S. intelligence community has failed due to the haphazard way members of Congress reveal America's weaknesses to our enemies," said one anonymous senator. "We desperately need a more coordinated and centralized system for disclosing privileged information to our friends in the news media and their audiences around the globe. Only Congress can be trusted with protecting the homeland that it has failed to protect." by Scott Ott | Donate | TrackBack (0) | Comments (108) | More Satire | Printer-FriendlyComments
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First! Posted by: La Femme Crickita at July 22, 2004 08:39 AMSecond!! whoo hoo! Posted by: gwiz at July 22, 2004 08:42 AMCongress flip flopped again. What has me floored is that yesterday, I was listening to NPR (I know. I will do fifty 'Hial Rushes to repent) and the commentator said that Pres. Bush was 'looking forward' to the 9-11 commission's report to see what they recommended and appreciated their hard work. BushReich HUMBLE?!?!?!?! Bush actually being a gentleman? Or was it that he was like that all along and no one noticed? And how did they know there 'leaks?' Who else smuggled papers out in their underwear to share with Victoria Plame? Posted by: La Femme Crickita at July 22, 2004 08:44 AMScott, I stand in awe. You are completely on point with this. Grant. Posted by: gwiz at July 22, 2004 08:45 AMScott - I thought this was a sarcastic site? Why are you reporting a direct quote from the Jammie Gore-alick section of the "non-partisan" report? Posted by: jimmytheleg at July 22, 2004 08:57 AMFirst Five! Posted by: TrueBlueTony at July 22, 2004 08:58 AMWell, then, Top Ten! Posted by: TrueBlueTony at July 22, 2004 08:59 AMTop Ten! That 'anonomous senator' sounds A LOT like a certain someone who wants to be POTUS. (Flip/flop anyone?) Posted by: HotLegsinMI at July 22, 2004 09:00 AMJust a little late but still 8 Posted by: Ms RightWing at July 22, 2004 09:06 AMTop Ten, republiscams! Put that in your pipes & smoke it! Posted by: Lisa-Sports Figure, Orlando FL at July 22, 2004 09:09 AMThe only thing I can say before I go to get my perm is bi-bi truth. Or should I say bah-bah truth. Will think this over and comment later. Posted by: Ms RightWing at July 22, 2004 09:10 AMLooks like you already have, Lisa. Found your lithium yet? Top 20! Posted by: Hankmeister© at July 22, 2004 09:15 AMEarly to rise makes me cranky, Scott cheers me up. Posted by: Mack at July 22, 2004 09:22 AMLa Femme Crickita, Victoria Plame, Victoria's Secret, Valerie Plame, what's the difference anyway, right? Having thus misspoken, there is a certain symmetry to what your serendipitously veered into: Sandy Hamburglar probably does wear Victoria's Secret apparel...but I don't want to know any more than that. I am hearing that when the 911 Report is properly dissected it will show: 911 was not preventable excepting extraordinary circumstances in thwarting the individual hijackers, but certainly not all 19; it validates Saddam was in violation of UN Resolution 1441 in pursuing WMD programs; and neither the Clinton nor the Bush administration can be held responsible for 911, it was a surprise attack. Well goooolllllyyyy! BTW, check out the Bush/Kerry salutes on the front page of the USA Today. With respect to Kerry's salute, I've seen better ones from Boy Scouts, and I must apologize to the Boy Scout for thus having besmirched them in this way. Posted by: Hankmeister© at July 22, 2004 09:23 AMOh, my poor little republiscams...the 9/11 report, combined with Michael Moore's masterpiece is gonna sink the chimp, and you'll go back to paying your fair share of taxes. Whaaaaa! President Kerry & Vice President Edwards (talk about a dream team) will get reperations for African-Amerikans, pay the Native Amerikans for the land we stole, apologize to the UN and EU for our crimes under busch, withdraw the mercenaries (you call them soldiers) from Iraq and Afghanistan, provide free health care to the world, feed the starving, provide clean water, impliment Kyoto, save the whales, legalize marijuana, end our shameless blockade of Cuba, free Leonard Peltier (good call ELF soldier), end racial profiling, bring back affirmative action and AFDC (so-called "welfare"), make sure womyn get their rightful child support from deadbeat dads, confiscate all firearms, and bring universal peace. Praise the Mother! Posted by: Lisa-Sports Figure, Orlando FL at July 22, 2004 09:30 AMOh for pity's sake Lisa, shut up. You are just a posing fool. If you have something intellignet or amusing to say, by all means do so, otherwise, go play outside. Posted by: spd rdr at July 22, 2004 09:35 AMWow! Lisa - your brain seems to have migrated to your sports bra. All that athleticism has corrupted what little remains of your intelligence. Get a clue and learn to spell. Praise what Mother? Would that be Gaia the Earth Goddess, the patron goddess of all left-tilted, mush-brained, "feelers"? If everyone in the US used emotions in lieu of thought, we would be all be better off, right. At least we would feel we were, and no one would have a clue as to reality. Posted by: Bronco at July 22, 2004 09:40 AMI suppose if we are going to have intelligence leaks, we may as well leave the leaking to the professionals after all. Only problem is, a lot of those in Congress don't have the intelligence to spare. In other news: Someone at the Associated Press seems to be giving Mr. Ott a run for his money. Apparently, Dems are up in arms about bumper stickers being distributed in Kentucky that read, "Kerry is bin Laden's Man. Bush is mine." "Bill Garmer, chairman of the Kentucky Democratic Party, said the sticker equates a decorated Vietnam veteran with Osama bin Laden — 'one of the greatest enemies of the United States.' 