Hannity on health risk of mercury to pregnant women and children: "This is silly"
After listening to a description of the health risks of mercury to pregnant women and their children by environmental advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., president of the Waterkeeper Alliance and vice president of Riverkeeper, FOX News Channel host Sean Hannity dismissed the subject as "silly" despite governmental evidence of the prevalence and seriousness of the problem.
Wednesday August 4, 2004 | more... |
Bob Dole: "There's not a muzzle big enough out there" for Teresa Heinz Kerry
The day after Teresa Heinz Kerry responded to supporters of the Bush-Cheney '04 ticket (who were chanting "four more years" during her remarks at a Kerry-Edwards '04 rally) by saying, "They want four more years of hell," MSNBC anchor Laurie Jennings asked former Republican presidential candidate and regular CNN contributor Bob Dole for his "take" on Heinz Kerry. Dole said, "There's not a muzzle big enough out there, I don't think."
Wednesday August 4, 2004 | more... |
FOX News correspondent: "Supreme Court confirmed Mr. Bush's victory"
Reporting on President George W. Bush's efforts to win the support of Roman Catholics (who have historically favored Democrats), FOX News Channel White House correspondent Wendell Goler referred to the Supreme Court's 2000 decision as having "confirmed Mr. Bush's victory." Goler made this statement on the August 3 edition of FOX News Channel's Special Report with Brit Hume.
Wednesday August 4, 2004 | more... |
Must be a pretty precise poll
Reporting on an appearance made by President George W. Bush before an "effervescent crowd" at the annual convention of the Knights of Columbus (a "lay Catholic men's society"), an August 3 Washington Post article stated: "Bush appears to be making inroads" among Catholics. The article also reported that in 2000, Catholics favored former Vice President Al Gore over Bush by 49 percent to 47 percent, and that this year "polls indicate that Catholics, overall, are again leaning Democratic."
Wednesday August 4, 2004 | more... |
Limbaugh mocked concern over Abu Ghraib-like methods
Following Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge's August 1 announcement that the U.S. government raised the threat advisory level for financial centers in New York, New Jersey, and Washington, DC, radio host Rush Limbaugh mocked Democrats who had expressed outrage over the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, suggesting that they would worry that the intelligence leading to the announcement may have been acquired through interrogation methods resembling the abuse of Iraqi prisoners.
Wednesday August 4, 2004 | more... |
WSJ's Fund fabricated stats to bash Dem delegates, repeated old RNC smear of Kerry
Wall Street Journal op-ed columnist John Fund (on leave as an editorial board member) misrepresented the content of a New York Times/CBS News poll of delegates to the Democratic National Convention in order to argue that their views fall outside the political mainstream. Fund grossly distorted one statistic from the poll and "cited" two others that, in fact, appear nowhere in the poll. He also repeated a long-discredited Republican National Committee talking point labeling Senator John Kerry the "most liberal" member of the Senate.
Wednesday August 4, 2004 | more... |
O'Reilly lied about Soros speech
On the same day that Media Matters for America exposed Bill O'Reilly doctoring a quotation by progressive financier, philanthropist, and political activist George Soros to make it seem as if Soros had wished his own father dead, O'Reilly distorted Soros's words again -- this time falsely claiming that Soros said the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib was "worse than 9/11."
On the June 3 broadcast of his radio show, The Radio Factor, O'Reilly quoted from Soros's June 3 speech at the Campaign for America's Future "Take Back America" conference; minutes later, O'Reilly falsely claimed that Soros said something that Soros never said.
From the June 3 broadcast of The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly:
O'REILLY: He [Soros] says, it's worse. What happened at Abu -- Abu Ghraib is worse than 9/11 and what Saddam and his sons did. That's insane. And if that's what the Democratic Party's going to hang it's hat on -- you know, Bush can screw up all day long and he'll still win.
As first reported by Roll Call -- and then by the New York Post in a June 3 article headlined, "GOP HAS SOROS IN ITS SIGHTS" -- the Republican National Committee has launched a campaign to discredit Senator John Kerry by attacking Soros.
Read the chain of propaganda from right-wing media outlets here.
Posted to the web on Friday June 4, 2004 at 7:21 PM EST
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