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Thursday, August 05, 2004
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Top Story -- Kerry Documentary Updated!

The Kerry On Iraq Documentary released last week has been updated to include Senator Kerry's convention speech and is being re-launched on the Web site

Email the link to the video to your family, your friends (even if they are Democrats) and encourage them to watch the documentary and send it to their lists. Lets make THIS the most watched documentary of 2004.

Watch Now!
Real Player | Windows Media

Click here to request a copy of the documentary

Click here to send documentary on to friends!


Latest News
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August 5, 2004 : America's Changing Workforce: Ready for the 21st Century
August 5, 2004 : Kerry’s Military Family Fiction
August 5, 2004 : He Said It! (More Sensitive War On Terror)
August 5, 2004 : Doctors Diagnose Kerry As High Risk
Top Story
Kerry Iraq Documentary
RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie released the following Kerry Iraq Documentary at a press conference in Boston during the Democratic National Convention.
Click here to request a copy of the documentary


Special Features

RNC Web Ad: Priceless
The Republican National Committee unveiled a new Internet ad called “Priceless” outlining the cost of John Kerry’s recent Nantucket vacation. John Kerry recently took a break from his Days of Malaise Tour to take a few priceless days off vacationing in Nantucket. Our newest Internet ad provides a few snapshots from John Kerry’s break at the beach.


Issues In Focus
The President’s most important job is to protect and defend the American people. Last year, President Bush proposed and Congress approved a single, unified Department of Homeland Security to improve protection against today’s threats and be flexible enough to help meet the unknown threats of the future.


Chairman's Corner
It is disturbing that the voter mobilization arm of the Democratic Party is proudly hiring felons convicted of sex offenses, assault and burglary to go house to house and handle sensitive personal information.
Read Ed Gillespie’s latest BLOG entry>

Quick Vote
In Memoriam: President Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004
Click here to view the RNC's Memorial page to President Reagan. Information includes links to some of his most famous speeches, a photo gallery and a tribute video.
Last week at a New York Fundraiser for Sen. Kerry performers called President Bush a "thug," a "liar," and a "killer." Sen. Kerry said each performer conveyed the "heart and soul of our country" yet refuses to release a tape of the event. Do you think the tape should be released?
Kerry Corner Flex

Who Is John Kerry?
A Massachusetts liberal out of touch with America. A flip flopper who wants to raise taxes, is weak on national security, weak on intelligence and weak on homeland security. For a complete look at Kerry's record visit the Kerry Corner.

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