'It goes way over the line,' he said. A spokesman for the Kerry campaign previously called on GOP lawmakers to condemn the sticker, saying it was a 'hateful and mean-spirited smear campaign.'" Apparently comparing Bush to Adolf Hitler is now considered a term of endearment. MarginMI, Contrary to popular belief among Republicans, most union people are hard working conservative family types who want nothing more than to go to work, do their jobs, and go home. They are good people who take care of their families and love their country. Then you have that 10% who kiss up to the Democrat party line and lead the mob mentality life style. I work with and around people who are not dumb. They respect people who have the nads to speak their mind, who respect the intelligence of the people around them, and who can back up their arguments with facts and common sense. These days Democrats can’t seem to do any of that. Mr. Frog: Great example of the double standard the Left exmplifies. Lisa: I really hope that last post was in jest, because if it was serious, you have a lot of soul searching to do. Besides, who is going to pay for everything that you profess would happen under Kerry/Edwards... believe me, it isn't Kerry or Edwards; it's you and me. And if you want to pay, that's your right, and you can now by giving to charities that help the individuals or groups you want to help. As for me, I'll give to what I want to give to and would prefer the government not make that decision for me. Posted by: Spencer at July 22, 2004 09:56 AMThis is one of Scott's finest because it points out a serious problem with our republic. The separation of powers and checks and balances ingrained in our Constitution are perhaps the two most important elements that ensure our liberty and security. Unfortunately Congress has abdicated its responsibilities and has practically given up any semblance of monitoring or overseeing the executive branch when it comes to foreign affairs. The only thing it seems willing to do is point fingers and blame. I would suggest to anyone interested that they pick up a book or two by Lou Fisher, especially Presidential War Powers, Congressional Abdication on War and Spending, and several other tomes. He really dissects the core issues and shows the cowardice of Congress and how it has gotten progressively worse since the time of FDR. Congress is privy to the same intelligence as our President. If they are unwilling or unable to make decisions based on that information, then they should just shut up when things go wrong. Sadly ten years of Republican control of Congress have not made things much better. It's time for the legislative branch to grow some cajones. Okay, soapbox mode off. Posted by: Da Zumminator at July 22, 2004 09:57 AMMack, you're dead on. My papa was a proud Union member who voted Republican all of his life. In fact most of my family is Union-Republican. Ain't a top two percenter among us, but I believe all four of my siblings plus my mother will be voting for President Bush in the Fall (and one or two of them I am happy to say are because of my work over the years in showing them the light). Posted by: Da Zumminator at July 22, 2004 10:00 AMMack - It sounds like you're describing the difference between the union rank and file (hard-working, conservative family types, etc.) and the union thugs, er leadership (the 10% who kiss up to the Democratic party, etc.) The rank and file (for the most part) go about their lives, do their jobs and have a sense of pride in what they do. The leadership controls the purse strings, don't really do much in the way of work and (like typical Democrats) spend everyone else's money (union dues) on defunct causes (like John Kerry's election campaign). Posted by: Crunchy Frog at July 22, 2004 10:00 AMLisa, BTW, when the US has done something to apologize for, we will. However, our very existence is a threat to the commie free love no responsibility lifestyle you advocate with paying our fair share of taxes, so I guess we should apologize for being on the planet...NOT Posted by: La Femme Crickita at July 22, 2004 10:13 AM*tweet* La femme, You risk a foul by picking on people that are smaller than you. Let's keep it clean out there! And Lisa, it's called grammar check. Posted by: ref at July 22, 2004 10:19 AMIf "Lisa-Sports Figure" is real, she's real stupid. If not, whoever is posting under that name...is real stupid. Always hiding behind some left wing website and whatnot. My advice? Get a life...LOSER!!! Posted by: camojack at July 22, 2004 10:20 AMcamojack scores I'm thinking that Lisa is demonstrating a Rushism, "demonstrating absurdity by being absurd". Thanks Lisa. :) Posted by: Crunchy Frog at July 22, 2004 10:29 AMDa Zumminator, I usually tend to agree with you but the oversight thing?? As an example I would point to Condi Rice and the President's stance on her testimony before the committee. The "opposition" seems intent on not just to over see but to control if possible the executive branch. The stone wall put up by Kennedy in the judge issues etc. Where congress is failing is in the area of taking responibility. They collectivly are more concerned about politics than getting the job done. Republicans did it to Clinton and I supported that because his nominees were crass liberals. Now, acccording to Tom Harkin, the Democrats are simply returning the favor. Posted by: Mack at July 22, 2004 10:43 AMI appreciate Lisa-Sports Figure's "Modest Proposal" to correct the abuses of liberty and failings of personal responsibilty that are inevitable in free societies. Her Swiftian sensibility is uncanny. Just as Swift advocated the idea that children, ill-conceived and improperly cared for are a threat to the well-being of families, freedom, not properly cherished, respected, and vigilantly defended is a threat to civil society and social order. Swift advocated consumming the wretched offspring of the poor thus nourishing failure and irresponsiblity while at the same time devouring the future. Any ill-effects of liberty would likewise be alleviated by having all of our freedoms consummed by the government in order to promote the common good. By doing so we will be able to nourish failure and irresponsiblity while at the same time devouring our future and the very spirit of life. Government schools breed ill-informed fools who depend on scraps tossed by socialist tools. Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 22, 2004 10:49 AMI thought LSF was Scrappleface's latest version of Bambi Stokes-Hymington. Bambi, however, is funny. Posted by: Pooke at July 22, 2004 10:56 AM>Lisa-Sports Figure, Orlando FL, Sports figures are not real beings who can actually think; they are mindless robotic types and any "thought" or "talk" that seems to emit from them is just mindless, monotoned pre-written scripts and bites that have been programmed into them. Lisa proves it! Posted by: snorth at July 22, 2004 10:57 AMOh, my poor little republiscams...the 9/11 report, combined with Michael Moore's masterpiece is gonna sink the chimp, and you'll go back to paying your fair share of taxes. Whaaaaa! I never stopped paying my fair share of taxes and then some thanks to tax-and-spend liberals. Just charter some buses to Crawford, Texas and cry in your beer with the alky busch. I'll wait until he comes to my town. I'd rather sit down for a beer with a man like Bush than John F'ing Kerry. Is there AA meetings in Waco? Yeah, next door to your LA (Liberals Anonymous) meeting. President Kerry & Vice President Edwards (talk about a dream team) will get reperations for African-Amerikans, pay the Native Amerikans for the land we stole, apologize to the UN and EU for our crimes under busch, withdraw the mercenaries (you call them soldiers) from Iraq and Afghanistan, provide free health care to the world, feed the starving, provide clean water, impliment Kyoto, save the whales, legalize marijuana, end our shameless blockade of Cuba, free Leonard Peltier (good call ELF soldier), end racial profiling, bring back affirmative action and AFDC (so-called "welfare"), make sure womyn get their rightful child support from deadbeat dads, confiscate all firearms, and bring universal peace. Praise the Mother! Yeah, but until then, Bush/Cheney will: African-Americans will get nothing, just like every other oppressed people through history, including whites; continue to support Native Americans, who seem to be doing OK; kick the UN out of the US; converge our brave soldiers in Iraq & Afghanistan into Iran like a giant nutcracker; send billions to Africa for AIDS; nuke those ugly whales; execute Leonard Peltier just because you seem to like him; protect our way of life from those who want to destroy it; continue to mock France; kill more terrorists; and make sure Mr. Ott has the freedom to post up satire that hits too close to home for hippies like you. Praise God, and God bless our great country! Next flight to Europe is leaving soon - don't forget your toothbrush. Posted by: Stan at July 22, 2004 10:58 AMMack, I don't mean to say that Congress should butt in where it doesn't belong, but it seems it has its priorities out of whack. If anything Congress is too overbearing where it should not be, and underbearing (for lack of a better term) where it should be more heavily involved. Here's my basic point. War can be declared only by Congress, not the President. It is the duty of Congress to stay abreast of foreign affairs and other developments. It appears that Congress has been lax in these duties, ceding to the President far too much power in this area. On the other hand, once war has been declared, the President is the Commander-in-Chief, and I think it's safe to say it's pretty much an Executive Branch show once war is on. Obviously Congress can oversee, but it's duties are lessened once fighting has commenced. Yet it is here where Congress has been over involved, attempting in a sense to manage what it does not have the constiutional obligation to manage. It is as though the Constitution has been inverted. Congress needs to do more before war to investigate, oversee, and question developments. But once war begins, Congress should give the President a relatively free hand, with some obvious oversight. As for the judge thing, that's a different issue from foreign affairs and not what I was really addressing. But you are correct in your assessment. Instead of working with the Executive branch Congress seems to prefer to act like an obstructionist stone wall - though to be fair over the years the Executive Branch has tended to be a bit over zealous in guarding its privileges. Essentially my argument is that for America to function properly we need three strong and independent branches. Unfortunately Congress has become too weak when it should be strong, and strong when it should be weaker. Perhaps I haven't expressed myself as well as I could, but the main thrust is that Congress is not functioning as it should - nor really though are the other two branches. Posted by: Da Zumminator at July 22, 2004 11:01 AMPerhaps the best way to demonstrate what I mean is this: Look at John Kerry. Not literally because then you would throw up. But here is a guy who's been sitting in the US Senate for almost two full decades. In that time he has proposed almost no meaningful legislation, and has instead decided to sit back and criticize. Now he's running for President and he has suddenly developed all these wonderful programs to address Health Care and taxes and other such things. Where was this before? I think the Presidency has become all too-powerful in the legislative process. Congress has essentially abdicated its role, preferring to let the President dictate the agenda. This is unfortunate, and is not the way the system was supposed to work. On the other hand, while it sits back and does nothing proactively, Congress is all too prepared to be a reactive group that does little but criticize and bemoan what legislation the President does propose. It then fights to block his Court appointments through a technically constitutional mechanism that in reality subverts the intent of the Framers. Campaign Finance reform was another example of the various branches neglecting their traditional duties. The President refused to veto the bill, asserting that if it was unconstitutional then, well, the Supreme Court will declare it so. Umm, Mr. President, it is your constitutional duty to veto all legislation that you deem unconstitutional. The SC is not the only branch that gets to decide such matters. Sorry for the long rants on this issue, but it matters a great deal to me. There is no sense of how the Constitution is supposed to work anymore. I guess this all ties in with Scott's post yesterday about Berger stealing the Constitution. It feels sometimes that no one in our government reads the darned thing anymore, and if they do they just don't seem to understand what it says. Right now I'm reading the notes on the convention, and if those heroic gentlemen only knew how their work would be distorted two centuries later they would be disgusted. Posted by: Da Zumminator at July 22, 2004 11:17 AMIf congress wanted to be proactive and truly useful they would get to work immediately repealing the vast majority of exisiting legislation. Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 22, 2004 11:21 AMI think we would all agree with you Big Time Sublime. Da Zumm is merely pointing out the hypocrisy and incompetence of do-nothing-but-complain John Freakin' Kerry. Posted by: Hankmeister© at July 22, 2004 11:35 AMI'm all on board with the idea the Kerry, the Real Steal, has been a horrible legislator. I just wish that in addition to proposing no meaningful legislation, which coming from him would undoubtedly be poor legislation, that he had cast even fewer votes on the floor. It would be well worth the taxpayer's money to pay him NOT to vote. Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 22, 2004 11:42 AM"free health care for the world" After one of Lisa's first posts about being a "wiccan model", I knew something was up. That is just too funny. I suspect that she is a present or former Scrappler supplying us with some entertainment when things seem slow. Usually if you click on Lisa's name she'll send you to some hysterical site or another. Todays is a commie site. The other day it was a female sumo wrestler one. They've all been different and equally absurd. Posted by: AirForceBrat at July 22, 2004 11:50 AMLisa-Sports Figure is clearly Bambi Stokes-Hymington's mistress. I am certain that Muffy is not amused. Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 22, 2004 11:54 AMSomewhere up there, beneath a pale..errr...uh. Those poor gun control goofs must be in one heck of a conundrum. Just wait'll THIS As president, I will require this new bipartisan, bicameral Congressional committee to be appointed by, and placed under the authority of the UN. I'm John Kerry and I approved this mess. Posted by: John Fakin' Kerry at July 22, 2004 12:25 PMBTS: I hate to point this out, but given that Kerry has missed 87% of the Senate votes this year, that is exactly what the good people of Massachusetts are paying him to do... not to vote. By that standard, he is quite an effective legislator indeed... Posted by: Cassandra at July 22, 2004 12:33 PMDa Zumminator, I can agree with that. Our problem is the politics, in politics. They want to manipulate the situations to draw voters like Lisa sports bra in rather than actually fix things. As long as it looks good on tv and the right sound bites are quoted. I think we can all agree the lack of committment and integrity has left our country vulnerable and given aid and comfort to our enemies. Thanks Ted, John, John, Diane, Barbara, Tom and Tom for selling out the country for a shot at regaining political power. Posted by: Mack at July 22, 2004 12:45 PMThis is a good thing, if they leak like they legislate, our enemies will never know what we are doing or when we are gonna hit them. And that's the facts Jack! Posted by: PanamaRed at July 22, 2004 01:04 PMTerm Limits,Term Limits, Term LimitsThis would solve our Congressional problems,and eventually ,solve the Judge problem. Can you imagine the situation ,if we didn;t have termlimits for POTUS. Posted by: prettyold at July 22, 2004 01:08 PMRoosevelt and the New deal? World War 2 saved his adminstration. Didn't do millions of other people a lot of good but kept FDR from fading out of history as a failed liberal. Posted by: Mack at July 22, 2004 01:17 PMOh, Lisa, From the beginning I knew Lisa was a fraud, but fun to go out and kick around like football and you can call her/him/it names without being truly mean to anyone. Lisa figure is good therapy cuz you can blow off steam to a non existing entity. A little late, I know. Oh Lisa! Love the "Pay your fair share of taxes" remark. So when are you sending in 55% of your earnings? I, myself, don't like that idea. With taxes like that who wants to work? I think I'll just take my Welfare check and sit at home and live off the government dime. Now, after that thought, I think I may have to go vomit. Okay. Too much evil. Nothing will make me get that bad. I'll hapily keep working, in hopes that some day I may make my first million, or run for public office. Will I do better? Probibly not. But ya never know. (okay, I'm not looking now, feel free to shudder.) I don't understand the Troll viewpoint . We consevatives should pay much higher taxes on our rich incomes.At the same time we are trailor trash,with no educationwho look like apes. I think it's funny as the people I see making the most fuss about our not paying enough taxes are the very rich and the welfare people.We all know neither of these groups pay taxes. The poor because they have no income , and the rich because of their Tax Liars...er lawyers and Tax shelters.
I'm not a monster... I'm a nice person... I'm not a monster... Posted by: Loki, Neocon Uncompasionate Conservative Zionist Baby-killer at July 22, 2004 02:39 PMNo Loki, to be a true baby killer you must be a pro abortion Whoopie Goldberg coat hanger toter. Posted by: Mack at July 22, 2004 02:54 PMThe theory behind the name is to make sure to have all the Liberal conceptions of conservatism in it. "baby-killer" refering to my willingness to have the military fight in wars. Many liberals see it as "Fat-cat republicans sending 18-year old babys to die!" That is the stereotype behind that portion, Mack. Someone very wise once said "IF you embrace it, you take it away from them, and they can't use it against you." I am against abortion. It's not fair that women can put a hit out on someone and it's an okay "Medical procedure" but if I do it it's "Murder-for-hire." It's sexist and inconsistant. I mean, some places, there is are laws that try people for _2_ murders if they knowingly kill a pregnent woman and they knew she was pregnent! All kidding aside, abortion is just not right. I mean, if anything, it hurts the democratic Voter Base the most. (Kinda sad really, making democrats extinct...)
I figured as much Loki, but you do see the humor of my comment? Posted by: Mack at July 22, 2004 03:50 PMOf course... Hehe. Last think you want to hear in a coathanger-situation: "Whoopsie" Posted by: Loki, Neocon Zionist Baby-killer Stick-in-the-mud at July 22, 2004 03:57 PMMiss Kitty! I love the link! Osama Bin Invietnam! I laughed my pants off. Posted by: TrueBlueTony at July 22, 2004 05:16 PMThere are some of them I think a little Rhetro active abortion would serve well. If it's legal to suck the brains out of a partially born baby by simply having the mother sign a release form, why can't we get Mikey Moore's mommy to to sign one now? Posted by: Marcus at July 22, 2004 05:19 PMHey Miss Thang, Where do you find these sites?! That one is a keeper. You must be the real Lisa with all of your linking talents. Just returned from the farm market with some Intell leeks. Ho boy--going to have some good soup tonight. You have to wash those leeks real good or you will have sandy soup. Sandy? Sandy? Where have I heard that name before? Posted by: Ms RightWing at July 22, 2004 05:53 PMThat site is awsome, Colorado Kitty Cat! I think the picture attached to my name is going on my desktop... Hehehe Posted by: Loki, Neocon Uncompasionate Conservative Zionist Baby-killer Who can't stop laughing... at July 22, 2004 06:10 PMCol Kc, Marcus, Since it can be easily demonstrated Michael Mooreon probably has never really grown up, then maybe there is so merit to what you suggest about a retro-active abortion. Miss KiTtY, I really like the sacredcow website. I'm emailing it to everyone on my contact list. The stuff you come up with is a veritable laugh a minute. Keep it coming because it's being appreciated by everyone here, none more than me. Posted by: Hankmeister©now immortalized by a CKC parody at July 22, 2004 08:33 PM33 1/3rd !! Posted by: WhoIz at July 22, 2004 08:47 PMZumminator: "Unfortunately Congress has become too weak when it should be strong, and strong when it should be weaker." I fully agree, but somehow aren't we voters somewhat at fault here ? After all we elect some of these sorry fools. Posted by: Harry at July 22, 2004 08:59 PMHenrey: But you are right otherwise. As someone mentioned earlier, we get the country we deserve. Posted by: Da Zumminator at July 22, 2004 09:13 PMSorry Harry, not Henrey. Posted by: Da Zumminator at July 22, 2004 09:14 PMHarry, I am beginning to see the wisdom of the W. F. Buckley statement, "I would rather be ruled by the first 50 names in the phone book than the best minds the Ivy League has to offer" (or something like that). Perhaps a system similar to jury duty would serve us better in Congress than the mess we have now. Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 22, 2004 09:30 PM Da Zumminator, BTS, Excellent point Prettyold. Sometimes I think that technology could bring us back to the wisdom of the founders. For example, internet technology could allow for congressional reps to stay resident in their districts and vote by email, thus allowing Frankenstein-like mobs to burn them alive if they do not represent the constituency. At times of national crisis they could vote to convene in Washinton to discuss the matter of the day. Otherwise they should remain PHYSICALLY accessible to the people they represent. I'd love to have a "Boston" Tea Party that dumped incombent politicians in the drink. Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 22, 2004 11:02 PMI,err ahh, second that sentiment. Chivas society would only be better served by it, hic... Posted by: Senator Kennedy at July 22, 2004 11:05 PMI, err ahh, mean, civil sloshoilicty, hic... Posted by: Senator Kennedy at July 22, 2004 11:08 PMTBT I find the timing of your laughing your pants off rather interesting. From where did all those documents, on the floor, suddenly appear? AirForceBrattitude--GIVE IT UP, Miss Thang! Perhaps if you weren't so busy throwing shoes at your cat and allowing dogs to inadvertently break your limbs you too could find and link fun websites. SHEESH, man. Don't make me come over there, now!---- [hehehe..who loves ya, AFB? (~;)0--{that's a halo, btw}] Oh, BTW--I discovered Sacred Cow Burgers because of an e-mail a friend sent probably a year ago. I saw the SCB logo on the pic and looked it up on the web. EXCELLENT stuff there! For MONTHS I have asked 'Who do you think the terrorists would vote for? Vote the opposite" Now I have the proof!! Now, on a more somber note. I see there are a mess of new Sacred Cow Burgers Fans. Understandable!! Just last night while at Mighty Righty, I read this message from MR's webmaster, Brother Bob about SC Burgers VERY talented webmaster & apparently all around REALLY good guy, Jay Dyson. For those of you who talk with God, please do so for Jay D. AND perhaps even drop a note of encouragement to him thru SCB. At least any of us (prayin' kind or not) can drop him a note of thanks for the site and offer support. I sent one straightaway last night. (well of COURSE it wasn't a few words....who do ya think you're dealing with here? (-;). So your assignemt, should you choose to accept it, is to bombard heaven in behalf of Jay Dyson and bombard his e-mail box with some life giving words. After you read Bro Bobs note, you probably won't be able to help yourself but to write Mr. Dyson. BTW--you can link to SCB thru Brother Bobs message I linked in this post. and remember: DOH'! (she realizes 2 hours later) It's not Bro BOB, it's "Brother Joe". Those 3 lettered words get me so confused. (The 4 lettered ones get me in trouble.) Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiT cAt at July 23, 2004 04:06 AMDouble DOH'! (she realizes THREE hours later).OY Vey.... Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiT cAt, Calculator & Time Zone challenged at July 23, 2004 04:14 AMOkay, Miss CKC, Maybe you're not Lisa. I agree, I think a male is behind it, er, her. I'm amazed that not only do you have more than 9 lives, you apparently operate with no sleep. Very impressive. My poor Chicago Tribune was very confused about how to spin the 9/11 report. Still nothing on Berger. Never happened, I guess. I'm still reeling from the other thread about Bonnie Raitt. Oh, the highs, the lows! First she's a flag-wavin' good ole' girl, then she morphs into a Bush- bashing limosine liberal. Another country singer bravely bashes her country in yet another foreign country. Let her try that in Iowa. And she's a Dennis Kucinich supporter. Man, that's sad. But, like Pile On said, If I throw out every celebrity's work that offends me, that leaves me with very little to listen to or see. Posted by: AirForceBrat at July 23, 2004 08:49 AMCongrats, CKC! You are indeed the most stubbornest, contrariest creature I have ever encountered! I'm starting to wonder whether you're really a goat or a mule instead of a kitty-cat as you pretend to be. Maybe you should change your screen name to MileHighMule. Posted by: TrueBlueTony at July 23, 2004 09:07 AMOr Lisa-theSportsGoat. Posted by: TrueBlueTony at July 23, 2004 09:09 AMDem's fightin' wurds, TrueBlueTony. Watch fer ta claws now, boy. She gunna use ya lik a scratchin' post fer callin' hur an ol' goat! Posted by: Hankmeister© at July 23, 2004 10:15 AMOh now you've done it TBT, I've still got my battle scars from the last go round. She takes no prisoners, as you well know.;) Posted by: AirForceBrat at July 23, 2004 10:44 AMTBT - Can't remember who asked, or which thread, but just found the 911 commission report at: AirForceBrattitude,--- OK, Klutz O' Brat!...move your 'mug' up close to your monitor...now look to your left and down...see my hand on the bible?...Good. I AM NOT LISA SHORTS FISSURE, HORLANDO! (by that or ANY other name) Capiche?...Sheesh, woman! (-;) oooooo I see TBT isn't a very good sport. It's in the blood, TBT. Pure (stubborn) Dutch blood running thru the veins. [there's a bit of strategy involved, also...hehehe. Not being a Dallas Cowboys fan dern near guarantees you a "last" win. *SWAT*] You'd do good to have a Dutch friend or two, TBT. That stubbornness translates often into loyalty. Where the Joooooos were concerned, The Nazi's certainly weren't going to get an "UP YOURS!" tude from the French, now were they? hehehe When I used my secret decoder on your post, it interpreted it for me: "Whaaa whaaa whaaa". You sure you don't want to change your moniker to "True Blue Whiney Hiney"? (-;)--*SWAT!* Listen to the wisdom of the HankMeister, he has learned well. Hey, I've got things, places, people.... Disclamier: No claws were extended in the making of this post.[Vinnie Testaverde was not included in the attack of the Cat. He's just too purrrrdy] Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiT cAt, Mtn. Lioness at July 23, 2004 12:42 PMDennis Kucinich droped out of the presidental race. Wow, he was so close too! If you were unlucky enough to see big him and little him on the news yesterday, it was a riot. There was pippy short man looking up to pippy longface and pippy long face looking down at pippy short man. It was a perfect picture for a create your own cartoon wording.
What kind of flowers should we send you at the ER after you get mega-slashed??? Posted by: The real Ms RightWing at July 23, 2004 12:47 PMMsRightWing, Perhaps the overwhelming support for KooKooCinich explains Kerrys 1% gain in the polls,upon word of Denny boy's bail out. And I was so looking forward to mandatory tin foil hats. BTW--I noted "the real..." Has someone been hijacking your moniker? A little investigating will lead you to the culprit...guaranteed. Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiT cAt at July 23, 2004 12:57 PMBonnie Raitt was a Kucinich fan. I gotta go cry now. So sorry, TrueBlueTony, Hank and I tried our best to deflect the impending carnage. Of course, you had til' noon (heh) to get out of Dodge, but I imagine your Marine status wouldn't just let you cut and run. Your wounds should heal eventually. Meanwhile, we can send you some Linda Ronstadt or Dixie Chick cds, if you like? ...ducking... Posted by: AirForceBrat at July 23, 2004 01:19 PMLast night someone tried to take a jab at my somewhat guilt-laden phraseology from a week ago, but was not quite smart enough to get the name right. Instead of Ms RightWing they put Ms Right Wing. Now, I will admit to being the world's worst "sneak-arounder" because I forget and leave my counterfeit name on the next post. In other words I rat on myself. I truly suffer like 10 seconds (Fred?) from 51 First Dates, so everyone knows my kin folk (Aunt Sarah, Brer & Sis, etc) but I still know how to spell my name. I'm not inclined to stamp out any fires except my own. I guarantee you that if I WAS Lisa, I would have ratted myself out by now. Best to stick to being me. Posted by: The real Ms RightWing at July 23, 2004 01:41 PMAirForceBrattiest, Don't close up that package of Ronstadt, Ditzy Chicks, New Kids On The Block CD's for TBT just yet. If you don't mind, I want him to know I have no ill will toward him, so I'd like to extend a sort of olive branch to him. I don't think a few Denver Broncos window/bumper stickers will cost you more postage, right? *ducking and running away and snickering* As for "Lisa", I've had my doubts if the more recent "Lisa" is actually the 'original'. I wondered if someone didn't pull another Harry Lime. When he left, another Scrappler admittedly did a take over/continuance. IMO, the recent Lisa sounds more obviously satirical than before. I could be wrong, but....I've had my suspicions aroused. Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiT cAt at July 23, 2004 01:59 PMFrom Google: "Your search - "How many people miss the Hussein brothers" - did not match any documents." nuff said. See, TrueBlueTony, there's two things you never do, engage in a land war in Asia and yank Miss KiTtY cAt's chain - that is unless you enjoy being emasculated. [(~;]œ BTW, the Dims are incensed that some enterprising soul (a la sacredmoocowburgers) circulated a poster of John F'in Kerry and Usama bin Laden as running mates. Now this hypocrisy doesn't easily escape someone like me and the rest of the Scrapplers here, but the Dims protests ring hollow since they've long equate Bush with Hitler starting with the little poster on moron.orgy. Isn't it interesting how the Dim whiners protest (no wonder since they are kneejerk protesters by nature) when they are forced to drink some of their own medicine?. I guess you have to expect such rank double-standards from the kool-aid, tinfoil hat crowd. Posted by: Hankmeister© at July 23, 2004 04:44 PMWell, I've given up looking for outrage. I just can't find that outrage anywhere. Now, just having another problem. Can't find this Double-standard anywhere. Now, I'm sure it was just a media oversight, but really, I don't see where it went. 'Course, thats what I get for just reading mainstream news. Let me know if you see it, I'm gonna go check www.mediamatters.org next. I mean, they have to be looking out for inconsistancys in media. Someone let me know if they see it. That pesky slippery Double-standard... Posted by: Loki, Evil Neocon Zionist Baby-killing Blind Nazi at July 23, 2004 05:00 PM Loki
Wouldn't be any double standard . There is only one side. Anything else is unheard and unseen. Miss Kitty: Pardon, ma'am. I come to you with (Cowboy) hat in hand. I shore didn't mean to rile your feathers none - oh, wait, that's not a good way to say it! Uh, I shore didn't mean to wave a red flag in your face - oh, shoot, that's not any good either! Uh, I shore didn't mean to stir up a hornet's nest - darnit, that won't work! Uh, I mean, you know, every dog has his day - no, that's all wrong. Uh, shoot, I jes' gol-darned didn't mean to put a burr under your saddle - oh, no, I think I hear her rattling now! Durnit! What I mean to say is that I wuz jes' funnin' with ya'! I can tell by the way you talk that you're way too purrrrtee to be an old goat and jes too darn smart to be mule-headed. (Though I never knew cats liked Broncos, but whatever, we all have our foibles.) So, anyway, uh, I found this little catnip treat I thought you might like . . . Here you go, yeah, I knew you'd like it. ;-> Posted by: TrueBlueTony at July 23, 2004 08:30 PMIs it halloween or something? The other side is just lousy with evil Trolls, attempting to use their better's names in vain. So at least for now I have changed my name Posted by: ¿pretty°old? at July 23, 2004 08:37 PM
Hey prettyold, An odd little shadow seems to be following you. Were you mean to a cashier or something? Posted by: AirForceBrat at July 23, 2004 08:59 PMTypical Democratic Troll . Typical Democratic Troll .
You are slipping fast ¿pretty°old? Better reserve a room soon at ye olden home Posted by: prettydarnold at July 23, 2004 09:12 PMThanks for asking AFB, A little Snarky followed me over here. What's a Snarky ,you ask? That is a wierd looking person who follows little girls around and smells the little girl's bicycle seats. I shall send for the Marines if he keeps bugging me. They take care of such,without leaving bloodstains. Posted by: ¿pretty°old? at July 23, 2004 10:04 PMThe Marines have landed! (There's no CATS around here, though, are there?) Posted by: TrueBlueTony at July 23, 2004 10:17 PMWhy Ranbutton, How sweet of you to call me pretty, you hardly know me, you silly boy. I knew you liked me but this is ridiculous, at least own up to your name. How will I know it is you if you call yourself me. #106! Reminds me of the old 106 mm recoiless rifle. That tank killing weapon was around until the late 1970's. Posted by: TrueBlueTony at July 23, 2004 11:09 PM"What's a Snarky ,you ask? That is a wierd looking person who follows little girls around and smells the little girl's bicycle seats." PrettyOld, No fears, The Marines have landed and I got some good claw sharpening done today in the studio in the woods while there was a wonderful rainstorm. aaaahhhh...The mountain life. Soundproofing in a studio (since I didn't want to give the new carpet a workout just yet) works nicely for claw sharpening. While there, I decided to sell soundproofing. The next few months will be a great market for it. Bellevue will HAVE to have their new DNC wing completed by November 3rd and as you can recall the screed screeching of the left (AlGorey, Teeny Deaniac, JezebHil, Belching Tipsy Teddy, et al.) really NEED to be surrounded by soundproofing. It will serve a dual purpose then. They can also bounce off of it. That will be part of their prescibed therapy with the hope of knocking some sense into themselves. And come on guys, go easy on the troll. Their problem probably Depends™ on how long ago they were changed...or regular. Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiT cAt at July 24, 2004 01:44 AMCol KiTcAt, The soundproofing idea is great .Are you sure you can't do a rush order on the DimCon podium? Posted by: ¿pretty°old? at July 24, 2004 03:23 PMPost a comment
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